Nautilus Integrative Medicine - Dr. Sarah Z, ND, APRN, FNP-C, Niantic, CT Videos

Videos by Nautilus Integrative Medicine - Dr. Sarah Z, ND, APRN, FNP-C in Niantic. Naturopathic doctor & nurse practitioner, providing integrative & functional medicine for adults. High quality personalized care with a healthy dose of dry humor and realness. (Formerly Bodhi Naturopathic)

Fluctuations in progesterone cause changes in the way our immune systems function, specifically around auto-immune diseases. This is why times like pregnancy and perimenopause can really change the way we feel ~ making symptoms better or worse, depending upon our levels. Moral of the story: if you've got auto-immune issues, get those levels checked as part of a holistic plan for your care. #progesterone #autoimmune #womenshealth #nianticct #integrativemedicine #holistichealth

Other Nautilus Integrative Medicine - Dr. Sarah Z, ND, APRN, FNP-C videos

Fluctuations in progesterone cause changes in the way our immune systems function, specifically around auto-immune diseases. This is why times like pregnancy and perimenopause can really change the way we feel ~ making symptoms better or worse, depending upon our levels. Moral of the story: if you've got auto-immune issues, get those levels checked as part of a holistic plan for your care. #progesterone #autoimmune #womenshealth #nianticct #integrativemedicine #holistichealth

We're excited to let you know that we will be in our new space, located at 377 Main Street in Niantic, by the end of this month! There will still be quite a bit of renovation in process as we design our space to suit your needs (and take up the style a notch) ~ but we;ll be able to open our doors to you starting at the end of February! And for those of you who still aren't ready to brave the chilly air on the coast, we've got telehealth with bright, sunny windows for you 🌞 We are excited to share it all with you as we evolve to provide you with more services and a beautiful space for awesome integrative healthcare. (Paint colors not guaranteed) #Niantic #NianticCT #NianticMainStreet #NewLondonCounty #IntegrativeMedicine #CTTelehealth #ConnecticutShoreline #HowMuchPinkIsTooMuch

There. I said it. The healthcare system that is set up for most of us now is a SICK care system. We see providers only when we feel unwell, we check in (maybe) once a year for a quick exam and some super-basic labs. The screenings that we get are usually to detect disease after it's already started. I don't blame the providers – they're doing the best they can under the thumbs of corporate healthcare systems and insurance companies whose profit has nothing to do with you being healthy. While I would love to wave a magic wand and fix the entire system, the best I can do is to point out that there is a better way. And that's why I do what I do. Your health care is a journey. There's a lot of space between health and disease. This is where we can jump in, tweak things early, and change the course of your health. It takes time, commitment on both the part of the patient and the provider, and it takes more than a 15 minute visit once a year. The way I practice means more frequent meetings with my patients, longer time spent with each person, and getting to really know the individual who I'm working with. There is a better way to provide healthcare, and we're trying every day to do that. #IntegrativeMedicine #DrSarahZam #HolisticCare #BodhiNaturopathic

I've been the queen of insomnia, particularly during my years of shift work at a hospital. I get it. 100% Lack of sleep can make the following day quite unpleasant, and even unsafe in some cases. Poor sleep can cause metabolic changes, difficulty thinking, problems focusing, and we all know what it does to our mood. The answer is not more melatonin. #GetGoodSleep #SleepApnea #Insomnia #IntegrativeMedicine #CatchSomeZs #DrSarahZam

I know we've been a little bit quiet lately – but that usually means we're up to something! Kicking off a 2024 with intention, focus, and lots of new ideas and plans to make the year AMAZING. Stay tuned –I can't wait to share with you all the things we have in the works! Wishing everybody a fantastic start to 2024 ~ let's CRUSH it! 💜 #BodhiNaturopathic #ChangesComing #WhenImQuietImUpToSomething #Crush2024 #ThisIsYourYear #DrSarahZam

Let's talk menstrual bleeds for just a second here. Whether it's heavy bleeding, missed periods, significant PMS, painful cramping, or cycle changes, they all deserve a check. Sometimes, menstrual cycle changes and irregularities can indicate a bigger endocrine or metabolic problem. Other times, abnormal menstrual cycles can cause real, more systemic health issues for people (think: bone density, iron deficiency, mental health struggles, and lipid level changes). If you feel like something is off, get it checked out. If you don't feel like you're being heard, find a provider who will listen. #MenstrualHealth #PeriodPain #HormoneHealth #BodhiNaturopathic #IntegrativeMedicine #DrSarahZam

It's World Kindness Day. And the first person that you need to extend kindness to is YOU. A friendly reminder that you are worthy of taking care of. You are worth your own time. You are deserving of gentle self-talk and great self-care. All of the amazing things you do for everyone all the time? You deserve all of that, too. #WorldKindnessDay #YouAreEnough #PrioritizeSelfCare #PositiveSelfTalk #BodhiNaturopathic #DrSarahZam

When I sit with a patient, my mind swirls with the information that I'm given – plugging in pieces of the puzzle as we go, and helping me figure out the best way to approach their health concerns in a way that feels comfortable for them. I like to ask people what their strengths are and how they would describe themselves – we use these strengths as their super powers in their healing journey. As for the last bit of brain matter saved for random music trivia and MTV leftovers: I can usually 'name that tune' in 2 notes. #IntegrativeMedicine #BodhiNaturopathic #MTV #GenXBrain #DrSarahZam

Cognitive function: it's about how we focus, how we process, and how we think. Having our minds sharp as we move through this busy life keeps us feeling on top of our game. However, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, stress, disordered sleep, and mood changes can all affect the way our brain works - and I haven't met a person yet who doesn't mind a decrease in their brain performance. There are 10,000 herbs and supplements out there for cognitive performance and enhancement, but picking the right one can be tricky - and not every supplement is appropriate for every person. There's no sense in hitting the accelerator when there's no gas in the car. A lot of times, cognitive changes are early warning signs of bigger problems. Thyroid problems, perimenopause, sleep apnea, nutritional deficiencies, and anemia can all manifest early on as changes in our ability to focus and be alert. If you're noticing that your brain isn't as sharp as you'd like it to be, or as sharp as you're used to it being, get it checked out. #cognition #healthybrain #brainhealth #focus #attentiondeficit #IntegrativeMedicine #DrSarahZam #BodhiNaturopathic

Yep, even adults sometimes tell me they hate vegetables. It becomes a pretty big sticking point when we're trying to move towards a more plant-based diet, adding more vegetables for nutritional purposes, or move somebody away from processed foods. I got this (genius?) idea the other night while laying in bed, staring at the ceiling and failing at my own remedies for insomnia – maybe if I put it out there for my community, we can all help each other... What I found in the past is that sometimes we're stuck on the idea of how a vegetable has to be eaten or cooked and if we can just change that up, the vegetable becomes much more palatable. So an example – I really don't like carrots in salad. Maybe it's the crunch. Maybe it's the taste. I'm not sure. But I REALLY don't like them in salad. One day recently, I got a salad that had carrots, but they were blanched. This made them a little softer and taste slightly different than if they were raw. And I really liked them that way, but I never would've thought of that on my own. So now it's your turn – which vegetables are you hating on? And for my other readers, feel free to jump in and give your ideas for making that vegetable taste a little different. #EatMoreVegetables #BodhiNaturopathic #IntegrativeMedicine #IntegrativeNutrition #VegetableIdeas

I like the lyrics "taking the long way around". Not much in my life has been linear or ordinary – that would be boring, anyway. Not my style. My 30+ years in medicine have been much like the rest of my life – wild, diverse and full of serendipity. I've taken care of people from one end of the life spectrum to the other. I've been witness to the moments so beautiful that I've wept, and some so terrible that I will be forever gutted by them. But this is the beauty of medicine. I get to be with people in their most vulnerable moments, and use my gifts to support them in those times I am always impressed by my patients and their strength. I am awed by the human spirit and the incredible workings of the body. I am 100% about being a cheerleader for each of my patients. I get to use ALL of the cool things that I've learned in the past decades, weaving them into a model of care that feels authentic, personalized and effective. How lucky am I that I get to go to my dream job every single day?? #IntegrativeMedicine #NaturopathicMedicine #HolisticMedicine #BodhiNaturopathic #DrSarahZam #NormalisBoring #DreamJob #GoodMedicine

When patients step into my office, they often say that they feel like their body is working against them. However, this is usually the complete opposite of what is happening. Your body is trying SO HARD to maintain balance in an unbalanced world. It's working to find equilibrium in a lifestyle that is foreign to how we are supposed to exist. Higher sugar content in foods? Let's store that for when we're in a famine. High stress? Let's get this blood pressure up so we're ready to run from a bear. Not enough nutrients? Let's slow this ship down so it doesn't burn out. Not enough sleep? Let's really push for an afternoon nap so we can do the debris clean-up we need. Foods irritating the GI tract? Let's get rid of this, and FAST. A lot of health issues are alarm symptoms from the body that something bigger is off. Rather than look at those symptoms with annoyance, frustration, and a sense of betrayal, flip that outlook to one of camaraderie and teamwork. Your body is doing everything it can to get you through this world. One of my most precious friends has always said, "Love those feet. They'll take you where ever you want to go." That's true of the whole of us. Love that body that you're in – it has gotten you through time and growth and change. It is an incredible creation. Every scar, every wrinkle, every divot tells your story. For better or worse, these are our vehicles through this wild journey of life. None of them are perfect because there is no perfect. When you feel disconnected, thank your feet for taking you to the places you want to be. Thank your beautiful mouth for laughing for you and expressing your joy. Thank your senses for allowing you to be submersed in this experience. And give yourself some grace as we all fumble through. #YouArePerfect #BodyAcceptance #LoveYou #IntegrativeMedicine #Teamwork #BodhiNaturopathic #DrSarahZam

One of the most common complaints I see is fatigue. Whether we are dragging through the morning, crashing in the afternoon, or slogging through the whole day, there's a whole lot of "tired" going on in this world. Poor quality sleep, nutritional deficiencies, struggling thyroid and adrenals, low sex hormones, and eating patterns that cause blood glucose swings can all play in to those "slumps". Finding out where you're getting derailed and fixing those problems can be the difference between dragging yourself through every day, and feeling bright and energetic. It's about your health, and your quality of life. #Fatigue #Tired #SleepApnea #Nutrition #IntegrativeMedicine #NaturopathicMedicine #BodhiNaturopathic #DrSarahZam

In a recent article on Medscape, an author spoke about how under-treated patients are for changes in estrogen levels that affect the vagina, labia, and tissues of the urethra and bladder. I find this to be very true. Patients are rarely asked about their vaginal health, and many of my patients have been told that these are normal changes with nothing to be done. NOT on my watch. Yeah, changes happen, but it doesn't mean we can't step in and greatly enhance somebody's quality of a life. Many folks find relief from symptoms by using HRT, which can help restore estrogen levels. Creams, tablets, suppositories and rings can be particularly effective for addressing local symptoms of hormone changes. When appropriate, more systemic hormones can be used for added support. HRT should always be part of a bigger health discussion, and therapies such as pelvic floor PT, microbiome support, appropriate hygiene products, pH balanced lubricants, and mind/body care are always part of the #IntegrativeMedicine picture. #VaginalHealth #BioIdenticalHormoneReplacement #HRT #IncontinenceIsNotInevitable #BodhiNaturopathic

One of the most common hurdles in our health and wellness is feeling like it's everything-all-at-once-everyday. I'm here to tell you: you don't have to do it all, and you don't have to do it alone. I often tell my patients "The world will eat every second of your time if you let it." What's awesome about this? Well, WE actually DO get to decide how we spend our time. Those minutes are yours - YOU decide where they go, and for what cost. Put hard boundaries on your time. Outsources the things that you don't love to do (hellooo, @Instacart !!) There's no shame in asking for a hand. Reach out to that therapist for extra support, ask your friends over for pizza and a painting party in that room where you've been trying to get the trim done for months, get healthy meals sent to your home, sign up for that group gym class to help you stay motivated, let your doctor know "hey, I don't feel like me". None of us needs to do it all, and none of us needs to go it alone. I couldn't do all I do in a day without @Oak_Mountain_Therapy @SwanIntegrative @angela0lson @IntegrativeNPCoaching @Instacart @FeastandFettle @MontessoriDiscoverySchoolCT @MelRobbins @DeniseDT and a thousand other people/resources that keep these wheels inspired and turning! Who are your helpers?

Meet Tulsi, otherwise known as #HolyBasil or by its Latin name, Ocimum sanctum. This powerhouse of an herb boasts a rich history in Ayurvedic medicine, and is considered sacred by some. With antioxidants for immunity and stress support, Tulsi offers adaptogenic qualities, digestive support, and incredible stress support. The plant is also beloved by bees!! 🐝 It's got a great flavor for its use as a tea, or can be taken in tinctures or capsules for a bigger punch. As always, look for organic and sustainable sources, as well as fair trade to support the communities who've shared it with us. We're big fans of @OrganicIndiaUSA for their gorgeous range of Holy Basil products! #HerbalMedicine #HolyBasil #IntegrativeMedicine #BodhiNaturopathic #DrSarahZam

I love working with my fellow #GenXers ~ we've seen some stuff and we're trying to do-all-the-things we were taught we should do. We're all struggling a bit, while thinking that everyone else seems to have it all together. We're all moving along in these gorgeous aging bodies wondering what the hell is happening in here... I've got news for you guys. You've got this. We're in the enviable position of being able to know ourselves well, not give a sh*t about what anyone else thinks, and deciding if we want the next decades of our lives to look like the ones that have gone past. I love helping fellow Gen-Xers dismantle the patterns that keep us from feeling like the awesome crew that we are. I love seeing people move to a more authentic way of living that helps them feel good, enjoy where they are, and have the energy to keep being the wild, feral, gorgeous generation that we are. #ThisIsHowWeDoIt #GenX #ThisisMiddleAge #BodhiNaturopathic #DrSarahZam

Absolute MUSTS in your #HealthCare ~ First and foremost, you must feel heard and respected. After 25 years (!!) in medicine, I have zero tolerance for providers who shame or minimize their patients, or for patriarchal or hierarchical bullsh*t that happens so often in our current healthcare system. Let me say it so the people in the back can hear: If you don't have a doctor who sees you, hears you and respects you, find a new one. Full stop. Your story matters, your concerns matter, and your unique circumstances matter. Mutual trust, respect, and collaboration are the foundation of a therapeutic relationship between you and your health care provider. (I realize I forgot the word "To" in the to take some adrenal support!!) #BodhiNaturopathic #IntegrativeMedicine #DrSarahZam #GoodMedicine

As we say in New England, "it's gonna be a wicked scorcha today". Stay safe, stay cool. Keep an eye on vulnerable neighbors, family members, and those fur-babies. #HeatSafety #StayCool #Hydrate #BodhiNaturopathic

Self care can be small steps throughout each day. Remind yourself why you're worth the time and energy. If you're having a hard time speaking kindly to yourself, remember yourself as a child and speak kindly to that child. At night, end your day reminding yourself of three things you did right (I don't care if it's "I brushed my teeth twice" - find SOMETHING). Drift off to sleep knowing that you are bad-ass just for moving through this wild world. #SelfCare #YouGotThis #HealthMeansAllOfUs #YouAreWorthy #BodhiNaturopathic