UMass Law Library, North Dartmouth, MA Videos

Videos by UMass Law Library in North Dartmouth. The UMass Dartmouth School of Law Library serves the legal research needs of law students and facult

Meme Contest Winners!!

We are going live to announce the winners of the 2022 UMass Law Library Meme Contest!!

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Other UMass Law Library videos

Meme Contest Winners!!
We are going live to announce the winners of the 2022 UMass Law Library Meme Contest!!

Guess the Number of Ear Plugs in the Jar
We announce the winner of our contest. EDIT: There are 67 pairs of ear plugs in the jar! We named a winner but not a number in the video.

Virtual Browse in Primo

Access the New York Times Online

Library Quiz Show Prizes

How to Find a Book in Primo

What's on Reserve?

How to Add a TWEN Course