Northboro Planning Board Capobianco and Odone

Campaign site for Theresa Capobianco and Glenn Odone for Northborough, MA planning board.


Proud of Connor and his classmates who have an opportunity to continue playing the sports they love.

Congratulations to our amazing Student-Athletes who earned the opportunity to compete at the next level. Thank you for your passion, dedication, and commitment throughout your respected High School careers!


After a few days of contemplation (and catching up on work), we’ve had time to regroup and reflect on the last few weeks. First, a HUGE thank you to all our supporters – to all of you who supported us and believed in us, from the beginning to the end, thank you. Words cannot express how grateful we are for your help and your kind words, spreading the word of our strengths, and coming to our defense when necessary. A special thank you to Jessica Fidrych and Chet’s Diner for allowing us to host our event where we got to meet many wonderful people and hear your concerns. And a special thank you to Michelle Gillespie, Jeff Amberson, and Joanne Sharp for the countless hours spent forwarding our message. We are proud to have run a clean campaign – we did not use fear or intimidation to secure votes. We did not disparage our opponents despite having opportunities. And we did not spread lies, misinformation or misleading statements. We used truth and facts only, and we wake up each morning with our integrity intact, knowing we worked as hard as we could. We have no regrets. While many factors played a role in the outcome, lack of effort on our part was not one of them. Thank you to the more than 800 Northborough residents we engaged in face to face conversations - during a pandemic, no less - we thank you for your time, your interest, and your great questions. We learned from you what you care about, and we carry that forward. We care deeply that all residents are understood and represented in our town government. And, to everyone who took the time to vote on Tuesday, thank you – your dedication to the process is much appreciated! We wish everyone, and the Town, the very best moving forward.


Come vote today at Melican. Polls open until 8pm!


Honesty. Integrity. Facts.


Jeff Amberson, 38 year resident of Northborough, 18 years on the Board of Selectman, 6 years on the Conservation Commission, winner of the Sudbury Valley Trustees Public Service award for "leadership in the conservation and preservation of open space in the town of Northborough” has endorsed Capobianco and Odone for Planning Board. Vote on May 11.


Endorsement by Jason Perreault, Chair of the Board of Selectman.


Theresa Capobianco's campaign statement: Why do you want to serve in this position?

The Town needs volunteers in elected offices that have the expertise, disposition, and knowledge to serve the Town’s best interests for planning, development, and reaching our Master Plan goals. Having served as a Planning Board member for 8 years before having to resign in 2019 for family reasons, I want to continue my service to the Town as a Planning Board member, to help the Town realize the goals of the Master Plan and continue my strong track record of building community relationships, proper planning, smart growth, and unbiased, thorough, and thoughtful decisions on all applications before the Board. I want to unify, not divide, the Town while resolving Town planning issues.

What special qualifications and experience will you bring to the office?

As an attorney for over 23 years, I am well versed in real estate and planning. I apply the principles of logic, full inquiry, and attention to detail to all my decisions. In the event of contentious proposals, I will employ my finely tuned mediation, negotiation, and dispute resolution skills. I am committed to reviewing all applications with an unbiased, fair, and open mind. I will listen carefully to ALL voices, and I will not shut down or mute anyone who speaks an opposing viewpoint. As an attorney, I also have a strong knowledge of legal principles required to properly apply the bylaws to the project presented and can provide guidance to the Board in the event there is a question of proper procedure, process, or analysis.

As a result of my prior 8 years of service on the Board, I also have excellent relationships with many of the other Boards’ and Committees’ members, the Town Planner, Town Engineer, Building Inspector, and Administration. These relationships are necessary to activate and promote the tasks necessary to move forward on the Master Plan goals and work as a whole for smart growth and planning. More importantly, these relationships are essential for Northborough’s success. Having fostered these relationships over time, I am confident I can unify the various stakeholders to work toward a common goal.

Describe ONE other activity or subcommittee you’ve been involved in within the Town. What has it meant to you and how did it shape and impact the town?

I am a member of the Board of Health for Northborough. When the Town began administering the Covid-19 vaccines, I volunteered at all of the vaccine clinics, scheduling the second appointments for the residents. This gave me a rare and invaluable opportunity to meet many of Northborough’s seniors and other segments of the population. Every person I encountered was so grateful to the Town and all the volunteers for helping to make the vaccination clinics a reality. The Town was able to unify across many departments (Board of Health, Fire, EMTs, Administration, etc.) to reach a common goal. Through the efforts of the vaccine clinics, Northborough has the highest per capita vaccination rate in Worcester County. I am proud to have volunteered at all the clinics not only because my efforts contributed to this statistic, but also because it gave me an opportunity to meet so many wonderful residents, one-on-one, at a time when they had so little interaction with other humans due to the pandemic. I asked many of them about their history in Northborough and learned about the many, many wonderful lives and contributions of our great residents. My volunteer time was not just a positive impact on the Town, it was an extraordinary experience for me personally.

Describe THREE key issues/challenges facing the town and how will you address them in this role.

a. At this time, the Planning Board has the unfortunate reputation of being adversarial and catering to singular, anti-business interests rather than the Town as a whole. This disposition is harmful to Northborough, as it forces a wedge between residents and deters new businesses from coming to Northborough. Business underwrites and strengthens our tax base, so residential taxpayers are not paying exorbitant taxes. New business also helps improve our bond rating, which has a direct correlation to the quality and stability of the municipal bonds issued by the Town. Without smart, appropriate business in Town, Northborough’s residential taxes will increase and our more vulnerable populations such as seniors, young families will suffer greatly. I will encourage new, smart, appropriate business growth in Town, consistent with the Master Plan and bylaws.

b. The downtown revitalization and improved sidewalk plans are essential goals of the Master Plan, as is the need to provide appropriate housing in the downtown area. The Master Plan has been in place for 2 years without forward movement. I commit to making certain the Implementation Committee is actively seeking ways to reach the goals of downtown improvements and sidewalk expansion where possible, as well as other goals within the Plan. I will encourage the Planning Board and other Boards/Committees to promote relationships with the small businesses and residents along Main Street to create partnerships with the Town that will result in a joint effort to improve the appearance and walkability of the downtown. I will work with the Planning Department and the MP Implementation Committee to explore additional housing options and opportunities in the downtown area and will encourage consideration of all proposals within the MP goals for viability.

c. Traffic concerns in specific corridors must be addressed. I am committed to working with the appropriate members of administration and residents to address traffic issues in a meaningful way that will best meet the needs of all the interested parties. Traffic concerns exist in a variety of forms throughout town, not just in one specific area of Town. To the extent a specific traffic issue is within the authority of the Planning Board, I will work to resolve those issues in the most appropriate manner available through decision criteria, bylaw amendments, and collaboration with other stakeholders.

Is there anything else that you would like to share about yourself?

I am a mother with two children at Algonquin. I own my own home and run my own law firm in Northborough. Northborough is a beautiful, diverse, and warm community with many great residents and businesses. I want to help Northborough be even better, by bringing improvements where needed, in a lawful, respectful, and open-minded manner. I will encourage the appropriate businesses to choose Northborough, to help stabilize and strengthen our tax base and create partnerships between the businesses and the Town for the benefit of the residents. My ability to foster strong, positive relationships and unify parties will help Northborough achieve these goals. I am not anti-business, I am not anti-resident, and I am not anti-development; I am pro-resident, pro-business, and pro-Northborough – ALL of Northborough.


Glenn Odone's campaign statement:

Why do you want to serve in this position?

The main reason I decided to run for Planning Board was after watching a meeting on 1/19/21 and saw how a member of our current board treated a representative for an applicant, I was appalled, embarrassed, and ashamed for the Town of Northborough and thought that this is not the leadership that this town needs or wants to represent them. I would like to bring back some professionalism and it is my promise to represent the applicants and the citizens of Northborough in an unbiased, non-accusatory, thoughtful, and logical manner.

The community of Northborough deserves a candidate to listen to both sides of the argument on any project and to make decisions for the best interest of not only the project area but surrounding neighborhoods and what impacts they will have going into the future.

What special qualifications and experience will you bring to the office?

I have been a small business owner in Northborough for over 15 years working as a Professional Land Surveyor. My knowledge and experience of Land Use Regulations have given me the opportunity to represent a wide range of clients involving planning and permitting before many different boards including Planning Boards, Conservation Commissions, and Zoning Boards throughout the Commonwealth. Prior to moving to Massachusetts, I was also appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals while residing in a small community in upstate New York for 3 years.

Describe ONE other activity or (sub)committee you’ve been involved with within the town. What has it meant to you and how did it shape and impact the town?

I have only been a resident of Northborough since 2019, it has been my goal to get involved with the town since moving here in a capacity where my expertise can be utilized. 2020 was a challenging year for everyone and I applaud all who served this community, with better times ahead for 2021, I am ready to throw my hat into the ring and serve the Town of Northborough through strong leadership and professionalism.

Describe THREE key issues/challenges facing the town and how will you address them in this role?

Restoring the integrity and faith in the Board is paramount. I have heard from countless sources and have seen first-hand, that applicants, their experts, and their counsel are not treated respectfully. This has caused potential applicants to shy away from Northborough as a home for their plans. If elected I promise to restore the good reputation that Northborough Planning Board once had, and commit to making the relationships between the residents, businesses, and administration better.

The future of our town has been brought up through many discussions with concerns over traffic, overdevelopment, big warehouses, and lack of affordable housing. If elected it is my goal to address these issues through responsible discussions with the citizens of the neighborhoods and the business community to move Northborough forward in a positive direction. Northborough is a small town with much to offer and I see myself committed to keeping future generations here and allowing their families a place to thrive and prosper.

The Master Plan has been approved for two years, but there has been no action yet. There should be more focus and implementing measures to promote these goals, particularly in the downtown area. I will be committed to re-energize the Implementation Committee to go forward with its tasks to begin this process and to begin effectuating the desired changes in Northborough as necessary to move the Town forward.

Is there anything else that you would like to share about yourself?

I have been a resident of Northborough since August of 2019 moving here from Southborough where I resided since 2001. My wife and I have 3 children, two currently at Algonquin, and the other graduated last year and is now a freshman in college. My connection to this community goes back to the 1970s when my Aunt and Uncle relocated to Northborough and raised a family here. I spent many summers coming here hanging out with my cousins and can remember bowling at Sawyer’s before my teen years. It was my uncle who persuaded me to move to this area and kept telling me it’s a small town with a lot to offer. I am glad I listened, over the past 15 years I have built a successful business and work tirelessly to maintain a reputation that keeps clients coming back. I have met many great people in this town both business owners and residential homeowners. I have assisted many residences with establishing property lines to put up a fence to keep their children safe, with the pool project so they can stay in town and enjoy their backyards, and with the permitting for the addition so they can grow their families and stay in the community they have grown to love.

If elected I will bring this proven dedication and success to the town as a member of the Planning Board and give back to the community that has allowed the many families to call Northborough their home.

Thank you!
Glenn Odone
Planning Board Candidate

Photos from Northboro Planning Board Capobianco and Odone's post 05/04/2021

All smiles and positive vibes from these ladies!

Photos from Northboro Planning Board Capobianco and Odone's post 05/04/2021

Candidate Glenn Odone’s expense report. Note the addendum that shows all expenses will be split evenly by the candidates - Capobianco and Odone - post election.

Photos from Northboro Planning Board Capobianco and Odone's post 05/04/2021

Finance report for town planning board from Theresa Capobianco. As you can see (sorry for the tiny pics), the campaign is self-funded as promised.


Great morning at Town Meeting!


Threatening small businesses??


Hey Northborough, correcting facts again! Truth. Honesty. Capobianco & Odone for Planning Board.


For everyone who would like to know about the warehouses on Bartlett, here is the full story.


If you missed the Meet the Candidates Night on Monday 4/19, here's the full video! Thanks for supporting our campaign - looking forward to meeting more of you over the next 15 days leading up to the election!!


Candidate Glenn Odone campaigning in the rain on Sunday. Many thanks to Abhishek Singh!


Thank you Northborough residents!


Theresa Capobianco out talking to Northborough citizens.


Northborough citizens out campaigning for Capobianco and Odone.


It’s Northborough Town Clean Up Day! Great way to contribute to our wonderful town.


We need to learn how to feel intrigued instead of defensive when we encounter some information that contradicts our beliefs.

- Julia Galef, author of The Scout Mindset


I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as I was not able to attend the “Meet the Candidates” night Monday evening due to a family obligation. I am a candidate running for one of the 2 open positions for Northborough Planning Board. I have been a resident of Northborough since August of 2019 moving here from Southborough where I resided since 2001. My wife and I have 3 children, 2 are currently at Algonquin and the other graduated last year and is now a freshman in college. Even though I have only resided here a short time, I have been a small business owner in Northborough for over 15 years working as a Professional Land Surveyor. My business primarily deals with residential property surveys and Land Title Surveys for commercial financing.
As a business owner I have had the opportunity to meet and listen to the community both residential and businesses. Hearing their concerns was the main reason I decided to run for planning board with the hope of using my professional background to assist the town moving forward in a positive manner. The community of Northborough deserves a candidate to listen to both sides of the argument on any project and to make decisions for the best interest of not only the project area but surrounding neighborhoods and what impacts they will have going into the future.
The future of our town has been brought up through many discussions with concerns over traffic, overdevelopment, big warehouses and lack of affordable housing. If elected it is my goal to address these issues through responsible discussions with the citizens of the neighborhoods and the business community to move Northborough forward in a positive direction. The Northborough downtown area will be a focus if elected, we need businesses, shops and restaurants that can sustain and draw people in. Revitalization of the downtown area is key to keeping future generations here and allowing their families a place to thrive and prosper.
My position is that every application deserves a thorough and fair review of all facts in light of the applicable bylaws and the Town’s Master Plan. To take a position on any bylaw before an applicant has presented a plan contradicts the principles of Due Process. Representing the town as a planning board member, I will not make any advance determinations; the only preconceived notion I will bring to the Board is one of fairness and open mindedness and a willingness to learn ALL the information regarding the application before the board.
Glenn Odone, Planning Board Candidate

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Northborough Democratic Town Meeting . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 04/19/2021

To listen to Theresa Capobianco and other town candidates give their candidate statement tonight starting at 7pm, please use this link. Note that you must register and then you will be sent the Zoom link.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Northborough Democratic Town Meeting . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Northborough Democratic Town Meeting . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.


I would encourage anyone interested in our town’s future Planning Board to please read this letter. It is important that you get out and vote and know who and what your candidates represent.

Dear Northborough Residents:
We are the candidates running for Northborough Planning Board against the incumbents, Kerri Martinek and Anthony Ziton. Since we pulled our nomination papers, a small but consistent group of our opponents’ campaign supporters has intentionally and unabashedly made public statements (primarily on Facebook, emails to supporters, and to anyone who will listen) which are false. Specifically, these supporters have stated (in writing and verbally) countless times that Theresa Capobianco is an attorney who represents developers, and Glenn Odone is closely related to developers, and therefore we will “rubber stamp development” in Northborough. There is also the unfounded accusation that we are “in the developers’ pockets,” a statement which has not an ounce of truth.
Had the incumbents or their supporters called either of us to ask – which none ever did – they would have learned the truth. Glenn Odone has been a land surveyor for nearly 20 years and a small business owner in Northborough for over 15 years. The majority of his survey work has been for residential and business transactions, not developers. He has never represented a developer in Northborough and less than 3% of his work has come out of the Town of Northborough in 20 years. Theresa Capobianco, an attorney for 23 years with a business in Northborough since 2015, has never represented a developer. (The only appearance before a Planning Board within the entire Commonwealth was in 2004 in Natick for a non-developer landowner looking to construct a small apartment building.) Rather, her business is a general practice in the areas of real estate (purchase/sale of single-family homes, landlord/tenant law, and property ownership litigation), estate planning, probate work, probate litigation and civil litigation. Her practice does not include developer representation.
We have self-funded this campaign 100% and have not received any donations from local developers, contrary to misleading statements put out on public forums by our opponent’s supporters. The number of signs along the Main Street and Southwest Cutoff corridor is the product of business owners growing weary of the adversity that the current board has for any business. Whether intentional or not, the perception is that the incumbents are anti-business and anti-smart growth. The business owners in Northborough do not feel that their rights are being represented fairly; that is, they aren’t given a fair shot at success with the current Board. These properties are not all owned by developers, as the incumbents would have you believe. Many of these businesses are owned by individuals who reside in this town, and/or employ residents of this town. In reality, the number of signs on Main Street is less than 1/3 of the number of signs we have out in neighborhoods at residential homes, and the number of residents asking to host our signs grows every day. We believe that the residents and small business owners in Northborough need elected officials who pursue truth in an unbiased and professional manner, without the appearance of impropriety at any time.
Unfortunately, the incumbents and their supporters made assumptions and reached conclusions without the facts and without asking any questions to gather the facts. Worse, they published multiple times the false statements in an effort to sway the voters on misinformation. This is not the character of an individual we want in any elected or appointed position. Everyone running for any elected position has the opportunity – the obligation – to ensure that statements made on their behalf under their campaign, whether on Facebook, via email, or in person, are founded upon factual support and truth. Spreading lies and rumors is not consistent with Northborough’s values and should be admonished by campaign leaders.
Being a planning board member requires that we approach every single application with a clean slate, an unbiased viewpoint, and a willingness to learn ALL the information regarding the application before the board, not just the information we want to hear, or wish we would hear. Unfortunately, the incumbents have allowed their campaign supporters to generate noise that is simply untrue and have not said or done anything to stop that from happening.
We promise to represent the citizens of Northborough in an unbiased, non-accusatory, thoughtful and logical manner. We will not tolerate false statements and we will not promote misleading information or ideas. We will consider all relevant information and will ask for additional information in the event of insufficient data.
We will continue to campaign in a positive manner and promise to not engage in negative campaigning predicated on unfounded misinformation nor will we use disparaging or personal attacks to try to win votes. We promise to rise above the noise and promote ourselves in a way that will make Northborough proud to have us as Planning Board members.
Glenn Odone & Theresa Capobianco
Planning Board Candidates


I would encourage anyone interested in our town’s future Planning Board to please read this letter. It is important that you get out and vote and know who and what your candidates represent.

Photos from Northboro Planning Board Capobianco and Odone's post 04/06/2021

Vote for Theresa Capobianco and Glenn Odone for Planning Board on May 11. Please be in touch if you would like to help with the campaign.

Photos from Northboro Planning Board Capobianco and Odone's post 03/26/2021

Vote for Theresa Capobianco and Glenn Odone for Northborough Planning Board on May 11.


Northborough, MA town election for Planning Board is on Tuesday, May 11.

Vote for Theresa Capobianco and Glenn Odone for Planning Board.

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Videos (show all)

Honesty. Integrity. Facts.
Great morning at Town Meeting!
Truth about Bartlwtt Street grants and studies
Thank you Northborough residents!



Northborough, MA

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Kerri Martinek Northborough Planning Board Kerri Martinek Northborough Planning Board
Northborough, 01532

Like Kerri Martinek Northborough Planning Board to see meeting updates, alerts and events.

Renew MA Coalition Renew MA Coalition
300 W Main Street, Suite C4
Northborough, 01532

The Renew MA Coalition is a non-partisan, advocacy organization to support conservative activists an