NCJW - National Council of Jewish Women Chicago North Shore Section, Northbrook, IL Videos

Videos by NCJW - National Council of Jewish Women Chicago North Shore Section in Northbrook. NCJW is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action

Other NCJW - National Council of Jewish Women Chicago North Shore Section videos

Our staff member, Jessica, at Chicago’s Pride Parade yesterday! 🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride month— Show us your photos below!

Our Vote is our Voice! Show up to the Polls tomorrow for #ElectionDay

Every American deserves the opportunity to cast their vote in a safe, accessible and secure way. In 2020, politicians tried to throw out valid votes cast by citizens based on what they look like and where they live and this desperate attempt to hold on to power for their own gain was rejected firmly by the courts. Voting absentee allows Americans -- including your friends, your neighbors, parents with young children, members of our military, our first responders, seniors, people with disabilities, people facing health crises and overseas citizens -- to take part in our democracy. We must ensure that all eligible citizens can continue to make their voices heard in our elections and we cannot let politicians pick and choose whose vote gets counted. Americans agree that WE pick our leaders. And that our democracy is strongest when it includes us all.

To our NCJW Supporters and Advocates who celebrate. Merry Christmas from NCJW Chicago North Shore.

NCJW Circling the (Virtual) Courthouse: A Ritual for RBG

Shabbat Shalom from NCJW Leadership Retreat.

Jewish women speak up. Celebrating Shabbat before we pray with our feet.

Thank you to the amazing volunteers who helped build and staff the NCJW and JCC Chicago Sukkah Display at the Chicago Botanic Garden - Lorri Fishman, Susan Franklin Werth, Ilyse Leland, Stacy Traub Saef, Elana Carmel Levy, Maria G Medina, Lawrence LeVine, Ellie Prober, Becky Adelberg, Bev Frank, Wendy Raven, Nina Goren, Melanie Hirschfelder Berkowitz, Emmy Berkowitz, and Susan Boldrey. And special thanks to CBG staff Julia McMahon, JCC staff Andi Kaufman and NCJW staff Melissa Prober for making it all happen each year! The Sukkah will remain in the CBG Fruit and Vegetable Garden throughout the holiday of Sukkot so be sure to stop by! If you do, take a selfie and share it here in the comments!

Act now: Contact Governor Bruce Rauner and urge him to sign Senate Bill 1564 -- the bill to amend the Health Care Right of Conscience Act & stop the use of religion to deny patients critical health information.. Springfield: 217-782-0244 | Chicago: 312-814-2121. Learn more about the bill here: #PutPatientsFirst