Sukha Yoga, Novato, CA Videos

Videos by Sukha Yoga in Novato. Sukha Yoga's mission is to create a community that fosters ease, happiness, inner growth and good sp

Bridgette has been practicing yoga on and off for 10 years but more consistently over the past 2 years. Because she is a “busy bee” in her regular life, she knew that she wanted to slow down and be present, and yoga practice helps her do that.

Having been an athlete, when she first started yoga 10 years ago, she thought it was “too easy” and would only go to classes that made her sweat and felt rigorous. As her practice has become more consistent over the past few years, she noticed that even the slower styles of yoga offer incredible benefits in strengthening her body and helping her do the things she loves, like snowboarding with her teenage boys, with more ease and enjoyment.

Whenever she’s feeling emotional, she makes sure to get herself into Sukha. The teachers, the space and the yoga practice allow her to calm her mind, connect her back to the present moment and be able to see all the beauty and the light within me and around me.

Bridgette’s advice to new students: 

“If you are new to yoga, be curious and gentle with yourself. For years in my early practice, I would look around and think, ‘I am not as good as that person’ or ‘I am not doing well today.’ Now, I just try to be as present as possible on the mat, focusing on taking care of my mind and body in the time I have committed to practice. When I look around now, I aim to be inspired and learn from others instead of judging myself.”

Bridgette has lived in Novato for 10 years with her husband Bob and their two teenage boys.

Bridegette is an Executive Vision Coach, Inspriational Speaker and Sound Healer. Learn more about her @bridgettecorridan

She is offering a Sound Healing focused on New Beginnings (along with Kristen Firpo) at Sukha on August 3rd. Link in Bio to sign up.

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Bridgette has been practicing yoga on and off for 10 years but more consistently over the past 2 years. Because she is a “busy bee” in her regular life, she knew that she wanted to slow down and be present, and yoga practice helps her do that. Having been an athlete, when she first started yoga 10 years ago, she thought it was “too easy” and would only go to classes that made her sweat and felt rigorous. As her practice has become more consistent over the past few years, she noticed that even the slower styles of yoga offer incredible benefits in strengthening her body and helping her do the things she loves, like snowboarding with her teenage boys, with more ease and enjoyment. Whenever she’s feeling emotional, she makes sure to get herself into Sukha. The teachers, the space and the yoga practice allow her to calm her mind, connect her back to the present moment and be able to see all the beauty and the light within me and around me. Bridgette’s advice to new students:  “If you are new to yoga, be curious and gentle with yourself. For years in my early practice, I would look around and think, ‘I am not as good as that person’ or ‘I am not doing well today.’ Now, I just try to be as present as possible on the mat, focusing on taking care of my mind and body in the time I have committed to practice. When I look around now, I aim to be inspired and learn from others instead of judging myself.” Bridgette has lived in Novato for 10 years with her husband Bob and their two teenage boys. Bridegette is an Executive Vision Coach, Inspriational Speaker and Sound Healer. Learn more about her @bridgettecorridan She is offering a Sound Healing focused on New Beginnings (along with Kristen Firpo) at Sukha on August 3rd. Link in Bio to sign up.

Yoga became a regular practice for Suzanne when she first came to Sukha ten years ago. To date, she holds the record for the highest attendance, having attended over 1700 classes! She shared, “Sukha has become my sanctuary. Whenever I travel, I don’t feel truly at home until I come in for a class.” She first tried yoga, on and off, in the 90s when she moved to San Francisco and joined a 24-Hour Fitness. An Iyengar teacher once remarked, “What they practice in the other rooms is a workout; what we practice in this room is a work-in.” Those words left a lasting impression on Suzanne, who found yoga to be a perfect complement to running and gym workouts. Today, yoga is her primary physical and spiritual activity, alongside hiking. Suzanne’s advice to new students:  “Go in with your goal in mind and be open to all the other sweet surprises that come along! Like a community of people with different interests, yet all connected through our practice and our desire to positively impact each other in unique ways. I’ve met some of my dearest friends at Sukha.” Suzanne was fortunate to retire this spring and has been able to attend more morning and noon yoga classes. She’s rediscovered her passion for gardening, which she didn’t realize she missed. Thanks to Ali’s reading list, she started reading the Bhagavad Gita.  She also enjoys traveling whenever possible and hiking with her fiancé, Jeroen, and their black lab. With more time on her hands, she has been stepping up her meal prep, particularly enjoying preparing healthful, Asian-influenced cuisines from Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, and Japan.

Sukha is celebrating 10 years! All these yogis have come to over 1,000 classes 🎉

Sukha is celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary this June, and Midori was our first-ever member! She first tried yoga over 17 years ago when friends invited her to a Bikram Yoga class. The hot yoga wasn’t really her thing. Later, she went to a power yoga studio in Petaluma. She said yoga helped her so much through her separation and divorce. She loved to listen to the teacher and the inspiring talks before class. It felt like the teacher knew exactly what Midori needed to hear. Midori loves the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga. She used to think of herself as a stiff person and couldn’t even bend over to touch her toes. Now, she feels very aligned and comfortable with movement in her body. Mentally, yoga has helped her cope with depression and panic attacks. Yoga helped her find her “internal home,” and after learning to focus on her breath, she no longer suffers from anxiety. Being born in Japan, she identifies spiritually with the eastern yoga philosophy. Midori said, “Yoga helps me to see myself. Whatever is happening outside gets reflected on the mat. Being on the mat, I can see more and I can’t deny what’s happening. Yoga is a journey, and there is no end. It’s constant expansion and growth. I’ve learned to welcome the challenge. When she’s not in the studio or at her day job, you will find Midori listening and dancing to live music or dreaming about her next venture, helping to support moms with young children. As a former preschool teacher and a single parent, she wants to help moms go back to basics and use the wisdom she has learned from yoga practice and her life to support their well-being.

Sukha is celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary this June, and Midori was our first-ever member! She first tried yoga over 17 years ago when friends invited her to a Bikram Yoga class. The hot yoga wasn’t really her thing. Later, she went to a power yoga studio in Petaluma. She said yoga helped her so much through her separation and divorce. She loved to listen to the teacher and the inspiring talks before class. It felt like the teacher knew exactly what Midori needed to hear. Midori loves the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga. She used to think of herself as a stiff person and couldn’t even bend over to touch her toes. Now, she feels very aligned and comfortable with movement in her body. Mentally, yoga has helped her cope with depression and panic attacks. Yoga helped her find her “internal home,” and after learning to focus on her breath, she no longer suffers from anxiety. Being born in Japan, she identifies spiritually with the eastern yoga philosophy. Midori said, “Yoga helps me to see myself. Whatever is happening outside gets reflected on the mat. Being on the mat, I can see more and I can’t deny what’s happening. Yoga is a journey, and there is no end. It’s constant expansion and growth. I’ve learned to welcome the challenge. When she’s not in the studio or at her day job, you will find Midori listening and dancing to live music or dreaming about her next venture, helping to support moms with young children. As a former preschool teacher and a single parent, she wants to help moms go back to basics and use the wisdom she has learned from yoga practice and her life to support their well-being.

Eric @eric466h began his yoga journey out of curiosity in 1990. He took a Kundalini yoga class, and his interest was piqued. He explored several different types of yoga over many years. For most of that time, he considered yoga to be beneficial for cross-training, recovery, and flexibility, finding it supportive of his primary practice, which was martial arts. He was both a teacher and practitioner of MMA, kickboxing, and Systema, a Russian style of martial arts. It was only since coming out of Covid that he began to focus on yoga as his primary practice. Eric finds the benefits of yoga to include enhanced flexibility, improved strength, and increased efficiency and comfort in movement. Psychologically, he appreciates yoga because it helps him manage stress and use focused breathing to calm himself during difficult poses. He notices that this is helpful off the mat as well!  He also loves the community feel at Sukha. It’s also great to see yoga friends out and about in Novato. Eric’s advice to new students: Just start! Don’t make excuses. There’s nothing to be afraid of. The teachers at Sukha are fantastic and accommodating - they make you comfortable. Ask questions; it’s okay to not know what to do at first - you’ll catch on quickly. Make an effort to say hi and meet new people. It will help you to feel more connected and it makes yoga more fun! When he’s not in the studio, you will find Eric hiking on Mt. Burdell, walking around Novato, busy with work (at a software company), or at one of his kids’ school or sporting events. He lives in Novato with his wife, Marie, and their children: Owen (20, living away at college), Grace-Mae (17), and Vincent (14).

What started as a stretching exercise for Carl @grincarl Yoga has become a vehicle to better understand his presence with family, friends and community. Carl brings a curiosity and passion to his practice and teachings that allow for exploration into the boundaries of the craft. He provides insight and instruction with humor, humility and strength that helps yogis explore their own unique path to their light and strength. What students are saying about Carl’s classes, “He’s fun...he brings humor, good energy and good music.” “Carl brings a palpable sense of community and vulnerability to his classes. Carl greets yogis with a smile and encourages us to connect with one another” “His classes are a good pace, a balance of effort and ease.” “Great hands on assists, especially in savasana.” “His honestly and vulnerability is so welcoming.  And his playlist is always the topic of conversation...  it either makes me want to sing or dance... and sometimes both”. He studied with Lesley Desaulniers, Alison Smith and Jai Uttal in addition to a host of remarkable mentors spanning various walks of life, including three courageously vulnerable and passionate sons.  Carl teaches every Wednesday and Friday morning, 6:00-7:00 am Warm (80° 🔥) vinyasa flow and every other Saturday morning at 8:00 am. When he’s not teaching yoga, you will find Carl embracing the joy of movement in different forms and spending quality time with loved ones. Whether he’s ‘wrestling’ with his Jiu Jitsu loving boys, playing sand volleyball or tennis, enjoying travel or walks with his wife, or contributing to the growth of their transformational coaching practice, Carl carries the essence of yoga beyond the mat. His commitment to wellness, community, and personal development continues to inspire those around him, making every interaction with Carl an opportunity for learning and growth.

Virginia became a regular member at Sukha in 2019 and remained one of the most dedicated students throughout the pandemic, attending several virtual classes per week. It was always uplifting to see her joyful face on the screen during those difficult times. She said, “Yoga is my passion; it is my lifeline; it sustains me. It impacts every part of my life and every aspect of my being. Virginia has worked in the field of psychology for over twenty years as a psychotherapist, a social worker, and a rehabilitation counselor. She has also worked as an educator at a community college and in elementary schools. Virginia’s advice to new students, “Come to class with loving kindness, enthusiasm and a sense of playfulness.  Leave the negative self-talk outside the room.  Talk to yourself like a good friend and say to yourself, “You got this; you can do it!” Try to love yourself and all your vulnerabilities and imperfections unconditionally just like we love our pets.  They may drive us crazy at times, but we always love them no matter what they do.  We all need to love ourselves the same way.   All the instructors at Sukha have touched her life in some, very significant way over the years and she is so grateful for all of them.  If she was to highlight one of them in particular, it would be Kat Shotz. Kat approaches life with such joy and grace and it’s always reflected in her classes.  She greets everyone with such loving kindness and models how to laugh at one’s weaknesses in such a tender, humorous way.    Virginia said, I truly enjoy every one of her “Wellness Wednesday” classes. When she’s not taking yoga classes, you can find Virginia playing with her grandkids; swimming or taking Pilates classes; working as a therapy team with her dog Upton (visiting people experiencing trauma), walking in nature with her dog and hugging her favorite redwood tree along the trail; going on adventures with her husband when she can get him out of the gar

In the early 2000s Jessica @jessicaoconnellyoga was a stressed out east coast transplant living in San Francisco. She discovered yoga and it immediately and profoundly changed her life for the better. Now a California girl through and through, Jessica has been a devoted Yoga teacher and student for over ten years and has completed 500 hours of teacher training. She strives to help students become mindful, grounded and discover compassion for themselves and others. What students are saying about Jessica’s classes, “She is knowledgeable and helpful.” “I love the pacing.” “Thoroughly enjoyable and very relaxing”. “She knows how to cue well and creates an interesting flow.” “Her vibe is chill and inviting.” “She is very real and down to earth and clear in her instructions. I  thoroughly enjoy her class.” “I love that she always reminds me to use my core.” Jessica’s challenging and joyful Vinyasa classes reflect her spiritual journey towards health and harmony and feature unique sequencing, inspiring Dharma teachings, upbeat music, skillful alignment instruction and a focus on mindfulness.  She is thankful for her many teachers including Clayton Horton, Geoffrey Roniger, Rusty Wells, Jane Austin and most recently Lesley Desaulniers. *NEW CLASS* Jessica teaches vinyasa Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30-10:30. When she’s not teaching yoga, you will find Jessica exploring California and beyond with her husband, Craig, and kids, Wyatt and Farrah. Additionally, Jessica and Craig own a boutique architecture firm @craigoconnellarchitecture and as a communications consultant, Jessica helps her clients tell their unique stories and deepen their impact.

Get to know @tarahayesyoga ✨ Tara started teaching at Sukha just a few months after we opened, almost 10 years ago! Tara’s spiritual curiosity, artistry, and passion for movement shine through in her teaching as her classes embody a unique blend of vigorous physical practice, music, dharma and meditation. She creates a lighthearted environment for students to experience joy, transformation and the endless gifts of a committed yoga practice. What students are saying about Tara, “No matter what shape I’m in upon  arrival, I always depart feeling grounded, lighter, and at ease”. “Her classes are challenging, but still in my abilities.” “Her classes are awesome. I love the music and the vibe.” “Good energy, I enjoy her flow!” “Love her classes, they’re what keep me sane!” Tara has studied primarily under the guidance of Lesley Desaulniers, who’s teaching & lineage is linked to both Jivamukti Yoga and meditation teacher, Sharon Salzberg. Tara remains inspired by all of the teachers she encounters on this path, her greatest being her son Finn, who reminds her each day of the magic that exists in the present moment. Tara teaches vinyasa on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm, Thursdays at 9:30 am and Sundays at 9:30 am. Been wanting to try vinyasa but feeling a little intimated? Or do you want to deepen your vinyasa practice? ❤️ Join Tara for a special Vinyasa 101 workshop on Saturday, Feb. 10th from 1-4 pm. Link in Bio to Sign Up ❤️ When she’s not teaching yoga, you will find Tara at her, “day job” as a school counselor, at one of Finn’s sporting events or spending time outdoors on the local trails. She loves having friends over and takes pride in creating a beautiful snack board for happy hour.

✨Experience the joy and transformation a Vinyasa practice brings.✨ Join @tarahayesyoga for Vinyasa 101 taking place Saturday 2/10, 1-4pm. This workshop is perfect for you if: 💫You’ve established a yoga practice and are curious (maybe even a little nervous) about trying a Vinyasa class. 💫You have a Vinyasa practice and want to deepen your understanding of the fundamentals that make this practice so special. Together we will: 💫Explore the spiritual, energetic and physical foundations of Vinyasa Yoga. 💫Break down concepts through conversation, Q&A and demonstration. 💫Integrate what we’ve learned with a dynamic, grounding Vinyasa practice. **LINK IN BIO TO SIGN UP**

Katja took her very first yoga class just one month ago! Since giving birth to her 10-month-old daughter, she felt that the lack of sleep, changes in her body and adjusting to her new role of parenting an infant had taken their toll. She said, “Yoga is helping me get back to myself.” In just a short time, she has noticed significant improvements in her balance and flexibility. Her Plantar fasciitis has also shown improvement. Emotionally, she feels much calmer and has been sleeping better at night. Katja’s advice to new students, “Anxiety is huge with everyone. Finding that calm inner peace is really important. Especially since Covid, people aren’t fine. They need to take time for themselves. Prior to the pandemic, Katja owned a pole fitness studio. She currently offers private and semi-private sessions from her home. Pole fitness is an empowering and strengthening sport. It builds upper body strength and confidence. You can’t think of anything else while you are doing it. Plus, it’s a kick ass core and upper body workout. Yoga and pole fitness go hand in hand. They both promote body awareness, alignment principles and mindfulness. You can learn more and schedule a class here: @papillonpolefitness Katja lives with her husband, 16-year- old step-daughter and her infant daughter. They love to travel and get lost in other countries. Now, they have a baby girl who joins the adventures. She loves music, mainly heavy metal and classical. She is an abstract painter and used to work full time as an artist and hosted some or her own art shows. Inspired to book a class? Link in bio. #novatoyogacommunity #novatofun #downtownnovato #vinyasa #polefitness

Loren @lorenalturayoga has been a beloved teacher at Sukha for many years. Her regular Tuesday/Thursday students could potentially be described as groupies, and they have been known to often hang around after class (sometimes with snacks!) Loren always makes it a priority to adapt her teaching to the students in front of her, learn the names of every student and get to know their practice over time. She shares a wealth of knowledge of proper posture alignment, anatomy and yoga philosophy that supports the students she teaches to deepen and expand their practice.  What students are saying about Loren, “I love her sequencing and that her classes are always unique.” “I love how she weaves music and chanting into her classes.” “I’m always learning something new.” Loren Altura is a devoted yogini who has been practicing since 2000. With over 1500 hours of yoga teacher trainings and workshops with master teachers, Loren teaches classes which are Bhakti and Iyengar influenced. Weaving intentional sequencing and thematics, Loren’s classes promote strength building, attention to alignment and freedom through focus. All of Loren’s classes are breath based which often include curated playlists, dharma, chanting and yoga philosophy underpinnings. When she’s not teaching yoga, you will find Loren: ~ working at her day job as an e-commerce lawyer ~ spending time with her husband and two teenage children ~ hiking with her dog ~ kayaking in warmer weather ~  seeing live music ~  singing (often karaoke style!) Loren teaches Align & Flow at Sukka Yoga every Tuesday and Thursday from  5:30-6:45 pm. Link in bio to book a class :)

Katy was first introduced to yoga at school at age 14. She had a very sweet and eccentric Hatha Yoga teacher with bright orange hair. She only practiced for a few months, but a seed was planted. Katy took up yoga again with a direct student of Iyengar at the age of 30. Prior to that, she had trained in modern and classical dance. A few years ago, she restarted her practice at Sukha and has been practicing several times a week for the past several years. Katy notices many benefits from her now regular yoga practice. She said, “Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I feel more balanced. I had lost proprioception due to a few injuries, and I now feel more integrated. I feel stronger, and my breath capacity has increased, improving my chanting voice. I also sense space between arising emotions and reactions, giving me more room to speak or remain silent.” Katy loves @lindaproscheyoga classes. Linda provides very detailed and helpful adjustments and offers modifications for all body types and issues. Katy said, “Linda has guided me to the other side of an injured body and taught me how to manage a body that is overly flexible on one hand, injured, and way too tight in some areas.” Linda has a mastery of words and stories that make the classes fun and inspiring. She is also very humorous. Katy was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2004 by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India. She lives with a member of her community who is now over 90 years old. Katy teaches meditation and experiential Buddhist programs online for her Buddhist organization. She recently became accredited as a Tai Chi Chih teacher and will soon be teaching classes in Marin. She will start leading an online Tai Chi Chih class in the new year. She worked as a clinical psychologist is Australia. Watch for mindfulness coaching sessions coming in 2024. Learn more about her offerings @khmcole She loves to walk, hike, swim, and work out. Her remaining family lives in Sydney, Australia.

Thanks to everyone who joined in the beautiful Winter Solstice 🕯️with @lotus_yogi and @afaucher88.

Find meaningful gifts at Sukha 🎁 ✨ Sacred Jewelry by @lotus_yogi ✨ Wisdom deck by @hallaaylaart ✨ Candles, crystals, peace cranes ✨ She Rises deck by @sacredcenters ✨ Reiki sun catchers by @healing_light_alchemy ✨ Sukha swag and gift certificates

Yoga teacher, MFT therapist, sound healer; @lotus_yogi Kat and Bethany met over 20 years ago when they had private psychotherapy practices in the same office suite. Over the years they connected as colleagues, moms with kids in the Novato schools and over a shared love of yoga. They practiced yoga together at a local health club, and dreamed of having a dedicated yoga studio in Novato. Kat’s vision and support is a huge reason why Sukha Yoga exists! Kat has taught regular yoga classes and has led sacred solstice and equinox rituals at Sukha since we opened. She paused her teaching for a few years while she was healing from brain cancer, and she returned only stronger and with a depth of wisdom and love that radiates through her being. As a teacher, she offers an integrated class to cultivate strength, balance and flexibility. She believes that practice brings us to a deeper sense of knowing and listening to our authentic self. She often serenades her students with crystal bowls at end of class. As a therapist, she encourages you to find stillness and peace within so that you can experience more happiness and less stress. As a human being on this life path, she offers love and compassion for you to connect with yourself and others. Through this connection, we find support and wholeness. Kat is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a 500-hour Certified Yoga Teacher. What students are saying about Kat: “Always generous with her time, generous with her ‘gifts’ and makes us all feel welcomed and included.” “Sukha and Kat’s classes was the first yoga studio where I felt mental wellness was a huge priority and how that impacted practicing yoga in such a positive way!” “Kat’s class was so comforting and healing. It not only felt healing to my body but deep within my soul.” Kat teaches hatha flow at Sukka every Wednesday from 12-1. Join Kat and Amanda on Saturday, Dec. 16th from 4-6 pm for a from 4-6 pm for a Winter Solstice Celebrat

Grateful for this space, these bodies that can move and this loving community. May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all ❤️