Lorry I. Lokey Graduate School of Business at Mills College, Oakland, CA Videos

Videos by Lorry I. Lokey Graduate School of Business at Mills College in Oakland. The Lorry I. Lokey School of Business and Public Policy educates students to be ethical and socially responsible organizational leaders.

Other Lorry I. Lokey Graduate School of Business at Mills College videos

Happy #Juneteenth

Alumna Spotlight: based on 2019 sales volume Azadeh Yazdi is Sotheby's top producer!!!

Words of wisdom from Lateefah Simon: “Don’t be mean to your professors. You are going to need them.” And a great shout-out to Professor Mark Henderson of the Mills College Public Policy Program.

It was a very busy day for the Mills team at the United State of Women conference. Before we call it a day though, we want to leave you with the quote of the day: ‘We are the ‘who’... We are the answer.’

Hail has been falling all over #Oakland today, and @millscollege wanted to be a part of the fun! Here’s a view of the hail over the rooftop succulent garden at the Lokey School. Hope you brought your umbrella! ☔️

Party time...

What's the most important part of the application process?