Boots on Deck, Incorporated., Ocala, FL Videos

Videos by Boots on Deck, Incorporated. in Ocala. We are the FIRST ever for profit social enterprise since September 2019 specializing in VA benefits recovery against the Veteran Business Administration(recovered $800,000 owed to 4,041 post 9/11 veterans and dependents).

Business strategist for the entire Global Military-Affiliated Personnel population aiming to decrease economic disparity on a Mental,Academic,Professional,and Spiritual level. #12oyfmoneyrules #mapsmapas #twinflamestartup💯

Other Boots on Deck, Incorporated. videos

Business strategist for the entire Global Military-Affiliated Personnel population aiming to decrease economic disparity on a Mental,Academic,Professional,and Spiritual level. #12oyfmoneyrules #mapsmapas #twinflamestartup💯







@bootsondeck_incorporated @warwithininc

Retaliatory Eviction Part 5(June 2020 breach of lease)

Pro-Se Pleadings in Marion County Case Number 2020-SC-2799.

covid-19 CDC Eviction halt in effect as of today.

Covid-19 CDC $100,000 violation. where's my finder's fee? We need Covid Prevention Agents. @she_wond3r @warwithininc

I finally took the time to deep through the archives on all my platforms and will be summarizing the IG stories to share with you my journey from the pre Covid-19 business playing field to our current time(1/4 of 3 million small businesses being closed by Labor Day). Systemic racism is at its highest and it’s no longer class warfare at the helm. YOU must survive to strive. - @warwithininc

Supportive Self Employment(Covid Era)
@docsot_range:The moment you realize you are worth more than any systemic racist tactics within the dept of veterans affairs, is the moment you realize the loophole

My marriage is COVID-19 Proof #twinflame

Tune in to my livestream tonight at 1111pm to see the conclusion of the VA whitehouse Team and their lack of effectiveness in terms of giving minority veterans equal access to self employment.

"The solution to close the Military-Veteran-Civilian Chasm is not found on any war college or leading research institution, it is found within the investments of our communities." -aliceaisraelsoto

Since 9/11/2001 minority veterans( including veterans enlisting directly from Puerto Rico) have been underrated and underserved. VETERAN CLAIMS MANIPULATION HAS INCREASED ALONG THE EAST COAST FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE TO FLORIDA COSTING OUR AWARDED VETERANS MONEY AND CONFUSION while we have 250,000 new vets leaving DOD service. Boots On Deck Incorporated guarantees your approval in 6 to 9 months and NEVER face an appeals process(we guarantee 70 to 100% mental and behavioral rating plus any other non mental condition). Faster process than all claims VSO and claims organization in the nation since 2013. #bootsondeckinc #mapsmapas #warwithininc #twinflamestartups💯