The Official Savage Sweetheart, Ocean City, MD Videos

Videos by The Official Savage Sweetheart in Ocean City. CEO of Lip Nation Media LLC :::Business Info::: Facebook:: The Official Savage Sweetheart� Ins

How do you see yourself?
Wrote 10 positive things about yourself and love that list daily☮️❤️

Other The Official Savage Sweetheart videos

How do you see yourself? Wrote 10 positive things about yourself and love that list daily☮️❤️

I posted an article about R Kelly and it started doing numbers IMMEDIATELY☝🏽Then this happens🙄 So I’m in violation for reporting the same thing that the WORLD was discussing? 🤔 I’m wrong? Noooooo…..this is it right here…proof of how black creators/media get played with…but didn’t Mark Suckerberg just get caught for bribing the FCC? Tuh…ok. AND IT STILL DOESNT SAY WHICH POLICY I BROKE!

Why dont babymama’s let the father name the baby (sometimes)😂🤣