Oklahoma Faith Network - formerly OCC, Oklahoma City, OK Videos

Videos by Oklahoma Faith Network - formerly OCC in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma Faith Network (formerly OCC) connects, motivates, and empowers people of faith since 1972.

Eating a Little More Sustainably

This month's Eco-Chat is about FOOD - why and how you can make a move toward more sustainable eating, and how to attempt to accomplish that with kids. Kat and Amanda will chat about how they slowly started making different choices, what worked, and what didn't.

Other Oklahoma Faith Network - formerly OCC videos

Eating a Little More Sustainably
This month's Eco-Chat is about FOOD - why and how you can make a move toward more sustainable eating, and how to attempt to accomplish that with kids. Kat and Amanda will chat about how they slowly started making different choices, what worked, and what didn't.

Eco-Chat - Yards clip.mp4
Not sure where to start to make your yard more wildlife- and water-friendly? This informal, honest conversation with @compostfairyy is a way to ease in. No pressure here! Kat admits to utter failure at seed-starting and confesses to the @compostfairyy herself that she's terrible at composting. #creationcare #climateaction #holyduty

Starting a More Sustainable Yard
Did you know fall is the best time for planting? So July is the perfect time to start planning for more sustainable landscaping at home and at your faith community. On July 18, hear from two regular people who made changes in their yards little by little, chatting about what worked, what was a huge hassle, and other tips.

Transforming Pt 2.mp4
Tonight, check out Part 2 of this conversation! After covering signs and symptoms of spiritual trauma in Part 1, we talk next steps: deconstructing, healing, and transforming. No matter where you are in your journey, this conversation will provide hope and affirmation.

Thank you to @kfortv4 and @meccathompson_tv for your continued coverage on these important issues in our state. Check out this video featuring executive director @shannonmfleck as the conversation about mandatory Bible instruction in Oklahoma’s Public Schools continues. #nohateintheheartland #publicschools #oklahoma

Transforming Religious Trauma: Part 2
After covering signs and symptoms of spiritual trauma in Part 1, we cover next steps: deconstructing, healing, and transforming. No matter where you are in your journey, this conversation will provide hope and affirmation.

Sustainable Landscaping for Faith Communities
Did you know fall is the best time for planting? So July is the perfect time to start planning for more sustainable landscaping at home and at your faith community. On July 2, hear from the Grounds by Grounds project about converting some of the lawn at your faith community to community gardens or just life-supporting plants.

Transforming Religious Trauma: Part 1 (Final)
Faith communities should be, and often are, safe places where people can explore their connection to the sacred in ways that are expansive and life-giving. However, many in Oklahoma grew up in communities that were oppressive, unhealthy, or even abusive. This can impact spiritual well-being in profound ways that often necessitates deconstructing and healing. Join us for this important conversation! Part 1: History and Signs & Symptoms June 25 @ 7pm Part 2: Healing from Religious Trauma July 9 @ 7pm

Part 1: History and Signs & Symptoms June 25 Part 2: Healing from Religious Trauma July 9 #religioustrauma #deconstruction #religiousabuse #spiritualabuse #churchtoo

The Value of Indigenous Voices in Climate Restoration
As we work to mitigate the effects of climate changes on our planet, we can find inspiration and wisdom in listening to indigenous voices. Rev. Chebon Kernell, an ordained Elder in the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference, shares an incredibly valuable perspective that can guide us toward a healthier relationship with our earth.

A Community Conversation with Dean Robert Willis
Join us for this conversation with Dean Emeritus of Canterbury!

Community Sharing on Personal "Whys" for Climate Action
Just in time for Earth Day, we're launching "Tending the Garden," a campaign to engage people of faith in action and advocacy around climate change. We'll bring you info on larger topics, like utilizing alternative energy sources for your home or faith community, and smaller topics, like casual conversations about hand-washing dishes vs using the dishwasher. First up, it's important to identify why this issue affects us personally. Several community members will discuss the specific reason they care about healing and protecting our earth. People have very different and sometimes surprising reasons!

Legislative Advocacy from a Faith Lens
What's the most effective way to advocate from the values of your faith? Check out this panel, featuring: Senator Mary Boren, Oklahoma Senate J'Shawna Smith-Hayes, The H.O.P.E. Foundation Rev. Dr. Lori Walke, Mayflower Congregational Church This is another great panel brought to you by the Religions United Committee at OFN.

We had a great time at Public Schools Day! We love to share and celebrate the importance of public education to our democracy!

Interfaith Impact Lunch.mp4
Advocates for religious freedom packed the room on Tuesday for an Interfaith Impact Lunch, unified in our belief that all voices should be included at the table. You can join us in support for the separation of church and state by signing a letter that will go to your legislators at buff.ly/42T1T6S.

Diverse Holiday Celebrations
We know all about Christmas, but many of our neighbors in Oklahoma celebrate other holidays! Join us for a fun interfaith conversation to learn more about our friends of diverse faiths and traditions, including: Hinduism Islam Judaism Tuesday, December 5 at 7pm OFN Facebook and YouTube This is another great panel brought to you by the Religions United Committee, which seeks to promote interfaith collaboration and understanding in Oklahoma.

Interfaith Organizing and Collaboration
What's the state of interfaith collaboration and organizing in Oklahoma? It's more important than ever to come together as a strong voice for shared values and goals. Join this conversation with a few leaders in this work: Aliye Shimi, Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry Emilee Bounds, ACTION Tulsa Rev. Dr. Shannon Fleck, Oklahoma Faith Network

How Do Climate Issues Impact YOU Panel
To address the climate crisis facing our planet, we all have to know how this is impacting or will impact us personally. People have very different and sometimes surprising reasons! We'll have people from different faiths and walks of life talking about why this matters to them as a person of faith. Join us for the kickoff event of "Tending the Garden," a campaign to engage people of faith in action and advocacy around the climate crisis.

Connecting with Ancestors
Hear how different traditions integrate connection with ancestors into spiritual beliefs and practices. We'll be joined by practitioners of indigenous African religions, pagan traditions, and Buddhism. This is another great panel brought to you by our Religions United Committee, whose mission is to bring about interfaith understanding and collaboration.

Interfaith Love Stories
Consider this an antidote to the stories of divisiveness that permeate today's news. Love is love, no matter what your beliefs or traditions! Join us to hear stories of interfaith marriage, friendship, and parenting. This is another great program brought to you by the Religions United Committee at the Oklahoma Faith Network (formerly OCC). https://fb.me/e/49hPHZaa6