St. Paul's Cathedral OKC, Oklahoma City, OK Videos

Videos by St. Paul's Cathedral OKC in Oklahoma City. The Episcopal Cathedral in Downtown Oklahoma City

Other St. Paul's Cathedral OKC videos

Rescheduled Music Monday: Open Mic Night! 🎤🎶 Don’t miss next Monday and stay weather aware and safe, especially tomorrow evening, Cathedral Community. #spcokc #allinvitedallarewelcome #epiok #episcopalian #episcopal #episcopalchurch

Draw Near: Contemplative Worship - 5:00 May 5, 2024
The sixth Sunday in Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Holy Eucharist Rite I - 11:15 May 5, 2024
The sixth Sunday of Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Spoken Holy Eucharist Rite I - 8:00 May 5, 2024
The sixth Sunday of Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Feast of Saint Philip and Saint James - 12:00 May 1, 2024
Wednesday in the sixth week of Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

In case you need a reminder this Thursday… “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley,[a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23 #spcokc #allinvitedallarewelcome #epiok #episcopalian #episcopal #episcopalchurch

Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist - 12:00 April 25, 2024
Thursday in the fourth week of Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Noonday Eucharist - 12:00 April 24, 2024
Wednesday in the fourth week of Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Night Mass - 5:00 April 21, 2024
The fourth Sunday in Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Spoken Holy Eucharist Rite I - 8:00 April 21, 2024
The fourth Sunday in Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Noonday Eucharist - 12:00 April 17, 2024
Wednesday in the third week of Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Spoken Holy Eucharist Rite I - 8:00 April 14, 2024
The third Sunday in Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

We caught a Mystery Organist at St. Paul’s - Watch to the end for the reveal! Can you name this well-known tune from the English Hymnal? Tell us in the comments and make sure you do not miss Sunday’s formation at 10:10am in Dean Willey Hall with Canon Precentor Joseph Ripka. Come with all your questions and curiosities about the English Hymnal and we’ll provide the education, coffee, snacks and good times! #spcokc #allinvitedallarewelcome #epiok #episcopalian #episcopal #episcopalchurch

Noonday Eucharist - 12:00 April 10, 2024
Wednesday in the second week of Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Draw Near: Contemplative Worship - 5:00 April 7, 2024
The second Sunday in Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to

Holy Eucharist Rite I - 11:15 April 7, 2024
The second Sunday in Easter. All are welcome at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral. We are glad you are worshiping with us this day! While we can't shake your hand, we would love to say hi! Contact us here and we would love to be in touch with you. Find a service bulletin at To give to St. Paul's and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral throughout Oklahoma City and beyond go to