Miss Africa Nebraska, Omaha, NE Videos

Videos by Miss Africa Nebraska in Omaha. Africans and friends of Africa let's celebrate the beauty of Africa women in Nebraska. http://www.MissAfricaNebraska.com

We are hereby soliciting your attendance to our first African Awareness Banquet, scheduled to be held on the
6th.of July, 2013; at the Comfort Inn & Suites, 7007 Grover Street Omaha NE 68106, from 7pm to 9pm.

This community event is geared towards creating and fostering a cultural understanding amongst African Communities in Nebraska, as well as main stream Americans. BLESSIPO will celebrate the richness of our

cultural diversity through, presentations, music, food, fashion, arts and crafts etc.


Other Miss Africa Nebraska videos

We are hereby soliciting your attendance to our first African Awareness Banquet, scheduled to be held on the 6th.of July, 2013; at the Comfort Inn & Suites, 7007 Grover Street Omaha NE 68106, from 7pm to 9pm. This community event is geared towards creating and fostering a cultural understanding amongst African Communities in Nebraska, as well as main stream Americans. BLESSIPO will celebrate the richness of our cultural diversity through, presentations, music, food, fashion, arts and crafts etc. TICKET IS $20

Description of Event: BLESSIPO is a non-profit organization. BLESSIPO will be hosting a presentation of Miss Africa Nebraska 2012 in Omaha. It will highlight dancing, gospel and traditional music, as well as a fashion and comedy show, all with an African flavor. What is BLESSIPO? BLESSIPO was created in Omaha, Nebraska, back in 2007 by Koffi Dansou. The initiative, from the beginning, was to bring all African communities living in Omaha, Nebraska into a special cultural and traditional event. The thought was simple. Missing the Culture. Many of the children born or growing up in the United States, have no connection whatsoever to their original culture. Some do not know how to dance their traditional dances, but will enjoy learning the steps, as well as singing in their native tongue. Many still have special events such as weddings or community festivals, where they may be required to present some background cultural values or activities. BLESSIPO will be teaching and showing dance, arts, songs and other culture related activities to those in need, regardless of their origin. BLESSIPO will also gather the communities for some periodic events to perform and demonstrate the culture diversity and values in a celebration.