Kyle White

Kyle White

Follow me on my journey to living a meaningful life. A regular "Joe" with a regular job. Weight loss


274.2 lbs
Almost back to where I started 1.5 years ago. Got down to 238 lbs before last xmas. Workout #1 complete. I am at that point where I feel like pooh again.

One of my first post here was about how I have the knowledge to lose weight and get in shape however I seem to never be able to get past 4 to 6 -month routine. Well I did it again surprise! I will post an official morning weight soon. Time to trade the rye for protein ice cream again.

Photos from Kyle White's post 07/27/2021

Alright! I took like 7 months off, got fat and feel gross lol. Time to get back into it. Stand by for excuses, official weigh in and the new more realistic plan. Also I found juice box water kinda thingies that JT was talking about.


Banana protein blue berry ice cream with pb2/ cocoa and no cal blue berry syrup


Well when time is against ya and you have no time to meal prep. Meal 2 and 3 tomorrow. Keep an eye out for this bbq sauce. Most stores dont have it. I believe I got it at Independent.

- half a container of frozen veg
- a can of costco chicken
- and an orange

930 lunch and 230 lunch

Photos from Kyle White's post 01/18/2021

Face it. Protein shakes suck! Protein ice cream is the way to go. But its loud to make and then you have a mess to clean up. So when I am feeling lazy or when kids are asleep I make a lazy version. Not as good but pretty damn good.

- 2 scoops peanut butter cup casein protein
- half tsp cocoa
- tbs of pb2 peanut butter
- 3 tbs sweetner
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- no calorie chocolate sauce

Mix it. Add berries. Toss in freezer. Go shower after workout then enjoy.

All this is under 400 calories. Take away the PB2 and your about 330 to 350.


If your struggling drinking water all day to keep calories down Ocean spray has several flavours no sugar 10 cals a cup juices. Great for breakfast with your french toast


My coach


First workout since xmas. After 3 night shifts and before a 4th. Not really what I want to be doing.


Hope everyone ate their faces off. No resolutions for me. I do require a reset and work towards the other half of my goal. It's tough for so many reasons. Long hours, over time, side jobs, kids, your own s**t to do and whatever else. That's just the time component of it. Lack of sleep. No time for meal prep. When I say no time I sincerely mean no time. Like five hours of sleep is not enough for me. Health should be a priority though. Money was priority this fall and I took advantage. Being the all or nothing guy that I am when I am not working out you bet I'm not eating healthy either. I've used the time excuse for years. Here I am doing it again. Even if it is true it's still lame.

If you did make a resolution for 2021 no matter what it is I wish you the best. If it is health related anything is better than doing nothing. If you set a specific target and you don't hit it don't get discouraged. Take the little wins. You want to loose 10 lbs in January but you lost only 1 lb. It's better than gaining weight or loosing no pounds. Be honest with yourself and it will work itself out. Sometimes writing yourself a letter is a good way to be the most honest with yourself. Try it. Read it. Burn it! lol. Or you can try writing it out on Facebook. All this be kind to others BS people keep posting. Be kind to your self too. Sometimes that is the hardest person to be kind too. All the time it's the person who deserves it the most.

Photos from Kyle White's post 12/23/2020

Best tasting no sugar syrup. Watery but taste good. Bought at Wal Mart


Chest- tris - shoulders and cardio. Got a belly full of pizza. Still in a defecit though. Give or take lol


So I fell off the wagon a bit and was kinda avoiding the scale and posting on here lol. Partially cause I been concentrating much of my free time on side jobs and firewood. Halloween candies and xmas baking in the house together makes it worse. Also the lack of sleep and everything just kinda felt like I needed a break. Sounds like a s**t excuse eh? Lol anyways weighed in today. I must have burnt alot of calories cutting trees and such. No weight gained. Actually a pound or so lower with a belly full of chips pizza ajd desserts. Got lucky. Certainly not an indicator that I should keep that up.


Well after a busy week off of work to do side business stuff. Several trees cut later and about a week off of exercising and probably close to 2 weeks of eating like s**t tonight we start to get back on track. Would prefer to do anything else but living longer is important too I guess

Photos from Kyle White's post 11/22/2020

Meal prep for my week of days and then some


Had 3 french toast when I woke up after night shift. And this is what will get me through the night. Possibly a scoop of casein protein with a fruit b4 bed.

3 more french toast
2 scoops of protein and the rest you can see.

If your not eating french toast or other awesome food to loose weight your not going to make it in the long term. Learn tricks as you go. Get better and it gets easier.


Feeling burnt out. But 20 min cardio and now back. To deadlift or not to deadlift? Unloaded a half load of gravel and cut up 2 cords of wood to be split. Did a wack of stuff today. My poor lower back lol


20 min on bike. Chest shoulders and triceps followed by a huge ass bowl of protein ice cream


Home gym/ 7ft ceiling/ duct work / heat blowing on you/ leg day = sucks lol


Good solution for protein on the go. Often I find myself in a rush. Grab and go protein with a banana. Available at Costco. I BELIEVE they have chocolate/ strawberry/ vanilla and this one my favourite caramel. My mom puts it in her coffee lol. Anabolic coffee

Photos from Kyle White's post 11/14/2020

Dont be afraid to go cheap. Meat is expensive and sometimes some canned veggies/ or frozen are just convenient to add to a meal in a pinch. Always have some for a back up to avoid an excuse for a taco surpreme or whatever. 500 calorie portions

30 min on bike and abs tonight

Photos from Kyle White's post 11/13/2020

Cardio, back, biceps and log lifting/ tree cutting on the menu today. Also hit the halloween candy hard. Feeling ashamed lol. Oh well dont beat yourself up over it when it happens just get back at it!


Got a new tattoo today so doing something I have not done in months. Im skipping a workout eating banana protein ice cream with a shot of whiskey alone on the couch and watching this things called a teevee?


If you dont look like your taking a big pooh when lifting for most of your workout your not going hard enough. There is actually weights in my hands. Im not doing some weird pose lol
Chest shoulders and tricep day with 20 min on bike.

Hope everyone got to take advantage of the awesome weather. Did a few walks before night shifts with the kids. Beautiful out there lately.


Well calorie math is not the most difficult but when your distracted mistakes can be made. After 15 of these meals were made I discovered I put 150g of steak opposed to 100g. So instead of 500 calorie meals this is now 610 because I also added more rice. Anyways warm it up and mix it up. Pretty damn good


New record for calories burned in 20 minutes on bike. After leg day to boot. Legs are done. Chest- shoulder- tricep time followed by you guest it.... protein ice cream. Yum!


Everyone is eating candy Im making another batch of thick protein ice cream

Photos from Kyle White's post 10/31/2020

Taking couple days off. Catch up on yard work and family time. Loving the protein ice cream. 400 calories 60 g protein for breakfast


Usually this time of year there is a box of mini chocolate bars in the house. The kids come home with all their treats from Halloween. I spend the next few days picking out the ones they don't like. Then the ones they do. One becomes 2 and 2 becomes 15. Then I'll sit there sad with a glass of milk and decide I need something salty to eat now lol.

I probably have a binge eating disorder and am emotional eater. People tend to have a go to binge food. Often these foods could be treats that are not always in the house and other times it is stuff that is regularly in the house. Some of my go to when there wasn't any chocolate bars around

- Crackers and cheese
- Banana with peanut butter
- Several spoons of peanut butter
- Cereal
- Nutella and a LOAF OF BREAD LOL
- cheese melted slightly in the microwave

Often these were accompanied by a liter of milk. Why do most people binge eat at night? For some it could be routine. Sit watch a show. Grab a highly palatable sugary, salty or fatty calorie dense food and eat the s**t out of it. A reward to your long day of work or healthy eating or fasting. For me I think it is/ was simply that I was hungry. I would like to say that I am cured from this late night eating but that isn't true. I don't do it however and that is mostly because I workout during that late night eating time and by the time I'm showered it's bed. My will power has come a long way. Mostly because I am focused on my goals. I mean that jar of Nutella has been untouched by me and it has been there for six months. Usually that was a few snacks for me. My palate has changed. Eating less sugar and processed foods I find it quite satisfying eating protein ice cream, French toast and smart pop popcorn with a little spray of canola oil. I never been a pop drinker but man do I love me a diet pop now days lol. Another thing is I eat five meals a day now. Each meal between 350-550 calories. And if any diet is going to be sustainable you better fill up a little bit on low calorie foods that will fill you up otherwise when your starving later on that Nutella jar won't stand a chance.

So if you can relate to this a little bit. Think about why your doing what you are doing. Then you can think of ways to help prevent these cravings or urges that cause you to stuff yourself with 1000 plus calories while watching a show a half hour before bed. If your like me your not the type of person who should be doing that. Believe me I'm not 100% perfect in my diet and really you don't have to be all the time but those few times that you aren't you really need to do it in a smart way otherwise one slip can put you behind 4-7 days and by that time your at your next slip and at the end of the month your standing on the scale wondering where you went wrong. Been there done that. I don't like it because those 4 or five slips that month put all the hard work prepping meals and exercising that month in the trash. People don't always realize that. Then they get depressed say F this sit on the couch with a box of cookies, spoon of peanut butter and a big glass of milk and wonder where they went wrong. They lose motivation because they don't see results. Convince themselves nothing is working so what's the point and quit altogether instead of realizing the issue and making an adjustment. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's your fault. Don't give up try harder. You may only have to try a little bit harder or may have to try a lot harder. It comes easier for some and if you are one of the unlucky ones you just need to try harder. No tricks no gimmicks no pills or magic potions.

Happy Halloween

Put that candy down! Have a protein ice cream with a bag of smart pop with a lights spray of canola oil, a spoon of munk fruit and cinnamon mixed in a bowl. Can be done under 400 calories, taste amazing and probably you won't be able to Finnish it.


Now its not fresh cause I used ninja bkender b4 kids went to bed. I stuck in freezer then microwave cause it was like a rock. Peanut butter cup protein ice cream.

2 x scoops protein
Tbs of powdered peanut butter
No calorie chocolate sauce
Tbs of munk fruit
200ml of almond milk
1/4 cup blue berries
Handful ice cubes



Canadian Protein order and my new Ninja blender came in today. Went with a peanut butter cup casein protein for my post workout meal before I go to bed. Its a slower released protein. Can add a half scoop of whey if you want. Cant wait to make protein ice cream in the Ninja.


Cheat meal. Two 460 cal mini pizzas. Counts as 2 meals. Pizza movie night with kids watching Ernest Scared Stupid. So still same amount of calories today.

Photos from Kyle White's post 10/23/2020

Horrible. I had to go buy smaller pants. From 42 to a 36. Yes its a little tight and relaxed fit but the 38's were too big


If your dieting and not eating french toast for weight loss your missing out. Less than 500 calories.

- light whipped cream
- 3 pieces of ancient grain bread
- 1 cup egg whites
- vanilla and cinnamon
- no calorie syrop
- half cup of blue berries.

I can eat this 4x a day and loose weight. You can too. Count calories and make them work for you. Find yourself starving take away a french toast and add half a cantelope. Still under 500 calories


Tip of the day lol

Photos from Kyle White's post 10/16/2020

Meal prep. Chicken wraps. Weight out the chicken the cheese and the bacon. Freeze. 2 wraps are just over 500 calories


So starting today I am switching up my workout routine. Adding a few more exercises and actually lowering the sets a bit. Changing the schedule completely. Separating squats and deadlifts. Basically

1) Legs (12 sets) Calves (6 sets) and abs (6sets)- No dead lifts
2) Push Day (Chest 9 sets, shoulder 9 sets, tris 6 sets)
3) Pull Day ( Back with Deadlifts 12 sets, biceps 6 sets)
4) More abs

Cardio everyday for 20 minutes. No scheduled days off. I'll will take them off as they come due to time or burnout.

What I was doing before just isn't working now that the intensity has gone up. I'm not getting stronger because everything was spread out in a way that certain muscles were being hit almost everyday. I was fine when the intensity was moderate but I am going to failure and beyond on many sets so time to try something different.


Well I hit a new milestone today. As per my fancy scale I am now below 30% body fat which means I am now not considered to be clinically obese. Now Im potentially loosing weight to fast after not being able to get under 250 for like 8 weeks. Strange. Water and protein % keep going up and weights been dropping alot since Oct 1st. If I get in to the 230s by the end of month I will need to introduce more calories in to my diet. Loosing weight feels good but keeping your muscle is importanter for long term goals. More muscle means more calories burned means more food you can eat means more happy you are and less chances of going back to old ways. Theres weight loss and then there is fat loss. Most people want to loose fat not weight. ID love to be 240 lbs 9% fat.


Do I? Of course I do. When you start to count calories you have a decent idea of how many calories are in what. I likely consumed 1000 calories for thanksgiving dinner. Its ok to not carry around a scale with you. I count this as 2 meals for today including this dessert mmm mmm! I recomend weighing your food as much as possible but for special occassions and what not enjoy in moderation. Dont eat more than what you believe 2 meals worth of calories is. Its nice to not eat from a container once in a blue moon


If you dont have a workout shirt that your wife despises your doing it wrong

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