Life Skills Resource Group

Life Skills Resource Group Orlando's Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Life Coaching Prof


Happy Full Moon my loves 💕!

What a busy month July was. I feel like I don’t even recognize this magically transformed Cindy!

In the space of one month, and 25 Instagram LIVES, I managed to put together a coherent, sequential story of who I authentically am that I had never in my entire life grasped even a scintilla of. Suddenly I am awake to the long line of family traumas that have passed along, generation after generation. This is not the trauma of physical or even emotional violence, this is the trauma of emotional cutoffs; whether through the death of a parent, the addiction of a family member, the perfectionism, the workaholism, all the isms. You get my point? Right? This is the trauma you never knew you had because it operated undercover from the adults “shadow selves”. The wounds our parents didn’t and often still don’t even realize they have. So they enacted their wounds on us, we “turn out ok”, you know, “good little capitalists” more than happy to sacrifice our authenticity for some bucks and pats on the back.
You get my point. Anyway, keep watching my page for more of this type content.

Looking for the info on the next Lady Boss Gathering? See comments, below 👇.


This is me and at a NY retreat she hosted NYEve 2017 into 2018 in LA. It was phenomenal. She is an authentic and passionate spiritual leader and she is running for President. I would love for my social media to blow up for no reason more important than my ability to be a voice for change and a supporter of her campaign. Link in bio (soon- I’m flying now 🤦‍♀️).


I’m back from my transformational plant medicine retreat with and on Tuesday 7/25/23 I will begin the final run of my July commitment to GO LIVE daily in July when not on retreat. Gabriel and I will discuss the role of plants and breath in the healing journey and the importance of intention setting and integration when working with non-ordinary states of consciousness. See you Tuesday at 8:30pm-9:30pm Et. So excited to share!


I’m in Jamaica for a delicious next step in getting to know the spirit that resides in my body. I’ll let you know what I learn! Have a great weekend!


My IG story is stuck.
Tonight’s 7/13/23 live will be between 5 and 9p and it may just be me yammering at you. Come with questions!! I’ll even answer them live.
My outfit is for my birthday party tomorrow production of Studio 54 followed by interactive dance 💃🪩🕺 party!! Tickets on The Renaissance Theatre website. Link in their IG bio. Show is weekends into August. Discover this absolute gem in the Orlando art 👑!


I think Mike at Mosaic fhinks I’m acting crazy. Am I? I think I’m just trying share and inspire and maybe work my way out of daily therapy 💃


24 soul sisters gathered in my living room last night to share their journeys toward becoming healing entrepreneurs. We had the distinct honor of sharing this space with two 17 year old future Healers and vibes were so high. Next Lady Boss Gathering is 8/16 at 6:30pm. If you have joined us in the past, consider yourself invited. If you’d like to join, send me a DM and I will send you the info on location. Have a beautiful day!


Tonight was another magical gathering of the Lady Boss Healers group. We come together monthly to share our journey, offer support, encouragement, and LOVE 💕! If you are an Orlando healer we would love to have you join us at our next gathering on Wednesday, June 28th at 6:30pm. Send me a DM for location information. You’ll be glad you did.


The Power of the Divine Feminine

Last night was the another gathering of The Lady Boss Healers Family and the good vibes were overflowing.

Bringing together a group of women whose life’s work is to bring healing to the lives of others and ultimately themselves creates a powerful energy.

We shared our offerings, we ate delicious food and we discussed how we can support one another as a community.

If you are a female soloprenuer in and interested in joining us at our monthly gatherings on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in send me a DM with your email address.


The Power of the Divine Feminine!!

Last night was the 6th gathering of The Lady Boss Healers group and the good vibes were overflowing.

Bringing together a group of women whose life’s work is to bring healing to the lives of others and ultimately themselves creates a powerful energy.

We shared our offerings, we discussed how we can support one another as a community, and we just had a whole lot of fun. The energy of this group is something beautiful to behold.
If you are a female soloprenuer in and interested in joining us at our monthly gatherings on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in send me a DM with your email address and I’ll be sure to invite you to join us next month - mark your calendar now for 4/19/23.

Photos from Life Skills Resource Group's post 10/20/2022

I’m still buzzing from the vibrant and magnetic energy 21 bad ass female healers brought to New Moon 🌝 Market tonight.
We gather to share resources, but primarily to bask in each other’s glow. Every single woman has a courageous story of leaving the security of a job behind to offer healing to our community.
We welcome all female healers ready to connect to this source of pure light and love 💕. Send me a DM with your email and I’ll add you to my list and keep you posted.


The Power of the Divine Feminine

Last night was the first gathering of The Lady Boss Healers group and the good vibes were overflowing.

Bringing together a group of women whose life’s work is to bring healing to the lives of others and ultimately themselves creates a powerful energy.

We shared our offerings, we ate delicious plant based food from , and we discussed how we can support one another as a community.

If you are a female soloprenuer in and interested in joining us at our monthly gatherings on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in send me a DM with your email address.


Use NATURE as a source of grounding. Get outside, take a walk in the park, eat your lunch outside, spend time near water, take off your shoes and feel the ground beneath you. Just get outside! Nature reminds us that the beauty and wonder of life is ever present. Nature is an opportunity to experience awe.
Cindy 8/2022 Photo credit - Jennifer Gage Collins’ niece


The meme says it all! I love to be up on the latest trends, be it fashion, entertainment, or social media. So I just couldn’t pass up the chance to get on the Little Miss train before it leaves the station!!



Being in the present moment, or the “here and now,” means that we are aware and mindful of what is happening at this very moment. We are not distracted by ruminations on the past or worries about the future, but centered in the here and now.

Easier said than done, right? Here are some tips to stop you from “time traveling”.

1. Notice Your Surroundings.
2. Focus on One Thing at a Time (Don't Multitask)
3. Be Grateful For What You Have Now.
4. Accept Things As They Are (Not How You Want Them to Be)
5. Practice Mindfulness Meditation.
6. Spend Time With People Who Make You Feel Happy and Fulfilled.
7. Be Mindful of Everything You Do.
8. Practice Deep Breathing Exercises.

Cindy 7/2022


Have you ever felt your life was over only to look back and realize that the season of crisis opened up to a season of joy?

Life is like that, a bumpy ride filled with hills and valleys. There are mountains to climb and then glide down. Plateaus of rest and peace of mind.

When you challenge yourself, when you seek to expand, you will again encounter a peak to scale.

Do not be discouraged by the ups and downs of life. Trust that this IS life and adopt an attitude of gratitude for the opportunity to become more of who you are capable of being. Cindy 7/22.

Photos from Life Skills Resource Group's post 06/30/2022

I see a lot of people posting about fighting for a woman’s right to choose. Fight is a word with an energy of violence. As I explore how the lessons of “The Untethered Soul” might be used in the struggle to protect women, this thought appears:
By sitting in a place of anger, resentment, disgust, and sadness I am “closing”.
When I stay “open”, I can harness my inner energy and use it to spur me into constructive action. I can make a difference in the life of a woman by donating, volunteering, and using my voice constructively.

I encourage you to follow , sign up to volunteer with Florida Access Network 
This reproductive justice organization and abortion fund has been doing important work since 1996 as the Central Florida Women's Emergency Fund.

Use these hashtags in social media posts

Write letter to voters encouraging them to get out and vote

Don’t lose hope, that’s how they win. Get involved, take action, be part of the solution.


I see a lot of people posting about fighting for a woman’s right to choose. Fight is a word with an energy of violence. As I explore how the lessons of “The Untethered Soul” might be used in the struggle to protect women, this thought appears:
By sitting in a place of anger, resentment, disgust, and sadness I am “closing”.
When I stay “open”, I can harness my inner energy and use it to spur me into constructive action. I can make a difference in the life of a woman by donating, volunteering, and using my voice constructively.

I encourage you to follow , sign up to volunteer with Florida Access Network 
This reproductive justice organization and abortion fund has been doing important work since 1996 as the Central Florida Women's Emergency Fund.

Use these hashtags in social media posts

Write letter to voters encouraging them to get out and vote

Don’t lose hope, that’s how they win. Get involved, take action, be part of the solution.


Do you believe in the magical unicorn🦄?

The spiritual meaning of the unicorn is one of myth, magic and legend. The unicorn reminds me of my own inner power, my soul purpose and the magic that is within me, should I choose to unlock it.

How do I unlock my magic? I make time in my day to take specific actions

1. Daily readings from a wisdom tradition connects me with my spiritual magic
2. Moving my body connects me with my physical magic.
3. Scheduling fun with others connects me with my relational magic.
4. A gratitude practice connects me with my mental magic.

What are you doing to remind yourself of your magic?

Cindy 6/22


Practice makes perfect they say? Well I’ve certainly had my share of practice exploring the extremities of the polarity of life. How many times have I found myself soaring? How many times have I clipped my own wings? I’ll keep practicing. Not to reach perfection. To to fully embrace my life. I get back on the court, ready for the next drill. I’m getting out of my head and into my heart 🎶. Practice, practice, practice!

How is this for a mantra: “I
open myself to the full experience of life. I stay on the court no matter how the others are playing the game. I practice, I experience, I practice, I fall, I practice, I keep getting up, deeply knowing that this is the one true path spiritual perfection.” Are you in the game?

Cindy 6/22


I’ve been hurt. You’ve been hurt. We’ve all opened ourselves to a person, opportunity, or experience and been deeply hurt. Fully immersing myself is one of my favorite things. All the feels. All the energy. All the joy! And a risky proposition. If I’m open, I’m vulnerable. If I’m open, I am placing my trust in an outside force. If I’m open,
I’m fully alive.

The perennial truth is that I have to be willing to take risks if I want to get the most out of this life. With this plan in mind, I open my heart ❤️ to possibilities. The next part is where I keep stumbling. To uncage my heart, be hurt, and not shut down, closing my heart chakra and stopping the flow of life’s vital energy. “When energy can’t flow there is darkness, tremendous disturbance, overwhelming lethargy.” I imagine the glorious possibilities of such a life. Ok life, I’m here for all of it!

Have you been so deeply hurt that you’ve closed a door to the wonder of life’s peak experiences for fear of falling into the deep crevices inside you? “The Untethered Soul” offers a roadmap to the peaks, and like any map it must be carefully studied and closely followed to prevent getting lost and taking a harrowing plunge. Now go out and explore, take it all in, learn, GROW!

Cindy 6/22

Photos from Life Skills Resource Group's post 06/16/2022

What baby boomers can learn from millennials!
Sunday I attended a pool party where I was an average of 25 years older than my party pals. We chatted about a wide range of topics with the common thread of self empowerment. These ladies were all single, attractive, fit, financially stable, and living their best lives with no immediate intention to mingle.
When I was their age my children and my marriage were already in the double digits. I had no sense of who I was or even that this was a thing.
I witnessed the power of walking confidently through life without a need or interest in being liked, validated, or approved of. They are doing it for themselves and forming communities to support their path to peace.
A walked away wondering how different my life might have been with an awareness that truly knowing and cherishing me could make me so positively powerful! No regrets, just curiosity.
Thank you my magical friends .hrndz 🙏🏻.

Cindy 6/22


I love the feeling of firing on all cylinders!
Mind sharp, motivation high, creativity flowing, relationships thriving, balance. Anything is possible. Everything is fixable. I’m fully alive.
Reading “The Untethered Soul” and consistently writing in the guided journal has opened up a pathway to keeping this universal energy flowing within me. I am learning to be one with the energy.

Consider how our world could change if we all did the work to be consistently in flow. I invite you to join me on this path of personal awakening. You are here for so much more than you know. Your life matters!

Cindy 6/22


I can think of times in my life where an event, person or experience left me so drained and depleted that I completely shut down. I found nothing to replenish me, I was too diminished to try. With no well to drink from, I had no other option than to take a hiatus from life. I must guard against allowing myself to fall so deep into this well that an ascension seems hopeless. My thoughts and feelings about the source of the fall have the power to trap me in this pit. My thoughts and feelings about the source of this fall have the power to fuel my escape. I am the one who watches the thoughts and chooses where to focus my energy. I will continue to do the work of noticing, processing and releasing thoughts that try to pin me down.

Notice how your thoughts and feelings about events, people and experiences affect your energy. You are not those thoughts and feelings, you are the one noticing them. You have the power to decide which thoughts and feelings to allow to pass through. It won’t be easy, it will require awareness; some days you’ll master it, some days you’ll sit at the edge of the well, some days you will fall in. None of it is failure. None of it is success. It is the river of life offering you the opportunity to grow. Rejoice in all of it!

Cindy 6/2022


In “The Untethered Soul”, Michael Singer shares the concept of an “inner roommate” who chatters away incessantly. I’m learning to “fall behind” this voice and become the observer by imagining the voice as an annoying roommate who feels the need to comment on everything I say, do and feel. If I had such a roommate I would have 2 choices, kick them out or learn to become the curious observer, detached from allowing their difficult behavior to rule my emotions and drain my energy.

Today, try to externalize this inner voice and notice how it affects your mood and energy. Is it similar to the roommate that makes you want to hide in your room or is it like the roommate you look forward to hanging out with? Just notice.

I realize this is easier said than done, as are all the concepts in the book. Using “The Untethered Soul Guided Journal” is really helping me reinforce the concepts.

Cindy 6/22


I have been a master of “outer solution consciousness”. In fact I felt very proud of my ability to sway others and events toward my desired outcome, often completely disregarding reality and the experience, beliefs, and feelings of others. Like a bull in a china shop, I was blind to anything but my way which I arrogantly thought was the “right way”. The problem this mindset created for me was that I felt like a failure if I couldn’t make things happens as I saw them in my mind.

I am working really hard to move to “inner solution consciousness” by accepting reality and the fact that I don’t control anything other than how I choose to interpret, feel, and then act upon outer events.

Today, when an “outer” problem arises, notice if you can let go of trying to change it to make your self more comfortable. Acceptance may initially feel very uncomfortable but with practice you will notice yourself become more peaceful.

Cindy 6/22

Photos from Life Skills Resource Group's post 06/07/2022

If you asked me what an ideal day would be I’d offer last Sunday as a template. My friend Betsy and I took a 2-hour road trip from Orlando to Gainesville filled with a mix of deep discussions and “girly” chatter. We were headed to “The Temple of The Universe”, the spiritual community founded by Michael A. Singer, author of “The Untethered Soul”, almost 50 years ago. We had no idea what to expect.

The GPS led us deep into the Ocala National Forest where the unpaved roads wound through canopies of trees as we each silently wondered if we were getting lost or on our way to being found.

At last we came upon a small wooden sign for “The Temple of the Universe”and relief washed over us. We had arrived, and on-time as a bonus. Soon we began to see cars parked along the side of the road, there was clearly no parking at the temple. We parked and walked in the direction we saw others headed and found what I would describe as a large cabin hidden in a thicket of trees. Outside were an array of shoes signifying a no shoe zone ahead. We entered into a silent space littered with pillows meant for sitting and took our seat. Taking in our surrounding we saw an altar filled with flowers, candles, statues of Jesus and the Buddha, and photos of spiritual leaders primarily from the Buddhist traditions. The space slowly filled and at exactly 9:30am Michael Singer entered the room. He took his seat before the altar in front of a keyboard and began leading the group in a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer followed by a number of uplifting spiritual songs. The energy in the room felt charged with goodness and peace. What came next was an hour long talk based around principles from “The Untethered Soul”. We were captivated. At the end of the talk all were invited to a field for tea and cookies. In the field we joined a circle and grasped our neighbors’ hands as we sang one last song. Michael Singer then walked around the circle, taking a moment to connect as he filled each person’s cup. We mingled and bought books and basked in the loving energy before departing.

On the ride home we talked about our experience and the hope it created in our hearts. We had indeed been found. Cindy 6/22

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Videos (show all)

The WISDOM or TRAUMA documentary is available to watch today 7/28-8/1. I cannot recommend this movie more! You will lear...




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Orlando, FL

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Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
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