A Tad Too Sweet

Life is sweet, you just got extra! Check out our stylish and fashionable ID bracelets at A Tad Too Sweet!

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 07/29/2024

Today we celebrated my sweet boys 7th birthday!! No big parties, but instead a day filled with all of his favorite things! Target to pick out his gift, some playtime at Launch Trampoline park and his favorite pizza!

We wrapped it up with cake and more bday gifts at home with the grandparents and our t**i.

Lorenzo, my sweet boy, you are a gem of a human being. Your smile and kindness is like nothing else. I find myself grasping on to this these moments with you this young and as each year passes I notice your face changing and your interests changing as well.

As long as your heart remains the same, then I think we can say that we did our jobs as parents.

Happy 7th birthday to the little boy i am beyond blessed to call mine.

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 07/29/2024

Officially a Dexcom G7 user and I couldn’t be more excited!! The process was seamless and it all felt like a breeze. I posted a first time insertion / tutorial video on my Tik Tok if you want to check it out I’ll post a link to my profile at the end of this post!

If you are a current G7 user what are your thoughts? If you aren’t then share why not??


Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 03/03/2024

It has been exactly one week since I completed my first ever half marathon. I honestly still cannot believe that I did that. Both physically and mentally it was something that felt to so “unachievable” a week ago.

I was most apprehensive about doing this as a type 1 diabetic in my mid 30’s… but here I am to report back that it is totally possible, not only possible but possible in a healthy way.

Thank you to every single one of you who always encouraged me to just go for it. To every one of you who took time to give me tips or advice. To all of the encouragement you threw at me, I remembered it that day.

I specifically remember wanting to give up miles 7-9 (they were tough)… this course had several on ramps and overpasses and they seemed to be never ending during those miles specifically.

Once I reached mile 10 I knew that it was all faith and mental strength from this point forward. I leaned into my faith and I leaned into the belief that my body would see me through.

It was also during those miles that I started recalling all of the encouragement you all gave me, it gave me the push I needed.

My biggest MVP that day was most definitely my husband. The 2am wake up call, the text messages throughout, the following me from check point to check point… yea he is the best ☺️

Here are some action shots from the day 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 02/07/2024

Pip Lancets! Check them out!

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 11/14/2023

Hi friends!

Tomorrow is World Diabetes Day! Just a reminder to wear blue if you are a person living with diabetes or know someone who is!

As a person living with type 1 diabetes for over 20 years it is so exciting and beautiful to see awareness about diabetes be spread out to the masses every November 14th!

Can’t wait to see it and if you wear blue thank you for your support! 💙💙💙


NDAM -Day 10-
“Diabetes and Mental Health”

Vulnerable Post

In the 20 years I have been living with T1D, burnout was inevitable. What I did not account for was the mental health hurdles I would face in my 30’s.

It honestly caught me by surprise… it had been close to 15 years of me managing this disease sans anxiety and depression.

And now, in my 30’s as a new mother I am having to navigate through these mental hurdles as well?!

I was mad, I felt completely defeated and once again I felt so isolated. It was as if life threw back into the first day I was diagnosed with T1D where no one really “knew” what I was going through.

This time, as an adult… life was forcing me to try to explain the sudden panic attacks, the constant anxiety and the oppressive days where getting out of bed seemed impossible.

In my 30’s as an adult, anxiety and depression invited itself into my life. It was almost as if one day I woke up and my brain had completely rewired in the wrong direction.

I am not embarrassed to admit that I did seek professional help and I am not embarrassed to admit I had to excuse myself from being readily available for everyone in order to work on me.

Getting myself to a place where I feel “ok” has taken ALOT of work. But luckily with the support of my family and my faith I feel like I am in a much better place than where I was.

Mental health is real and important. If you a struggling with mental health please let someone know.

My DM’s are always open but in the meantime…

You’ve got this 🤍🤍🤍


NDAM -Day 9-

In this one, I really wanted to lean into my T1D’s who are also in this thick of motherhood/parenting.

I have and continue to do hard things… but there’s this unspoken layer of “hard” when you are living with an autoimmune disease and parenting.

Here’s to all of the T1D parents out there. I just wanted to share a little reminder that I wish someone would share with me on those “hard” days.

You’ve got this.


NDAM -Day 7-
“Diaversary- years with diabetes”

This past May I celebrated 20 years living with type 1 diabetes.

It was a milestone for me and honestly every May of each year I take the time to reflect on the blessing that the year has passed.

What’s amazing to me is the fact that for the most part we forget how much of a fine line we truly walk.

Access to insulin is critical for a type 1 diabetic and we go years always hoping and praying that we don’t go without it. It literally comes down to life and death.

So yes, 20 years and counting and ALWAYS so incredibly grateful.

Drop how many years you have been living with T1D below 👇

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 11/05/2023

NDAM - Day 5

It’s not Thursday… but let’s throw it back anyways! 🤣

I wanted to go down memory lane but to the days when I used to compete in pageants.

Many people automatically categorize pageants to be superficial but in all honesty pageants really helped me walk into my confidence.

Through competing in pageants I grew comfortable in my skin and my devices. I realized that I have a voice and that it could be put to good use.

Advocating for diabetes (all types) was born through me just getting on that stage and showing it all.

When did you discover your voice for advocacy? Share in the comments 👇


NDAM - Day 4
“Weirdest Comment(s)”

This one is fun… 🤣

Below is a roll call of all of the weird/annoying things people have said to me in regards to having type 1 diabetes:

“Is that a beeper?!”

“Is that thing on your arm a form of birth control?”

“Is it contagious?” (I always say, “yea, watch out when I sneeze)

“Your sugar is high? Maybe you should eat something!”

“Have you tried cinnamon, it cures diabetes.”

“Did you eat a lot of sugar as a child?!”

“Do you still have all of your toes??”

“Oh man, diabetes is tough, my uncle and grandma died from it.”


Just a friendly reminder, not all opinions or thoughts need to be shared.


It’s here!!!

NDAM (National Diabetes Awareness Month) is here and I am so excited to share everything T1D on here!

For Day 1 I wanted to re-introduce myself…

My name is Jisel Parra I am a 35 years young 😉 and have been living with type 1 diabetes for 20 years.

At diagnosis, it was the first time I had heard of T1D (like many others) and I went through my adolescence and young adult years feeling very isolated and misunderstood due to this disease.

It wasn’t until my late 20s that I discovered the T1D online community.

It has taken a lot of “highs” and “lows” (wink, wink) to get to this place where I share freely about my journey. Where I also share my wins and my losses equally.

Living with T1D is messy, unpredictable and exhausting… but I would be lying if I did not say that it has helped shape my perspective on life and on how to treat people for the better.

I am so looking forward to learning from all of fellow T1D peers throughout the month as well as hopefully providing insight on type one diabetes throughout the month 💜


Happy National Daughters Day to the sweetest, smartest, most precious human being!


Happy National Daughters Day to my girl! She the sweetest, smartest, most precious human being!


As someone who suffers from now two autoimmune diseases, the insight shared below is so critical to comprehend.

A quick lesson about autoimmune diseases. It takes an average of 3 years and 5 doctors for a person to get a proper diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. I just wish more people understood what an autoimmune disease is. It is not a cold or the flu; you will never get better, and even a nap will not help. Just eating a salad and hitting the gym won’t slim your face or get the pounds off. Sleeping 10 hours doesn’t leave you well rested, ever. Last minute changes in plans because that “just got ran over” feeling. Achy joints and bones, dry skin, breaking hair, mood swings, and depression are just the tip of the iceberg. You are also prone to having multiple autoimmune diseases. The “put together on the outside,” rarely matches the raging battle on the inside.
I am watching the ones who will take the time to read this entire post and react.
Please, in honor of someone who is fighting Myasthenia Gravis , POTS, MCAD, Sjogren's, Scleroderma, Hashimoto Disease, Hypothyroidism, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, ITP, Sarcoidosis, CVID, RSDS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hepat**is, Raynauld's Syndrome, Diabetes, Mold Illness, Celiac, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, Pemphigus, Neuropathy, SPS, MS🧡,PBC, Psoriatic Arthritis, CIDP, Behcet's, Alopecia, MMN And GPA and Relapsing Polycondritis.
Paste to your page and reply "DONE" on mine.
Unfortunately, most of us know someone fighting against one or more Autoimmune Diseases.
🙏🏻❤️💙💚💜🧡 Thank you!


I’ve been pretty quiet on here… what was meant to be two days for a “mental break” has turned into a week and a half going on two weeks.

Last Wednesday I had an unwelcome visitor pay me a visit… a full blown panic attack with no warning signs of its impending approach.

“But I’ve overcome this part of my life.” “I don’t even feel THAT stressed, why is this happening?” “Am I going back to that dark place again??”….

All thoughts and questions that burned through me as I tried to “fix it”.

I’ve been here before, but it’s still so hard and like before I will work through it.

I will be more active once I am ready… experience has taught me that I need to operate on my own timeline not what I think is expected of me 💙

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 05/14/2023

Happy Mothers Day to all the mommas out there wiping all of the sticky faces! 🤣

The days are long but they sure do fly by 🥹

Also, I big proud happy Mothers Day to my own momma, who’s love is unconditionally felt everyday. Whom I have learned from and continue to learn from everyday. She’s the real MVP ❤️

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 05/02/2023

Wow! I just wanted to take a minute and say THANK YOU, to all of you who messaged me and commented on my reel and slides about my 20th Diaversary 💙

This community is so beautiful and I am so happy to be a part of it.

Thank you for being a part of this journey to date 💙

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 04/10/2023

Happiest happy birthday to my beautiful girl 😍

Eights years ago you gave me the title of “mama” and it has been the biggest blessing God has given me.

It’s crazy how similar we are and how much I learn from you every single day, I am so proud to call you mine.

🌼Happy Birthday Valentina 🌼


Jisel Torres-Parra

Happy International Women’s Day!

Last November I was invited to speak at the Maceys Believers Gala (an awesome annual event by )

Humbled as I am to have had the opportunity to speak in front of an audience of wonderful people who support and are affected by type 1 diabetes… I most vividly remember the first time I saw this picture of me walking up to the stage.

More specifically, my daughters face watching her mom go and do something she would consider (and even I consider) scary.

In this season of my life I may not be doing things that impact the world… but at the same time I guess I am.

She is my world. And I hope that this moment of seeing mommy do something “scary” because she’s passionate about it, stays with her.

The same way that her genuine smile and proud gaze will ALWAYS stay with me.


Happy International Women’s Day!

Last November I was invited to speak at the Maceys Believers Gala (an awesome annual event by )

Humbled as I am to have had the opportunity to speak in front of an audience of wonderful people who support and are affected by type 1 diabetes… I most vividly remember the first time I saw this picture of me walking up to the stage.

More specifically, my daughters face watching her mom go and do something she would consider (and even I consider) scary.

In this season of my life I may not be doing things that impact the world… but at the same time I guess I am.

She is my world. And I hope that this moment of seeing mommy do something “scary” because she’s passionate about it, stays with her.

The same way that her genuine smile and proud gaze will ALWAYS stay with me.


Hi IG fam! 👋

It’s been a while… but I am here and ready start sharing again 💜

Sometimes we all just need a break and the older I get the more comfortable I feel with “stepping away” and not allowing the “pressure” of social media to consume me.

That being said, “I’m back!” 😂

But I am back with more intention…

I really want to tap into the T1D community and connect with others that are affected by this disease.

In order to facilitate a more frequent way to connect with you all I am going to host a weekly “live” where we can all join and talk about anything T1D related!

What are your current hurdles? What are you really good at when it comes to your diabetes management?! How are you mentally doing with the constant never ending nature of managing this disease?

If this is something that you are interested in drop a “💜” in the comments and I will drop more details in my stories tomorrow…

Also, please feel free to share this post with anything who might be interested as well.

Cannot wait to connect with you all!

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 01/14/2022

Check out these new seasonal designs available on our site for Valentine’s!!

These designs are available for preorder and the preorder period will close on Jan 21st.

I cannot wait to fulfill your orders! 💜💜💜

Photos from A Tad Too Sweet's post 01/14/2022

Check out our new seasonal designs for Valentines Day!! You can pre-order these designs until Jan 21st!

Cannot wait to fill your orders!! 💜💜💜


🎄 Merry Christmas!! 🎄

From our family to yours… we hope that this day is filled with lots of love and beautiful moments that become cherished memories. ❤️

Photo Credit:


It’s here!!!

NDAM (National Diabetes Awareness Month) is here and I am so excited to share everything T1D on here!

It has taken a lot of “highs” and “lows” (wink, wink) to get to this place where I share freely about my journey. Where I also share my wins and my losses equally.

Living with T1D is messy, unpredictable and exhausting… but I would be lying if I did not say that it has helped shape my perspective on life and on how to treat people for the better.

I am so looking forward to learning from all of fellow T1D peers throughout the month as well as hopefully providing insight on type one diabetes throughout the month.

What is everyone looking forward to during NDAM?! 💜

P.S. - Go catch my diagnosis story on stories tonight 😉

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Videos (show all)

T1D Diagnosis Story & Journey
Today was the tipping point with my blood sugars...For the past several weeks I’ve been dealing with daily skyrocketing ...
So this year, I am trying my best to be more intentional with sharing my life with T1D... basically extending myself to ...
I never intended for my children to have help me manage my T1D... and honestly they don’t, but then again they do.As you...
It’s officially FALL y’all!! Due to popular demand we have a limited supply of our “Bolus, Eat & Be Thankful” long sleev...



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