E.H. Fitness

E.H. Fitness

Private/Group Personal Training, Corporate Wellness Coaching and Nutrition Consultation. Personalize workouts to meet and excede your goals.


It's here...the perfect simple summer salad (and dressing!) for those hot hot hot summer days. Click the link for the recipe and enjoy!



My ❤️❤️


Can’t get out of the house because of the ice in KC today? I’ve got your workout covered!

Warm up: 3 minutes walking lunges (or 100 reps)

Workout: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest...repeat a total of 8 times per exercise or pair of exercises.

1. Jumping jacks
2. Squats/wall sits (get fun with them and change up the leg position)
3. Butt kicks
4. Bicycle crunches/Russian twists
5. Jump squats (same deal as the squats, play around with foot positions)
6. Single leg bridges (switch legs after 4 rounds)



Join me for 21 days of nourishing and moving your body. It's all online (so you there are no schedules to follow), all real food (so supplements to buy) and done with a small group of people with the same goals (so community and support is included)!

Here's what you can expect when you sign up:
+Membership to a private Facebook group with daily encouragement, recipes, workouts and tips
+Suggested daily food guide with recipes
+Grocery lists for each phase of the challenge
+Daily workouts
+A private online forum (via FB page) where you can post questions, celebrate your successes (and challenges) as well as get encouragement from a group of people doing the same work.
+Access to an ACE certified personal trainer and wellness coach with over 15 years of experience
+NO supplements or gimmicks...just food...the kind you eat out, cook at home or pick up on the go.

Check out more info at https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/2023/12/january-jump-start-wellness-challenge.html


Do you know what the hardest part of a workout is? It's showing up. It's getting started. It's saying yes and then starting the thing. Need a few proven tips on how to just do it?

I've got you.

1. Even the smallest step forward is still gets you closer to your end goal. So, if you are wanting to run a marathon, even 5 minutes of running is better than not running at all. Want to be less winded when walking? Get out and walk for 5 minutes. Want to be more flexible? Do a short yoga YouTube video. You get the point.

2. You can do things even if you don't like them. Yep...we can do hard things, things we don't like to make our lives healthier. If you don't like to exercise, the key is to find a way to move your body for health in a way that you can tolerate...and maybe even come to enjoy. Don't like fitness classes? Turn on your favorite music and dance around your house. Don't like to lift weights? Maybe yardwork is your thing.

3. Break your goals down into bite sized pieces. Sometimes that big goal (walking a half marathon, squatting 200lbs, exercising 30 minutes a day), feels super overwhelming and then we don't end up doing anything. Small steps will still get you there. Start by walking 1 mile, squat 25lbs or exercise just 5 minutes a day.

4. Create a plan. This is key. Put your workouts on your calendar and then do them...just like with any meeting, appointment, happy hour, etc. Sometimes we need help with these things...and thank goodness, because health coaches like me wouldn't have a job otherwise. Reach out to someone who has accomplished the goal you are working towards or a professional for guidance.

You've got this...GET STARTED!


Want a little something different for your first workout of 2024? Grab a deck of cards and breathe, burn and sweat through this "fun" workout. It's a love/hate type of a workout but I always feel fantastic after it's finished.

Here's the deal:
(haha...get it...deal...like dealing cards...ugh):

2-10 Spades=Push ups
2-10 Diamonds=Jump Squats
2-10 Clubs=Lunges (each leg!!)
2-10 Hearts=Sit ups
Any Ace=1 minute plank
Any Royal=4 burpees
Jokers=1 minute wall sits!

Here's the work:

Shuffle that deck and get to work. Whatever card you pull, do the number of reps the card indicates of the exercise matching the suit.

It took me about 30 minutes to work my way through the deck...yup...all 54 cards (including the two jokers).


Photos from E.H. Fitness's post 01/01/2024

What book do you love that I should read in 2024?

My most loved of this year (and maybe ever) are:

The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Horse by Geraldine Brooks

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

The Crossover by Kwanzaa Alexander

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown


If you're ready to increase your health and energy and decrease your body fat with exercise, good sleep, hydration and nutrient dense food, then join me and a small, online group of others with the same goals and game plan. Get right back on track...with a measurable, supported and reasonable program!

The January Heath Jump-Start begins Monday, January 8 and ends Sunday, January 28.

Ready to sign up today? Just comment "I'm in!" and I get you set up!

Need more info? Click here: https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/2023/12/january-jump-start-wellness-challenge.html


'Tis the season to think about what we want to change in 2024 (just another way of thinking of a New Year’s resolution).

Even if you haven't had the best of luck keeping beginning of the year goal, no biggie. This is a brand-new year, and if you're like me, perhaps you feel like shedding the things and habits that don't serve me and making 2024 the best year ever.

New Year’s Resolutions get a bad rap because the fail rate is so high...the NYR fail rate is around 90%...wowzer! So make sure your goals for the new year have a chance with these 4 simple steps:

1.. Set a specific goal. According to Psychology Today, if you make a goal, you are 10 times more likely to succeed the desired outcome. So, write your resolution down in specific terms. (ex: I will lose 15 pounds by June 1st. I will quit smoking by using the patch by March 15th, I will put $100 into a savings account every month beginning today.)

2. Be reasonable. Just as important as setting your goal is making sure that your goal possible and something that you want to do and are actually able to do. For example, if you make $1,000 per month, don’t make your resolution to save $500 per month. Setting goals like this will just ensure another failed NYR. Find something you can be passionate about and go for it.

3. Have a game plan. Whatever you do, make sure that you have the tools to achieve your goal. That might mean hiring a trainer for your fitness goal or talking to an organized person to help you purge your closets.

4. Start NOW. Yes…that’s right…do not wait until January 1st…start today. Whether it’s saving a specific amount of money every week or eating a certain number of fruits and veggies a day, start it now.

Want to join a wellness challenge that is reasonable, supported and planned for you? Check out the newest do-from-anywhere E.H. Fitness 21-Day Wellness Challenge-it all begins Monday, January 8th.


It's the most wonderful time of the year...right?! I mean, there are a million amazing, special, cozy and unique things/traditions/bustle that happens this time of year, but it can also be a time of great stress.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, disappointed, sad or any other emotion that is challenging, taking a few intentional breathes might be able to help navigate through those feelings to a better place.
Years ago, I ran across an article by Dr. Andrew Weil that was all about breathing exercises. The one that stuck out most to me was what he termed "a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system." A tranquilizer sounds pretty darn good to me when feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed. Especially, one that doesn't have any side effects and that I can "take" anywhere, anytime....because, you know, it's just breathing 🙂

This relaxation breathing has three simple steps:

^Inhale for 4 counts
^Hold the breath for 7 counts
^Exhale for 8 counts

It's soooo simple, but it really packs a punch...to stress, that is!

Next time you feel triggered, stressed, anxious, or your mind is too busy to sleep, try a few rounds of this...let me know how it goes!


It's the most wonderful time of the year...right?! I mean, there are a million amazing, special, cozy and unique things/traditions/bustle that happens this time of year, but it can also be a time of great stress.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, disappointed, sad or any other emotion that is challenging, taking a few intentional breathes might be able to help navigate through those feelings to a better place.

Years ago, I ran across an article by that was all about breathing exercises. The one that stuck out most to me was what he termed "a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system." A tranquilizer sounds pretty darn good to me when feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed. Especially, one that doesn't have any side effects and that I can "take" anywhere, anytime....because, you know, it's just breathing :)

This relaxation breathing has three simple steps:

Inhale for 4 counts
Hold the breath for 7 counts
Exhale for 8 counts
It's soooo simple, but it really packs a punch...to stress, that is!

Next time you feel triggered, stressed, anxious, or your mind is too busy to sleep, try a few rounds of this...let me know how it goes!

Photos from E.H. Fitness's post 13/12/2023

The 21 Days of Fitness challenge…for the most wonderfully busy time of the year!


Ever wonder about soreness after a workout? Why does it happen? Is it okay? Are you getting a good workout even if you're not sore? Those are all GREAT questions!

Some people are extremely sore when they first start to work out or try something new (like hard to sit down and get back up out of their chair kind of sore). This soreness is called delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS. This is typically caused by tiny tears in the muscle fibers from overloading the muscles during your workouts (totally normal and actually what you want to gain muscle and strength!). You might experience soreness 24 to 48 hours after a workout in which you did a new exercise or increased the weight that you lifted.

Even if you are a seasoned exercise buff, you may still experience soreness the day or two after a workout in which you did something different (a different move, more reps, etc.) or when you go up in weight as you get stronger.

Although many people view muscle soreness as an indicator of how hard they worked during their last workout, it is not always the best measure. Varying your work outs, increasing your weight, lifting to fatigue and trying new ways to move the body all great ways to make sure you are getting a good workout...with or without soreness.

To prevent soreness or to alleviate sore, tight muscles try the following:
-Stretch all major muscle groups after your workout
-Apply heat to the sore area...heat, hot water or heating pads, rush blood to the warm area to help heal muscles
-Move it...doing light cardio exercise will increase blood flow and your muscles should relax a bit. Sitting on your behind will only make your recovery longer and your muscles tighter.
-Drink lots of water!


Want to get stronger? Looking for more energy? Need to simplify your nutrition? Interested in learning more about intermittent fasting? What if you could do all of that in 21 days with the next E. H. Fitness 21-Day Challenge?

Our small group begins Monday, September 11 so there's no time like the present to sign up and get prepared!

There are no supplements, subscriptions or "special food" to buy and it's all online and at your own pace.

Ready to sign up today? Just comment "I'm IN" below.

Have questions or need more information? Click here for the details.: https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/


Need a workout you can do anywhere/anytime over the long weekend? I've got you covered. Check out the full body workout below. And for more workouts, visit https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/


Here's the deal:

Each Tri-set contains 3 strength moves and 1 cardio burst for a calorie-killing, muscle-building, stress-reducing circuit workout. Repeat all exercises for 1 minutes before moving onto the next exercise in the tri-set. Complete each tri-set three times before moving on to the next. Minimal rest between sets is encouraged to keep your heart pumping as well as getting the most calorie burn and strength gain throughout your workout. In less than 30 minutes, you can burn hundreds of calories…so get moving!

Here's the work:

Warm up: 1 minute jumping jacks, 1 minute stair climb or quick walk

Tri-Set #1

Traveling Lunges: Lunge around the house. Make sure to press through your heel on your way up and keep the knee from coming over the toe.

Push Ups: On your toes or your knees…or even against a counter. Just make sure to keep your abs in tight.

Bicycles: Keep your eyes on the ceiling and never pull your head/neck with your hands. Bring your shoulder towards the opposite knee.

Cardio Burst — Squat Jumps: Explode out of the squat and then land with soft knees.

Tri-Set #2

Tricep Dips: Do these off of a sturdy chair or step. Dip down so that your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Pull the legs in toward the body to make the dips easier or straighten the legs to make them harder. If you need even more of a challenge, lift a foot off the floor.

Walking planks: Start in plank position on your forearms then stay in plank while pushing your body up to your hands, one arm at a time, and then back down again and repeat until your minute is up!

Back Extensions : Get on your belly with hands and legs extended…lift the chest and legs up off the floor while contracting your lower back and butt. Keep your abdominal muscles tight during this movement and make sure to breathe.

Cardio Burst — Stair runs: Go as fast as you can up and down the stairs or walk super fast or do jumping jacks or run in place (point being...get that heart rate UP!)


TRAINER TIP: This is an intense workout so make it work for you. If you are feeling too winded or can’t repeat all sets and repetitions, don’t beat yourself up. On the flip side, if the workout is not challenging enough for you, do each move for as long as you can or increase the Cardio Burst times.


This is one of those meals that I keep coming back to because it's so versatile. I can have it dairy and gluten free, the rest of my family can eat regular pasta AND (this is a big bonus), I can serve it deconstructed to my kiddos-it's the best! Also...all those tomatoes right now in your gardens (or your neighbor's garden...or the grocery store)...are perfect to throw in here. Check it out here: https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/2023/01/creamy-baked-boursin-dairy-free-and.html


It's here! The next E. H. Fitness 21-Day Wellness Challenge. I'm excited to start this new one with you on Monday, September 11. The autumn feels a bit crazy to me (new schedule, start of school, changing weather, etc.) and this simple challenge is a great way to start the new season with more energy, less junk and a clearer mind. All without any supplements!

The Fall Fit Challenge can help you:

-Increase energy
-Decrease body fat
-Get better sleep
-Chow down on more vegetables
-Not have to think so much about what to make for meals
-Consistently exercise
-Mindfully eat
-And so much more...

Ready to sign up right this second? Simply comment that you're "IN!" Questions? Send me a message or click here for all the details:



It's August and that means some heat and humidity (or a lot of both). As the country continues to break heat records into late summer months, let's review how to your family and yourself safe while being active in the heat!

1. Chug-a-lug: Drink lots of water...4 oz (2-3 gulps) every 15 minutes of exercise. That's in addition to the regular water you drink during the day.

2. Take it off: Dress in light colored, breathable clothing....not layers.

3. Slather it on and stay in the shade: Wear lots of sunscreen and stay in the shade if possible.

4. Slow it down: Make sure to acclimate yourself to the hotter weather...in fact, it can take about 14 days for the body to acclimate to extreme heat and humidity.

BONUS: Get your workout done early, in the coolest part of the day.

Click here to learn the signs of heat stroke...and stay safe out there! https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/2022/06/4-tips-for-exercising-in-heat.html


Want learn to eat more veggies, get stronger and have more energy? The next E. H. Fitness online 21-Day Fitness Challenge starts Monday! That's right! Get all the info via the link below or simply comment "I'm in!" and I'll get you set up!



Ever wonder when to get the most out of your workout? What time of day SHOULD you be exercising? I'll let you in on a little secret. It's simple: the best time to workout is when you WILL workout. Also, there are pros and cons to morning, mid-day and evening workouts if you have a choice. Check them all out here! https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/2023/04/whats-best-time-of-day-to-workout.html


It's here! Get summer-ready with the next E. H. Fitness 21-Day Challenge. Join me and ditch the junk for 21-days to set ourselves up for successful summer habits that will stick with us for the entire season. We begin our online challenge Monday, May 1st. Are you ready to make the commitment to your health today?

Click here for all the details and to sign up: https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/2023/04/summer-shape-up-2023-is-here.html.

Or just comment "I'm in!" and I'll take care of the rest!


New (EASY!) Recipe! This super simple (less-than-30-minute) Chicken Curry recipe has it all: protein, fat and a super hit of veggies if you serve it over cauliflower rice (which I highly recommend as it soaks up the yummy sauce). It's dairy and gluten free and spicy or not spicy depending on your taste. It also makes great leftovers. I mean, basically, it has it all. Check it out here! https://ehfitness.blogspot.com/2023/04/30-minute-chicken-curry.html


It’s not too late to sign up to feel and look your best going into spring! Join today to begin your 21-Day online group tomorrow. It’s packed with recipes, workouts, mindfulness and support.

Check out the link below for all the info!



Are you ready for spring? More to the point, do you want to:
*feel better,
*be less bloated,
*have more control over your food and
*get stronger?

If "yes," join me for the NEWEST online 21-Day Wellness Challenge. You can do everything from the comfort of your own home or on the go. We start Monday, so sign up today! Just click on the link below for more info or comment below "I'm in!" to sign up today!



February is American Heart Month. Why do you care? Well, in the United States, more people die each year of heart disease than of any other disease, accident or other cause of death. But there's hope! You and the people you love can significately reduce the risk of heart related issues by:

* eating a heart healthy diet
*exercising regularly
* knowing the signs of a heart attack.

Click here for all the info!


Happy Super Bowl day! Get ready for the game (and all the snacks) with this super quick body-weight scorcher, sticky note workout.

Do each exercise 15 times…because … repeat 3 times and then end with a run or walk for 20 minutes.


Ever heard about carb cycling? It’s a pattern of eating in which one eats carbs some days and on other days, keeps carbs low and focuses on protein and fat. But why? Well, friend, let me tell you.

Carb cycling can:

-help preserve muscle
-regulates blood sugar
-reduce body fat
-increase energy
-can prevent hormonal imbalances
-and more!

Interested in trying out carb cycling with an small online group with lots of support? Click here for more details (link is also in my profile)


Photos from E.H. Fitness's post 09/02/2023

It’s a snow day and our internet is down so excuse the weird pics of the workouts. They are both great and work the entire body. So whether you have access to weights or not, get warmer and fitter…even if you’re snowed in!


The next online E. H. Fitness 21-Day Health Challenge is right around the corner and just in time to make you feel your best for spring break! Check it all out here (and in the link in my profile).



Thinking of joining a gym this year? Did you know a staggering 67% of people who pay for gym memberships never use them...what?! Don't be a sucker; join a gym that is right for you and your goals. Here are several areas to investigate and questions to ask to make the right choice for you!


Videos (show all)

Remember spiralizing? I still use mine!!


Overland Park, KS