Employment Lawyer, Karly Wannos

Employment Lawyer, Karly Wannos

Florida employment law


A business may face legal action from individuals who have been interviewed for a job opening, regardless of whether they were eventually hired. These individuals have the potential to seek compensation equivalent to what they would have earned if they had been hired. ⁠

How is this possible?⁠

The legal responsibilities of the company begin as soon as a job opening is advertised and they apply to job applicants. For this reason, it is crucial for the company to be aware of its legal obligations when posting job openings, conducting interviews, and hiring both employees and independent contractors.⁠

Even when engaging independent contractors, there is a possibility for them to be classified as employees, despite any prior agreements. Therefore, it is advisable to consult an employment lawyer in your state during the hiring process for your business.⁠

As a Florida-based employment lawyer and employment law mediator, I assist my clients in navigating complicated workplace situations and ensuring compliance with employment laws. Stay updated on evolving employment laws by following me or subscribing to my newsletter (linked in comments).⁠



Litigation between businesses and its employees can take 2+ years and over $150K in attorneys fees. ⁠

Consider Employment Mediation as a faster and more cost-effective way to resolve unpaid wage and overtime, wrongful termination and breach of employment contract claims. ⁠

Mediate with Karly Wannos and get your workplace dispute resolved, so you can focus on more important things.⁠

Contact The Wannos Law Firm for pricing and availability. ⁠



I had the opportunity to observe another lawyer/investigator conduct a workplace investigation. Here is one HUGE mistake that lawyer made that will hurt their client’s ability to claim the investigation was neutral and unbiased:⁠

-> The lawyer/investigator asked leading and suggestive questions similar to that of a deposition.⁠

This is incorrect and compromises the investigation and its findings.⁠

When a lawyer represents a client during a deposition, the lawyer is trained to ask questions as an advocate for the client. Questions may be leading, suggestive or one sided. ⁠

When an investigator conducts an investigation, it must be neutral, impartial and unbiased. An investigator should not ask questions designed strictly for the purpose of backing the witness into a corner in order to prove a point. During this investigation, the lawyer/investigator asked questions suggesting wrongdoing by one of the parties. The witness also received a raise prior to meeting with the investigator, which was perceived this as the company’s way of “silencing” the actual testimony.⁠

Why is this a problem?⁠

The company may loose the ability to assert certain defenses if the case proceeds to litigation. Also, the attorney/investigator will likely not be able to represent the client in litigation.⁠

If the business is going to take the step to conduct an investigation, it is important that it is done properly.⁠


I am an attorney workplace investigator and a trained certificate holder through the the Association of Workplace Investigators (AWI-CH). Follow me for more tips of employment law and workplace investigations.


Here is a BIG mistake when conducting workplace investigations into harassment, discrimination, retaliation or an unfair and toxic workplace.

When businesses don’t conduct the investigation in a timely manner ➡️ The longer a complaint remains unaddressed, the more likely it is that trust erodes, rumors spread, and the workplace environment becomes toxic.

What to do instead?

- Quickly acknowledge complaints
- Create a timeline for the investigation from commencement through conclusion
- Follow through and know when/who to update along the way

I have seen many investigations fail (and result in litigation) when employees do not think they are being heard, understood, or the company just left them hanging without any resolution.

Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, mediator and workplace investigator. I help my clients navigate tricky workplace situations and comply with employment laws.

Follow me to stay up to date on the changing employment laws and send me a message to connect.


Business owners and CEOs- Consult with an employment lawyer BEFORE you:

1. Fire an employee
2. Tell an employee to “ignore” a comment about their appearance
3. Decide if staff should be required to clock in/out

Partner with counsel ahead of time so you are prepared when something comes up. Dont wait until there is an “emergency” as there will likely be less options available.


I have had several businesses reach out to inquire how we can work together. ⬇️

Want to work with me? Here's how:

1. Legal Advice - Employment Law & HR Consulting

The Wannos Law Firm, PA provides employment counseling and legal advice to clients in Florida. We also conduct Legal Audits to identify risk and potential liability in the workplace and advise on corrective measures. The firm also prepares employment agreements, employee handbooks and severance agreements.

2. Employment Law Mediations

Karly has practiced exclusively employment law for over 17 years and has represented both employees and employers throughout the EEOC and litigation process, making her an effective and understanding mediator.

3. Workplace Investigations

The Wannos Law Firm, PA provides prompt, independent and efficient workplace investigations in response to employee complaints of harassment, discrimination, retaliation and serious policy violations.

4. Workplace Trainings

We train CEO's HR Departments, Supervisors and Employees on the HR and Employment laws, so they know how to navigate tricky issues when they arise, the "do's and don'ts" in the workplace, and to avoid legal trouble.

Click the link the comments to schedule a consultation to discuss your workplace issue and how we can help!


Our clients are one of our top priorities- and they know it! The Wannos Law Firm prides itself on delivering excellent, valuable service every time. ⁠


Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, workplace investigator and employment law mediator. I partner with my clients to help navigate tricky workplace situations and comply with employment laws. ⁠

Follow me to stay up to date on the changing employment laws and send me a message to connect.


Our clients are one of our top priorities- and they know it! The Wannos Law Firm prides itself on delivering excellent, valuable service every time.


Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, workplace investigator and employment law mediator. I partner with my clients to help navigate tricky workplace situations and comply with employment laws.

Follow me to stay up to date on the changing employment laws and send me a message to connect.


The Wannos Law Firm provides mediation services for disputes between businesses and its employees. We also mediate cases that are in active litigation. If you have an Employer/Employee dispute, do not hesitate to reach out. Resolving a conflict ahead of time can save so much time, money and energy in the long run.⁠

What makes me an effective employment mediator? I have 15+ years experience litigating hundreds of employment law cases and have insights on the law, litigation process and valuation of employment law cases. ⁠

If you are an employment attorney and have an employment law case in litigation, or if your employees have a workplace dispute that needs to be resolved before it escalates, reach out to see if we are a good fit. ⁠

Online scheduling available.


Conducting a workplace investigation when an employee complains of discrimination, harassment or retaliation is important to identify and resolve issues within the company, transparency, and also to preserve certain legal defenses for an employer in the event of a lawsuit. ⁠

Here are some mistakes companies frequently make when conducting an investigation:⁠

1. Not investigating because the employee “doesn’t want to make a big deal about it.”⁠

2. Hiring the company’s outside counsel to conduct the investigation.⁠

3. Hiring a third party to investigate who is not a lawyer. Here, there is no attorney/client privilege and the investigative report will likely be discoverable to the opposing party.⁠

4. Promising absolute confidentiality ⁠

When businesses are faced with employee complaints that may turn into legal issues, it’s important to consult with employment counsel for proper guidance. This can save so much time, money and potential damage to the business reputation.⁠


Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, mediator and workplace investigator. I help my clients navigate tricky workplace situations and comply with employment laws. ⁠

Follow me to stay up to date on the changing employment laws and send me a message to connect.


If your business has employees, you need to make sure it isn’t violating employment laws and it has appropriate legal protections in place.⁠

Here are a few ways Employment lawyers can help protect businesses from employee lawsuits:⁠

1. Legal advice- Day to day guidance as employee issues come up- and they will. Have your employment lawyer on speed dial.⁠

2. Employment documents- employee handbooks, written policies and contracts set the foundation for relationships and obligations between the worker and the company. It’s important to not only have these documents in place, but to make sure what they say is legal.⁠

If you are a business owner or CEO and do not have these things in place, the business may be unnecessarily exposed to liability. ⁠

Interested in learning more? Reach out for an initial consultation so we can see if we are a good fit.


If your business has employees, you need to make sure it isn’t violating employment laws and it has appropriate legal protections in place.

Here are a few ways Employment lawyers can help protect businesses from employee lawsuits:

1. Legal advice- Day to day guidance as employee issues come up- and they will. Have your employment lawyer on speed dial.

2. Employment documents- employee handbooks, written policies and contracts set the foundation for relationships and obligations between the worker and the company. It’s important to not only have these documents in place, but to make sure what they say is legal.

If you are a business owner or CEO and do not have these things in place, the business may be unnecessarily exposed to liability.

Interested in learning more? Reach out for an initial consultation so we can see if we are a good fit.


I had a wonderful conversation with of Powerhouse Lawyers Podcast on starting a law firm, growing your brand on social media and the importance of not comparing your first year of business to someone else’s fifth year of business.⁠

Listen to the full episode (linked in the comments).


I had a wonderful conversation with Gerner of Powerhouse Lawyers Podcast on starting a law firm, growing your brand on social media and the importance of not comparing your first year of business to someone else's fifth year of business.

Listen to the full episode (linked in the comments).


Can a Florida business fire an employee without a written warning?

Yes, but it might not be the best course of action. Here’s why:

1. The termination meeting should not be the first time the employee hears there is an issue. This creates frustration and lack of trust.

2. The employee may believe that no prior notice means the termination was for “some other illegal reason” which could lead to wrongful termination type claims.

3. Prior warnings allow an opportunity for the employee to correct the behavior, thereby allowing the company the option to retain a successful employee rather than hiring a new one.

4. Written warnings serve to put the employee on notice of the issue, and can protect the company in the event of a lawsuit.

Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, mediator and workplace investigator. I help my clients navigate tricky workplace situations and comply with employment laws.

Follow me to stay up to date on the changing employment laws and send me a message to connect.


If you are a subscription client of The Wannos Law Firm, you will now obtain complimentary access to our full suite of employment law trainings and courses.

What is a “Subscription Client?”

It is important for Florida businesses to partner with an employment lawyer on an ongoing basis. Businesses need revisions to policies and day-to-day legal advice relative to various employee issues.

Subscription clients enjoy priority access to an employment attorney on a consistent basis. We offer 3 tier packages based on employee headcount and client needs.

Subscription clients also now have complimentary access to over 20 hours of employment law trainings and courses. These courses are valuable for managers, office staff and HR personnel and include trainings on hiring, firing, medical leave, properly paying employees, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, best practices for avoiding lawsuits and everything in between.

Want to learn more? Send me a message to connect.


Mediation - Tips for Resolving Your Employment Dispute

Mediation is an excellent tool for resolving employment disputes at an early stage. As a Florida Supreme Court Circuit certified mediator, I have seen many techniques that are both helpful and harmful to the process. Here is one example of a frequently used strategy that can backfire:

** Starting negotiations at an outrageously high and unreasonable number that both parties agree is outside the expected settlement range. For example, the initial demand is $650k in a case that settles for $20k.

In my experience, this tactic typically makes the settlement process more time consuming, the parties get frustrated, and can sometimes stop negotiating based on an assumption that the other party doesn’t intend to resolve for a reasonable amount. This is not to say this strategy is never useful, but in many instances, can unnecessarily complicate negotiations and deter resolution.

Here are a few tips:

- Don’t start at ridiculous numbers (either way too high or low) - you run the risk that the other side will leave and stop negotiating because they don’t take you seriously

- Discuss expectations with your client before the beginning of mediation

- Have an idea of the range you would agree to settle the case, but be willing to make adjustments

- Settlement typically happens with both sides get into an uncomfortable monetary range- the Plaintiff doesn’t want to go so low, and the defendant thinks he is paying too much. This is where cases typically resolve.

- Understand that the negotiations may take all day to finalize- this is part of the process for some complex or emotional cases

What did I miss? Let me know if you have anything to add.

Florida employment lawyers and businesses with employee disputes- Reach out for quick availability and online scheduling.


Client satisfaction is one of our top priorities.


The Wannos Law Firm is an employment law firm in Florida. Owner and Founder, Karly Wannos has substantial employment experience from a large litigation firm (500+) attorneys and has combined this background with her boutique firm to create a more personalized client focused experience.

Karly is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Civil Circuit mediator, AAA panel arbitrator, and a neutral external workplace investigator (AWI-CH).

Let us know how we can help make sure your Florida business is following the laws regarding your employees.


Business Scenario: Employee calls out for a family emergency.

The employee is way over his/her allotted time off.

Since the business is located in an “at will” state, the employee was fired.

Company gets sued.

What went wrong?


The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) law allows employees of 50+ employee companies up to 12 weeks off (unpaid) for things that can be classified as a “family emergency” such as

* to care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition
* a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform his/her job

Are your employees trained to know that “family emergency” may trigger FMLA protections, such that a termination may result in a lawsuit? Does your HR department know how to proceed under these circumstances?

Make sure your company is legally protected and is following the employment laws relating to your business.

Contact The Wannos Law Firm, PA for a legal audit for your business.


Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, workplace investigator and employment law mediator. I help my clients navigate tricky workplace situations and comply with employment laws through legal advice and counseling, customized trainings and preparation of legal agreements.

Follow me to stay up to date on the changing employment laws and send me a message to connect.



For this week only, I am providing complementary access to my legal workshop: “How to Calculate Damages in Employment Law Claims.” Be sure to sign up before the prices go up next week.⁠


Employment lawyer, Karly Wannos, gives a 45 minute value packed instructional video on how to calculate damages in employment law claims, including claims of discrimination, retaliation and FLSA claims. ⁠

The video discusses:⁠

(1) the importance of calculating damages early;⁠

(2) why employment law cases have a greater chance of early resolution compared to other areas;⁠

(3) how to calculate damages in discrimination, retaliation and FLSA cases;⁠

(4) defenses for mitigation of damages;⁠

(5) calculating damages in tricky cases;⁠

(6) the most effective way to limit employment cases.⁠

For Businesses, Human Resources professionals, mediators, Employment lawyers and claims handlers.⁠

Link in bio to sign up.


Your employees have weeks of PTO saved up, but what they really need is help repaying their student loans. Is there a way to “cash in” their saved up PTO in exchange for something else?⁠
Dive into the latest episode of our podcast where we sit down with Rob Whalen, the genius behind PTO Exchange. Discover how flexible PTO policies, such as 401(k) contributions, loan repayments, and the ability to donate your PTO to other employees in times of need (and vice versa) can revolutionize your workplace and support your employees’ unique life stages.⁠

Listen wherever you find podcasts!⁠


Want to make sure you are following the employment laws but don’t know where to start?

ADA: The Complete Course ➡️ On-demand training for Employers, HR and Managers who want to learn everything about one of the most highly litigated federal laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act.

You will learn:

✔ Hiring: How to interview and hire employees without exposing the company to disability discrimination or failure to hire claims

✔ Request for Accommodation: How to identify a request for a reasonable accommodation

✔ Interactive Process: How to engage in the interactive process and identify an accommodation to suit both the employee and employer.

✔ Solutions: How to determine other available options for accommodations

✔ Resolution: How to approve or deny a request for accommodation

What is Included:

ADA: The Complete Course is a ten module self-paced course that will teach you everything you and your management team need to know about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
You can complete the course at your own pace and will receive on-demand access to ten value-packed video and audio modules, as well as pdf guides and checklists for up to three months.

Comprehension Quiz: You will have the opportunity to take a quiz at the end of the lesson to gauge knowledge and retention of the information.

Certificate of Completion: Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Visit my website (linked in comments) for more info.


I hate to say it, but sexual harassment lawsuits are still on the Rise.⁠

Employers should take steps to ensure their employees know how to report inappropriate behavior, and for management to know how to address and resolve claims of harassment. ⁠

We offer both on demand training and customized training packages on the most highly litigated employment laws.⁠

This comprehensive Sexual Harassment Training is a streamlined program to teach supervisors to identify, address and prevent harassment in the workplace.⁠

This program is for business owners, supervisors and management. By the end of this program, your management team will know how to: ⁠

1. Identify, address and resolve claims of harassment;⁠

2. Conduct an investigation of a claim of harassment;⁠

3. Bystander Intervention;⁠

4. Develop a plan to prevent harassment going forward;⁠

5. Take steps to ensure there is no retaliation towards an employee who complains of harassment.⁠

Want to learn more? Sign up at the link in my bio.


Navigating the Largest Multi-Generational Workforce Shift in History

In this latest episode of The Employment Experience Podcast, Katherine Jeffery, PhD, a seasoned generational researcher, discusses the complexities of leading teams that range from Traditionalists to Gen Z.

We're talking about everything from unexpected leadership preferences to the art of intergenerational communication.

Discover actionable strategies to create a workplace where every voice is heard, respected, and valued. Learn to decode email etiquette across ages, understand contrasting approaches to job retention, and much more.

Link in comments to listen


Are you ready to unlock the secrets of managing a multi-generational workforce? In this latest episode of The Employment Experience Podcast, we’re joined by Dr. Katherine Jeffery, a seasoned generational researcher. In this eye-opening conversation, we dive into the complexities of leading teams that range from Traditionalists to Gen Z. ⁠
We’re talking about everything from unexpected leadership preferences to the art of intergenerational communication. Discover actionable strategies to create a workplace where every voice is heard, respected, and valued. Learn to decode email etiquette across ages, understand contrasting approaches to job retention, and much more.⁠

Listen wherever you find podcasts!⁠


We help resolve ALL TYPES of employment related disputes, including those involving:⁠

1. Post-Workplace Investigation - we help employees mediate differences after the company goes through a workplace investigation, whether it be animosity or perceived inability to work together between supervisor/employee or between executives.⁠

2. Presuit - we help businesses and employees resolve potential legal disputes before the employee files a lawsuit or EEOC Charge.⁠

3. Litigation - we help the employee and business reach a resolution of the pending “wrongful termination”, discrimination, harassment or retaliation lawsuit, so both parties can resolve their differences without lengthy and costly litigation.⁠

Litigation or “going to “court” is not always the answer. Whenever there is a workplace dispute, consider mediation as a cost-effective alternative to reaching a streamlined solution.⁠


Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, workplace investigator and mediator. Reach out to discuss how The Wannos Law Firm can help you navigate tricky employment issues.



3 Things Businesses Should Know When Hiring Employees
Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, workplace investigator and mediator. Reach out to discuss how The Wannos Law Firm can help you navigate tricky employment issues.


Mediation Tips for Resolving Your Employment Dispute⁠

If you are a party to an employment lawsuit (or on the receiving end of a demand letter or EEOC Charge) consider engaging in efforts to resolve the dispute as early as possible. This typically helps limit the accrual of attorneys fees and may make settlement more feasible.⁠

Many employment disputes can be resolved early in the process, as there may not be a need to engage in lengthy discovery efforts (such as subpoenaing medical records, for example). Thus, the parties may be able to calculate an estimate of damages earlier than in other non-employment cases. ⁠

Generally speaking, no one typically “wins” when cases are litigated- it can take 2+ years to get to trial, and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend. A jury comprised of individuals who don’t know you or your situation (and who might not care) may be the decision makers. ⁠

Most people appreciate having some level of control over their case, and an effective way to do that is through mediation.⁠


Have we met? I’m a Florida employment lawyer, mediator and arbitrator for employment law matters. ⁠

Follow me to stay up to date on the changing employment laws and send me a message to connect.


This week on The Employment Experience Podcast, Karly Wannos and workplace culture expert, Chellie Phillips, discuss the importance of leadership, accountability, and employee uniqueness in creating a thriving company culture. ⁠

Get ready to shift your perspective from traditional mission statements to emotional connections that truly define a company’s culture. ⁠

We also delve into the interplay of personal and work brands, employee engagement, and work-life balance in the modern workplace.⁠

Listen wherever you find podcasts and linked in the comments⁠

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4521 PGA Boulevard #109
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

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Palm Beach Gardens, 33410

Whether you have been harassed in the workplace or injured in an accident, the Law Office of Gregory S. Sconzo, P.A. can fight for you.