Enchanted Earth

Where Magick Happens... Enchanted Earth, A Metaphysical Shop In Downtown Palm Harbor, FL. Visit Our Website: http://enchantedearthshop.com

We offer Spiritual Readings (Phone and In-Person Readings) such as Tarot, Tea Leaf, Akashic Records, Astrological, Lithomancy, Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Past Life, and also Spiritual Counseling.We have a very large variety of spell & healing herbs, teas, essential oils, unique gifts, books, crystals, stones, candles, jewelry, witch balls, incense, clothing, tarot and oracle cards and so much more.We


I am available for psychic readings both virtually and by phone. For more information on services or to book an appointment. Feel free to contact me directly


Today is your last day to preregistration for all three workshops and get the $15 discount bring the total to $75 for all three. There's still time to sign up. If you're interested in individual workshops, those are each $30. For more information, or to register for workshops. Feel free to contact me directly.


Tarot 365
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
Today's card:

My thoughts:
Let's try and not second guess ourselves today. Do not retract or take back what you have already set into motion. Whatever may be triggering your insecurities may be a result of not being anchored. This could even be a result of spending too much time in the "ether" or higher self, and it is probably time to get yourself grounded back into the physical body so that you can confidently do what needs to be done.

Universal meaning:
Ask yourself, "Do I struggle to trust my intuition fully?" Perhaps self doubt has resulted in you denying your ability to tune into and receive divine information. Or, possibly, this is about concealing your abilities from others for fear of judgment. Your challenge is to accept your divinity and surrender, let go of disbelief or fear of judgment.


Join me this evening for Mystical Mundayz! I'll be delivering the weekly tarot forecast with the Dark Mansion Tarot followed by divination for donation. Catch me at 8pm and don't forget to bring a coin to toss to the Witcher for a personalized reading for donation.


I invite you to join me this afternoon sometime between 2 and 4pm eastern for Sunday, Pick-A-Deck and divination live stream. Help me to decide on which tarot deck will be used for the tarpt 365. I'll also be running an autumn Equinox special, and doing a raffle for a week long daily message service, so don't miss out. Bring a coin to toss to the Witcher to receive a personalized readingnfor donation.


The first of 3 workshops is just 2 days away, Introduction to Numerology with yours truly through Zoom. Today and tomorrow is also the last days to get in on the bundle special. All three workshops for $75, or individually $30 per workshop. For more information on the intro to numerology workshop, or to reserve your spot. Feel free to contact me directly.


Blessed Mabon to those who celebrate, and if you're not that cool, Happy Autumn Equinox. Oh, and let's not forget it is officially Libra season!!!!


Today is the day! You can find me at the Healing Hedge Witch in Downtown Tarpon Springs on from noon till 4pm offering in-person psychic reading.
Visit www.thehealinghedgewitch.com to reserve your appointment today


It's that time of year again! Time for my Birthday campaign, and this year I've been blessed to be Invited on a trip to Asheville for a weekend of fall festivities and a bit of magic too. Believe it or not, this will be my first trip out of the state of Florida in 10 years, and technically the last trip was a working trip. So yeah, your favorite boy witch is taking a proper vacation for his birthday and I am asking all of you to help me make this as special as possible.
Regardless of time off, bills still gotta get paid, so a Lil help from my brother's and sisters and everyone in-between to help me make this the most special trip would be amazing. So, for the next month I'll be campaigning to raise money for the Asheville trip.
Donations can be accepted through;
Venomo- -Parrish-3 (last 4 digit 8077 if needed)
Cashapp- $boywitch333
Every donation counts and is appriciated. May what you donate return to you 3x5x7x9!
My goal is to raise enough money to cover 5 days in Aheville, all while not taking money away from monthly financial obligations and house hold bills. Add "Birthday" to the note when you donate so I can keep track of everyone and their generosity.
Thank you so much for your continue support and appreciation
(The Wondering Fool and Boy Witch Extrodinaire)


Whose ready for another round of virtual workshops with your favorite Boy Witch Extrodinaire?

Tuesday, September 24th, kicks things off with a numerology 101.
We will be going over the basics of numerology and discussing my personal relationship and how I've incorporated numerology into my work.

Tuesday, October 1st, will be a perfect time for Manifestation!
I will be sharing with you my personal approach to manifestation in everyday life, petitions, and various other techniques.

Tuesday, October 8th, will wrap things up with learning about numerological charts. Learning how to break down your birthday, birth name, and even current name into life path numbers, soul numbers, even karmic debt, and karmic lesson numbers

These workshops are designed to be able to be taken individually. However, it is also set up to be experienced as a whole as well.
The individual workshop is $30. In taking all three, you will receive a discount, and the total only comes out to $75.

Workshops will be held through Zoom beginning at 6:30pm eastern each week, and will run at least an hour and a half if not longer.
These are interactive workshops, and it will be encouraged to have your camera feed on and to engage with myself and the group. The Boy Witch does not like teaching to blank screens. Sorry, not sorry, xxoo.

For more information on workshops or to sign up. Feel free to contact me directly.

Payment is required prior to each individual workshop and can be made through
Venmo- -Parrish-3
Cashapp- $boywitch333


Have you booked your in person appointment with me for tomorrow, September 21st, at the Healing Hedge Witch in Downtown Tarpon Springs? I'll be there from.noon till 4 pm offering in person psychic readings.
Visit www.thehealinghedgewitch.com to reserve an appointment today.


The Friday Collecitive
Friday, September 20th, 2024
Today's cards:

Mt thoughts:
You've got more in your control than you may realize. Do you have the confidence to stand in that empowerment? That is left up to you to decide. You can choose to be a bad ass empowered witch, or you can allow yourself to sink into the toxic mindset of fear, and worst case scenario.... or the bitterness from not feeling seen or recognized. However, there are two sides to the coin. Letting go of fear and doing what needs to be done may get you the acknowledgment and accolades that you desire. This could also be a moment of becoming aware that your efforts are not valued and that it is a dead-end road. It's how you approach the current situations at hand. Becoming aware that there is no further advancement in a particular direction could be freeing and bringing about dynamic positive shifts and changes. Especially with the Autumn Equinox only a couple of days away. Or..... you may find yourself trapped in stagnation because of your doom and gloom perspective, which could end up bringing more of that into reality. Whether you believe in the power of mindset or perspective or not, your outcome will be determined by how you're approaching life in this particular moment. Will you own what is yours and take control, or will you project outwardly so as not to take ownership over what could benefit from improvement? This doesn't happen often, but today, the cards totals out to Master 22/4, the Master Creator/Manifestor. You are the creator of your reality. Let me repeat that. You are the one creating the reality that you currently exist in. So if it's s**t, guess what, you spoke it into existence.... if all is falling into perfect alignment. You spoke that into existence. Take this as an opportunity to create beneficial and positive change through your mindset, intentions, and manifestation. Basically, own your s**t and be the change you desire to see in the world.


I will be available today for readings both virtually and by phone. For more information on services or to book an appointment. Feel free to contact me directly


I'll be returning to the Healing Hedge Witch in Downtown Tarpon Springs on Saturday, September 21st, from noon till 4pm offering in person psychic readings.
Visit www.thehealinghedgewitch.com to reserve your appointment.
Let see what the Autumn Equinox is manifesting for you.


Join Jamie Wareham Lightworker Path - Healings, Readings, Courses & Spiritual Life Coaching and me tonight at 6:30 pm Easter for Twin โ™Ž๏ธ Chat. We will be offering personalized readings for donation with livestream specials all evening long. So come on by and join in the shenanigans and don't forget to grab a coin to toss to the witchers for a personalized message.


Tarot 365
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
Today's card:

My thoughts:
Be careful of indecisiveness when faced with crossroads and decisions. This is a moment of allowing yourself to choose the easier of paths as of right now. It's just not the time to challenge yourself further, and that is totally OK.

Universal meaning:
Your reluctance to step outside your comfort zone into unfamiliar territory may be the very thing preventing you from claiming that which you desire most.


I will ve available today for readings both virtually and by phone. For more information on services or to book an appointment. Feel free to contact me directly


Mid-Week Animal Collective
Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
Today's cards:

My thoughts:
Shedding has definitely been a strong message as we move through the full moons' energy. We may be through the peak, but for the next day or two, we still are in that full moon vibe.
With this shedding comes healing. Which poses the question, what is it you're ready to let go of. Instead of worrying about the why's, as in, why am I now able to let go of this or that, simply recognize that you no longer have to hold onto what does not feel right or what makes you feel less than.
I believe this strong suggestion of purging comes with some handsome rewards. To clear out what no longer serves, in turn, invites the birth of something greatly beneficial. Once letting go and releasing that which no longer benefits you, things will begin to manifest very quickly and bring you into a position of action, and also, and possibly more importantly, put you into the position to take charge and make s**t happen Bay-bee!!!


Full Moon Collective
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

You may be finding yourself at a bit of a crossroads. Before you make any decisions. You're asked to take a moment to consider what it is you're hard at work on. May it be a goal, an aspiration, manifestation, whatever it may be. Then, why.... why is this so important? Is it important enough to do this and possibly get no recognition in return? Will you be OK with others not understanding the amount of blood sweat and tears were invested in making this happen?
Be careful here. Feeling as though you are not supported. Your accomplishments are meant to be about recognition or praise. It's your willingness to go left when everyone else tells you to go right. To have the courage to go against the grain and understand what is in perfectly alignment with, say it with me, your highest and greatest good. This is the answer to your crossroads. Be brave enough to step away from the masses and choose to honor your intuition and move with the nudges and signs from your guides, God, and the universe. Regardless of how others may react.
You are aligned with the opportunity to create significant improvements in your physical and possibly even financial well-being. But this will require you to acknowledge what no longer provides growth and have the willingness to let go of that stagnation and, in some cases, even entrapment. Yeah, you may find yourself having to step out of your comfort zone to claim that which you desire most. Celebrate this willingness to honor and follow your gut instinct, your heart, and your intuition. This marks a moment of great personal growth. Breaking away from how you may have approached these opportunities in the past. You see the path now to claim the beautiful and fulfilling stability that you've deeply longed for.
As the full moon represents the end of a cycle, so does this collection of cards. As they add up to an ending cycle of nine. Amplified by this transformative super full moon lunar eclipse. This is your time to bring your desires to fruition, complete this cycle by purging what no longer serves you. Become part of the flow that pulls you toward your highest good.


Crystal of the Week
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

This week's crystal

Key words: cosmic awareness, akashic records, aids with ADD/ADHD, anxiety, emotional healing, and balancing

Chakras: All

Elements: water, air

Astrology: Libra, Cancer, Pisces

Planets: Jupiter, Neptune

Deities: Bridge, Persephone, The Dagda

Physical attributes: relieves allergies and the effects of menopause. Assists with balancing and supporting ADD/ADHD

Emotional attributes: reduction of anxiety. Eases depression and assists with overcoming PTSD and Truama

Magical Attributes: utilize in dream magic, dream recall, and akashic records. Transform energy to be aligned with your highest and greatest good. Access cosmic awareness and expand consciousness.

My relationship with lepedolite is rather straightforward. It is widely known as the crystal form of Xanax. It has trace amounts of lithium in its mineral composition, and when worn, preferably directly against the skin, it can sooth the intensity of nervousness and anxiety. I myself have been using lepedolite for years for this exact reason. Often pairing it with hematite against my skin under my shirt as pendants. I basically do not leave home without it. I even keep a peace at my table when doing face to face sessions with clients, in case we hit some heavy energy and they need assistance with releasing it. Whe focusing on trauma healing and overcoming PTSD, incorporate chrysocolla in combination with lepedolite. I myself haven't built a relationship with lepedoloty for psychic expansion. Have you? I'd love to hear your views on lepedolite and how you might utilize it.


Whose ready for another round of virtual workshops with your favorite Boy Witch Extrodinaire?

Tuesday, September 24th, kicks things off with a numerology 101.
We will be going over the basics of numerology and discussing my personal relationship and how I've incorporated numerology into my work.

Tuesday, October 1st, will be a perfect time for Manifestation!
I will be sharing with you my personal approach to manifestation in everyday life, petitions, and various other techniques.

Tuesday, October 8th, will wrap things up with learning about numerological charts. Learning how to break down your birthday, birth name, and even current name into life path numbers, soul numbers, even karmic debt, and karmic lesson numbers

These workshops are designed to be able to be taken individually. However, it is also set up to be experienced as a whole as well.
The individual workshop is $30. In taking all three, you will receive a discount, and the total only comes out to $75.

Workshops will be held through Zoom beginning at 6:30pm eastern each week, and will run at least an hour and a half if not longer.
These are interactive workshops, and it will be encouraged to have your camera feed on and to engage with myself and the group. The Boy Witch does not like teaching to blank screens. Sorry, not sorry, xxoo.
The first workshop is just a week away!

For more information on workshops or to sign up. Feel free to contact me directly.

Payment is required prior to each individual workshop and can be made through
Venmo- -Parrish-3
Cashapp- $boywitch333

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Videos (show all)

Jamie here ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฎโœจStart Your Year Off With Insight!Unlock the Power of Your Energy with Personalized Card Readings in 2024 -...
Yule Spirited Night - Twin Libra Chat
Spirit Guide Power Hour Zoom Event
Twin-Torial + Twin Libra Chat w/Divination Night Tonight!
๐Ÿ‘‰Interested in joining me Jamie Wareham tomorrow evening 7pm est for the Spirit Guide Power Hour private Zoom Room event...
๐Ÿ”‹Interested in Energy work and/or finding out what may have you STUCK?  Having facilitated over 2,000 healings, I can he...
๐Ÿ’ขLast Minute Notice- SATURDAY! ๐Ÿ˜…  It's rare that I do festivals and fairs, but Spirit has given me a nudge on this one! ...
๐ŸŒŸ Spirit Guide Power Hour Event - Experience Energy Healing and Spirit Connections ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Event Details: ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Date: Sept 6th ...
Wednesday October 5th 2022. Live Universal monthly forecast with Colby. He is available for private readings today until...
It's official magickal folks!!  I have launched the newly created, ever-growing, and evolving Spiritual Social Network w...
Wednesday September 7th 2022. Live Universal weekly forecast with Colby. He is available until 8:00 p.m. this evening fo...



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