Mari Mendoza Healing Arts

I am an energy healer- Master Avesa Quantum Healer, a Karuna Reiki Master, Sound , Crystal, Mesa Car

Everything is Energy and from this perspective Mari shares her deep understanding and connection with life. All things are living and there's an opportunity to open to more than we know. Mari is a Master Avesa Quantum Healer, is certified as a Karuna Reiki® Master, Sound and Crystal Healing Practitioner and is a Mesa carrier of the Universal Shaman Paqocuna tradition of Peru and s a Medicine Init

Summer Solstice 2024 - Return of Balance 06/18/2024

Summer Solstice 2024 - Return of Balance
Please enjoy this meditation:

Summer Solstice 2024 - Return of Balance Summer Solstice is a powerful time… And we have been preparing.

Spring Equinox Crystalline Dragon Creation Code Meditation with Mari Mendoza 03/21/2024

Meet the Light presents Master Healer Mari Mendoza, who will lead us through a powerful creation code meditation, opening a portal to access cosmic frequencies. It is your time to claim and restore balance!

Spring Equinox Crystalline Dragon Creation Code Meditation with Mari Mendoza Meet the Light presents Master Healer Mari Mendoza, who will lead us through a powerful creation code meditation, opening a portal to access cosmic frequenci...

Spring Equinox Crystalline Dragon Creation Code Meditation with Mari Mendoza 03/19/2024

I am happy to say that I am co-creating

with the beautiful Veronica Yazigi and Jennifer Smith,

the Founders and Creators of "Meet the Light" Podcast.

We will be broadcasting a live stream Creation Code Meditation,

on Wednesday, March 20th at 11:11am:

Facebook Link:

YouTube Link:

Spring Equinox Crystalline Dragon Creation Code Meditation with Mari Mendoza Meet the Light presents Master Healer Mari Mendoza, who will lead us through a powerful creation code meditation, opening a portal to access cosmic frequenci...

Mari Mendoza, Crystalline Shaman, Quantum Energy Healer, Master Crystal Healer 03/19/2024

Meet the Light Broadcast Interview:

Mari Mendoza discusses the shift of the ages, navigating other dimensions, shamanic traditions, cycles and planetary consciousness shift, healing ancestral imprints, crystalline & quantum healing modalities + more.

Mari Mendoza, Crystalline Shaman, Quantum Energy Healer, Master Crystal Healer Mari Mendoza discusses the shift of the ages, navigating other dimensions, shamanic traditions, cycles and planetary consciousness shift, healing ancestral i...


Spring Equinox Meditation - March 19, 2024 - Crystalline Dragon Creation Codes
Namaste everyone!

What a powerful time we are in!!

Spring Equinox is the gateway of Balance…
it is the Sun and Moon coming into equilibrium,
a Unification in this extraordinary moment of Rebirth.

We are in the culmination of a 13 moon cycle,
and a deep purging that started around the Winter Solstice Gateway,
the alignment with the Galactic Core.

New Cosmic Codes and energies are pouring in to prepare for this moment.
This Equinox is a springboard for new Creation energies coming forward.

Empowered! Illuminated New Moon Meditation - January 11, 2024 01/11/2024

Empowered! Illuminated New Moon Meditation - January 11, 2024

Namaste Beauty Walkers!Happy New Year!!!
I have included a meditation for the New Moon to help you receive and focus on the New You!!

Take this moment to breathe and recognize
that we have stepped onto a new timeline.
This can feel very destabilizing as the new has not anchored in yet.
This is a very powerful moment.
For those of you who have tracked with me in ceremony or private sessions,
we have witnessed the power of big change happening in our lives!

Empowered! Illuminated New Moon Meditation - January 11, 2024 Namaste Beauty Walkers!Happy New Year!!! I have included a meditation for the New Moon to help you receive and focus on the New You!! Take this moment to breathe and recognize that we have stepped onto a new timeline. This can feel very destabilizing as the new has not anchored in yet. This is a ver...


Greetings Earth Stewards and Star Travelers !!!
The moment of the Fall Equinox is upon us.

It is the time of Balance,
the Sun and the Moon in equilibrium.
This balance point opens Gateways
for Solar energies to bath us with incredible Light.


LIONS GATE MEDITATION 2023 Namaste beloveds! In the energy of this Stargate, in this moment Now, I was inspired to bring forth a meditation for you to tap into the energies of this Star Portal of Sirius, to open and allow yourself to receive the Frequencies and Codes, and anchor them fully through your body. We are in the mom...

Summer Solstice Ceremony in Laguna Beach 05/22/2023
Hello Fellow Travelers,

It’s hard to believe that we are
already moving into summer!
This year has moved by quickly.
We are approaching Solstice,
the peak of the growing season.

Summer Solstice is a powerful time.
It is the longest day of the year
and is a balancing point with the Winter Solstice.
In the northern hemisphere,
it is the time to get outside
and bathe in the energy of nature,
go to the beach and be in the water,
travel and explore, and take time off to enjoy life!

Summer Solstice Ceremony in Laguna Beach *SUMMER SEASON IS APPROACHING* Greetings everyone !! Time to celebrate! Summer is upon us! Let us prepare for Inti Raymi, the festival of Summer Solstice !!! Hello Fellow Travelers, It’s hard to believe that we are already moving into summer! This year has moved by quickly. We are approaching Sols...

April New Moon - A Rare Solar Eclipse Moment! 04/20/2023


Great News...
We are about to begin our Journey of the
Details below....sign up soon!!!
Can't wait to connect!!!

As we approach this April Illuminated New Moon,
we also have a very rare occurrence of an ARIES SOLAR ECLIPSE, that will be a ring of fire around that NEW MOON energy!

April New Moon - A Rare Solar Eclipse Moment! NAMASTE BELOVED SOUL FAMILY!!! Great News... We are about to begin our Journey of the COSMIC WISDOM , SACRED EARTH COURSE... Details below....sign up soon!!! Can't wait to connect!!! As we approach this April Illuminated New Moon, we also have a very rare occurrence of an ARIES SOLAR ECLIPSE, that w...

Libra Cosmic Love Full Moon - April 7, 2023 04/07/2023
Greetings in this Libra Full Moon energy!
It is setting the stage for a powerful month of April.

The message coming through is
the Cosmic Pink Flame, the Magenta Ray,
Powerful Love energy is flowing in on this April Full Moon!

This energy is about Cosmic Love.
Working with the Sacred Flames I recognized,
the frequency and vibration of Cosmic Love.
I was surrounded by the most profound Magenta color,
the room was saturated in this Love Vibration

Libra Cosmic Love Full Moon - April 7, 2023 Greetings in this Libra Full Moon energy! It is setting the stage for a powerful month of April. The message coming through is the Cosmic Pink Flame, the Magenta Ray, Powerful Love energy is flowing in on this April Full Moon! This energy is about Cosmic Love. Working with the Sacred Flames I recogn...

February Full Moon - Beginning of a Cycle - 13 Full Moons 02/07/2023

beloved community of

As we step in to the February Full Moon,
We are at the beginning of a 13 Moon Cycle,
It is a Rebirth, a Renew moment!

February Full Moon - Beginning of a Cycle - 13 Full Moons NAMASTE !!! beloved community of STARWALKERS !!! BEAUTY MAKERS !!! CREATIVE BEINGS !!! As we step in to the February Full Moon, We are at the beginning of a 13 Moon Cycle, It is a Rebirth, a Renew moment! RECEIVE THE INCREDIBLE LIGHT POURING IN, THIS IS A MOST MAGICAL TIME TO BE ALIVE! I was in Sedo...


Namaste, beloveds, Happy New Year!!

With mercury retrograde ushering in the New Year of 2023, it has been a moment, to reflect and release any last energies lingering before we move forward.

Moving past the powerful energy of the first full moon of January 6th,
we are entering the New Moon on January 21.
This is the perfect time, perfect window for setting intentions.
It is also the Chinese Lunar New Year which welcomes in the spiritual, abundant Water Rabbit !!!

The energy of this Crystalline New Moon, moving into Aquarius, is a powerful theme,
an opportunity for a collaboration and co-creation.
This is an opportunity to unite a dance between the head, and the heart, the Moon and the rational mind of Aquarius.

Aquarius points the way to thinking on a global scale, collectively, focus on healing for the planet, unity, and holding a vision of the
New Earth.

Winter Solstice Meditation 12/21/2022

Winter Solstice Meditation Hello Star Family! Many Solstice Greetings! What a powerful time! For me, the Solstice has always been the true energy of the holidays. Under the star studded night sky, Orion is prominent, there is a sense of mystery and magic, it is the longest night, and was traditionally observed as the birthing...

Winter Solstice Meditation 12/21/2022

Hello Star Family!
Many Solstice Greetings!

What a powerful time!
For me, the Solstice has always been the true energy of the holidays.
Under the star studded night sky, Orion is prominent,
there is a sense of mystery and magic,
it is the longest night, and was traditionally observed
as the birthing of the Light.

Winter Solstice Meditation Hello Star Family! Many Solstice Greetings! What a powerful time! For me, the Solstice has always been the true energy of the holidays. Under the star studded night sky, Orion is prominent, there is a sense of mystery and magic, it is the longest night, and was traditionally observed as the birthing...

November 2022 Full Moon Eclipse Meditation 11/07/2022

Namaste beloved Star Travelers!

Today, we step into a Full Moon Solar Eclipse Gateway!

Wow! This is a moment to really focus your attention
on infinite possibilities for healing, abundance, new life,
anchoring in the ascension frequencies that are available to us now.

The cosmic energies that are flowing
through this gateway are expansive, timeless, awesome!

Words can’t fully describe the infinite potential
that is available to us now if we will tap into and access it.

November 2022 Full Moon Eclipse Meditation Namaste beloved Star Travelers! Today, we step into a Full Moon Solar Eclipse Gateway! Wow! This is a moment to really focus your attention on infinite possibilities for healing, abundance, new life, anchoring in the ascension frequencies that are available to us now. The cosmic energies that are fl...

October Sacred Ceremony for Mastery Presence - Laguna Beach 10/22/2022

October Sacred Ceremony for Mastery Presence - Laguna Beach Namaste!! A Timely Announcement! Next Friday, October 28, 2022, I would love for you to join me in ceremony to hold the balance of Mastery Presence. ALL are needed to come together and hold the highest intention for upliftment, harmony, balance, stabilization, peace! This is an impromptu gathering,....

October Sacred Ceremony for Mastery Presence - Laguna Beach 10/22/2022


A Timely Announcement!

Next Friday, October 28, 2022,
I would love for you to join me in ceremony
to hold the balance of Mastery Presence.

ALL are needed to come together and hold the highest intention
for upliftment, harmony, balance, stabilization, peace!
This is an impromptu gathering, so join me if you can…

Blue Heron Portal Studio
3337 Laguna Canyon Rd.
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Friday Oct.28... 5:00pm- 7:30pm….
Click below for more information:

October Sacred Ceremony for Mastery Presence - Laguna Beach Namaste!! A Timely Announcement! Next Friday, October 28, 2022, I would love for you to join me in ceremony to hold the balance of Mastery Presence. ALL are needed to come together and hold the highest intention for upliftment, harmony, balance, stabilization, peace! This is an impromptu gathering,....

October 2022 - Full Moon Meditation, 10-10 Stargate 10/09/2022

Namaste beloveds!
October is a powerful moment! Creation Energy is potent!
Much is happening, join us for ceremony and connection!
I am excited to announce that I WILL BE OFFERING
at the end of this month…October 27th through the 29th
Location - BLUE HERON PORTAL STUDIO, Laguna Beach.
In a beautiful Zen space that my dear friend Katherine Ware
has created as a gallery and a ceremonial space.
I will be offering private sessions … I have four spots if you are interested,
Thursday Oct.27th - one midday opening available,
Saturday Oct 29th - 3 sessions available
It is first come first serve, so email me or text me…
I will also be doing a ceremony Friday night October 28th…
A Crystalline StarGate Ceremony

October 2022 - Full Moon Meditation, 10-10 Stargate Namaste beloveds! October is a powerful moment! Creation Energy is potent! Much is happening, join us for ceremony and connection! I am excited to announce that I WILL BE OFFERING PERSONAL SESSIONS IN LAGUNA FOR THREE DAYS at the end of this month…October 27th through the 29th Location - BLUE HERO...

September 2022 - Full Moon Fall Equinox - Divine Mirror - Judgement and Beauty 09/10/2022

Fall Equinox traditionally has been a celebration of balance, and an opportunity to look at the past year's growth. Like a fall harvest, what crops did you plant that yielded growth?
What did not work, and what clearly needs to be released?

September 2022 - Full Moon Fall Equinox - Divine Mirror - Judgement and Beauty Namaste beloved ones, We are in a time of great change, upheaval, review, retrograde, release. Happy Full Moon moment. Here is a Dream Chamber meditation for the Full Moon and Equinox: The energy of the Fall Equinox and this particular moment in time, is powerful for transformation. This has been a....

August Full Moon 2022 - Lions Gate 08/12/2022

August Full Moon 2022 - Lions Gate

Greetings in the energy of the Full moon of August and the
Lionsgate of 8-8…!!!
What an incredible powerful time to be on the planet!
We are still in this gateway of the portal of the 8-8 Lionsgate
as we approach the Full Moon.
This week started with a powerful magnification
of energy flowing onto the planet.

August Full Moon 2022 - Lions Gate Greetings in the energy of the Full moon of August and the Lionsgate of 8-8…!!! What an incredible powerful time to be on the planet! We are still in this gateway of the portal of the 8-8 Lionsgate as we approach the Full Moon. This week started with a powerful magnification of energy flowing onto...


Oneness Talk Radio Show Replay - July 8, 2022 - "Joy and Creativity"

Photos from Mari Mendoza Healing Arts's post 07/08/2022

Namaste Everyone! Happy Summer!

Are you finding Joy?

Can you connect to the true energy of your Heart?

Consider, that you came here to experience life in the physical world,
to appreciate the beauty of Creation,
to celebrate the gift of Life?

Oneness Talk Radio - June 10, 2022 06/10/2022

Oneness Talk Radio - June 10, 2022 Summer Solstice Sun - Keep Your Eyes on the Divine

Oneness Talk Radio - June 10, 2022 06/10/2022

Here's the replay of this morning's Oneness Talk Radio show:

Oneness Talk Radio - June 10, 2022 Summer Solstice Sun - Keep Your Eyes on the Divine


Join me Friday, June10th 2022 9am PST on:

Oneness Talk Radio(YouTube)
Oneness Talk Radio (Facebook)


Namaste beloved!
Happy June!

Time for a summer celebration of Solstice!!
How will you honor your gifts and blessings?
I always love the ocean, it is the bringer of life,
for me it has always been where I go
to celebrate the summer season!
Namaste beloved!
Happy June!

Oneness Talk Radio - May 2022 05/14/2022

Oneness Talk Radio - May 2022 Star Consciousness and The Rainbow Bridge


Namaste fellow earth walkers!
Wow what an amazing energy May has been already!
We have literally birthed and stepped into a whole New Earth.

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Mari Mendoza Healing Arts

Everything is Energy and from this perspective Mari shares her deep understanding and connection with life. All things are living and there's an opportunity to open to more than we know.

Mari is certified as a Karuna Reiki® Master, Sound and Crystal Healing Practitioner and is a Medicine Initiate of Native Healing Lodges. She is a gifted master healer, teacher and artist who frequently presents workshops, seminars, and is available as a speaker for
conscious, and spiritual events.

Mari's diverse background gives her a multifaceted approach to her work with clients and students. She conducts classes in meditation, sound, and crystal healing, Reiki, and facilitates community gatherings and ceremonies for the Solstices and Equinoxes.

Her path has lead her to study with a variety of teachers, shamans, and to achieve Mastery in several healing modalities. Her deep understanding of the earth and native teachings is the framework for the healing services she provides.

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You Are a Star Being



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