Videos by Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena. Caltech's Seismological Laboratory, an arm of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences (GPS), was established in 1921. It has a distinguished history of leadership in science and serving the public interest.
The Chiapas State Civil Protection Agency flew Dr. Allen Husker and the research team into the crater of El Chichón Volcano to install equipment. Unfortunately, there was no place level enough to land the helicopter. The water had risen since the team had last visited a few months before. The lake is continually recharged as seasonal rains seep into the volcano and then as the water is heated, it rises into the crater. There was also a very strong smell of sulfur in the crater as the gas rises continuously out of the volcano. Early analysis of the data suggests that they have found the magma chamber of the volcano deep below the crater.