Daily Nugget - Ambassadors of I Am

Donald's goals are to work toward helping Kingdom Citizens to live by The Bible.


Through The Curtain!

The “Abundant Life” “Is” “Through The Curtain”!

I will remember their sins no more. (Hebrews 10:17)
Therefore, brothers, since we have “Confidence” to enter the “Holy Places” by the “Blood of Jesus”, by the “New and Living Way” that Jesus opened for us “Through The Curtain”, that is, through his flesh. (Hebrews 10:19-20)

Faith in Jesus, the Christ, “Takes Us Through The Curtain”.

Our Daily Nuggets
are letting us know that “Through Our Faith in Jesus” we can go “through the curtain” that was torn at Jesus’ death, from top to the bottom. Prior to Jesus’ death only the “priest” could go through the curtain. The people had to go to the priest, confess their sins to the priest, and the priest would go through the curtain to the Holy Places, were sin is forgiven.

The death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus has given “each believer” the ability to go Through The Curtain, to the Holy Place, for themselves. We are no longer required to go through a person to get to the Holy Place. The need to go through a priest was abolished along with the law.

The “New and Living Way” is Jesus.
Now the Believers pray, “To the Father in the Name of the Son”.
Truly, truly, I say to you, “whatever ‘you’ ask” of the Father “in my name”, He will give it to you. (John 16:23).

What a Great Blessing, Thank You Jesus! The Old Way was the Law, the New Way is Faith and Trust in Jesus, our Lord and Savior. We can “Trust” God’s Word, the Bible, to be True and to Deliver, “IF” we “Obey It”.

What needless pain we bear, because “We” do not “Take It To Jesus and Leave It There”. To leave it there is telling us that we are forgiven and washed clean of our sins and wrongdoings, “IF” we Believe and Trust God’s Word, the Bible. God honored the Old Way, only up until, the New Way was established through Jesus.

The Old Way could never satisfy the Demands of the Law, the Demands of the Law required “Pure Blood” to Cleanse Us. Don’t let His Blood Be Waisted.

Ask God to Bless You to go
Through The Curtain, that God “Tore From Top To Bottom,
to the Abundant Life”,
And Watch What Happens!


The Conversion.

Saul Was Working Against God Until He Met Jesus!

As he traveled and was nearing Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly flashed around him. Falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Who are You, Lord? He said, “I am Jesus, the One you are persecuting,” He replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do”. (Acts 9:3-6)

Are you persecuting the Lord;
Do You Need a Conversion like Saul?

Have you ever been “so sure” only to find out that you were “so wrong”? It is an amazingly “humbling” experience. We can do our greatest damage when we mean well. “Study” to show yourself as an “Approved Worker”; “Knowing The Lord” and “The Work” He has for you to do.

Our Daily Nugget
is letting us know that we can “feel” so sure that we are working for God, “Until we Meet Jesus”, and we find out that we have been working against God. We “Meet Jesus” in “The Word, The Bible”. Saul is typical of many, if not most, of the people today who say, “I Love the Lord”, but they “Do Not Love Their Neighbor”.

To say, I am a Christian and “I Do Not” Love My Neighbor as I Love myself, is evidence that “I Need A Conversion”. Who is my neighbor? Everybody I meet is My Neighbor, regardless of their race, religion, or tradition.

Saul never asked God if he was doing right or doing wrong. Oftentimes, “Pride” will lead us to go ahead on our own. Pride says to us “You don’t need to ask nobody”, because “You ‘Know’ What To Do”; you’re so smart and everybody will see how smart you are.

Saul’s actions followed his “religions and traditions”; he never considered that he should “Treat Everybody the Way he would like for Everybody to Treat Him”. Saul was at the top of his class in obedience to his religion and tradition; but a “total failure” in Loving His Neighbor as He Loved Himself”.

Ask God to Bless you to “recognize” if you are treating people differently than you would like people to treat you; and do like Saul, “Repent”, and “Become a New Creature, like Paul”. Whatever we do to the lest of them “We Do To Jesus”.

And Watch What Happens!


Me First!

Egypt or Me, Chose Ye this Day?

Woe (judgment is coming) to the rebellious children, “declares the Lord”. Who carry out a plan, but not Mine. And make an alliance (by pouring out a libation, ritual), but not of My Spirit, in order to add sin to sin. Who proceed down to Egypt “without consulting Me”, to take refuge in the stronghold of Pharaoh and take shelter in the shadow of Egypt. (Isaiah 30:1-2)

God Must “Be First” for Protection and Victory to be Assured!

Israel sought protection and victory through Egypt. Ask God First; He is Our Source for Protection and Victory. God deserves to be First; no one have the Love and Power He offers. I am a Jealous God; now you must eat the fruit that the false gods offer!

Rebellion – Is disobedience to God and is likened to the spirit of

“Meet Jesus”,
Saul just knew he was working for God, until he “Met Jesus”!

God is so “patient” and “kind” with us, and we can treat Him so bad and disrespectful. Before God applies the “rod of correction” on us, He sends someone with a message of repentance to be saved from the destruction and punishment that is coming to the “rebellious people”. Isaiah is the person here that God sent to Israel.

God Love us, and depending on other than God leads to death!
“If” Jesus is our Lord, God will be our Source for Protection and Victory. “If” Jesus is not our Lord, God will not be our Source for Protection and Victory.

We cannot serve “Two Masters”, we will hold to one and reject the other. God say, I tolerate no rivals. Only God can “deliver” protection and victory. Wisdom says, examine your life, concerning if we have made a “false god” our source “For Protection”; if it is, know this, that “A Woe Is Coming” to you and your household.

A Repented “Heart/Mind” is Our Salvation from a “Rebellious Spirit”. The Bible says, God “will not” reject a “humbled and a repented heart/mind”.

Ask God to Search your heart/mind today to make it plain if we have made our “political parties and our political process” our “god”, “Our Egypt”. Where have you placed your hope for “protection and victory”? In Egypt (man) or God?

If you lived in a different country today, what would be Your Egypt? He Bless and Curse according to our “Belief and to our Faith”!

God Knows!


Abide In!

Love; God is Love.

Abide in me, and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. (John 15:4
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
(John 15:12)

We “Abide” in Jesus, through “Loving” Others!
God wants us to Abide in Jesus so that we can “Bear Much Fruit”! The more fruit we bear through loving others “The More God Is Glorified”!

Abiding in Jesus – Means allowing God’s Word, The Bible, to fill our minds, direct our wills and transform our affections.
Glorified – Appreciated, Honored, Reverenced, and Valued, for “Who He Is”.

God is worthy of all the glory we can give Him, and so much more.. We cannot Glorify God unless we love our neighbors as ourselves.

Love makes everyone complete, happy, healthy, and whole.
Love is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem! We can do all things through “Abiding in Jesus”. We abide in Jesus through Loving our neighbor the way Jesus loved us. If it is not about “Love”, what is the point of it, it’s just noise. God is Love.

Our Daily Nuggets is letting us know that:
Jesus is the vine, we are the branches connected to the vine, Jesus “prunes” the branches that bear fruit so that they may bear more fruit. Knowing this “Truth”, should give us the courage to Exercise our Faith and to “Count ‘It All’ Joy”. As long as the branch remains connected to the vine it is healthy, whole, able to bear fruit.

Sometimes the branches don’t feel like they are connected to the vine, don’t worry, we should never trust our feelings anyway; they’ll probably feel another way by two thirty tomorrow afternoon. Feelings are not even real. Just know that you are abiding in Jesus, and you’ll be fine; ask the Lord to help you to Abide in Him.

“Practice” Abiding in Jesus, by Loving Other People “Often”.

The more you
Love Other People, the less you will Hate Other People.

Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom and the Desire
To Abide in Jesus Through Loving People,
And Watch What Happens!


Smooth Things.

Don’t Tell Me That, Tell Me “Smooth Things”!

For this is a rebellious people, lying sons, sons who “refuse to listen (obey)” to the “law and instruction of the Lord”; Who say to the seers, “You must not see visions from God”; and to the prophets, “You must not prophecy what is right”! Speak to us pleasant things and “smooth” words. Prophecy (deceitful) illusions (that we will enjoy). Get out of the (true) way, turn aside from the path (of God), stop bothering us with the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 30:9-11)

This mentality is comfortable believing a lie.
This is “Me”; I‘m “Going Wrong”, don’t tell “Me” about “Going Right”!

God allows and brings shame and destruction on us if we “insist” on living in disobedience to Him and if we refuse to hear the Words that would bring Salvation.

Our Words should focus on making one, Be Good, not Feel Good.
Just, make me “Feel Good and Stay Out of My Business”; that’s not Love! To possess this mentality is evidence that “Satan has Control of our Heart/Mind!

Our Daily Nugget
is letting us know that “Rebellious People” would rather “Be Wrong than to be Corrected”! This is a spirit of conceit. Solomon warns us to never try to correct a conceited person, for they will “insult you”. What do you do? Just pray for them and pray that you maintain a right attitude toward them.

Rebellious – Showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention.

When “hearing” The Word makes us not want to hear the Word, or even get mad, “Beware”. The “darkness” always desires to “resist the light”. God’s Word, the Bible, Is Light; not wanting to hear the Word, is evidence that darkness is residing there. Keep the Light Coming and the Darkness Must Go Away. Jesus offers Salvation from the “Power” of sin and darkness. We can Stand!

Don’t Let any of Jesus’ Blood be Wasted. He has saved
us from the Penalty of sin, He is saving us from the Power of
sin, and eventually He will save us from the very Presence of Sin.

Ask God to Bless You
with the Desire and Wisdom to Hear the Word,
Even If You are Not Obeying the Word and Watch What Happens!


Your Time!

God gives us all twenty-four hours a day.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart (mind) of “wisdom”. (Psalms 90:12)

This is about “Thinking”!
We will use our time wisely or unwisely.
Satan Wants Your Time! If Satan has Your Time, “God Does Not”!

God has a Great Work for each one of us to do. The better we utilize “wisdom” in the use and scheduling of our time, the more we will accomplish concerning God’s Purpose for creating us. The more time we spend with God and His Word, the better we will utilize our time.

Our Daily Nugget
is a part of A Prayer Moses prayed about our Finiteness and God’s Infiniteness. We know so little compared to what there is to know, that we should humble ourselves to such a Mighty God. Our Time will end and that we should ask God to teach us “To Number Our Days”, (Focus on Living Right, Doing the Right Things)! This is a request that God bless us to “Apply Wisdom Concerning Our Use of Time”.

God gives each person twenty-four hours each day. We decide how much of this time will go to God or Satan, the Word or the World. What criteria, mental choices, do we use to divvy up our time. Time used unwisely is gone forever. We will utilize our time based on what we consider “Important” and what we “Love”.

Who do you Love the most, God or Satan?
Who do you spend most of your time entertaining?
Do you spend most of your time for yourself or for others?

The more time we spend Loving (doing for) others; the more time we spend for God. To say to God, I Love You, but I just do not have “time” for you will be a tough sale. We spend time with that which we love. Do not consider spouse, children, grandchildren, in doing for others; even nonbelievers do for their immediate family. If we only spend our time for our immediate family, know that “That’s Not Love”.

Wisdom and the Word tells us that
whatever we give, we get back multiplied, looking like itself.

Give your Time to God and His Work
Today and Watch how He gives back to you.


The Unshaken.

Those Who “Live Righteous”!

Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain?
(Psalms 15:1)
Whoever does these things will never be shaken. (Psalms 15:5)

The Obedient
Will Not Be Shaken, the Disobedient Will Be Shaken!

Shaken – To move from firmness. To weaken the stability of. Agitate.

Satan roams around seeking who to devour; Satan looks for the shaken, the weak, the doubter; the one without Faith, the disobedient. This condition of weakness does not just occur, it happens because we allow ourselves to be shaken through sin.

Our Daily Nugget
are verses one and five, verses two through five are:
The one whose walk is “blameless”, who does what is “righteous”, who speaks the “truth” from their heart (Mind); whose tongue utters no “slander”, who does no wrong to a “neighbor”, and casts “no slur” on others, who “despises a vile person”, who “keeps an oath” even when it hurts, and does not “change their mind”; who “lends money to the poor” without interest; who “does not accept bribes against the innocent”. (Psalms 15:2-5).
Whoever does these things will not be shaken.

Sin and Wrongdoing causes one to be “Shaken”.

The Bible describes the lifestyle of those who will not be shaken:
Blessed is the one who does not “walk in step with the wicked” or “stand in the way that sinners take” or “sit in the company of mockers”, but “whose ‘delight’ is in the law of the Lord” and “who meditates” on his law day and night. “That person” is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, “whatever they do prospers”. (Psalms 1:1-3)

Wicked – Thinking to do things to people you would not want done to you. Wicked is not how we feel, wicked is what we “Think” to do to another.

Those who do what is Right is Righteous, those who do what is wrong is unrighteous. The righteous have favor with God and are blessed by Him, the unrighteous does not have favor with God and are not blessed by Him.

God requires Kingdom Citizens to Obey the Bible;
God does not require us to obey other than The Bible.

The Righteous are as “Bold as a Lion”, and as “Gentle as a Lamb”.
Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to be Righteous,
And Never Be Shaken!


True Worship.

The Worship That God Wants.

The “Worship” that God wants is this: Caring for orphans or widows who need help and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence. (James 1:27)

The Worship that God Wants Occurs Outside of a Building.

There is Having Church and there is Being the Church.
Having Church occurs inside the walls of a building, we call it Worship Service. Being the Church occurs outside the walls of a building, God calls it Church Worship. Being the Church is Love, as Love is Doing for Others. Having Church is not doing for others; therefore, it is not Love, it’s not a bad thing, but it is not Love.

The world sees Jesus when we “Be The Church”. The world does not see Jesus when we “Have Church Service”. To have Church Worship Service and to Live Unholy shows the world a bunch of hypocrites. God nor the world has respect for hypocrites.
Hypocrites run people away from Jesus.

Our Daily Nugget
is telling us that we must Worship the Way God Wants and that we Must Live Holy. Living Holy is not to never sin or make a mistake. Living Holy is to keep yourself free from the world’s evil influence; we do this by keeping our Heart/mind “stayed on Jesus”. Living Holy starts with “Correct Thinking”; Correct Thinking leads to Correct Living. This is why the Bible commands us to have “the heart/mind that Christ had”.

True Worship, the Kind that God Wants
starts between the ears, in our heart/mind. True Worship is found in the Scriptures. The “Worship that God Wants is Love”; it happens when the one at Church Worship Service, leaves the Church Building; gets in their car, drive to the store and buy some food and clothing for the one who is cold and hungry. Go home, cook the food, take the food and warm clothes to the one who is cold and hungry; this is Being the Church. Needs are met, Love is Doing, Meeting Needs.

Ask God to Bless You
With the Desire and the Wisdom to Practice the
“Worship that God Wants” and to “Live Holy”, To Be The Church,
And Watch What Happens.


The Word!

The Word Has All Power!

But “Say The Word”, and let my servant be healed. (Luke 7:7)
Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit, you choose. (Proverbs 18:21)

Be Slow to Speak and Quick to Listen!
Life Began with The Word and Life will End with the Word.

Our Words began to Create after we finish speaking.
God’s Words and man’s words set the Spirit World into motion.
Every Word we speak is a road that leads to “life” or “death”. We determine the road based on “What We Think”. The Words we speak is “The Fruit” or the “End of our Thinking Process”. Our Words are creating life or death for us and others, even though we don’t know what we are doing. What I say, either helps or hurts.

The Word – The Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments. Jesus, the Christ is The Word of God.

Kingdom Citizens must Study the Word and “Practice” Trusting and Utilizing The Word. We are held responsible for the words we speak. God says, be “slow to speak”; this is a great command and a command that protects us from saying the wrong things so much and so quick.

Our Words Causes
Satan to "Flee" from us or to "Run" towards to us!

Normally, when we just can’t wait to say something, it is due to the demon of pride; telling us to hurry up and say something to “look or sound smart”. Resist the temptation to say the first thing that comes to your heart/mind. Pray, contemplate what actions and reaction your words will create. “Desire” in your heart/mind to speak words that please God and that leads to life.

We Must “Choose Our ‘Words’ Wisely”!
Loose lips sink ships and bring death to us and our households!
The Holy Spirit does not lead one to be quick to speak, the demonic spirit does.

Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to Realize that
The Word is Enough For Any Dilemma,
And Watch What Happens!


The “Greatest Love Story”!

For God “So Loved” the world, that “He Gave”!

For God so loved the world, that “He Gave” His only begotten Son, that whosoever “Believeth In Him” should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16-17)

It is “Better to ‘Give’ than it is to receive; That’s Love”!
Love is All About
“Giving Away” “What You Love”; “Because You Love”!

God Loved His Son and God Loved the world. To keep His Son safe from death would be a death sentence for the world. God knew that He would raise His Son from death in three days, but to see your son suffer and die like that and be unable to come to his aid was brutal. Jesus suffered and died a brutal and painful death. He even did it for ungrateful people. We Believers are called to Live and Die like Him.

To Love is like Planting Seeds of Goodness in Life; it is a form of
death. Seeds become plants that grow into trees and produce
“Much Fruit”.“Looking Like What Was Planted”!

Kingdom Citizens should have a burning desire to Love. To Love others is the wisest way to Love ourselves. God said, “Giving” to the poor is like lending to the Lord, “He Will Repay”. How happy would you be, if the Lord Himself, came down and asked you to make Him a loan, by giving to the poor. Why would you be so happy?

Jesus was the only one who could “Carry His Cross”; we are the only ones who can carry our Cross. Jesus said, there is a Cross for everyone and if we are not willing to carry our cross, that we are not worthy of Him. Just remember, At the Cross Jesus Will Carry You Through”. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, not on your cross.

We “Bare Our Cross” through “Acts of Love”. All of God’s Word, The Bible, is One Big Love Story! Sometimes it is not easy to Carry our Cross, it wasn’t easy for Jesus either. When Jesus felt like He could not go on, He Prayed until the Father gave Him the strength He needed. Ask the Savior to Help You, He will comfort and strengthen and keep you safe. Never look to the world for Salvation, look up.

Always Remember “It Is Better To Give Than To Receive”.
By giving we create
our own Greatest Love Story with Eternal Rewards, like Jesus.

A Good Way to Understand God is by Reading God’s Greatest
Love Story, The Bible, All the Way Through;
as you read it, read it Prayerfully,
And Watch What Happens.


Our Own Eyes.

In Our Own Eyes “We Can’t See”!

I have a message from God in my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is “No Fear of God” before their eyes. In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to “detect or hate their sin”. (Psalms 36:1&2)

Our Own Eyes, the “Wrong Pathway” to Our Heart/Mind!

Our Daily Nugget
is letting us know that if we do not “detect or hate our sins” it is because we “do not Fear the Lord”. Without the fear of the Lord guiding our heart/mind, our Thinking Process, that we will “flatter” ourselves by saying things like; everybody sins, and I am a good person, no worse than anybody else, Jesus died for all my sins.

Fear of God/The Lord – To hate what God hates and to love what God loves.
Flatter Others – To make someone feel honored and pleased.
Flatter Self – Make oneself feel pleased by believing something favorable about oneself.
Wicked – A “mental disregard” for justice, righteousness, truth, honor, virtue. Evil in “thought” and “life”.

A wise prayer,
Lord Bless me to “see me” the way you “see me”!

A person living a sin filled life will not “detect nor hate their sin”. Start Fearing the Lord Today so that “You Can See”. Living as a blind person is much more complicated and dangerous than living as a person who can see.

We Must Fear The Lord To “See” Our Sins Like God Sees Our Sins. In Fearing the Lord, Sincerity and Truth will guide our heart/mind, our Thinking. If we just “chose” to live anyway we want to and pay no attention to how the Bible say we must live, “that mentality” defines us as “wicked”. The wicked are not allowed in the Kingdom. There is no peace for the wicked, saith the Lord. The wicked will not see themselves as wicked, due to flattery. The wicked flatters themselves and demands flattery from others. This keeps them blind to their sins.

Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to
Fear the Lord, as Fearing the Lord “Fixes Your Sight” to
Detect and Defeat Satan.


Be A Phinehas.

Be Zealous, due to Jealousy, for the Honor of God.

When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, saw this, he left the assembly, took a spear in his hand and followed the Israelite into the tent. He drove the spear into both of them, right through the Israelite man and woman’s stomach. “Then the plaque against the Israelites was stopped; but those who died in the plaque numbered 24,000. The Lord said to Moses, Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. Since he was “zealous” “for my honor” among them “as I am”, I did not put an end to them in my zeal. So that I did not destroy the children of Israel. (Numbers 25:7-12)

God still hates and punishes sin, even though Jesus died for our sins. Break the cycle that kills. Kill what could have killed you! Be a Phinehas!

Jealousy – That passion of peculiar uneasiness which arises from the fear that a rival may rob us of the affection of one whom we love, “or” the suspicion that he has already done it. Jealousy has two faces, divine and demonic. The jealousy of God and Phineas was divine, which is a Good Jealousy. Divine jealousy is a strength, demonic jealousy is a weakness. Kingdom Citizens must “Protect God’s Honor”, from sin, by doing what it takes to “end the sin”.

Kingdom Citizens “do not stay out of people’s business of sin”. We speak the “Truth in Love”. Our Daily Nugget is God letting us know how to break, what we call, “family curses”. Israel had other “gods” ahead of “God”, this made the God of Heaven and Earth, “Jealous”. God was jealous to the point that He had begun to destroy Israel. Through the actions of Phinehas, God changed His heart/mind and chose not to destroy Israel anymore.

How did Phineas do that? Much destruction to us and our households are due to their being no Phineas’ to “step up, speak out, and do the right thing”. Somebody needs to become jealous for “righteousness, right living”, sake. This is “Protecting God’s Honor”. The Bible tells us how to be a Phineas. It is to “Fear the Lord”. We fear the Lord when we Hate what God hates and Love what God Loves.

“Be A Phineas” for the “Ones You Love” and for “The Lord”! Turn from sin and wrongdoing. Bring Salvation to yourself and your household.

Ask God to Bless You With the Courage and the Wisdom to
“Be A Phineas”. God will Honor and Answer this prayer.
Now Watch What Happens!


Just Call!

Just Call on the Name of Jesus.

For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile-the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for “Everyone who ‘calls’ on the name of the Lord ‘will be’ saved”. (Romans 10:12-13)

There is “Saving Power” in the name of Jesus.
The Saving Power of Jesus is “sure” and “quicker” than “Right Now”! The Bible says, “we are to pray to the Father in the name of the Son” for Salvation.

Our Daily Nugget
is letting us know that we can rest in the “Salvation” that Jesus offers. Keep in mind that Jesus knows what we have need of before we ask; let this move us to “exercise our faith”. Our deliverer is coming, He’s always standing by.

Call – To invite or summon one to come.
Lord – Although we rarely use this term in our daily lives, we are all quite familiar with another word: boss. That is basically what Lord means, “one possessing authority, power, and control”.

Jesus said, “I will not reject a humbled and a repented heart/mind”, “Thinking”. Through our Thinking we will experience either life or death. Never worry, “Just Call”. We do not bug Jesus by calling; He is waiting and wanting us to Call. To not call could be an indication of pride. Why not call on the one with “All Power”?

God humbles the proud and lifts the humbled. The Bible has told us that “on our own we can-do no-good thing”. So, why do we try? We can humble ourselves or we can let God do it. Be wise, humble yourself, God’s way of humbling is not something we want to experience. God loves us so much, He will humble us for the benefit of us, our households, and for His Glory.

Spare the rod, you ruin the child; God does not want us to be ruined! Living a life of sin and disobedience “will forfeit” your ”right” to call on Him.

Ask God to Bless you with the Humility and the Wisdom to
“Call on His Name”,
And Watch how He “Richly Blesses” You and Your Household.


The Destiny of “Belief”!

We Become Whatever “We Have ‘Belief’ In”.

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, “this I will do”, that “the Father may be glorified in the Son”. If you ask me anything in my name, “I Will Do It”. (John 14:12-14)

We can do the Works that Jesus did.
Belief “Has No Destiny” in a heart/mind with “Doubt”!

God wants all his children/creation to be like their “Big Brother Jesus”. Therefore, God created His Word, the Bible, as the instruction manual on how to Be Like Jesus.

Belief – An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Trust, Faith, or Confidence in something or someone.

Our Daily Nugget
is telling us. 1. We will do the works that Jesus did if we “believe”. 2. Whatever we ask the Father for in Jesus’ name that He will do. 3. The Father is “Glorified” in the Son, when the Son do what we ask for. This is a very sweet deal for those who believe and doubt not. Each Kingdom Citizen can do this.

In our fallen state we cannot believe and doubt not. To believe and doubt not is accomplished through our faith, trust, and obedience, to The Word. The Bible instructs us to ask God for “Whatever We Want”. Ask God to bless you to have “belief and to doubt not”. “He Will” answer this prayer for you, if you “doubt not”.

The more we do this, the more we will be able to hear and obey the Holy Spirit. We must keep asking and believing until our prayers materialize into reality. God has given Jesus all power; Jesus cannot lie; therefore, whatever the Bible says is “True”. Jesus has told us that “Whatever We Ask For In His Name, He Will Do It”.

Our Obedience to Our Daily Nugget, “Glorifies the Father”!

Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to
“Let Him Use You”
to do “All Things Through Him”, thus Glorifying the Father,
And Watch What Happens!

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P. O. BOX 90951
Pasadena, CA

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Pasadena, 91107

Morning Star Christian Church, Pasadena Ca Morning Star Christian Church, Pasadena Ca
980 Rio Grande Street
Pasadena, 91104

Pasadena City Church Pasadena City Church
2588 E Colorado Boulevard
Pasadena, 91107

Pasadena City Church is a multi-ethnic, multi-socioeconomic church that exists to extend God's love to the city and invite others into community.

Hope for the World Church & Missions Hope for the World Church & Missions
1281 Sunset Avenue
Pasadena, 91103


Harvest Rock Church Harvest Rock Church
131 South Saint John Avenue
Pasadena, 91105

Advancing the Kingdom of God through His love and His power.

Victory Bible Church Victory Bible Church
1497 N Hill Avenue
Pasadena, 91104

Victory exists to equip all people to be disciples of Jesus Christ who conquer the challenges of life by growing in the WORD , engaging in WORSHIP, serving as a WITNESS, and gather...

Living Rock Church Living Rock Church
2181 East Washington Boulevard
Pasadena, 91104

LRC Pasadena exists to glorify God by making Gospel-driven disciples who make disciples.

LivingWay Community Church LivingWay Community Church
789 N Altadena Drive
Pasadena, 91107

Encounter Christ. Experience His Reign. Expand His Kingdom.

Daily Doses of Jesus Daily Doses of Jesus

Helping people come unto Christ everyday!

Good Shepherd Church Pasadena Good Shepherd Church Pasadena
Pasadena, 91106

We are a fully inclusive church without walls. Welcome! Watch our live videos for an inspirational message, scripture and tour of God's amazing creation.