Harvest International Ministry, Pasadena, CA Videos

Videos by Harvest International Ministry in Pasadena. HIM is an apostolic network of more than 25,000 churches in upwards of 60 nations.

☁️ Ever consider your dreams as a heavenly dialogue? 💤✨

God's voice isn't limited to waking hours. As you sleep, He may be painting vivid pictures in your mind, whispering wisdom through symbols and scenes.

Your dreams can be more than random replays, they might be heavenly highways, carrying messages of guidance, warning, or encouragement. God used dreams to speak to Joseph, Daniel, and countless others throughout the Bible.

Are you listening? Keep a dream journal by your bed. Pray for discernment before sleep. Be open to the extraordinary in the ordinary. Invite God into your dreams!

Don't dismiss your dreams. They could be God's midnight masterpieces, crafted just for you.

If you’re experiencing warfare in your dreams, perhaps it’s because that’s exactly where God’s placed a gift inside of you.

🔥 Thanks for sharing this powerful reminder James Goll !

#god #spiritual #spirituality #dreams #california

Other Harvest International Ministry videos

☁️ Ever consider your dreams as a heavenly dialogue? 💤✨ God's voice isn't limited to waking hours. As you sleep, He may be painting vivid pictures in your mind, whispering wisdom through symbols and scenes. Your dreams can be more than random replays, they might be heavenly highways, carrying messages of guidance, warning, or encouragement. God used dreams to speak to Joseph, Daniel, and countless others throughout the Bible. Are you listening? Keep a dream journal by your bed. Pray for discernment before sleep. Be open to the extraordinary in the ordinary. Invite God into your dreams! Don't dismiss your dreams. They could be God's midnight masterpieces, crafted just for you. If you’re experiencing warfare in your dreams, perhaps it’s because that’s exactly where God’s placed a gift inside of you. 🔥 Thanks for sharing this powerful reminder James Goll ! #god #spiritual #spirituality #dreams #california

🔥 Follow Harvest International Ministry for encouragement throughout your week! Ready to break free? God's calling you beyond the familiar! 📦⚡ Comfort zones are cozy, but they're also cages. God's whispering about new horizons, fresh adventures, and untapped potential. But here's the catch, it requires you to step out of your box. Imagine the miracles waiting just beyond your comfort zone. The lives you'll touch. The growth you'll experience. The purpose you'll fulfill. It's scary, yes. But remember, God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. Your 'yes' is the key that unlocks His power in your life! This is your moment. Will you cling to the known or embrace the extraordinary? Take that bold step. Your box is about to become a launchpad! 🙏❤️‍🔥 Awesome word Katie Souza ! #spiritual #god #spirituality #religion #california #prophet

When God anoints you, everything shifts. 🕊️✨ It's not just a calling, it's an empowerment. Suddenly, you're operating beyond your natural abilities. Doors open unexpectedly. Courage replaces fear. Clarity cuts through confusion. You feel the Holy Spirit coursing through you, fueling your purpose. Obstacles that once seemed insurmountable now look like stepping stones. Your words carry weight, your actions bear fruit. But it's not about you, it's about His power working through you. You become a vessel, a conduit for God's plans. Your weaknesses become the stage for His strength to shine. Anointing brings responsibility, challenges, and growth. But it also brings joy, fulfillment, and the thrill of partnering with God and your divine destiny! Are you ready to step into your anointing? What an incredible message from Praying Prophet. #spiritual #god #religion #pray #spirituality #california

When you turn to Jesus, everything changes. 🦅✨ Isaiah 40:31 promises: "Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Imagine your life transformed - burdens lifted, purpose found, and strength renewed. With Christ, you're no longer earthbound by fear or doubt. You're given wings to soar above life's storms. Your weary soul finds rest. Your tired feet gain new energy. Your discouraged heart beats with fresh hope. Jesus doesn't just change your circumstances, He changes YOU. He empowers you to face life's challenges with divine strength and unshakeable faith! Ready to soar? Trust in Him today! 🔥 So good @ bridgemetrowest @ pauldavidguidry ! #prophet #california #jesus

Follow Harvest International Ministry for encouragement throughout your week! Is your heart's soil ready for God's Word to take root and flourish? 🌱 Like a garden needs tending, our hearts require care to be receptive to divine wisdom. Clear away the rocks of doubt, pull the weeds of distraction, and break up the hard ground of pride. Nourish your soil with prayer, humility, and readiness. When we prepare our hearts, God's Word can sink deep, growing into a vibrant faith that bears fruit in our lives. It transforms us from within, bringing peace, joy, and purpose. Are you cultivating fertile ground for spiritual growth? Let God's Word find rich soil in your heart today, and watch it grow a beautiful garden! Such a good reminder from Bill Johnson. Bill Johnson #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #california

Say amen if you want to see God move in families! ❤️🙌🥹 God’s heart is after your family. Salvation is coming to your home! Declare it today and believe for it. What a powerful declaration from Tony Kim. Tony Kim - Renaissance of Arising Reformers #god #family #love #california

Like this if you believe that Jesus paid it ALL!!! ❤️🙌🥹 Jesus paid it in full. Our debt of sin, too heavy for us to bear, was nailed to the cross with Him. In that moment, grace outweighed guilt, and mercy overshadowed judgment. Jesus bridged the gap between our brokenness and God's holiness, offering freedom we couldn't earn and forgiveness we didn't deserve. His sacrifice wasn't just about erasing our past, but securing our future. Through His wounds, we find healing. Through His death, we gain life. Through His resurrection, we have hope. This is the heart of the gospel: Jesus took our place so we could take our place in God's family. Your redemption is paid for. Will you accept it? What a word from Patricia King! #jesuschrist #god #bible #religion #spiritual #spirituality #california #prophecy #prophet #dreams #vision #hope #peace #forgiven #healing

Wow!!! 😮‼️🙌💯 God's fingerprints are everywhere, if we only pause to look. Look at this incredible proof of Noah’s Ark!!! Open your eyes to the wonders around you. In the ordinary and extraordinary, God reveals Himself, inviting us into a deeper understanding of His majesty. Thanks for sharing this Joseph Z! #jesuschrist #god #bible #religion #spiritual #spirituality #california #prophecy #proohet #signs #dreams #vision

❤️‍🔥 Double tap if you’re ready to say goodbye to the fear of man! Don't let the fear of man hold you captive! Your worth isn't determined by others' opinions or approval. Break free from the chains of people-pleasing and embrace the liberating truth of who you are in Christ. Stand firm in your convictions, even when it's unpopular. Remember, courage isn't the absence of fear, but acting despite it. Your unique voice matters. Your God-given purpose is greater than any human criticism. Choose faith over fear, authenticity over acceptance, and boldness over blending in. When you live to please God rather than people, you unlock a life of true freedom and impact. Rise above the fear of man and soar into your divine calling. What a powerful reminder from Lisa Bevere. Lisa Bevere #spiritual #spirituality #religion #olympics #christian

Share this to reach the world with the Gospel! 🤍🔥🙏 Jesus paid the ultimate price for your freedom. His sacrifice on the cross covered every sin, every mistake, every regret. You don't have to earn it or deserve it, it's a gift of grace. The debt has been cleared, the chains have been broken. All that's left is for you to embrace this incredible offer of love and forgiveness. Your new life awaits. The choice is yours. Will you step into the freedom Jesus purchased for you? #spiritual #lifestyle #religion #california #ocean #reminder #jesus

❤️ Like this if you want to see unity in the body of Christ! In unity, we find courage to face challenges, wisdom to navigate life's complexities, and love to transform our world! Together, we're the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing hope to the hopeless and light to the darkness. Our unity transcends walls, bridges divides, and showcases God's love in action. It's in our togetherness that we truly reflect Christ's image and fulfill His mission. Join us in building a unified church that changes lives and communities. What an encouraging word from Dutch Sheets ! #america #pray #vote #god #prophecy

Follow for encouragement throughout your week! There is power in worshiping collectively. When we gather together as a church, our voices become one, our prayers amplify, and our spirits are nourished. In a world that often feels divided, church unity brings hope and healing! It's where strangers become family, doubts find faith, and love multiplies. We lift each other up and share in joy and sorrow. Such a great message from Cindy Jacobs! Cindy Jacobs #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #prophecy #california

Who’s in!? 🔥🙌🙏 As Esther fasted before approaching the king, we're called to fast for our children and nation. In these challenging times, let's unite in prayer! Fasting sharpens our spiritual focus, humbles our hearts, and invites God's intervention. Join us in seeking wisdom, protection, and revival for our children and this nation. Together, we can create a spiritual shield around our families and country. Your fast can fuel change. Will you answer the call? Join us on October 12, 2024 at the Washington D.C. Mall for a gathering of a million women and their families. For more information check out A Million Women Lou Engle #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #california

❤️‍🔥 Share this to encourage the men in your life! Men, it's time to be modern-day Mordecais. In the book of Esther, Mordecai showed courage, wisdom, and unwavering faith. He raised Esther, stood firm against evil, and guided her to save their people. Today, we need men who: -Mentor and empower others -Stand up against injustice -Lead with integrity -Stay faithful in hard times -Use their influence for good Like Mordecai, we can shape history from behind the scenes. Our actions ripple outward, impacting families, communities, and beyond. Step up, be bold, and make a difference. 🎺Join us on October 12, 2024 at the Washington D.C. Mall for a gathering of a million women and their families. For more information check out A Million Women . Lou Engle Jenny Donnelly #jesus #california

Double tap if you believe it! 🙌 Be brave when it matters most. The book of Esther shows us how to step up when times are tough. Esther faced fear but chose courage. She used her voice to defend others, even when it was risky. Esther teaches us to be bold, to trust in God, and stand up for what's right. A Million Women Lou Engle #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophecy #california

Can we get an “AMEN”? 🙏 It's time for the Church to rise! Like Esther and Mordecai, we're called to stand against darkness. The enemy has crept into our schools, media, and culture, but we won't stay silent. Let's reclaim lost ground through: -Bold prayer and fasting -Speaking truth with love -Serving our communities -Living out our faith daily -Unity across denominations We're not just playing defense, we're advancing God's kingdom! Every act of faith, every stand for truth, pushes back the darkness. The Church isn't a building, it's us. Together, we can turn the tide. Will you join the uprising? Join us on October 12, 2024 at the Washington D.C. Mall for a gathering of a million women and their families. For more information check out A Million Women Jenny Donnelly #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #california

Say “ESTHER” in the comments if you’re ready to step into your God-given calling! 🔥 It's time to awaken! Like the biblical queen, you're positioned "for such a time as this." Embrace your divine purpose with courage and grace. Your voice matters, your influence is needed. Stand firm in faith, speak truth to power, and advocate for justice. God has placed you strategically in your career, community, and relationships. Rise up Esther, and fulfill your calling! 🙌 Watch more on A Million Women YouTube Channel now. Lou Engle A Million Women #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #california

God still speaks through dreams! 💯🙌 Don’t count God out from working and speaking in dreams. “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” - Acts 2:17 What a powerful reminder from Elizabeth Tiam-Fook at Global Summit 2024. Invite the Lord into your dream life. ☁️ Elizabeth Tiam-Fook #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #california

Revival and reformation in the prophetic. ❤️‍🔥 A message from Tony Kim at Global Summit 2024. “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds[c] and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” - Ephesians 4:11-16 Tony Kim - Renaissance of Arising Reformers #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #california

A reminder of the joy of giving from Cindy Jacobs at Global Summit 2024. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:7-10 What are your thoughts about giving? Share them below! Cindy Jacobs #spiritual #spirituality #religion #prophet #california