Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee, Pasadena, CA Videos

Videos by Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee in Pasadena. Welcome! Follow the activities of the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee.

YAY KTLA broadcast video of the Float promoting Rotary. THANKS KTLA If video does not start playing click on watch again. Thanks

Other Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee videos

YAY KTLA broadcast video of the Float promoting Rotary. THANKS KTLA If video does not start playing click on watch again. Thanks

Float Promoting Rotary
Thanks to Ambassador Amy Roslevege from PA for this live video on an ABC affiliate. Great coverage for Rotary!!!

THE FLOAT PROMOTING ROTARY Traveling down Colorado Blvd. LOOKING GOOD ROTARIANS!! Video from KTLA presentation. Other channels will be posted as they are received from RRPFC members.

Opening shoe
The opening show for the 2022 Tournament of Roses, Rose Parade

THROWBACK THURSDAY Okay last week I posted a picture of a rider. So this week I will post the Float for the year 2015 on which I was a float rider. IF you would like to ride the Float for 2022 you can either donate for a position or buy a raffle ticket. Go to for further information

Happy Easter Weekend. Here is our best? bunny float from 2018. Winner of the Princesses’ Trophy Most outstanding floral presentation among entries 35 feet and under in length The theme of the float was “Planting the Seeds of Service” At a glance, the whimsical bunny gazing at the just planted peach tree appears to be in shape and form like any other float entry. However, if you look beyond the flowers, beyond the plant material, what you will find is the story of a child hungry for food, drinking bacteria infested water; the story of a mother fighting to take care of her family; the story of a family living in a region of conflict struggling to survive. If you look deeper you will begin to see the bunny as a symbol of the watchful gaze of Rotarians’, the tree as a symbol of life, growing the seeds of service provided by Rotarians’ world wide; and, bearing the fruit of Rotary’s Six (now 7) Areas of Focus giving hope to all children, all mothers, and all families for a better world. To enhance this message a real sapling from one of Hiroshima’s A-Bomb survivor trees was on the float and later planted in one of Rotary’s Peace Gardens to help promote peace and a green legacy. The 2018 Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee Float is a story of responsibility to our planet, our children, and humanity.

President of RI Mark Maloney and his spouse Gay -- Post Parade interview

Optimist President Adrian Elcock and spouse Ann

2020 Rose Parade KTLA Live Stream

2020 Rose Parade opening

2019 FLOAT --40 years