Sarah Al juboor
● Writer
● Books review
● Artist
● Interested in (Languages, Music, Art , Books)
"Is this happiness?" My latest artwork, done with watecolor and guash.
When the worlds collide and you don't what is going on...
I see you're going so I play my music, watch you leave👌🌚
(So much to learn)
Do you know that I FINALLY realized that I have never talked about this one?
Well here is the story!!
I've done this long time ago😅 I was done with it at the 8th of December 2017🙄 (yeah I never talked about it because I got it back in MAY😁)
And this one was for the in my school. One of my classmates said "uh? Sis? You are taking a horrible decision by not participating in this competition" and she encouraged me to do it and I did. So basically why I like this one the most is because I spent almost two months working on it. I WASN'T GOOD WITH USING COLORED PENCILS AT ALL BUT I CHOOSED TO WORK WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE COOL🙄 (I took a big risk I know)
I didn't win, I was in the semi-finals and then I went out of it, but this is not the point of sharing, I loved this one soooooo much that when I had to give it to school I missed it at home😅 and then this one actually showed me that I can do so much with my not-perfect skills😂 and here we go!! I am going to do more this year! I am getting my new colored pencils set so soon soooo!
@ Pearland, Texas
The greatest sins in history have been committed in the name of love.
اعظم الجرائم بالتاريخ ارتكبت باسم الحب.
"Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind, I wanna get off but I keep riding the ride. I never really noticed that I have to decide, to play someone's game or live my own life! And now I do, I wanna move! Out of the black into the blue!!"
My artwork of "Lana Del Rey" I wanna say thanks Lana for all the feelings you pit into your music and songs! Thank you for being an artist that I really find myself in her songs! You got me out of the black so many times, you saved a beat that my heart could cross bcs of this world that you amazingly describe in your songs. I love you so much!
كانت روحي تحلق في الافق بينما انا كنت ادنو نحو الهاوية، و لكنني لم اسقط.
So, many of you guys kept asking me, why the sky? Or what is the unique thing about the sky?
Well, you don't know the whole story until someone starts telling it, so let's talk about it!!
I left my country -Iraq- almost a year ago, but when it was hard for me to forget all the good moments there.
Basically sky is the only one feature in the nature that is looking the same as Baghdad, so when I look at it I remember the old cute me, I remember all these days.
On the other hand, I have a quote and it says "A home doesn't travel to a person who left it once" and for sure, I can't be home everyday by being in another country, but the thing is, I feel like I stole the sky once I left it🌃 I feel like it is the only one thin line that makes me feel "home" I feel that sky is the only thing that I, my family and my friends around the world see the same. So it is also about a spirit bond between me and the people I knew before, because if you think about it, lands are far and there are a lot of water bodies between them, but sky, is one! And only one, that you can see... that every person who got a vision can see.
And my last reason is that I once read a book, and it talked about it as a sign for the "freedom", and it made sense to me because thinking about it, if I see the wings as the thing to free me, then sky is the space were I use my wings.
@ Pearland, Texas
Escaping reality, Escaping Earth.....
My last artwork... pen and dotting technique💙💙
Galaxy has always been a place for my spirit soul🍃
كان يوماً ممطراً، السماء مكتسية بلون رماديٍ حالك، يجعل بقية الالوان... الاخضر، الاحمر و الازرق تبدو اكثر تالقاً.
و لكنني كنت كعادتي، كثيرة العمل، و اخذ اي عمل مهما كان صغيراً بمحمل الجديّة، شيّئا بداخلي كان يحملني الى التحمل، لم انتبه حتى الى الطقس في الخارج على الرغم من كونه المفضل لدي.
اما غرفتي، فقط كانت كداخلي انا، مبعثرة و لا اعلم متى سترتاح مني و بعثرتي، لكنني على الرغم من هذا استطعت ان اجد كل شيء، هناك، فوق طاولتي البيضاء؛ كتب المطالعة، الى جانبها الحاسب المحمول، الالة الحاسبة و مرطب شفاهي، و لا ابعد من سنتمترين اثنين، هاتفي المحمول... على قطعة خشبية صغيرة يطمئن كوب مليء بقهوة دافئة، اما فراشي و ارضية الغرفة فانني اتحدى احدا ان يخطو خطوة واحدة من دون ان يخطو على اوراق ما على فراشي مهم، و ما على الارضية مهمل و متلف، اما انا، فارتمي امام حاسبتي و اكتب كلمات قد تحرك مشاعر البعض، و قد تبدو تافهة لبعض اخر.
تدخل أمي تقف الى جوار الباب و لا تجرأ على الدخول، بينما انا كنت اتاهب لسماع ما هو محتمل عن القنبلة النووية التي سقطت على اوراقي و بغرفتي، الا انها قالت " يا رب، اعطها ثمرة كل بذرة تزرعها بداخلها، كل مجهود تبذله و كل وقت تأسره بعيدا عن التضييع"
و انا الان اظن ان كل الذي حدث لي من بعد ذلك الدعاء هو بسببها، كل هذا التوفيق بسببها، من الله، رسالة تدل على ان ما يشعرك بالفرح حتى و ان كان صغيرا كجو جميل يراه الجميع كئيبا، من الممكن ان يكون جميلا على عكس ما يزعمون، و ان الجميع سيرى اخطائك و بعثرتك فقط، الا امك. 🖤
"As long as you are happy, stop daying that you are tired" 💜💫
Hope you like it💛
فاقِدُ الشَيّءِ ذاكِرُهُ🌌🖤
ها قد غابت الشمس و انت لم تعد، لا تخف الظلام لم يدخل الى قلبي بعد، يحل الظلام على الجميع فيغير منهم أشياء، يقاومنه فينتصر عليهم... الا انني قد توقفت عن المقاومة منذ وقت طويل، أصبح الظلام خلي، يجاورني و يصاحب قلبي.. لذلك لا تعد، خوفي ان يكون الظلام قد غير منك اشياء كما فعل للجميع!
It seems like there is someone just published two parts in Arabic on her wattpad acc,
حروف خا ئفة .. فتاة بعمر الياسمين تكب ما حل لها مالمها حبها شغفها و تسطر سطوا من عبير العنبر أزلية في حب الفن و ستموت فيه أبدي...
"In your eyes there is a heavy for and one for "
My drawing of this young lady is so 🖤☄💎
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A page for me to post my personal artwork and public patreon streams here on facebook
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