DUKES barbell club

DUKES barbell club

We represent a community of people relentlessly committed to the pursuit of their goals. Welcome to


Some of you gyms out there are way too cavalier with the words . back and shoulder..



I am a 42 year old RN .. I spend the majority of my day in meetings at my desk rather than at the bedside these days.
I have always been active but my goals were different before. I never thought about building muscle.. I thought about being thin
I heard about Dukes on social media and it was close to home. I am always trying different things and this looked like a challenge I wanted to try.
I feel stronger than I ever have. Running is so much easier because my core and upper body are stronger. I push myself knowing I can do it.
Dukes taught me the importance of nutrition and building muscle. Changing my diet and adding lifting to my routine has changed everything.
Michael is tough but he pushes you because he knows how to get results.


Are you brave enough?


If you’re going to call yourself a “BEAST” ,understand the rules of the jungle.
A beast doesn’t just like to eat, it loves to hunt.

You have to love the process as much as you love the prize.
Your infatuation with the end of the journey is why you fail.


One of my athletes was asked “does Michael really yell at people and make them cry?”
Her response?
“Only if you don’t listen”

You damn right I do, if you’re not in it 💯, then it’s not important to you and I am here for those who want to learn.

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 06/20/2023

90 day challenge results are finally here. First of all everyone obviously worked hard over these 90 days and we are so proud of you all! We chose the winners based on physical transformation, commitment, progression at the gym as well as involvement on the page and posting the journey. It was a hard decision, but the winners are:
1st Kelsey
2nd Anne
3rd Kristi

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 06/19/2023

I am a mom of 2 and grandmother of 3 teenage boys. I recently retired after 4 plus decades as a Registered Nurse at UH Geneva. My retirement job is working as a school nurse, mostly putting on bandaids and operating our Airbnb- both are super fun!
From gyms to group fitness to owning my own Jazzercise Franchise for 15 years, I have worked out most of my adult life. All forms of exercise are beneficial,I would not discredit any of them. I definitely kept my BMI in check and had fun but never really saw any change. Now that I am entering a different phase of my life,with the fear of aging heavy on my mind, I felt that it was the time to challenge myself in a whole new way! New life, new me
I knew about Dukes from my previous gym. I watched Michael train so many clients and was always amazed at the results I witnessed. Never having the courage to explore training with him because he seemed scary to me! Plus, I felt too old, not strong and felt I should avoid heavy weights! Eventually he moved on but I continued to watch on social media, success after success after success. I finally had the courage to try my 3 free classes then go for the consultation. At the consult, I shared my goals, my fears,and he shared his expectations.
As a result I have found a new strength and determination i never knew I had . My joint pain is completely gone and I attribute this to proper nutrition and proper training. I am lifting, and squatting and deadlifting weight that I never thought possible without injury It takes time but I trusted Michael and I trusted the process And that is what makes Dukes different; proper training,evolving meal plans,frequent check ins,and support
Michael pushes you to be the best version of yourself. He finds your limits, then pushes you past them. The support here is incredible both in class and on the Dukes Support Page . We push each other,ask questions,share our successes,our weaknesses and lift each other up.
I’m getting results because the goal i set for myself and my commitment are aligned and that is the key. Set a goal, make a plan, commit to it and work HARD . All under the watchful eye of Michael Cedeno. He is constantly watching, coaching, correcting form. I’m always relieved when he walks past me,but always grateful if I need correction So bottom line is this, change is scary,it’s hard,you will be pushed and that’s the truth. The results speak for themselves

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 05/30/2023

I’m a 34 year old ICU Nurse Practitioner who tends to put her job way before anything else. About 2 years ago I had a failed marriage engagement that sent me into a pretty dark place. I tried to hide in work, but that eventually ended up backfiring especially during COVID times.
About a year after, I started working with a personal trainer, which was great and I started seeing some results. I would constantly ask about nutrition and what exactly I should be eating to better my workout. In the most bro answers I could get he told me ‘just eat more protein or just eat your macros’. I started to plateau with my results and then I actually noticed I was putting weight on. It was at this point I could not stick around anymore and that’s when a friend and I were introduced to Dukes through Teresa. When I saw the transformation pictures 🤯 I was sold from the beginning.
When I first told Michael about my trainers ‘Bro responses’ to my nutrition questions he laughed and rolled his eyes. I knew then I was in good hands. He proceeded to explain everything wrong with his statements and has been answering all my questions ever since. For the last 8 months my physical, emotional, and mental states has improved beyond my wildest expectations. I sleep better, I take time off work more, I put myself first, and I’m no longer dependent on antidepressants. I am putting in the work and seeing the results and could not be happier. I believe Duke’s is different from the rest because it’s not only Michael that holds you accountable, but EVERYONE in the gym. It’s a family I’m proud to call my own and would happily recommend to anyone willing to get their ass handed to them and come back the next day for more.


2nd day of Murph

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 05/27/2023

1 mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 mile Run


Camaraderie, great environment, people push each other, we’re a gym family
Why is this everyone’s sales pitch? “gimmicks”
Every gym is so focused on showing you that concept instead of what it takes.

Like, are we savages? Seems to me if we put a group of people with the same goals the camaraderie, great environment etc is just a byproduct only defined as second in nature. Why does this matter? Why aren’t they focused on real results instead of showing you mediocre ones?

Because, they know you. You will always flock to the path of least resistance. This is why DUKES looks scary, it looks hard. You tell yourself I’ll get stronger first than go to DUKES.
These are the excuses you tell yourself to justify why you don’t want to do what it takes.

Change is scary. It will be hard. You don’t need to be stronger. You need to start.
We’re just truthful and that’s what scares you.
We are what it takes.
Keep your excuses

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 05/17/2023

I am 48 years old, recently divorced. I have a 20 year old son and 2 dogs. I have been working in the healthcare billing industry for 20 years. I sit at a desk anywhere from 8-10 hours a day. I enjoy hiking, cooking, watching football, seeing any live music and of course I am always listening to music. I first heard about Dukes while I was a member at another gym. I had always wanted to join Dukes because I saw the girls’ transformations with my own eyes. I was reluctant to join back then due to low confidence but finally after my divorce, I decided that now was my time. I have been with Dukes now for 13 months and my only regret is that I didn’t join years ago when I first thought about it. So far, I am down 34 lbs and have gained muscle and confidence. As I said, I was with another gym but for me it was too big, too many people – I don’t like crowds and there was no hands on instruction unless doing personal training. I need a more tailored/structured fitness program that will keep me in check. I found that at Dukes. Michael always takes the time to answer my why questions, why are lifting like this? Why are we doing cardio after lifting? Etc. I’m a why person so I need answers always, otherwise I’m less inclined to follow instructions. I love how supportive the Dukes community is. Even though we are all on separate journeys and at different levels of fitness we always encourage each other we are all here to be better than we were yesterday. I’m here trying to improve myself. It’s me against me. The gym also helps with my mental state. When I miss days at the gym, my mental state suffers so for me that is the biggest factor to keep showing up. I’m here to transform my mind and my body. And that’s what I’m doing and what I’m going to keep on doing. My advice if you’re on the fence about starting your journey here at Dukes… just start, give it everything you got, know that there will be days where it will be hard and you will want to quit and on those days reach out to the Dukes community, they will help lift you up and get you back on track again. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. xo


48 year old married mom of 4. I spend a lot of my work time at a desk. I am a runner, always worked out either at home or did boot camp classes. I have never lifted weights or joined a gym before Dukes. I saw the transformations online and scheduled a consultation. I was tired all the time, felt terrible physically and mentally. Micheal put me on a meal plan and group training. I am eating more that I have ever eaten! I have way more energy, I feel amazing mentally and physically! The first month was the worst, I cried on my first leg day because I felt like a failure…Michael will push you but he will also help you to make sure you have proper form and nutrition. There is a tremendous support system here and I am learning so much. It’s so hard sometimes but it’s so worth it!!
I wish I would have done it a long time ago!!


All workouts are beneficial for the body. But is the discipline of your sport going to get you to your goals. Meaning is your workout going to get you the results you want?

CrossFit/Functional fitness A form of high intensity interval training, CrossFit is a strength and conditioning workout that is made up of functional movement performed at a high intensity level. These movements are actions that you perform in your day-to-day life, like squatting, pulling, pushing etc.

HIIT - A type of interval training exercise. It incorporates several rounds that alternate between several minutes of high intensity movements to significantly increase the heart rate to at least 80% of one's maximum heart rate, followed by short periods of lower intensity movements.

🛑 DUKES 🛑 - Bodybuilding is a sport that focuses on maximizing muscle size and growth while minimizing body fat

Powerlifting - is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift.

I say again all workouts are beneficial for the body. But is the discipline of your sport aligned with your goals?

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 05/01/2023

Almost 30yr old Labor & Delivery nurse and current grad student in Midwifery. My husband and I have been married for 8 years with 3 children who are 8, 6, &4. I also delivered a bonus surrogate baby a year and a half ago.
Being postpartum was always so hard on me and I really struggled to meet my fitness goals. I had been overweight, unhealthy, depressed, and discouraged. I had every excuse in the book to try and justify why I didn’t have the time or energy.
Before Dukes I tried literally everything (keto, intermittent fasting, beach body, weight watchers) without any success. It was a constant up and down rollercoaster physically and mentally.
I heard about dukes from a friend who was a member of the gym. I saw how much success she had and knew that was what I wanted.
I myself cannot even believe how amazing my results have been. Not only physically but mentally/emotionally like a whole new person. The workouts are challenging and the group setting classes make it very flexible with my schedule. The meal plans are thorough and easy to follow. I have been provided with the education/resources needed to change my habits and make better lifestyle choices. Micheal continuously checks in every 2 weeks to keep me on track. I think the most important thing about Dukes Fitness is how sustainable it has been for me getting to this point. Before dukes I would always “fall off the wagon” but since I began training with Michael a new found motivation to better myself has been instilled in me. I feel in even better shape now after 8 months of training than I ever did before pre pregnancy 8 years ago! Hands down the most success I’ve ever had 😁



1. Is Dukes right for everyone?: No. we require commitment, initiative, and intensity. You can’t skate by under the radar here. You will be expected to learn and progress continuously.
2. Can I do the workouts and not use the nutrition plan?: No, training and nutrition go together. Membership requires adherence to both.
3. Can I ease into it so it’s not so hard at first? Nope. All in or all out.
4. How do I know if Dukes is right for me?: are you ready to commit to 6 months of training and nutrition? Are you ready to work harder than you ever have? If so, there’s a consultation to clear up any confusion about what’s involved and then 3 free classes to make sure you know what you’re getting into.


Our evolution needs a new look.


Hello! I’m 44 and I have worked in the mortgage business for 21 years. Yes, I sit at a desk and don’t get much activity throughout the day. I am a mother of a 23 yr old daughter who just began her nursing career. My husband and I have been together for 21 years. I love being active and being outdoors and shopping and gardening and being with friends.
I have always for the most part ate healthy all my life but would periodically fall into the Keto/ vegetarian/ low-fat and anything you can think of diet but just wasn’t working. Kept active at the YMCA but that consisted of lots of cardio / elliptical and little to no weights. Always a struggle.
I just needed to change the way of things. But how !?
I heard about Dukes and it was intimidating and just kind of pushed aside because of my lower back and knee issue thinking I can’t do what they do because I have to be strong to join. Can’t show my weakness because it will be embarrassing. My friend joined and then told me again about it and said I should check it out and they will modify workouts. That’s when I tried and certainly had to modify somethings and absolutely loved it. I joined !
Joining dukes and having a coach was the best decision I’ve made for my body and life!

Was I weak when I started? Yes! Was I hurting physically when I started? Yes! Brain fog, no energy, out of shape you name it that was me. Coach Micheal has been incredible during my 1 first year here.
I have been able to be placed on meal plan that reboots your system with the necessary nutrition your body needs to weight train. I have learned so much about nutrition and what your body needs for fuel. I have learned how to lift with proper form.
Can I also say the support from the other members is amazing. Very uplifting, encouraging and love the push and accountability! Dukes is not for everyone though. You have to want change. There are no going thru the motions here at Dukes ! Being uncomfortable is what pushes you to your change.


Changing your body probably won’t change your life, but the PROCESS of changing your body probably will. Knowing that you can change is FREEDOM. Knowing you can make your life different is POWER. Reinvent yourself as often as you need to feel like you are authentically you.
We’re not just about weight loss or muscle building or fitting into some kind of fitness mold. We’re about helping you smash your own goals and break out of the cell you’ve built around yourself. We want you to become MORE you, not less.

- Kristan -

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 03/25/2023

Come join Dukes for the camaraderie 🤗🌞🦄…………J/k Come try to survive ☠️


There’s no right or wrong fitness goals. The problem comes when you expect the dramatic transformation without the work. People need to be honest with themselves about what they really want. Be clear with your priorities when you sign up here at DUKES.
Don’t be lured in by looking at amazing transformation we have here before realizing how much it actually took to get there and expect not to do the work.

It takes consistency, learning how to properly train, how to properly fuel the body. A thick skin to take criticism . wanting a transformation without these being a clear priority for you is just a waste of time.

Dukes isn’t for everyone

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 03/15/2023

10 years ago I would say
"nutrition is key" with the
influx of "influencer trainers"
Proper training is getting lost
in translation with get fit quick
Now I say "proper training is
now as important as nutrition"


I’ve always wanted to improve my salesmanship so here we go.

What do we do here?
We get you to your goals.
We don’t treat you like a delicate flower.
We are brutally honest with you and the truth hurts.
I am here to teach and you will learn.

Our philosophy is sink or swim.

If you come in with an “I can’t attitude” you will fail.
It will be hard.
It will suck.
But, past the pain lies your reward.
Your goals becoming a lifestyle.

There’s DUKES and there’s everyone else

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 02/28/2023

Stop living with a “hope “mentality.
⁃ it’s easy
⁃ It doesn’t hurt
⁃ It’s over soon
Stop with that entitled mindset-you’re not working as hard as you think you are. Switch your mindset.
⁃ it’s hard
⁃ It hurts
⁃ It’s not over until I am done.

That’s what separates DUKES athletes from everyone else.

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 02/21/2023

It's hard:
• to stay motivated
• to stay disciplined
• to stay healthy
It's hard:
•to stay depressed
• to stay unconfident
•to stay unhealthy
It's all hard, choose
your hard.

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 02/20/2023

Despite all of our successful transformation people still think we’re your run of the mill “transformation gym”. Keep your “time saving” full body workouts, ego lifting and nonstop HITT training approach out of our gym. We focus on what actually works.

I can honestly say she’s done “0” cardio

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 02/07/2023

I am 48 years old, recently divorced. I have a 20 year old son and 2 dogs. I have been working in the healthcare billing industry for 20 years. I sit at a desk anywhere from 8-10 hours a day. I enjoy hiking, cooking, watching football, seeing any live music and of course I am always listening to music. I first heard about Dukes while I was a member at another gym. I had always wanted to join Dukes because I saw the girls’ transformations with my own eyes. I was reluctant to join back then due to low confidence but finally after my divorce, I decided that now was my time. I have been with Dukes now for 9 months and my only regret is that I didn’t join years ago when I first thought about it. So far, I am down 20 lbs and have gained muscle and confidence. As I said, I was with another gym but for me it was too big, too many people – I don’t like crowds and there was no hands on instruction unless doing personal training. I need a more tailored/structured fitness program that will keep me in check. I found that at Dukes. Michael always takes the time to answer my why questions, why are lifting like this? Why are we doing cardio after lifting? Etc. I’m a why person so I need answers always, otherwise I’m less inclined to follow instructions. I love how supportive the Dukes community is. Even though we are all on separate journeys and at different levels of fitness we always encourage each other we are all here to be better than we were yesterday. I’m here trying to improve myself. It’s me against me. The gym also helps with my mental state. When I miss days at the gym, my mental state suffers so for me that is the biggest factor to keep showing up. I’m here to transform my mind and my body. And that’s what I’m doing and what I’m going to keep on doing. My advice if you’re on the fence about starting your journey here at Dukes… just start, give it everything you got, know that there will be days where it will be hard and you will want to quit and on those days reach out to the Dukes community, they will help lift you up and get you back on track again. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. xo

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/27/2022

Couple years difference here. Not a shocking physique change change, but clearly I’m larger now. This is what I love about training for a sport as opposed to “exercise” (which I also enjoy at times for fun which is TOTALLY fine if that’s what you prefer, but please don’t do it just to take up less space in the world). Smallness is not the goal. Leanness matters in bodybuilding because that’s how you can see muscles and shape, but you are encouraged to take up space-physical space and space in your own life. All exercise is wonderful, but if you often give into the pressure from society and people around you to be small-to play a supporting role in someone else’s life instead of starring in your own-then I encourage you to find any sport or hobby that teaches you to take up space. Make noise. Be inconvenient.

I want to add leanness matters in body building because it’s part of the sport. Just like weighing less would matter in other sports or weighing more also matters in some sports. Body building gets such a bad wrap in terms of thinking it’s strictly about vanity or just not being “fat”. Please give us a little more credit. My body has nothing to do with you. I don’t concern myself with anyone else’s body unless I’m paid to do so. We are all perfectly created. I change me because I can and it makes me feel empowered. People remodel houses and create art and play sports for the same reason without judgement. It’s ok to want to make yourself different. It’s also ok to not want to make yourself different.

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/26/2022

Prior to Dukes, I had a regimen of workouts approximately 3 hours a day 6 days a week and a pretty healthy diet. Each workout was comprised of competitive swim training and HIIT running plus the most intense multi-joint weightlifting exercises I could find. My training was so intense, it not only caused total exhaustion but amonorrhea. I would panic if I had a shortened workout or heaven forbid, missed a day!😱I kept thinking there is no way I can push any harder and yet I was still not achieving the body condition results I hoped for. I was absolutely realizing this was not a sustainable, realistic nor healthy lifestyle! So I began searching for a viable solution. That's where my Dukes' journey began!
After browsing the website, seeing photos of Michael's athletes and their transformations, I was like, "Yes! that's the mentality I'm looking for! That's the intensity that suits me!" And most of all, "Those are the transformation results I want!"
In the beginning, I remember thinking there's no way I am disciplined enough for that meal plan! The lifting won't be a problem. Cardio, "What? That's all!? That's it!?" "How is this ever going to work!" "Trust the process and you will see!!",he said. Needless to say Michael absolutely empowered me! He guided me to a lifestyle that is sustainable and both physically and mentally freeing! Many think I'm crazy or missing out on something for my dedication, that's simply because "they don't get it!" They are the ones missing out! I feel energetic, clear-headed, athletic, strong and comfortable with my appearance!
Dukes is not like other gyms. It's a community of support, encouragement and friendship. Micheal has made me understand I can control my transformation and make my physique goals a reality. No worries, no anxiety, no panic, just consistency. Keep showing up and stay on track regardless of the day's karma. Success does not come from short-term desire, it comes from long-term commitment! As long as I do my part, the results will come. Thank you Michael for showing me the path to a sustainable transformation and lifestyle!

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/24/2022

Gift exchange.. 2022

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/24/2022

Arts and crafts ..

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/21/2022

1- I am 22 years old, Ultrasound technical
I was doing low carb not eating enough. Always doing cardio too afraid to lift heavy.
I heard about dukes through mutual people I worked with.
I had amazing results with dukes showed me how to eat properly that you do need to eat carbs , how it is ok to lift heavy and have proper form is very important.
Dukes is great because everyone around is going for the same goals and it’s great being around people who push you. I had a great coach who works with you and is able give helpful guidance throughout certain things.

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/19/2022

Your fitness is 100% mental. Your body won't go where your mind doesn't push it. 8months postpartum.

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/15/2022

Ingredients for a transformation: effort, consistency, and the right plan to follow.

Photos from DUKES barbell club's post 12/07/2022

“10 weeks ago I was so unhealthy and so
unhappy with myself. I felt stuck in a rut that seemed
near impossible to pull myself out of. My depression
was at its all time worst. One day I woke up and finally
had enough. With all the help and guidance from
my meal plan and strength training
×3 a week have helped me get on path to reach my
goals. I am learning to love myself again, balance
making healthier choices & not completely restricting
myself from the things that I love. This is only the
beginning of my journey but I wish I would have made
my own happiness and health a priority sooner. Here's
just a little inspiration that it's never too late
club “

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Videos (show all)

Murph 1 mile run - 100 pull ups - 200 push ups - 300 squats1 mile run
Beware : my expectations of this athlete transformation facility. Code name resting b$&ch face ..
We don’t showcase strong peeps strolling into our facility, we built them all ,together with the right nutrition and rig...
Our philosophy for “dieting” is to eat as much as you can while accomplishing your goal. Nutrient dense food gives you a...




4199 Mainstreet A Rear
Perry, OH