Inspiring Inner Growth.Yoga, Petoskey, MI Videos

Videos by Inspiring Inner Growth.Yoga in Petoskey. We are a collaborative cozy studio in Downtown Petoskey offering yoga, workshops and community.

Inspiring Inner Growth is my passion and that passion begins with the human I see in the mirror…

INSPIRATION is nestled deep in the soul; we really do know what we desire and what we are capable of accomplishing (it’s the INNER mind that messes with the fruition of results)…

GROWTH is cultivated from
self-love, self-awareness; honoring transition…

All this to be shared, to share with you yesterday I accomplished TWO, big to me, hikes.

Alaska Travel Day + Day One; yr 4!

✈️Michigan to Alaska
4:30am Michigan Departure
12pm Alaska Arrival

🗻Exit Glacier Lookout Hike
🥾Russian River Falls Hike

Super BIG accomplishment for me to do these two hikes; I’ve prepared mentally for over one year!

(Exit Glacier)
When we got to our spot by exit glacier, I began to tear up; (if you know, you know…if you don’t know, ask, I’m happy to share) it was terrain of deep woods, narrow rockbed path

(Russian River Falls)
4.6 miles + a little, in Bear Country with the last grizzly bear sighting today🫣; with bear spray attached at the hip, we ventured. This is another path we started two years ago and I could not get 50ft down the path without getting concerned (like full on sweating and queasy tummy) causing us to turn around; TODAY, we did it but I DID IT!!!

Whew! So much gratitude for our journey and excited to see what the next few days bring

Today was a really big day for me with the two hikes;

I am so proud of myself for doing the work and grateful for the determination to stay the course!

Whatever it is…be still, listen into your intuitive heart, create space to honor your growth; your evolution❤️

Breathe Big, Move Slow; do yoga

Other Inspiring Inner Growth.Yoga videos

Inspiring Inner Growth is my passion and that passion begins with the human I see in the mirror… INSPIRATION is nestled deep in the soul; we really do know what we desire and what we are capable of accomplishing (it’s the INNER mind that messes with the fruition of results)… GROWTH is cultivated from self-love, self-awareness; honoring transition… All this to be shared, to share with you yesterday I accomplished TWO, big to me, hikes. Alaska Travel Day + Day One; yr 4! ✈️Michigan to Alaska 4:30am Michigan Departure 12pm Alaska Arrival 🚘Anchorage.Seward.Soldotna 🗻Exit Glacier Lookout Hike 🥾Russian River Falls Hike Super BIG accomplishment for me to do these two hikes; I’ve prepared mentally for over one year! (Exit Glacier) When we got to our spot by exit glacier, I began to tear up; (if you know, you know…if you don’t know, ask, I’m happy to share) it was terrain of deep woods, narrow rockbed path (Russian River Falls) 4.6 miles + a little, in Bear Country with the last grizzly bear sighting today🫣; with bear spray attached at the hip, we ventured. This is another path we started two years ago and I could not get 50ft down the path without getting concerned (like full on sweating and queasy tummy) causing us to turn around; TODAY, we did it but I DID IT!!! Whew! So much gratitude for our journey and excited to see what the next few days bring Today was a really big day for me with the two hikes; I am so proud of myself for doing the work and grateful for the determination to stay the course! Whatever it is…be still, listen into your intuitive heart, create space to honor your growth; your evolution❤️ Breathe Big, Move Slow; do yoga Meagan

To Adventure is to Grow… While the studio will be bustling with class offerings from PJ, Allyson, Codi, Haley and Aleece; We’re off to AK for another spin of adventures, fishing and yoga in some pretty amazing places with Nature; Follow our journey here…can’t wait to share with you one of our favorite peninsula’s! I’ll be back in the studio on July 25… Until then…breathe big & yoga on! Meagan #inspiringinnergrowth #advetures #yogalifestyle #49thState #nature #smallbusinessbigdreams #retreat #fishforfood #glaciers #blacksand #retreatbuilding #creatememories #entrepreneurship #partnership #akshiftsperspective #breathebig

🌿Find a Spot, Spend a few moments connecting with yourself and perhaps nature too. Meditation Moments Matter to the mind, the heart and the soul; Inspiring Inner Growth.Yoga is on a mission to inspire; on & off the mat. Thanks Meagan Krzywosinski for sharing your mindful moment with our IIG community🌿

Hear | Feel | Evolve It is when we become still, we move from the mindspace into the heartspace #inspiringinnergrowth #awareness #petoskeyoga #soundbathvibes #frequencyshift #energycleanse

Saturday class resumes next week (2/3)…until then enjoy dropping into this moment of meditation!

#vagusnervehealing #awareness #relaxrefresh #inspiringinnergrowth #soundbath

Meditation with Lake Michigan
Inspiring Inner Growth, on & off the mat…

Do life on purpose… a small flow, feel into the strength of the quad, engage the guilts, hinge at the hips; big inhale step forward into dancer pose prep…. repeat on both sides #inspiringinnergrowth|streetyoga selfawareness|connectedcore|beU simple.sustainable|yogaalways|love *practice at your own risk

I LOVE the sun coming in the studio!!! Good Sunday Morning!!! Sunshine|Breath|Movement…such a great way to start the day! Two Opportunities 9a Vinyasa & 10a Gentle

Your peaceful little space awaits… #inspiringinnergrowth|yogaspace inhale.exhale|proactivehealthy|Be recalculate|all.levels|stretch|simple

Find a spot, enjoy some yoga! Lake Michigan energy share…

✨Special Event✨ One week from today, join Shawn Sofia Sutton and Alison Neville for this pretty magical experience. The best way for me to explain the work is by saying “come experience it!

Collaboration makes my soul feel nourished…Bringing the HOMies and the Yogis together with a giant splash of mobility! Harbor Springs Therapy and Wellness and homsocial Renee'sHealth AndWellness