Legendary Credit Solutions, Philadelphia, PA Videos

Videos by Legendary Credit Solutions in Philadelphia. We have many years of experience in evaluating credit and guiding consumers to assert their legal rights. We do it every day! We guarantee honesty and dependability. Invest in your future.

This free ebook is SO informative I wouldn't call it a Book at all. It's a wiki on how to repair your own credit.

💻 This ebook is packed with so many tips the gurus don't want you to know.... you see I know repairing your own credit is hard. Understanding credit is HARD. I didn't learn this overnight. These tips took me years and a lot of MONEY to learn, and here I am giving it away for FREE!

📖 Click the link in my bio to get your copy 🤌🏼

Other Legendary Credit Solutions videos

This free ebook is SO informative I wouldn't call it a Book at all. It's a wiki on how to repair your own credit. 💻 This ebook is packed with so many tips the gurus don't want you to know.... you see I know repairing your own credit is hard. Understanding credit is HARD. I didn't learn this overnight. These tips took me years and a lot of MONEY to learn, and here I am giving it away for FREE! 📖 Click the link in my bio to get your copy 🤌🏼

I'm not sugar coating it. Being able to put a credit application, and getting that "APPROVED" to someone else's money at any time just feels good. #approved #credit #creditappliation #OPM #otherpeoplesmoney #satisfying #money

Having to juggle everything yourself is HARDDDDD. I can go on and on with what systems I had in place to keep myself organized. One of the most important parts in my life was making sure my finances were in order. If my finances weren't in order my mental health wasn't in order. Everything is connected. But I needed to make sure if this happens, I got this, and if that fails I got this. Credit is what I relied on after my emergency funds. I'm just being honest with you. I made sure the payments went out on time even if that mean't paying just the minimum until I could get my things back in order. It's 2022. If you really think your credit doesn't affect what doors open up in your life, it's time to reevaluate. #credit #momlife #mom #latinamom #mama #emergencyfunds #budgeting #momsbudget #finances #singlemom

You don't need another phone or phone line, just an app to handle your business calls with a designated number. It's free to low cost but you'll need it when setting up your business for credit. #business #businesscredit #businesscredittips #credit #businesstip #mom #momprenuer

"sTaRtInG a BuSiNeSs Is ThE hArD pArT" Anyone who's had a running business will tell you that's a lie. There may be $10,000 weeks and $0 months, but the bills don't stop pouring in. The best way to overcome this is by having multiple streams of income from the same business. I personally believe you should have your eggs in several baskets, but having a couple in the same is easier to manage. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #businessowner #smallbusiness #femalebusiness #bossbabe #credit #finance #mom #mompreneuer

I said what I said. #CarryOn #mail #Email #adulting #friyay #goodmornig

Repairing your own credit is always an option but waiting 7 years for that account to be removed is not it!! Schedule your free consultation and let's check if credit repair is the best option for you! Click the link in my bio @kaththecreditlady Repair your own credit for FREE using our letters and platform. Click the link in my bio to get started @kaththecreditlady #credit #creditreports #credittips #business #passiveincome #financialliteracy #financialfreedom #firsttimehomebuyer #refinance #cars #buyahome #creditrestoration #debt #studentloansdebt

You don't have to stop using your credit cards to keep your utilization low. Get those credit card rewards and pay off the balance right away or simply pay off the balance before the statement date. Schedule your free consultation and let's check if credit repair is the best option for you! Click the link in my bio @kaththecreditlady Repair your own credit for FREE using our letters and platform. Click the link in my bio to get started @kaththecreditlady #credit #creditreports #credittips #business #passiveincome #financialliteracy #financialfreedom #firsttimehomebuyer #refinance #cars #buyahome #creditrestoration #debt #studentloansdebt

Just because you recognize the account, that does not mean it belongs on your credit reports. As I mentioned, these are the most common FCRA violations on credit reports. These are reasons for the account to be disputed factually and removed. Schedule your free consultation and let's check if credit repair is the best option for you! Click the link in my bio @kaththecreditlady Repair your own credit for FREE using our letters and platform. Click the link in my bio to get started @kaththecreditlady #credit #creditreports #credittips #business #passiveincome #financialliteracy #financialfreedom #firsttimehomebuyer #refinance #cars #buyahome #creditrestoration #debt #studentloansdebt

Need funding for your business? Here are 3 you can get started on right away!

It's so annoying!! You ever wonder why time goes by and that account keeps popping up in the mail? This is why! Once these debt collectors realize they may not make money from your debt, they go on and sell it to another debt collector. This is how they make sure they make a profit off their "investment". Schedule your free consultation and let's check if credit repair is the best option for you! Click the link in my bio @kaththecreditlady Repair your own credit for FREE using our letters and platform. Click the link in my bio to get started @kaththecreditlady #credit #creditreports #credittips #business #passiveincome #financialliteracy #financialfreedom #firsttimehomebuyer #refinance #cars #buyahome #creditrestoration #debt #studentloansdebt

These identifier codes can be the reason why these accounts keep coming back verified. Make sure to remove all old personal information from your credit reports to give you a better chance of having those old annoying accounts removed. Schedule your free consultation and let's check if credit repair is the best option for you! Click the link in my bio @kaththecreditlady Repair your own credit for FREE using our letters and platform. Click the link in my bio to get started @kaththecreditlady #credit #creditreports #credittips #business #passiveincome #financialliteracy #financialfreedom #firsttimehomebuyer #refinance #cars #buyahome #creditrestoration #debt #studentloansdebt

When building your business credit you;; want to start with your Tier 1 accounts. Some things you want to keep in mind: - Some of these companies REQUIRE you make purchases in order to report on your business credit. Please contact the company if you'd like more information on their requirements prior to applying. - After applying you'll want to wait about 30-60 days and check if the account has reported onto your credit reports before moving on to Tier 2 accounts. You can check this on Experian, Equifax and D&B or just check all 3 reports on NAV.com #smallbusinesses #femaleentrepreneurs #bossbabes #business #credit #businesscredittips #businesscredit #businessfunding #credittips #crediteducation

All E-books Are On Sale For A Limited Time!! Use the code in the post above👆 I will not keep this sale up for long. If you needed one of these ebooks, you should get it NOW! I will be re-uploading the "Remove Hard Inquiries in 72 Hours" Ebook soon. Should I make this ebooks translated in Spanish? #crediteducation #creditebook #ebook #credit #credittips #businesscreditebooks #crediteducation #learning #sale #bankruptcy #hardinquiries #airbnb #passiveincome #businesscredit

I don't know how you're filing taxes or keeping up with expenses when you have your business money coming in to your personal account. You use your personal account to go grocery shopping, pay business expenses, so forth. It's MeSsY. For more information, check out my Business Credit Blueprint E-book using the link in my bio and clicking DIY Resources @kaththecreditlady. #business #businessowner #businesscoach #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #homebasedbusiness #women #womenempowement #businesscredit #creditrepair #credittips #crediteducation

Applying for credit with an email that says [email protected] is definitely a red flag for a lender. You want your business to feel legit and professional. Some lenders require you have an email that ends in your website domain. If you need 10% off Google Workspace, send me a DM. For more information, check out my Business Credit Blueprint E-book using the link in my bio @kaththecreditlady. #business #businessowner #businesscoach #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #homebasedbusiness #women #womenempowement #businesscredit

This information is not free, since when do they make anything easy? 🤦‍♀️ Sign up for NAV.com and create an account. The free account will not give you access to all of your business scores, you'll need a paid membership to review all 3 reports and scores (D&B, Experian, Equifax). For more information, check out my Business Credit Blueprint E-book using the link in my bio @kaththecreditlady. #business #businessowner #businesscoach #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #homebasedbusiness #women #womenempowement #businesscredit

When lenders do research on your business, it should be EASILY found. Go on listyourself.net to register your business phone number on 411. For more information, check out my Business Credit Blueprint E-book using the link in my bio and clicking the DIY Resources button @kaththecreditlady. #business #businessowner #businesscoach #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #homebasedbusiness #women #womenempowement #businesscredit

StOp!!!! What do you expect is going to happen if you do nothing about your problem.... you'll STILL have the problem. Look for solutions, there's always a solution! The faster you start moving the faster the problem goes away, like the bad credit 😆 I mean like come on' "my credits already bad so f*** it" is not a valid excuse. What are you going to do when you need it? Use your moms credit to rent out that apartment, your dad's credit to finance that car? The honest truth is with the way the world revolves around credit, they probably don't want to take the chance of you not fulfilling your obligations and having their credit messed up to. So instead of wondering how am I going to get approved, how about you start doing something about it today, because one thing I can guarantee you your score is not permanent and it will take TIME. #credit #creditscore #credittip #crediteducation #tradelines #financialliteracy #financialfreedom #2022 #accountability #debt #budget #family

Please don't go off paying someone $400 to get an EIN. This is ridiculous!