Janas Performance Therapy

Janas Performance Therapy

Janas Performance Therapy is a sports performance company that specializes in the management and tre

Photos from Janas Performance Therapy's post 01/01/2024

As you make your way into the new year keep these health and wellness tips in mind. Consistency > Intensity


Always appreciative of the amazing clients I have the privilege to work with.

Do you want to get results like the ones from this 5 star review?

Book a free consultation using the link in my profile so we can get you out of pain and back on track with your health and fitness goals!

Photos from Janas Performance Therapy's post 08/08/2023

Dry needling is a form of acupuncture that provides a holistic and non-pharmaceutical path for pain management

If you are tired of taking Tylenol and Advil or putting on voltaren gel and biofreeze only to have your pain come back the next day it’s time to break the cycle

Dry needling will stimulate your injured/inflamed tissue at the level of the injury. You will get increased blood flow, circulation, and a natural influx of hormones that have pain relief qualities

Dry needling is the pain management solution that you’ve been looking for to let your body heal itself and get back to living life on your terms

@michaeljanasdpt | Linktree 28/04/2023

Do you have chronic pain or a nagging injury that won’t go away?

Dry needling is a form of acupuncture that is able to target muscle, tendon, nerve, and the underlying fascia and stimulate the healing process to reduce pain and improve performance fast.

I am offering my biggest discount ever off of dry needling services. 30% off all dry needling sessions and packages from now until Memorial Day.

Book now and let me help you transform your life from pain to living life on your terms.

@michaeljanasdpt | Linktree Linktree. Make your link do more.


3/3 dry needling courses completed. Excited to bring my new knowledge and expertise around dry needling to keep the south Jersey community pain free and performing at their best






Ever since starting CrossFit the sn**ch has been my weakest lift. I’ve been consistently working on my technique since last cycle and am proud to say I hit a mid cycle PR today at 190lbs. Long term my goal is a body weight sn**ch but I’m trending in the right direction


Moral of the story - small, consistent movement can make massive change in someone’s ability to feel better. It doesn’t have to be complex, just consistent


Help spread the word… Training around pain is possible if you are working with the right movement provider. Don’t let anyone tell you that rest is ALWAYS the answer for dealing with pain. They probably don’t know what they’re talking about


Huge personal win for me today at the gym. Since starting CrossFit about 9 months ago I had one major goal that I was working towards which was a bar muscle up. I can finally say I hit that goal and am proud of my accomplishment.


This is the leg exercise you never knew existed but should be working into your routine.

Your adductor (groin) muscles are probably one of the most neglected muscles in your body. It’s very rare that when you are doing general training such as squat, deadlift, or any running that you directly target this area.

The reason why it is important to address is because of its attachment to your pelvis. If it fatigues out too quickly during your workout, compensation can begin to creep in and over a period of time can lead to hip and groin issues.

Do you or someone you know have pain or a mobility issue that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Want to add a little variety to your normal routine?

The rotational kettlebell swing is a fun movement that helps target frontal plane power. This is a great accessory movement if you focus a lot of traditional squat/deadlift based variations.

Is this an exercise that I personally do a ton? Not really. But from time to time when I’m bored of a typical KB swing I know that I can dust the cobwebs off of this and still get a fun, productive workout in.

Do you or someone you know have pain or a mobility issue that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Want to add a little bit of power into your leg day?

The kettlebell swing is one of my favorite exercises for working on synchronizing the entire kinetic chain. With this movement, each part of your body plays a different role.

My favorite way to cue this movement to help beginners learn this one is “hips go back, bell goes back followed by hips go forward, bell goes forward.”

The reason that is my favorite way to cue this is because it emphasizes how the hips are the dominant muscle group in the movement and the arms are along for the ride.

Do you or someone you know have pain or a mobility issue that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Looking to get a better front rack position with a barbell?

This exercise is very versatile in its use. One of those is to improve your front rack position. Most people feel restricted in their front rack because they have lats that are super tight and engaged.

Performing this movement is not only lengthening your lats as an active mobility drill but at the same time you are working on your serratus anterior muscle along the side of your ribcage. This muscle helps upwardly rotate the shoulder blade to improve elevation of the shoulder, therefore addressing not just mobility of your lats but the strength of your agonist muscle in the equation.

Do you or someone you know have pain or a mobility issue that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Do you have tight hips? Specifically a tight groin?

In order to allow our body to move the way we want it to, giving it some TLC is essential. The adductor rock is what your tight groin has been waiting for. This is one of my favorite mobility drills to implement prior to any lower body training session or activity involving running, sprinting or jumping.

Do you or someone you know have pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Do you have pain with overhead pressing movements?

Some of the time this can be from poor motor control and stability moving into the position but not actually the position itself. The diagonal lift aka D2 flexion targets the rotator cuff and scapular upward rotators to train overhead but at a slightly more favorable angle for the shoulder joint.

Modifying movements, NOT avoiding them can sometimes be the cure to performing them once again pain free.

Do you or someone you know have pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Do you have pain in the front of your shoulder with pushups or bench?

In many cases this can be as a result of weak rotator cuff muscles and scapular stabilizers. The bear crawl hold with a shoulder tap is a great movement to help target both of these areas. The isometric hold in between the shoulder tap is where the magic happens in this movement.

Do you or someone you know have pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Looking for a good accessory movement to strengthen your hips?

Hip clocks are a deceptively challenging movement that targets all major muscle groups in your hips. The key with this one to make sure that your stance leg is in a slightly flexed position the whole time which will help activate your glutes more effectively.

Do you or someone you know have pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Do you have tight lower back from sitting a lot during your work day?

On a fundamental level our spine loves to move. It is meant to bend forwards, backwards, side to side, and rotate without restriction. When you sit a lot during the day, your spine is stuck in one position.

This mobility drill will help reverse the curve of your spine from sitting all day. Always remember: a healthy spine is a mobile spine.

Having some pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Do you have pain in the front of your shoulder when you bench?

One of the reasons might be from an uneven balance between your pecs and posterior rotator cuff muscles. The banded pull apart is a great warmup before benching because it targets your rhomboids and posterior rotator cuff to prime these muscles to help stabilize your shoulder during bench press.

Having some pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Do you have pain with overhead pressing?

One of the reasons might be from poor shoulder blade stability and a weak rotator cuff. The banded wall slide Y liftoff addresses both of those issues with one move!

Using the band is an advanced variation but anyone can do this without a band and start getting back to pain free overhead pressing and healthy shoulders again.

Having some pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Do you get shin splints or knee pain when you start logging more miles?

One of the reasons might be a weak tibialis anterior, a muscle in the front of your lower leg that helps control your foot hitting the ground during your stride.

This exercise is a great way to introduce some strengthening to this commonly neglected muscle that plays such an important role in our everyday life.

Having some pain that you want to get checked out by a professional? Shoot me a DM to see what we can do to get you moving and feeling better!



Is your back stiff after a long week at work?

The stretch I’m showing you in the video above is one of my favorite movements to help improve lumbar and thoracic mobility.

Doing forward and back bends can help loosen you up but this exercise targets a commonly forgotten component: ROTATION!

Are you or anyone you know dealing with nagging back pain? If so, shoot me a DM to set up a free consultation so that we can work to get to the root cause figured out and get you back to moving and feeling better!



Do you sit a lot throughout the day?

If so, this may be a super helpful stretch to help loosen up throughout the day or before your next workout.

When we sit all day our hip flexors get tight. As a result, when you try to go run or workout after the workday is over you might experience some tightness or pinching in the hip.

If you want to take the first step to addressing this, give this exercise a try and let me know if it helps your hips feel looser throughout the day!



Ready to spice up leg day and get back to feeling athletic?

The skater hop is a fun and challenging movement that I have used throughout my career to help build lower body power and stability. Since it’s a more dynamic movement, you should probably progress up to this one by doing lateral and medial hops first. Once you’ve mastered those then the skater hop will be a perfect transition for you.

Not sure how to do medial or lateral hops? Check out the videos here: https://youtu.be/mCKz1O3jamM and https://youtu.be/tlMwl4tLFmo

Give it a try and drop a comment below or DM me to let me know what you think!



Looking for a new movement to level up your leg day?

The skater squat is a comprehensive lower body movement that targets your glutes, hamstrings and quads. Since it is a single leg movement it also requires a ton of stability in your hips that is typically a weak spot for most.

Quick tip: if you can’t do this movement there are tons of ways to modify this by putting a bolster or pillows under your back leg or using one or both arms as an assist

Give it a try and drop a comment below or DM me to let me know what you think!



Today’s movement should be a staple in your weekly leg routine.

As humans, a lot of the movements we do throughout our day are up/down or forward/backward. The lateral lunge helps fill our body’s need for the side to side movements.

Start out doing this movement with just your bodyweight. Once you master the form and technique start to get creative and load this sucker up!

Give it a try and drop a comment below or DM me to let me know what you think!



Do you have pain lifting your arm overhead?

This shoulder exercise can be helpful for people dealing with overhead issues. By engaging the rotator cuff muscles with this movement, overhead motion can improve over time and not be as painful or irritating.

Give it a try and drop a comment below or DM me to let me know what you think!


Videos (show all)

Do you sit in a chair or at a desk all day? Tight hamstrings can be a major restriction that negatively impacts or restr...
Do you deal with muscle tightness? Sometimes tight muscles can be from overuse or compensation from a weaker muscle grou...
One of the biggest areas of restriction I see for shoulder health is the ability to externally rotate through the should...
My wife, @syd.janas, has had a history of jaw pain due to grinding her teeth and recently had an acute flair up with sig...
This patient has been dealing with posterior knee pain with stairs since his knee surgery. He has a labor intensive job ...
Ever since starting CrossFit the snatch has been my weakest lift. I’ve been consistently working on my technique since l...
Huge personal win for me today at the gym. Since starting CrossFit about 9 months ago I had one major goal that I was wo...
This is the leg exercise you never knew existed but should be working into your routine. Your adductor (groin) muscles a...
Want to add a little variety to your normal routine?The rotational kettlebell swing is a fun movement that helps target ...
Want to add a little bit of power into your leg day?The kettlebell swing is one of my favorite exercises for working on ...
Looking to get a better front rack position with a barbell?This exercise is very versatile in its use. One of those is t...