St. Ignatius Nursing & Rehab Center

St. Ignatius Nursing & Rehab Center

St. Ignatius has provided skilled nursing care to thousands of infirmed and impoverished seniors in the Delaware Valley since 1952.

Pastoral Care
Catholic Mass
Services for other religious denominations

Physical Service
Registered dietician
Licensed Social worker
State of the art computerized medication delivery system
X-ray, laboratory, podiatry, audiology and optometry care
On site dental office
Wound care and IV therapy

Physical, occupational and speech therapies availab


Mission Monday, June 24, 2024

There are times when remaining silent about matters that touch us deeply is almost unbearable and yet of the utmost importance, in many circumstances, especially when we do not know all of the facts ~ do not know the depth of pain someone is experiencing ~ and when there may simply be a need for our gentle presence. Silence speaks just as profoundly as words in certain situations. It can most definitely cause confusion and hurt but it can also create holy ground where the healing of hearts can take place.


Mission Monday, June 17j, 2024

You’ve heard the expression, “Get out of my head!” Sometimes, we have to get out of our own heads. What may begin as something free and easy can often turn into a preoccupation that unsettles us. Quiet moments are necessary. They calm the mind and enrich the soul. To get to that sacred space, clearing our minds of unnecessary clutter affords us the quiet we need to reflect on life’s blessings and renew our hearts.


Mission Monday, June 10, 2024

What brings joy differs person to person. What touches us may confuse others ~ and that’s okay. While there are shared moments that lift our hearts, the quiet places where we find ourselves offer significant blessing. They are sacred moments where the rhythm of life surrounds us and moves our hearts to dance to the music composed for us alone. I hope you dance…..


Mission Monday, June 3, 2024

Life holds many challenges that can wear us down. They can range from major catastrophes to minute irritants that slowly chip away at our last nerve. No one gets it right every time. No one escapes the bumps in the road. We may skin our knees, along the way, but the most important element is that we ‘try’ and use everything we have to do the best we can. Trying in itself is succeeding ~ it shows a desire to grow and heal and no one can take that from us!


Mission Monday, May 27, 2024

We’ve all heard the expression, “Put your money where your mouth us.” Many things shape our beliefs ~ our values ~ the things that motivate us. What we hold inside says a lot of about us. It’s one thing to talk a good talk but to put it into action takes a whole new level of desire to make a change. There are those who won’t understand ~ and those who will support us in all we do. It’s up to us to stand by our beliefs and live our lives as if they truly matter.


Rememberiing and honoring all who served, especially our Residents and Staff.


Mission Monday, May 20, 2024

We can get caught up in the extremes of life ~ the highs and lows ~ the joys and sorrows ~ the wins and losses….. Sometimes, what lies in the middle gets lost as our emotions take over and we go from one extreme to another. It’s where we meet our feelings and see ourselves as we truly are. It’s a part of life’s journey we cannot avoid ~ it is sacred ground.


Mission Monday, May 13, 2024

It’s easy to look for happiness and fulfillment in grand and exquisite events. Why wouldn’t we? They offer opportunities for tremendous satisfaction ~ sometimes. Often the greatest blessings come in those gentle, quiet encounters we have with those we love ~ those who step onto the path of life with us and breathe life into the very fabric of our being. May those sacraments moments lift our hearts and inspire us to daily seek the good that is offered to us.


"A mother holds her childrens' hands for a little while; their hearts forever." Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there, but especially to our Residents, Staff and Friends.


Thank you to all nurses everywhere, but especially our dedicated, phenomenal nurses at St. Itgnatius. Happy Nurses' Week.


Mission Monday, May 6, 2024

There are many outside factors that try to determine who we are or convince us who we should be. We can call it stereotyping ~ bias of some sort ~ put an “-ism” on it and make assumptions and restrictions but we are who we are and no one has the right to define us or limit our ability to grow and succeed. May we always be free to be our authentic selves and compassionate enough to empower others to do the same.


Mission Monday, April 29, 2024

In the 1970s, John Lennon sand the Song, “Give Peace A Chance”. The tagline of this song, “All we are saying is give peace a chance” is repeated over an over. Still today, that haunting melody rings out in many ways ~ in many places. When will peace “get a chance”? When will humanity lower its walls and move the barriers that impede growth ~ communication ~ forgiveness ~ healing? In our own little corner of the world, we can not only ‘give peace a chance’ but we can give fertile soil into which the seeds of peace can be planted ~ nurtured ~ grown so that ALL will know and ALL will reap it in rich harvest.


Mission Monday, April 22, 2024

Oh, the days it feels like this! Where to go ~ What to do ~ How to say what needs to be said?! Having a good and focused sense of direction is a blessing but we know the best plans can unravel in a heartbeat. A strong resolve ~ a sense of humor ~ an open heart and mind can make each step on the journey less ominous and help us to reach our destination just at the right time.


Mission Monday, April 15, 2024

While ‘half’ of some things is healthy and/or wise, there are those things in life that are dependent on our full attention ~ full energy ~ full being. They say, “You reap what you sow.” When we give our ALL, even if we fall short, we have done a great thing. Each experience we have in life is an opportunity to learn and grow. Some lessons are a bit harder to learn but all offer the gift of growth if we are open and willing.


Mission Monday, April 8, 2024

This about sums up some days, doesn’t it? We all have those moments when things get jumbled up in our hearts and heads. It’s part of life’s unfolding and, try as we might, we will never be able to hide from it. In those fragmented moments, it is good to step back ~ take a breath and gather our thoughts before we say or do something we may end up regretting. There is no shame in pausing to recollect ourselves in order to move forward with a clear mind. In fact, it may be the best move we make


Mission Monday, April 1, 2024

Tenderness, like gentleness, is mistakenly seen as weakness, by some. There is far too much tension and chaos in the world. Stifling gentleness, tenderness, kindness…. is something we just can’t stand by and allow to happen. In our circle of family and friends, the life we share with others can and will spread one to another. Like ripples after a pebble has been dropped into water cannot be stopped, positive energy when it goes out will continue to spread. It has to start someplace ~ why not with you and me!


Mission Monday, March 25, 2024

Every step on the journey is an adventure. No matter how detailed our planning or how much we want something, we just never know what we will encounter along the way or if we will reach our destination. We tend to box ourselves in and limit our scope of vision ~ perhaps out of comfortableness with the ordinary or fear of the unknown. Life, with its ups and downs, offers us adventure ~ it offers opportunities for great joy and profound sadness ~ it offers blessings and growth when we open our hearts and minds to its unfolding.


Palm Sunday is the Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels.[3] Its name originates from the palm branches waved by the crowd to greet and honor Jesus Christ as he entered the city. Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week. (}


Mission Monday, March 18, 2024

Ever get stuck in a rut ~ same old stuff ~ no variety ~ hell-bent on what is familiar? On the rare occasion, when we step out of our comfort zone and take a different look, it’s amazing what we see. How much newness greets us and opens doors to rich possibilities? Whether or not we are nimble enough to stand on our heads, seeing life from a new perspective is a precious gift we can’t afford to ignore


Mission Monday, March 11, 2024

How many feel like this after a long day? It brings to mind Joe Cocker’s song, “Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong” ~ of course, the little bird being the Holy Spirit ~ or a Higher Power. When we are down and out, our Higher Power does reach down and lift us up to where we belong ~ back on our feet where we can walk the path of life and make a difference in the world. “Love lift us up where we belong, from the world we know where the clear winds blow.” May we set our hearts on higher things that bless our lives.


Mission Monday, March 4, 2024

The climate in the world, today, is beyond harsh. We see it practically every day somewhere. In our little piece of the world, we have an opportunity to speak words of peace and offer hope to those around us. When the mood gets tense, the calm we can offer by our positive demeanor will speak volumes. When we are courageous enough to stand in the midst of the chaos and, yet, not fuel its fire by our words, we can be the difference that has the possibility of inspiring those who get caught up in it.

Photos from Felician Sisters of North America's post 03/03/2024

Mission Monday, February 26, 2024

Listening ~ really listening is a skill, even a gift that few possess. It takes a desire to turn off the noise in our hearts and heads and be fully present to the one whose need it is to share from their very depths. While we hear the sounds of life around us each day, do we truly ‘listen’ to/for its meaning? We can miss much when the inability to quiet ourselves impedes the shared ‘breath of life’ that has the ability to transform and heal. May our ears and hearts be open to those who come to us in their need.


Mission Monday, February 19, 2024

We all stand for something. We all have things that motivate us. Some of these core values are learned at a young age. Many, we grow into along life’s journey. There are times we encounter people who share similar values as ours and often they step onto the path of life with us. There are circumstances that test our resilience and sometimes, push to the edge. The values rooted deep within keep us focused and determined to do and value what we know to be true. May we never be ashamed of being our authentic selves and living out truth.


Happy Valentines Day to our much loved Residents, Staff and our entire St. Ignatius family!

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