Yoga with Harmony

Helping people live healthier lives through Yoga, Yoga Therapy, and Personal Training.


Hello wonderful yogis. Classes are on hold until further noticešŸ™


Hello yoga friends. If you know someone that would benefit from yoga therapy for cancer survivors please message me.

If youā€™re interested in becoming a yoga therapist the attached video has a little bit of information. Want to learn more? Contact YogaLife Institute to start your journey.

Yin Yoga 24/07/2022

Yin Yoga -

Yin Yoga


Hello yoga friends. Tuesday/Thursday virtual yin is alive and well. If youā€™re interested in trying a yin class message me for the link.


My little girl left me after 17 years of being my companion. I love you Sadie. Now you can see. You can hear. You can romp without pain. R.I.P. my little onešŸ¾šŸ’”šŸ¾


Tuesday/Thursday virtual Yin is back! PM me for more details.


Happy Birthday to my beautiful Sadie Dog. 17 years youngšŸ¾ā¤ļøšŸ¾


Virtual Yin Yoga is back. Every Thursday morning at 9:30. Contact for link to class.


An awesome day to start a chakra series! International yoga day and summer solsticešŸ™ AND this Thursday is the strawberry moon, perfect for virtual Yin.


This week Iā€™ll be starting a chakra series. Weā€™ll look at one chakra a week leading with the root chakra.

All classes start at 9:30 am Monday-Thursday.


Class schedule Monday-Thursday, all classes start at 9:30.
Hatha on Monday and Wednesday
Yin on Tuesday and Thursday.

Visit my website to signup for weekly newsletters.


A graduation poem by Eric Sheinen from graduation day,

ā€œThanks to everyone for a great graduation weekend! Poem from today below:

Three years have passed and the finale draws near,
Much knowledge amassed strewn with memories that endear.

Through klesas, koshas and yamas galore,
What an amazing ride with countless areas left to explore.

Gratitude abounds with so many to thank,
Etched in my mind is that one last plank.

To the Yogalife team who was always there to support,
From when I sit itā€™s an A+ report.

To my classmates here today and those that are not,
You wonā€™t be forgotten and in my soul you all have a spot.

Into the world we proceed with our valuable tool box,
Honoring we have each other to reconnect with to clear any blocks.

The baton passes along to those in year two,
As the learning continues the lessons hold true.

One last stanza as this poem comes to a close,
Always remember you can find your beacon in any yoga pose.ā€

Congrats to 3rd year students, it was an amazing yearšŸ™

A virtual group photo.

Timeline photos 24/03/2021

Yin Yoga! Are you balancing your Yang practice? Give yin a try, work the cool tissue with the practice of stillness and meditation. Try a class on 3/25:
When: Mar 25, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Timeline photos 23/03/2021

Good morning. Tomorrow at 9:30, virtual Hatha. Try a free class. Here is the zoom class link:

Hatha with Barb
When: Mar 24, 2021 09:30

Timeline photos 21/03/2021

This weeks virtual yoga schedule, all classes start at 9:30 am:
Monday Hatha
Tuesday Yin
Wednesday Hatha
Thursday Yin
Message me for class links.

Timeline photos 23/02/2021

Itā€™s official! Name of my business was changed from Be Well with Barb to Yoga with Harmony. Website is almost finished. Virtual classes four-five times a week. Hatha and Yin.


Hello Yogis! This week weā€™re looking at the third Yama, Asteya. Non stealing.
If youā€™d like to join a yin or hatha class please pm me for the link.


Yin Yoga, 9/17 at 9:00


This weeks virtual Yoga:
Today Yin, 5:30 pm
Wednesday Hatha, 9:30
Thursday Yin, 9:30
Saturday Yin, 9:00

Message me for Zoom links.


This weeks Virtual Yoga:
Yin tonight at 6:30
Yin on Thursday at 10:00
Hatha on Friday at 10:00
Yin on Saturday at 8:30


Virtual Yoga
Virtual Yoga Therapy
Message me for more information

Timeline photos 02/07/2020

Greetings. Itā€™s been a rough few months to say the least. Our world has changed including the way we do business. Our yoga communities are very different now. As many have, I have also gone virtual.

Virtual Hatha and Yin.
Virtual Yoga Therapy.

Message me for more information.

Timeline photos 21/06/2020

Happy Fatherā€™s Day to all the dads out there.

To my dad and my brother-in-law Mike, you are loved and missed RIPšŸ’”


Every Tuesday Hatha Yoga at 10:00
Every Thursday Yin Yoga at 10:00.

Timeline photos 29/04/2020

Free Yin Yoga class via Zoom every Thursday at 10:00 am EST. Everyone is welcome.


Still time to join us for a free Hatha class at 10:00 today. PM me your email to join.


Hatha Yoga, Tuesday at 10:00 via Zoom
Yin Yoga, Thursday at 10:00 via Zoom

These classes are free during this crisis. If youā€™d like to attend please PM me with your email if I donā€™t already have it.

Just to clarify, these classes are not sponsored by the Y. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Every Tuesday Hatha Yoga at 10:00, every Thursday Yin Yoga at 10:00. These virtual classes are free while we are in this crisis. If youā€™d like to attend please send me your email for an invitationšŸ™šŸ»

Timeline photos 22/04/2020

Free Yin Yoga class via Zoom. This Thursday, 4/23, at 10:00 am. Message me your email address to participate.

Videos (show all)

Yin Video #4
Lets Move
"Lets Move" Tutorial
Hatha part one. Standing poses. Itā€™s not easy to squeeze my normal 75 minute live yoga class into 30 minutes. Iā€™ll be do...
Hatha part 2. Please warm up first, we jump right in with Sun Sals.
hatha part 1,
A quick chair yoga. Remember, never force your body where it doesnā€™t want to go. Exercise at your own risk, listen to yo...
Posting workout videos as a public service I wasnā€™t thinking about disclaimers but a friend told me to get on this so he...
Yoga For Cancer Survivors Part 1
Hello, Iā€™m doing the best I can to get some videos up and running for what used to be my live classes. I was going to st...
Introduction to Yin Yoga
Introduction to Yin Yoga.
