Flow with Farah

Interactive Yoga Instruction and Live Classes with Farah! Join our growing Community


Viparita Karani or better known as legs up the wall pose, is one of my favorite restorative poses. According to traditional teachers, the pose can do everything from make “grey hairs and wrinkles become inconspicuous” (Hatha Yoga Pradipika 3.82) to destroying old age and death (Gheranda Samhita 3.36), most modern teachers agree that while the benefits may not be that extreme, Viparita Karani can ease a range of ailments, including anxiety, headaches, and insomnia. It’s a perfect pose to help you unwind before going to bed. It activates the relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system) and deactivates the stress response (sympathetic nervous system). Try it out, and maybe not balancing a glass of wine!!!


Nothing like a little evening handstand


Tonight’s the night. Join me either via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/speedify/posts/3207444542810086. Or via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byaQ-Ho9YTA. 5 pm EST.


Come and join me on SpeedifyLive on Thursday January 6th as I share my experience teaching yoga virtually! It has brought so much joy to me to share the practice with so many people. ❤


Wishing all my dear family and friends a very happy ans prosperous Diwali. May your year be filled with light, love and happiness.


Chair yoga is super fun!!!! And can be really challenging. Come and join me every Tuesday at 8:30 am for a fun and invigorating chair yoga practice. DM for the link!!!


Try this tonight!! 🌙🌝✨
As we ready ourselves for slumber, here is a recipe for turmeric milk. This is great to promote good sleep, reduce anxiety and to help fight infection. All really important in our current environment.
Remember to laugh everyday - laughter is the best medicine. Those endorphins promote a healthy heart, lowers anxiety and stress. Grab a few friends and just laugh!!!
Hasya yoga, or laughing yoga has been practiced for centuries. Laugh, live life and love yourself unconditionally.


Indian herbs and spices have been part of my repertoire since I was a child. The scents of fresh masala being prepared on a daily basis in the family kitchen made by my grandmother, aunts and mother as they loving made the daily family meal. Spices like haldi (turmeric), jeera (cumin), dhania (cilantro), adrak (ginger) and lasan (garlic) are a staple in my repertoire of preparing meals for their wonderful healing properties.

When I moved to Philadelphia, lots of Kale was being sold in the fall and winter so I figured I could experiment with it and see if I could Indianize Kale. Clearly the experiment worked!!!!


Remembering to find time and show gratitude to the universe, yourself and for the opportunities that come our way. Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart. 🇪🇸


Happy National Dog Day to the best yoga assistant ever. Here Harry is showing us Parsva Savasana (Side Co**se Pose) is a relaxing yoga pose, done with lying on the side of your body right after the practice of Savasana (Co**se Pose). Ending a yoga sequence with a relaxing pose has its benefits and should always be encouraged, which is why this pose is so useful. 🙏

Photos from Flow with Farah's post 22/08/2021

Wishing all of you a very Happy Raksha Bandhan. Celebrating the love and protection between a brother and his sister is one of the sweetest traditions we as Indians celebrate. I hope your day is filled with lots of love, laughter and light. 🙏🏼


When the foursome ahead of you is super slow and you need to stay composed, what would you do? Bust out a half moon pose, ardha chandrasana on the conch tee marker!!!! I love this pose!!!! Especially as a golfer as well, it has great benefits. This pose invites you to tap into both the calm, balancing energy of the moon and the fiery force of the sun. In this pose, you discover how the coming together of two opposing energies generates a power that is greater than its separate parts.
In Half Moon Pose, two opposing movements are happening at once: You are rooting down into the earth with your standing leg while simultaneously lifting and extending your raised leg into space. The meeting of these two forces—rooting down and extending out—gives you the power to balance and suspend your spine and torso in midair. The pose teaches coordination and can help you understand the interdependence of the actions in your body. It can train you to stay focused and balanced during challenging moments of transition in asana practice.
Half Moon Pose can also help you develop strong legs and open hips. Many people have one leg that’s dominant and one that’s weaker, which can lead to postural imbalances. By learning to stand on one leg at a time in Half Moon Pose, you begin to strengthen both legs evenly. The standing leg is strengthened as it bears the weight of the body, with the outer thigh muscles engaging strongly. Meanwhile, the raised leg must work to stay suspended and parallel to the floor, requiring you to engage and lift from the inner thigh muscles and extend through the heel. Each leg gets toned as it does its individual task.

Photos from Flow with Farah's post 03/08/2021

What is ?

There are two definitions in the ‘Bhagwad Gita’ which are:
1) Samatvam yoga ucyate
i.e. Yoga is balance, harmony
2) Yogah karmasukausalam
i.e. Yoga is skill in works
Apart from these there is famous aphorism in ‘Patanjali’:
i.e. Yoga is the stilling of the modifications of consciousness.
My definition of yoga is a holistic way of life that unites an individual to the supreme. It is a discipline of self-cultivation that brings peace and harmony in life, apart from good health.
In my years of practice, I have learnt and believe that Yoga is not only preventive, but it also helps us in curative as well as healing aspects of the body, mind and soul.
The practice of Yoga prevents psychosomatic disorders/diseases and improves an individual’s resistance and ability to endure stressful situations.
Yoga has a positive approach to Health.
I am so excited to share with you how Yoga is for Everybody.


I don’t think it’s weird at all!!! Do you?? It’s called hydro yoga!!!


I made this little video for my takeover for but I forgot to post it!!! This is my favorite combination of asanas to do every morning, and in the evening. It just helps me center and stretch. As a mom, my time is so limited so I have to always make sure that I find time to just breathe and stretch. Monday mantra is to make time foe yourself, take care of yourself and then take care of others. Happy Monday!!!


Morning meditation and savasana with . There is nothing more lovely than starting the day with a cleansing practice of pranayama, meditation and asana. Really this energizes as well as relaxes me in preparation for the weekend activities ahead. Harry seems to think so!!!! 🙏


As I have mentioned before, Yoga is a curative and healing practice. The holistic and gentle approach of treatment by Homeopathy and the body and mind relaxant techniques of yoga, make them unique. Both of these systems possess the quality of treating the sick naturally and gently.

Benefits of Homeopathy & Yoga
• Both yoga and homoeopathy help the body to heal naturally.
• Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole, i.e., creates and maintain the equilibrium of the body’s internal environment. Yoga also creates the inner harmony of the mind and body and unites them by a sense of relaxation.
• Free from side-effects: Both the systems tend to heal and maintain health naturally. It is done by stimulating the body and creating a positive healing response by the body. Hence, unlike the conventional mode of treatment, these are free from any side-effects.
• Anxiety and stress-busters: Yoga helps to keep the brain stress-free by its breathing exercises, postures and meditations. Homoeopathy helps to fight off the stress and anxiety by its medicines.
• Immunity booster: As mentioned above, both help to improve and boost up the body’s immune system.

As a mother, I learnt more about homeopathy when we lived in France. The French mothers swear by homeopathic remedies when treating their children. Everyone would always have a vial of sweet pellets or a tube of cream of Arnica Montana in case their child fell off the monkey bars and had a bump or bruise on their head and/ or knee. Over the years, this has been my remedy especially when my children were injured and even more recently preparing them for surgery and continuing with it post-surgery so they would heal faster. Arnica is most commonly used for pain caused by osteoarthritis, sore throat, surgery, and other conditions. Arnica is also used for bleeding, bruising, swelling after surgery.


After my takeover , I was really impressed when I received this extended child’s pose posture from her cat, Kabir!!! Clearly yoga is for every body! Benefits of Balasana:
Gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles
Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue
Relieves back and neck pain when done with head and torso supported


Laughing, loving life and feeling the light from the Divine. Balancing and climbing walls to reach the light. This is yoga!! 🙏 ❤️

Photos from Flow with Farah's post 30/06/2021

What do you do at the tee box while the foursome ahead of you is so slow???? Bust out some yoga moves, of course!!!! Keep calm, and do some yoga!!! 🧘‍♀️


Sphinx pose ( salamba bhujangasana) is a beginning backbend in yoga that helps to open the chest, lungs, and low back. It is a variation of the backbend, Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), that is suitable for those with wrist pain, injuries, or carpal tunnel syndrome. Sphinx opens the chest and strengthens the core body. Cobra aligns the spine and invigorates the kidneys and nervous system. Thank you .art again for this beautiful piece. Join me weekdays at 8:45 am for a delightful snd energetic practice.


I love these from .art!!!! Come and join me at 8:45 am on Wednesday and Thursday for some great vertical balancing and rejuvenating asana to get us through to the weekend. Vrikshasana (tree pose) looks and feels so energizing, grounding and gratifying. DM for the link!!! First class is free.


Every day is a blessing, and in each moment there are many things that we can be grateful for. The world opens up to us when we live in a space of gratitude. In essence, gratitude has a snowball effect. When we are appreciative and express that gratitude, the universe glows a bit brighter and showers us with even more blessings.

There is always something to be grateful for, even when life seems hard. When times are tough, whether we are having a bad day or stuck in what may feel like an endless rut, it can be difficult to take the time to feel grateful. Yet, that is when gratitude can be most important. If we can look at our lives, during periods of challenge, and find something to be grateful for, then we can transform our realities in an instant. There are blessings to be found everywhere. When we are focusing on what is negative, our abundance can be easy to miss. Instead, choosing to find what already exists in our lives that we can appreciate can change what we see in our world. We start to notice one blessing, and then another.

When we constantly choose to be grateful, we notice that every breath is a miracle and each smile becomes a gift. We begin to understand that difficulties are also invaluable lessons. The sun is always shining for us when we are grateful, even if it is hidden behind clouds on a rainy day. A simple smile becomes a feast, and a phone call from a friend is transformed into a treasure. Living in a state of gratitude allows us to spread our abundance because that is the energy that we emanate from our beings. Because the world reflects back to us what we embody, the additional blessings that inevitably flow our way give us even more to be grateful for. The universe wants to shower us with blessings. The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

In these hard times, I am so grateful for my family, my friends and my yoga practice. My practice keeps me grounded and strong and my breath is what keeps me alive, well and is my sure thing.

Come practice with me daily at 8:30 am on the weekends and 8:45 am on weekdays. We have so much to be thankful together.

Videos (show all)

I made this little video for my takeover for @abcdyogi but I forgot to post it!!! This is my favorite combination of asa...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:45 - 09:45
Tuesday 08:45 - 09:45
Wednesday 08:45 - 09:45
Thursday 08:45 - 09:45
Friday 08:45 - 09:45
Sunday 08:30 - 09:45