Lightbox Film Center, Philadelphia, PA Videos

Videos by Lightbox Film Center in Philadelphia. Lightbox Film Center is Philadelphia's premier exhibitor of film + moving image art, presenting repe

Happy Kwanzaa! This scene is from Kwanzaa: The Gathering of a People (1980), produced by Philly based storyteller Baba Abiodun, and featuring Sun Ra, Archie Shepp and many others.

Other Lightbox Film Center videos

Happy Kwanzaa! This scene is from Kwanzaa: The Gathering of a People (1980), produced by Philly based storyteller Baba Abiodun, and featuring Sun Ra, Archie Shepp and many others.

Merry Christmas!

Curator Jesse Pires discusses DREAM DANCE: THE ART OF ED EMSHWILLER
Lightbox Film Center presents: DREAM DANCE: THE ART OF ED EMSHWILLER October 18 - December 7, 2019 Curator Jesse Pires discusses the groundbreaking work of multimedia artist Ed Emshwiller.

Starring in Jean Vigo's L'Atalante, screening 2/2, is Michael Simon, who will be familiar to viewers of Boudu Saved from Drowning, which we screened last summer.

Happy birthday, John Carpenter!

Two days until #GivingTuesday! If you’ve seen something at Lightbox that expanded your horizons, help pay it forward and support our exciting, distinctive programming.

@RosaliMusic performing live after a screening of the documentary The Ballad of Shirley Collins!

"Are we making a movie or are we not?" William Greaves' 1968 meta cult classic Symbiopsychotaxiplasm screens 10/24, in conjunction with Authority, Emotion and Exclusion, a group relations conference at University of Pennsylvania.

Tonight! Gershman Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival screens Frederick Wiseman's classic doc High School at 7pm.

It's a very Ingmar Bergman kind of Saturday, as Autumn Sonata: An Ingmar Bergman Centennial Retrospective continues. Through a Glass Darkly screens at 2pm. Tonight, Winter Light screens at 5pm, followed by The Silence at 8pm. #Bergman100

The iconic chess match with death from Bergman's The Seventh Seal has had an indelible impact on Western culture, including this silly send-up from Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. The Bergman original screens on 9/7. #Bergman100

Tonight! Power to the people: Newsreel ’68 Program 2 screens at 7pm, introduced by activist Charles B. Clarke.

"I throw a spear into the darkness. That is intuition. Then I must send an army into the darkness to find the spear. That is intellect." — Ingmar Bergman. Our Autumn Sonata Centennial celebration starts Thursday, 9/6. #Bergman100

Join us next Friday for the final Renoir screening in conjunction with The Barnes Foundation, The River, and our Back Porch Beer Garden, starting at 6pm with DJ Gretjen Clausing and beer from Lagunitas.

Tonight! The Story of Movies: Portraits of America program continues with The Times of Harvey Milk and Where Are My Children?, screening for FREE at 7pm.