Temple University College of Liberal Arts, Philadelphia, PA Videos

Videos by Temple University College of Liberal Arts in Philadelphia. We develop problem solvers, creative thinkers and doers in Philadelphia — the nation's fifth largest

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Among @templeuniv ‘s 2022 30 Under 30 awardees are six College of Liberal Arts young alumni doing great things. 🍒 It feels like just yesterday these Owls left the nest: ⦿ Ardhika Aziz, CLA ’20 ⦿ Joshua Dean, CLA ’16, LAW ’20 ⦿ Matthew Goldberg, CLA ’21 ⦿ Karla Rosario, CLA ’18 ⦿ Alvaro Sánchez, CLA ’17 ⦿ Alexander Voisine, CLA ’18 Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks to get to know our awardees and how they’re making an impact! #temple30under30

The Story of Barry Sauder '18

NASA Grant