Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room, Philadelphia, PA Videos

Videos by Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room in Philadelphia. Àse (ah-shay), which means "and so it is," affirms our life force, the source of energy. Àse yoga is an energy practice that transforms lives. One breath at a time, we unblock and balance our energy centers to release our limitless potential.

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Pollinate your life
Affirmation: I am reclaiming my power to do. That's Àse. We woke up this morning with so much potential. But most of us don't realize it. It's common to fail to fulfill our potential. Our society depends on us not recognizing or activating our potential in many ways. That's why we have so many distractions. Parenting, education, justice, and mental and physical health systems disable us. They sustain us in a limited space. The word "potential" is derived from the root word "potent," which means being able. Think about that...right now, a conditioning process is taking place towards being impotent. Yet, when we are born under signs, potential lies within us for limitless possibilities. For me, I always knew that I wanted to write and help others. All of us have the potential to become anything we want to be, but most of us waste our time worrying. We misunderstand our experiences; that's why we worry. The truth is that every experience has a message to wake us up to our potential. Seize the moment and make the most of your time to fulfill your purpose before it's too late. Take a moment to reflect and ask yourself if you're fulfilling your potential. If you are, you're on a journey of self-discovery and growth, like a flower blossoming or a bee pollinating a flower. Reignite your spirit, unleash your inner strength, and reclaim your potential—experience Àse Wellness, reclaiming our power to do.

Life is always full of ups and downs, like riding a wave. Some people will stand by you during the rough times, while others won't. However, waves come and go, and we can't avoid them, but we can learn to ride them. If we resist or fight the waves, we will only lose. Waves teach us how to grow, change, and become stronger. Waves always head towards the shore, meaning they don't last forever. In life, we must keep our balance while riding the waves. That is not to lose ourselves. Know when to shift, speed up, slow down, and focus on our destination. It's essential to be grateful for the waves as a gift of life instead of fighting against it. Life is a series of waves: rent, mortgage, health, unemployment. Unfortunately, many of us do not take the time to flow with the waves. We panic, failing to realize that the wave carries us to prosperity. Whether we are entrepreneurs struggling to make ends meet, suffering from disease, or facing emotional challenges, we should surrender to the waves and know we will return to shore.-experience, Ase.

Happy Full Moon! It's the Wolf Moon in Leo, with the Sun in Aquarius. Many people ignore the moon's phases, but its energy is always present whether or not we pay attention to it. This Full Moon, the first in 2024, in Leo, sends a message of courage. Courage is the way of the heart, where we accept that fear exists but still take on our challenges. The ultimate challenge is to be fearless. Accepting this challenge will make us more aware of our inner selves and live differently. Full Moons are all about releasing something. What do you need to release? Our beautiful moon is in Leo, allowing us to release any crap that comes from our ego or keeps us from our higher selves. With the influence of the Aquarius season from January 20 to February 18, we focus on our heart and spiritual development. We are not just looking at ourselves but others. Did you set some intentions? Plant some seeds? If so, take this opportunity to sit in the fullness of your life, feel deep gratitude for the many blessings and experiences you've had, and recommit yourself to your intentions and what they mean to you the most. Finally, we have some exciting news to share - our seeds and intentions with Full Moon have expanded and blessed us with another property that will be a beautiful, relaxing, energy-infused organic tea room. We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of the Àse Tea Room soon! Experience Àse!

Happy Full Moon! It's the Wolf Moon in Leo, with the Sun in Aquarius. Many people ignore the moon's phases, but its energy is always present whether or not we pay attention to it. This Full Moon, the first in 2024, in Leo, sends a message of courage. Courage is the way of the heart, where we accept that fear exists but still take on our challenges. The ultimate challenge is to be fearless. Accepting this challenge will make us more aware of our inner selves and live differently. Full Moons are all about releasing something. What do you need to release? Our beautiful moon is in Leo, allowing us to release any crap that comes from our ego or keeps us from our higher selves. With the influence of the Aquarius season from January 20 to February 18, we focus on our heart and spiritual development. We are not just looking at ourselves but others. Did you set some intentions? Plant some seeds? If so, take this opportunity to sit in the fullness of your life, feel deep gratitude for the many blessings and experiences you've had, and recommit yourself to your intentions and what they mean to you the most. Finally, we have some exciting news to share - our seeds and intentions with Full Moon have expanded and blessed us with another property that will be a beautiful, relaxing, energy-infused organic tea room. We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of the Àse Tea Room soon! Experience Àse!

Happy New Moon! This is a perfect opportunity to start fresh. Take some time to reflect on your life and set intentions as the moon waxes towards fullness. This December's new moon is the last one in 2023, so it's a great time to let go of past hurts and assess your feelings and aspirations. Embrace the power of this new moon to move your life forward. Known as the Long Night Moon, this December's new moon is the perfect time to start a new cycle by closing the door on the previous one. Nature tells us to let go of the past and heal, so use this lunar energy to release any grudges or negative feelings you've been holding onto. The new moon is a cosmic gift that encourages us to reflect on our lives and manifest what we want. Take some time to consider what you want to achieve this month, whether it's love, health, a job, money, or starting a new practice. Use this lunar energy to reset your energy and make it happen. This is a great chance to clarify what you truly want in life. Speak your desires into existence and trust that the answers will come to you at the right time. Realize the unlimited possibilities that lie ahead and embrace the power of this new moon. Remember to slow down and enjoy the journey. Experience Àse Yoga, where every breath counts.

Live Beloved, Live

Thank you @6abcactionnews for the interview 🙏🏿 Experience Àse Yoga, #whereeverybreathcounts

Flowing with the Water
Three things hold us back: lack of knowledge of our true selves, misinterpretation of our experiences, and insistence on staying the same. Like the river, we're supposed to flow. We are not who we say we are; we're so much more. Yet, we go through life with this fake identity, possessing phony information. A severe spiritual crime committed against ourselves. Ninety-nine percent of us have taken on a persona that's a lie. Eventually, being an imposter catches up with us. All our relationships become a mirror of our fakeness. Next, everyone has something going on in their life. How we interpret what's going on determines success or failure. The choices we make influence everything that happens in life. Are you choosing excuses or blame? Or actions and self-responsibility? Are you losing your mind or mastering your mind? Finally, we're stubborn. Because of this, we refuse to heal truly. And so our energy is bounded, tied in knots with negativity. We laugh at our power tools, such as prayer, meditation, and practice. Cynicism and arrogance become our attire. Until we commit to spiritual practice, life will keep dishing it out to us. Life changes when we do. Look into yourself, cry, let it out, and then emerge with knowledge of your true self. Don't waste your precious life. We're created for peace and happiness- enjoy life. Take a walk in nature. Experience Àse Yoga, whereeverybreathcounts.

Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to?

Cooking is mediative. It's also a moving art. We should rely less on a script and more on intuition when cooking. Whose cooking is just as important as what you eat. How do you feel when you approach food? Tried or vibrant; angry or joyful; mindful or mindless; tense or relaxed. In Live, Beloved, Live, Wellness Begins Inside, "I write food as medicine fascinated me. Now that I embraced Ayurveda, spices are no longer just spices but medicine...Cooking is no longer simply about slicing and dicing, boiling or baking, or sauteing or heating. When I cut a carrot, I' 'm mindful that I'm cutting a special carrot that allows me to connect with its energy ... Reserve space for our Whole Cooking Class this Saturday, July 1, 2023@ 1pm. Contact 267. 252.5724. Experience Àse Yoga, where every breath counts.

Thank you, Thank you to the countless beautiful people who attended the Live, Beloved, Live, Wellness Begins Inside book launching. Your support was greatly appreciated. It was a perfect moment, day, and time to re-think the way we live. Highly charged, energy-infused flowers and plants mixed with the positive energy permeating the room amidst the live jazz sounds of Clay Jackson. Inspiration for Live, Beloved, Live, Wellness Begins Inside is a realization of our undeniable meaning. We are not here randomly; existence needs us. Stop wasting time merely to fulfill your physical needs. Fly out of your cage that has conditioned you to devalue yourself. Without you, something will be missing that no one can replace. Even the stars, suns, moons, trees, birds, and the earth await your awakening. Because without you, certain creations cannot be filled; everything in the universe will seemingly feel out of order. Therefore, Live, Beloved, Live to fulfill your unique purpose-Experience Ase Yoga #whereeverybreathcount www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org. Order your copy now. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Archway Publishing, and many other places.

Happy April Full Moon or Pink Moon-another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live your own life. Our lives will be impacted by the Moon as it positions itself directly opposite the sun in its orbit around Earth. This opposition is an optimal time for surrender. The Full Moon is a reminder that oppositions can not exist as meaningful without the other. An intrinsic harmony exists between opposites, i.e., the Sun and Moon, yin and yang, light and dark. So what are we experiencing during this Full Moon? Courage and balance. What is it that we are afraid to do? Afraid to ask for? Are we living the life of a coward? Tune in to the energy of this full Moon, and you might find the courage to drop the fear. Courage sometimes brings conflict because we're conditioned to follow the crowd. Yet, we gain nothing by being in the crowd; it's dead. Balance is also coming out of this Full Moon. When we attain balance, we attain happiness. We no longer fight or struggle with ourselves-but support ourselves. Appreciate the Full Moon energy to be at oneness with yourself. Free yourself by understanding the way of balancing yourself. Find the courage to live the truth -experience Àse Yoga, where every breath counts.

Our life expectancy is a statistical formula of the average time we are expected to live. It's based on our birth year, current age, and other demographic factors. Interestingly, someone is determining mathematically when you should expect to leave earth. Yet, could they also be conditioning us to live in such a way that we live up to that expectation? Have you ever heard of the Pygmalion effect? Essentially it says expectations lead to what is expected. If we're expected to be sick, to stop living, then we'll do that. Conversely, if wellness and vitality are expected, we'll do that. Too many of us are shutting down life prematurely because of expectations. If only we understand the power of divine intelligence where there is no expectations-just of life force. Drop all expectations-live, beloved, live. Every day, people defy these expectations, creating suffering and hell. Have you ever met someone 100 or 98 years old defying this statistical expectancy formula? Stop fulfilling the government's and others' expectations, and start caring for yourself. We are not born to fulfill expectations but to live fulfilling lives. Know that you're not a statistic but a spiritual being. Commit to a spiritual practice-experience Àse Yoga, where every breath counts.

As Above, So Below
Happy Full Moon. Happy Poornima. Happy Lenten Moon. Happy Worm Moon because the warming Earth signals life is wriggling out of the ground. All characteristics of this Moon. Some may dismiss a Full Moon as an abstraction or simply another day. But this auspicious time is when the beautiful Moon appears as a complete circle in the sky. Although the Moon produces no visible light of its own, we can only see the parts of the Moon that are lit up by other objects. Something is happening above us, but also within us. We might feel some disruptiveness, resulting in more unpredictable behavior, tension, or tiredness. We might even feel anxious or emotionally upset and sleep even less. With this March 2023 New Moon, we're advised to find the middle ground between analytical and reflective attitudes. To continue our quest for the truth, take action to see things more clearly, and not ignore the facts. Truth is now non-negotiable. As you go about your day, lean towards growth, accountability, and accepting responsibility for past actions. Be wise, be courageous- experience Ase Yoga, where every breath counts. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org

Often we deal with life in crisis mode. We react to life rather than respond to it. Our life becomes one big emergency. For example, we go to the emergency room when we can no longer tolerate the pain or are afraid of dying; we go to the dentist when we have a toothache; we pay our bills when services get disconnected. And unfortunately, we attend yoga practice when something unpleasant happens, such as a breakup, divorce, or a diagnosis. Reactions are conditioned, unconscious, habitual behaviors that come from our past. Ninety-nine percent of the time, we're reacting. However, yoga is not conceived for acute illnesses and trauma; it's a practice. As a practice, we realize everything is in a continual state of change; everything goes on flowing. You're no longer flowing if you react or act; you're no longer alive. Let go of reactions by responding. By responding, we become responsible. We become aware. Respond, be in the present moment.-experience Àse Yoga, where every breath counts.