The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Penn, Philadelphia, PA Videos

Videos by The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Penn in Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania 745 Williams Hall 215-898-8606

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Untranslatables and Other Curiousities. Penn Germanic, Univ of the Arts, Tempesta di Mare, and the German Society of Pennsylvania celebrated the composer Georg Philipp Telemann with a poetry slam involving poems by Telemann's friends, Brockes, Klopstock, and Ramler, translations by Penn undergrads, and poetic renderings by UArts creative writing students, held in the beautiful library of the society. A magical evening that flowed between Telemann's beloved Elbe and our own Schuylkill and gave the early 18th century a voice and an immediacy we could hear and feel on Spring Garden Street.