Love House Kids Program, Phoenix, AZ Videos

Videos by Love House Kids Program in Phoenix.

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A Recession Does Not Equal a Housing Crisis

September by the Numbers

It’s a week since our fund raiser and it was truly a blessed night. The participation was terrific and so much fun. Seeing the sponsors that are always there for us and being able to talk in person really connects you. I heard the term Amazing used a lot and really it is the only way to describe what happens when our supporters get together. We did well at the event, I would say about 35% more than last year and 12 % higher than 2 years ago. Even though ticket sales were not as abundant as I would like, our guest were very active in the ‘Silent Auction and raffles. Our Sponsors are incredible consistent and committed. Our Love House Volunteers and Hilber Blair with entertainment take the guess work out of a lot of this. May I mention that 3 of our volunteers are Love house alumni and are giving back. Watching them go about their tasks the other night and seeing Amy who was one of the first girls to participate in the transition program, get up and speak to the people was heartwarming. Katee trying to control and organize the seating arrangements for our guests and she had been with us for 12 years and Sam all over the place where ever I asked him to be who has been with us for going on 5 years. Kids willing and ready to give back. Willing to talk to everyone that attended about the good they do for kids like them. Ready to thank each person for caring about them. It doesn’t get much more real than that It doesn’t get much more rewarding than that. The entertainment again was outstanding. Hilber does such a great job. He just does and sends me the program for the night. That’s the total input I need to give for that whole set up. Josh just took over the auction tables and MC and Stephanie manned the raffles. She does an incredible job every year and all year. I am going to attach some pictures. Speaking of pictures, Rob and his wife Deb as always did all the video, all the pictures and again for a charge of ZERO. They spend hours putting it all together for me aft

Thank you to everyone that helped support this class and seminar. It was much needed and received so well by the kids. We knew the class was needed but the kids confirmed that for us in a big way and want more. Coming from teenagers that speaks volumes. Some kids identified, some got a new prospective on the impact of bullying, some decided to become a support for kids being bullied rather than ignoring it. All in all it was a success and we are making plans to do a follow up. The kids have given us feedback as to what they want us to cover. The Elk Lodge did an outstanding job as always and invited us back. They made a point of letting me know how well mannered our kids were (55 of them) and how clean they left the facility. The past presidents alumni were the group doing the cooking of the hamburgers and hot dogs. They welcomed our kids with open arms and then decided to donate the food. It's no secret that the Elks are all about kids and they surely show it on all sides. Our kids had first hand exposure to fabulous role models. Touching on role models Antajj and Tyler from the Rattlers spoke and mingled with kids. The kids loved it and again another positive role model situation happened. Again none of this would be possible without you. This is what needs to happen and you make it happen. Thank you. ​Free to Be workshop June 11, 2017, was sponsored by Love House Kids Program with the facility and lunch provided by The Elks Club of Phoenix. It was a day filled with information and guest presenters for the kids. The Workshop centered on the future for the kids as they prepare for the world as adults. Included in the program were topics ranging from relationship building, Careers, learning to live with loss, money management, building self esteem and the angels in our lives. The kids were polite and interested and were encouraged to ask questions. We thank the wonderful Elks, our angels on earth, who provided a great lunch of all-you-can-eat hamburgers and hot