Fort Frick Photography, Pittsburgh, PA Videos

Videos by Fort Frick Photography in Pittsburgh. Photography by J. Bowser. Prints available at website below.

Switching things up to another Mon Valley Works site. A short timelapse of the Clairton Coke Works from this past weekend.

Photos will likely be a few weeks, but at first glance I'm really happy with them.


Other Fort Frick Photography videos

Switching things up to another Mon Valley Works site. A short timelapse of the Clairton Coke Works from this past weekend. Photos will likely be a few weeks, but at first glance I'm really happy with them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prints: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Snowy ice on the Allegheny this morning. Photos will be awhile, but hope everyone has a great Sunday.

A great sunrise, and decent river reflections to go with it this morning in Pittsburgh.

A quick timelapse from this year's Rivers of Steel Festival of Combustion at the Carrie Furnace from the Homestead Work's Pump House site. The stills will take awhile from my other camera. I thought the firework's were great this year, and lasted for at least 15 minutes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pittsburgh Foggy Timelapse
A short time lapse of the fog rolling accross the city, which was taken the same morning as my last post, and cars on their morning commute.

Pittsburgh Foggy Timelapse
A short time lapse of the fog rolling across the city, and cars on their morning commute, which was taken the same morning as my last post.

Edgar Thomson Steel Works
A short time lapse of the USS Edgar Thomson Steel Works, as some Union Railroad trains and cars go by on a foggy night. My favorite part is the slag dump that lights up the sky. I'll post a still of that one at some point.

Happy Labor Day. Some fireworks to celebrate last night at Ross Township (I believe this was the makeup date from the canceled 4th of July or Memorial Day fireworks). Ross Township

Sunrise at the Carrie Furnace. Have a great Sunday. Rivers of Steel

A quick time lapse from a few weeks ago of Edgar Thomson, and a brief appearance by the URR to go with my previous post today. I'll post some photos from my other camera at some point once I get to them, which might be awhile. Excuse the bad audio and Facebook's horrible compression.