Laurel Highlands Council, Scouting America, Pittsburgh, PA Videos

Videos by Laurel Highlands Council, Scouting America in Pittsburgh. Serving nearly 10,000 youth in the Greater Pittsburgh, Johnstown, Cumberland, and Romey Areas.

Other Laurel Highlands Council, Scouting America videos

Join the brothers of Allohak Menewi Lodge 57 for a weekend of fellowship, service, and great food. Event attendance is open to lodge members from all chapters. Individuals called out for Order of the Arrow membership have the opportunity to complete their Ordeal

Join the brothers of Allohak Menewi Lodge 57 for a weekend of fellowship, service, and great food. Event attendance is open to lodge members from all chapters. Individuals called out for Order of the Arrow membership have the opportunity to complete their Ordeal

Scouting at Home CSP Design Announcement

GivingTuesdayNow Match Increase


What the Fit with Kevin Hart and Nick Jonas

#Scout2LeaderLHC Photo Challenge