Prasada Jewelry

Wear your prayer • Attract your heart's greatest desire with our love-filled jewelry • Designed


3 HUGE secrets for manifesting anything your heart desires, even if you have NO IDEA where to begin ❤️❤️❤️

For as long as I can remember, I LOVED being near the water.

As a little girl, I would cry when I said goodbye to the ocean at the end of our family vacation to the beach. 😭😭😭

So it was a lifelong DREAM of mine to live by the water.

But somewhere inside of me, I really didn’t believe it was possible.

Then when my husband and I started looking for a house 12 years ago, I decided to BE BOLD and to visualize us living by the water, raising a family by the water, having that healing quality of the water near me every single day…. 🌊

I could FEEL it….

Now, the challenge was that on paper, this dream still seemed impossible.

But I stayed with my vision anyway….

And guess what --- it happened! ❤️🙌✨✨✨

And now I get to look out my window and see the lake and the mountains every single day.

Manifesting our home by the water changed EVERYTHING for me, as I suddenly realized I had this incredible power to create things in my life, even if they seemed totally impossible.

From that moment on, there was no turning back. I was determined to figure out how to keep creating amazing things in my life.

I believe that manifesting is the absolute best way to create the life of your dreams - for yourself, your family and the good of the world.

But I also know first-hand how challenging it can be.

That's why I'm offering a FREE online training:

3 HUGE Secrets for Manifesting Anything Your Heart Desires, even if you you have no idea where to begin.

When you join me LIVE, there will be awesome giveaways!!

This is YOUR time! I believe in you! ❤️✨❤️✨

👉Wednesday, January 12 at 7pm EST

Click the link to sign up now!


***SOUND ON*** You all, this was HILARIOUS – I was recording a new yoga flow for my Manifesting Masterclass when this seaplane kept circling around and landing behind me and taking off again. 🤣✈️🤣✈️

At one point I could even hear my audio to follow along and was stuck in bridge posture forever!

I shared this with my students and told them to REMEMBER THIS!!! ✨✨✨ When you are creating something new and magnificent in your life, it doesn’t always go smoothly. It’s not perfect, and its not supposed to be (don’t get me wrong, sometimes things open up in a totally easy smooth miraculous way - but not always and THATS OK!!! ) There may be really loud distractions. There may be detours and setbacks. There may be a seaplane photobombing you! IT’S OK!!

Your job is to KEEP GOING! keep coming back to your vision and KEEP SAYING YES to it! Your dream often shows up in a fun and surprising way.

KEEP GOING!!! ✨✨✨✨🦋❤️

If you want in the next time I run this course, DM me for details and a super special offer! ✨❤️🙌

Photos from Prasada Jewelry's post 07/26/2021

What a TOTAL THRILL! 🥰🦋🙌

My first live yoga class in 16 months and I got to teach over 200 people at Tanglewood while the Boston Symphony Orchestra rehearsed in the background.🎶🎶🎶💕💕💕

Thank you for collaborating with in this way and inviting me to lead this wonderful group! 🙏❤️


In just a few hours, my countdown clock is going to tick down to 00:00:00. 🙉🙉🙉

I’m getting ready to close my big launch and celebrate with my friends in our Making Magic community. 💃💃💃

The good news is that if it’s still ticking, that means you still have time to join Making Magic and get my live support throughout the course. ❤️🙌🦋

And you still have time to scoop up over $2500 in bonuses, but this is your final chance.

The doors are about to close. 🚪

Nothing dramatic is going to happen if you don’t join.

But something INCREDIBLE will happen if you jump in now.✨🦋🦋🦋❤️

It’s time to show the Universe that you are ready.✨✨✨✨

Make this your Manifesting breakthrough year.

Here’s what you’ll get:

👉Access to my 6-week online Manifesting Masterclass: Making Magic.

👉🏿Live group coaching calls EVERY week during the course

👉🏽Five awesome free bonuses worth over $2,500

👉🏻Juicy 90% discount on the course and bonuses

👉🏿Lifetime membership of my private mastermind Making Magic Facebook Group..

👉🏽All of the training, support and inspiration you need to reach your goals and change your life.

I'm going to take you by the hand and guide you to success.⭐️🥰

The only thing you have to do is click over and join us before 9pm tonight (Eastern US time).

Our first LIVE coaching call is this week - hope to see you there.

Click here to sign up now:


I have a friend who was in a serious rut. 🙈🙈🙈

He works for himself as a freelance writer, and he lost a lot of clients because of covid. 😏

The future felt scary and uncertain. He wasn’t doing much to take care of himself.🥺

He’d wake up in the morning and have thoughts like “This is so hard. I’m overwhelmed. How will this ever work out? I don’t know what to do. What if the worst happens and I can’t pay my mortgage? Where will I turn?” ⁉️⁉️

And throughout the day, he’d have thoughts about all the things he couldn’t give his kids and all the places he wanted to travel but couldn’t. He’d look at people around him who were taking vacations or renovating their homes and he felt inadequate. 😭

He felt like a failure. He felt lack.

He’d go to bed with his mind racing with worries and all kinds of "what ifs"?😱

I talked to him and I said “why don’t you try one of my practices that I use in my Manifesting Masterclass?” ✨❤️

He said he’d try it, and every night before bed, he did the practice.

He did this faithfully for 3 weeks and can you guess what happened?

He started to feel happier. 😃He started to feel abundant. 🦋⭐️He felt content. He felt inspired. He started doing yoga and taking better care of himself.❤️

His work gained momentum. ☀️He was able to do renovations on his house and plan a trip with his family. ☀️


He was manifesting his life all along through the thoughts and the feelings he was repeating every day-- when he was in the rut, he was manifesting lack, stress, depression, worry and it was a vicious cycle. 😭😱🥺

Once he introduced new thoughts, new emotions and practiced them every single day, he started manifesting abundance, inner peace, and joy. ❤️⭐️✨🥰

Isn’t that awesome?

👉🏽✨❤️You are manifesting your life every day with the thoughts and emotions that you have regularly, and it’s up to you if you want to continue doing it unconsciously or if you want to take control of it and make it a conscious choice. 🦋

👉🏿Enrollment for my manifesting master class is closing soon! Click the link in my bio for all the details.👆👆👆

The only experience you need to get started is being human! 😬❤️🙌


✨Get this wrist mala for FREE when you sign up for Making Magic, my Manifesting Masterclass.❤️🙌🤩

☀️❤️In this 6-week online course, I take you from "What is manifesting?" to having powerhouse tools to CREATE your life.

It's like going from being a boat drifting around at sea to grabbing the wheel and steering the ship where you want it to go. 🛳🛶

This mala features:

⭐️Sandalwood to connect you to your divine nature

⭐️Amethyst for spiritual growth & wisdom

⭐️Aquamarine for truth, trust and protection

Click here to learn more:


✨If you want to go from being a victim of your life to CREATING your life, then listen up! ✨

It is truly my life’s work to help people start living the life of their dreams, instead of ending up with huge life regrets. ❤️

➡️That’s why I’m offering a super juicy package where you get my 6-week Manifesting Masterclass plus 5 amazing free bonuses at 90% off of the regular price (one time offer!)

☀️When you sign up for Making Magic, you’ll get all this:

👉🏽Access to my 6-week Manifesting Masterclass

👉Live group coaching calls every week (that’s 6 live calls!)

👉🏿5 amazing free bonuses (worth thousands), including my exclusive Mala Bracelet for Manifesting delivered to your doorstep

✨You’ll learn:

👉🏿How to release the blocks that are keeping you small

👉All of my best manifesting tools

👉🏽How to create your life, instead of reacting to it (like steering your ship rather than drifting afloat)

👉🏿How to embrace your inner Magic Maker and live the life you want and deserve

✨I'll support you with:

👉Live group coaching calls with me EVERY WEEK on themed coaching topics and manifesting Q&A sessions.

👉🏽Access to our private community of incredible Magic Makers who are doing the work along side of you, embodying my manifesting tools and creating their lives.

👉🏿Clear, step-by-step exercises and worksheets so you can implement everything you learn in the training.

👉🏽Done for you meditations and yoga practices to put your tools into play and get results (it’s ok if you’ve never meditated or done yoga before - I’ve got your back!)

✨❤️☀️❤️If this is your time, then click the link below to learn more and save your spot!

🥰DM me with any questions - I'm listening!


I just wrapped up an awesome webinar with an incredible group of inspiring people who are ready to start CREATING their lives! ✨💃✨❤️

We talked about 3 huge secrets for creating the life of your dreams:

👉Secret #1: You're already doing it! >>> How to make manifesting a conscious choice, rather than an unconscious habit.

👉🏽Secret #2: Your fears are your fuel. >>> How to stop pushing away your fears and use them as a springboard for your most profound growth.

👉🏿Secret #3: The devil's actually NOT in the details. >>> How to overcome the logistical challenges that make your dream feel impossible.

☀️To watch the replay, just go to this link:

It will only be up for a few days, so don’t wait!

✨I also opened registration for my Making Magic, my Manifesting Masterclass ✨✨

I put together a powerhouse package for everyone who’s ready to take it to the next level and change their lives. 🥰🙏✴️

We already have some Magic Makers signed up and ready to go!

Here is the link to learn more! 🤩


☀️Join me tonight for a FREE training online! ☀️❤️💃

I promise to deliver incredible content to you during this training. You will learn my three HUGE secrets for manifesting:

💫Secret #1: You're already doing it! >>> How to make manifesting a conscious choice, rather than an unconscious habit.

💫Secret #2: Your fears are your fuel. >>> How to stop pushing away your fears and use them as a springboard for your most profound growth.

💫Secret #3: The devil's actually NOT in the details. >>> How to overcome the logistical challenges that make your dream feel impossible.

If you're ready to stop being a victim of your life and start creating your life, this training is for you!

👉Click below to sign up now! Can’t wait to see you there! ❤️🥰


The same intelligence that created this gorgeous lily that I saw in my neighbor’s garden also lives within you. 🙏🙌❤️

This same intelligence helps you CREATE your life when you get clear on what it is you want to create✨✨✨

💃To learn more, join me for a free LIVE training tonight at 7 PM:

👉👉🏽👉🏿 3 HUGE Secrets for Manifesting the Life of your Dreams (even if you have no idea where to begin)

Save your FREE spot here:


I believe that manifesting is the absolute best way to create the life of your dreams ✨💕🙏🥰 for yourself, your family and the good of the world.

Think of yourself as a boat out at sea. 🚣‍♀️Most people are drifting in the sea, letting the current pull them one way then the other. 🌊🌊🌊

Learning how to manifest is like becoming the captain of your ship and steering it in the direction you want to go. 👩‍✈️🛥

This shift from drifting around to steering your ship changes everything! ✨✨✨

But I also know first-hand how challenging it can be.🙈🙈🙈

That's why I'm offering a FREE online training: 3 HUGE Secrets for Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams, even if you you have no idea where to begin.

Click here to sign up!

This is YOUR time to rise up like never before. See you soon!🥰🙌❤️💕


It's time to dig deep and rise up into the next version of yourself. 🙌❤️

We all have doubts. We all have fears. Let's do it anyway! ✨✨✨

👉👉🏽👉🏿Click the link below for a free training I'm offering this week: 3 HUGE Secrets for Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams, even if you have no idea where to begin!

You'll be entered to win my 'flow' bar necklace when you register! 💃💃💃


Our bar necklaces are one of our best sellers! They make a fantastic gift for any of your loved ones! All of our bar necklaces come in sterling silver or gold plated, and are all adjustable 16”-18”. They make gift giving a snap!! Each is made with love and intention and comes in a card sharing the meaning of the piece.




When we practice gratitude, we live in abundance. Focus on what you are thankful for and open your eyes to the blessings that constantly surround you. Focus on all the amazing things you have, not what you do not have. Remember you have everything you need and it is within you! 🙏❤️🙏❤️


“The Goddess does not rule the world; She is the world manifest in each of us, She can be known internally by every individual, in all her magnificent diversity.”

Wear this necklace to remind you what a bad ass goddess you are! 💖💖🤣


Once you can see that you are a being of light, earth-shattering strength and breath-taking grace, you will own your own power. You will love yourself fully and be able to truly love others, the world, and life. To access the wisdom of your inner goddess, you need only to be still and listen. 💖💖💖


Today’s mantra 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️


“When a woman knows she is loved, anything is possible.”

Our adjustable Loved necklace comes in both silver and gold plated. It is a constant reminder to the one who wears it that she is deeply appreciated and unconditionally loved for the magnificent woman she is.


Gift yourself a reminder that YOU are loved. This simple and elegant necklace is great to wear everyday and always reminds you to love yourself first! You are worthy and absolutely deserving of love and happiness!! All other love springs from self love! 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️


Our rosary necklaces also come in a smaller version with our small angel wing. This one is more of the everyday piece. The rosary beads shines so beautifully when the sun hits adding a little extra shimmer to your day! This necklace is shown with labradorite rosary beads. Labradorite is the gemstone of spiritual awakening, helping to increase awareness and sight. It is truly an extraordinary gemstone! ❤️❤️❤️


Did you know that all of our angel wing pieces come with a FREE meditation? This meditation will help charge your new wings with a state of less fear, more trust, and divine connection to that which carries you! This will help to supercharge your new wings and help you to remember that you are never alone and that you are ALWAYS guided and supported!! ❤️❤️❤️


Our rosary bracelets are a PERFECT gift! I love to gift these for so many different occasions! The bracelets are also adjustable from 7” to 8.5” making gift giving even easier and giving you confidence that it will fit the wearer perfectly. The bracelet shown is with aquamarine. Aquamarine is known to promote self-love, hope and inner peace. This little bracelet is such a powerhouse! Sure to bring any wearer so much love and support! ❤️❤️🙏🙏


Our angel wings are so special because they are not only beautiful but also so so meaningful. It is so easy to feel like you are alone, but these pieces can serve as reminders that you are never alone. You are always loved and always guided and protected. I designed these pieces with great love to support you every day.


Did you know that our small and large silver angel wings also come on rosary chains as necklaces and bracelets? Shown here is our Large silver angel wing with a tanzanite rosary. Tanzanite adds an extra boost of divine love and spiritual growth. You can also get our delicate and beautiful rosary in labradorite and aquamarine. ❤️❤️❤️


This bolder take on our Angel wing necklace comes with either an 18” or a 30” chain.

I love gifting this piece to my girlfriends to remind them I am always there. It doesn’t matter how far apart we are, we are always together in spirit.


One of my absolute favorite things about these earrings is how lightweight they are! You barely feel like you are wearing them. They are just so comfortable and will literally go with anything in your closet! What do you love about our angel wing earrings? ❤️❤️❤️


May this delicate angel wing necklace remind you every day that you are not alone. Small and perfect for everyday, wear it alone or layered with other meaningful pieces you have ❤️ This necklace is also the perfect length, as it can be worn between 16” and 18”. Guaranteed not to go in your mouth while doing an inversion! 🙏❤️🙏❤️

You are guided always!

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Videos (show all)

***SOUND ON*** You all, this was HILARIOUS – I was recording a new yoga flow for my Manifesting Masterclass when this se...
☀️Join me tonight for a FREE training online! ☀️❤️💃I promise to deliver incredible content to you during this training. ...


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