Integrated Equine Therapies

Integrated Equine Therapies

Founder & Director of Integrated Equine Therapies, Teaching his Signature Methods through Education

Tom Mayes; Owner and Developer of Integrated Equine Therapies. Tom as a Clinician and Equine Practitioner has been servicing horses and teaching his signature methods for over a decade. Areas of practice
are Osteopathy; CranioSacral; Applied Kinesiology; Acupressure and
Reiki. He has clients from all over the world who seek him out for professional and personal development.

Vagus Nerve Hacks: Powerful Techniques to Enhance Health and Well-Being 08/18/2024

VAGAL Nerve the most important nerve in the body
I could go on forever about it
Love This MD
Focus on his gut heart connection and omega 3’s
What he doesn’t talk about or have experiences with is the ability of Osteopathy and CranioSacral to reset this nerve when it’s blocked

The Ventral Vagal is the most phenomenal structure I have ever worked with. It a sacred regulator and I guide students into it at every level

Vagus Nerve Hacks: Powerful Techniques to Enhance Health and Well-Being In this lecture, I’ll show you how to hack your vagus nerve to improve your health, reduce stress, and enhance longevity. It is impacted by your thoughts, em...

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 08/17/2024

Still Point Induction

“Still Point” is one of the supreme craniosacral techniques used by all practitioners and I encourage anyone to try it.

Still Point is akin to “Rebooting a laptop control center”; when it reboots it takes an updated inventory and reassess its needs. It can and will rebalance significant dysfunctions very quickly.
It will awaken the body to reset and reprioritize its self-correcting capabilities. The body can and does become overwhelmed with layers of dis-ease. It will prioritize to simply survive. When the body senses, trusts that you intend to help clear debilitating holding patterns, it will reassess and send energy to specific areas.
The two most powerful areas to perform still point are the poll or occipital-atlanto joint and si joint. These two areas are key in cranial rhythm, either of which can and does impede this rhythm. Additionally, they have a reciprocal relationship, and accurately mirror each other’s movements and quality.

Place your hand on the OA joint and pick up the cranial rhythm (forward/rearward flow about 10-12 cycles per minute) allow the rhythm for a few cycles then at the peak of the extension phase (cranial/forward) lightly, but firmly hold the bone in that position. Your intention is to “still or stop” the rhythm in this position. You should feel the bone trying to push back through your hand, until the body relaxes, the rhythm ceases throughout, and you’ve have “still point”. Then you can go back to 5g pressure
Maintain this magic still point for as long as you feel is appropriate, this should be a safe, quiet place for the horse and will semi-sedate them. People will frequently go into dream states while in still point.
Next, one of two movements will occur; either the rhythm will spontaneously restart (usually with new vigor) OR it will go into an unwinding series of releases.
Both are acceptable, but if you feel this magnetic, magical unwinding movement follow it to a completion as the body allows you to support it in rebalancing.
Then reassess the area, and the body. Still point often will reset the entire cranial rhythm.

Later, with more experience you will learn to feel the structural “crescendo” and “nudge” the movement to obtain huge results.
I often will reset atlas, si joint, lumbar and sacral subluxations- just with still point nudges.

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 08/05/2024

Cranial Medicine Wheel Assessment/Treatment
Woo Woo meets Grounded Reality

The forehead of the horse contains a highly accurate, effective assessment and treatment tool that I have named the “Cranial Medicine Wheel”.
It is very effective in assessing and mobilizing purely physical dysfunctions but is particularly efficacious in empowering emotional letting go.
It is aligned with the ancient Five Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and especially the Indigenous Medicine Wheel of the Four Directions.
I know of no absolute direct physical structural connections from Cranial Wheel to organ, such as we see with craniosacral (cranial vault to spinal cord to nerve), or vascular (heart to larger to smaller vessels away from the heart). However, there is more than enough evidence to point towards this superseding wheel as part emanating from the brain, (particularly the pineal), and having the blueprint for our complete vitality that is held in the DNA itself, and what is know as the “Luminous Field”. What is clear is that when a skilled therapist “hooks the appropriate aspect of the cranial wheel to a dysfunctional area, it creates an efficient, rapid process of emotional/mental acknowledgment, and letting go. Each individual may or may not be drawn to its efficacy.

When I was first shown this wheel by Domino, an older Peruvian Paso, I had no idea it was an eminence for the entire body to assess and assist in treatment. Indeed, I recorded my initial “download”, but my skepticism, and need for instantaneous results- caused me to put it aside- until years later.

It wasn't until I realized that TCM Five Element Wheel, was another look at the Native Medicine Wheel, and that the earth element was center of the four directions, did I begin to actualize the efficacy of this wheel. The Cranial Wheel is based upon the four directions/seasons, where a new cycle begins in the spring and ends in the winter.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses Five Element Theory as a means to diagnose and guide treatment strategies. Five Elements are based on the idea that all energy (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) follows an elemental path of balance in a cyclical manner.
These cycles are interwoven as daily, lunar, annual, lifespan, and beyond. When all energies are in balance there is health/vitality, when in imbalance there is dis-ease.
Five Element Theory looks to restore balance by either using a controlling element, or reestablishing flow by opening a blocked energy.
There are specific meridians, organs, tissues, and emotions associated with each element. Note, this model has been in existence for over 5,000 years.

The Indigenous or Native Medicine Wheel is very aligned with TCM Five Elements but is vastly older and deeper with an emphasis upon Path and body as a vessel for development. Indeed, the very concept of “medicine” to native peoples has always been about spirit, emotional/belief and physical enhancement.
Like Five Elements, the energy flows clockwise, has daily, lunar, annual cycles; and every being completes a cycle in lifetime.

Spring/East represents beginning (new year, sunrise, birth), embodied by “wood or life structure”, having liver and gall bladder organs/meridian energy, with rapid growth and exuberance for what is to come.

Summer/South represents maturing growth and development (adulthood, proficiency, intense work, career), where we practice and become what we intended to be in the spring. Embodied by “fire” and having the organs/meridians of heart, pericardium, small intestine and the illusive triple heater (thyroid, Thymus, adrenals).

Autumn/West represents the harvest (mature energy, holding all that was gained, late midlife, towards retirement), embodied by “air and metal” and having the organs/meridians of lung and large intestine.

Winter/North represents slowing down, the integration of all that was learned/ completed, and that which will be discarded and retained to become anew in the spring. Embodied by “water” having the organs/meridians of kidney and bladder.

This is an eloquent process, form and reflection. None of that matters unless it has true profound, repeatable efficacy, or what Native Americans say, “Growing Corn”.

Assessment using the Cranial Wheel- Is done by merging (aligning below the surface and bone) with the entire wheel, and by asking the innate intelligence where the Area of Greatest Restriction (AGR) is. Your hand will unwind, gravitate to the area of the wheel involved. From there you can fine tune which organs are involved. You should also feel a cranial vault restriction associated with cranial wheel dysfunctions.
Next verify the organ or associated structure is in dysfunction, it will always have a positive flinch response, and the craniosacral rhythm of flexion and extension should be null. The referred spinal segment/vertebrae should have a dura tube adhesion present, as well as referred muscles, and other nonobvious connective structures.

Wheel direction/organ, AGR causation (physical emotional, mental, or spiritual primary issue). One must verify by other direct palpation assessment, and/or treatment outcomes before you truly own this technique.

Treatment using the Cranial Wheel- Can be done by directly assessing the wheel and then “hooking it up” to the associated organ/structure. Then allowing the wheel to help you mobilize rebalancing.
A more common approach is during treatment session flow- where you are treating a dense tissue spasm, energy cyst, or simple an area that intuitively speaks to you. These areas are usually stuck emotional patterns (SER’s). By connecting them to the corresponding aspect of the wheel can prove invaluable.
If you feel, sense an emotional dense stagnation in an area (predominately organs), engage it fully with absolute, yet compassionate intention- while not allowing any transfer into your arm and body. Next hook it up to the wheel, but above the cranial wheel aspect. Emotional disturbances create magnetic energy waves that protrude beyond the cranium usually 1-4 inches. “Evoke Emotional Acknowledgment, message understanding, reconciliation, and “letting go”. This process in equines is surprisingly fast, and as you see, feel this acceptance, your hand will follow the magnetic protuberance back and INTO the cranium. Ground it home here, then proceed to work directly on the organ or structure fully.

You will observe that it is more common to have specific organ dysfunctions during their time of year/day, than not. For example, its common to see an array of lung and colic in the fall, kidney stones in the winter, liver stagnation in the spring etc...


Integrated Equine Therapies in Illinois !!! September 25-28, 2024! Come Join Us!!!
See Flyer


Integrated Equine Therapies, (IET F4) Foundational Techniques Intensive, with Certified IET Instructors Grace Keeton and Bonnie Bemboom, December 11-14, 2024, LOCATION and HOST TBD.

If you are interested in Hosting this event in the winter of Dec 2024, please contact us at [email protected]

Facility must be accomadating for the winter weather.


Follow your heart, but bring a map.

From the outside looking in or with limited knowledge of these modalities, it would be easy to assume that it’s all this very woo thing.
Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of woo most of the time, but there is nearly always a map of some sort that I’m following.
I’m seeking the patterns of dysfunction as I was taught rather than focusing on only one piece or part.

There is a time and place for symptom suppression, but only when we can identify the deeper patterns can we even attempt to influence them, and we must always ask the body if it’s indeed appropriate to change it.

This is also the beauty, that there should be a sense of ease.
If the body won’t let something go, it’s generally either because it is not currently appropriate to do so or would be detrimental.

The body knows best.
This is where having access to our intuition is so helpful, because while protocol and technique adds breadth, intuition is what I believe adds the depth.
It allows us to listen to what the body is really saying instead of us talking over it, insisting that we know better.
And this is what I love so much about this work, that it marries the analytical and intuitive.
It allows a flow between the two—to feel, to verify, to allow the healing, to confirm.

And when the focus is on rhythm and motility, it becomes very obvious as to whether or not we’re being effective.
That’s a beautiful simplicity.

Finding the patterns, however intricate.
That’s what we’re after.

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 07/19/2024

Day 2 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, July 18, 2024, Placerville, CA
With Founder Tom Mayes
With Teaching Assistants Gabriella Orlando, Judy Bell, Susan Nunn

More Melding, Merging, Connection. Whole Body Assessing, Feeling Whole Body Rhythm. More Cranial Decompression, Deep Dive into Cranial Bones!!
“Spirit of the Horse”

Grateful for the Horses and the Students

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 07/18/2024

Day 1 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, July 17-20, 2024, Placerville, Ca, With Founder Tom Mayes
A Very Special Thanks To Teaching Assistants Gabriella Orlando, Judith Bell and Susan Nunn.

Melding, Merging, Connection, Assessing, Feeling Whole Body Rhythm Demonstration.

Introducing Cranial Bones; Single and Paired Bones “Spirit of the Horse”
Tom Mayes
Integrated Equine Therapies

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 07/09/2024

The body is constantly operating in an integrated systems symphony. It is never appropriate to just look at one system/component and expect deep healing. In fact, all systems interact with each other consantly in a palpatable harmonic dance. All structures have inherant motility (specific micro movements), and discovering where there is no movement is key to assessing whats deeply wrong.

One big example of this is the interplay between the craniosacral system and acupoints, specifically the interplay between the back and forth (caudal/cranial) glide of the dura tube in the spinal column and the bladder meridian association acupoints.
Think of the bladder meridian from T8 to sacrum as a kind of piano keyboard where each note reflects a specific organ or system, and your'e assessing which note(s) are out of tune.
When an organ is in dysfunction (long before allopathic assessment can pick it up) it will cause it's bladderr association point to go in spasm and specifically left or right as the organ itself is in spasm.
Not only that, but the vertebrae at that location will be in spasm and the Craniosacral glide of the spinal cord will be "Adhered to the vertebral column at precisely that location.
This is a perfect example of visceral somatic dominance and why I feel that a good practitioner must employ organ work in every client.
SO, if a horse has multiple organ issues- and the vast majority in the western world do- you'll have multiple spinal cord adhesions so the chance that optimal neural power reaching the loin and hind is slim to none.

I discovered this relationship of craniosacral/bladder meridian/vertebral years ago, it's a definite interplay between the Craniosacral, meridain, skeletal (chiro) and metabolic systems; and its an easy skill to apply.


Education and LEARNING.
Understanding and KNOWING…
There are vast differences between these concepts and they are critically important.

True education considers, guides each individual to find their unique passion and path- then learning becomes an adventure of joy and not a dogma of pathetic endurance.

What motivates me to still teach In my Integrated Equine Therapies Classes is to meet each students frequency, style and purpose and utilize the curriculum at hand to enhance them.
In any given class day we are all focusing upon the same set of techniques engaging tissue areas- but as I rotate around the arena to each student- each is a different experience with a “Going In” style unique to them. It never gets old helping someone quickly and deeply obtain true feel and expansive clearing techniques that we can verify. Without results it really doesn’t matter.
Therefore there is no Cloning of students and the results of that intention is far superior to a standardized approach, and it’s aligned with natural law.

Teach from and to the heart is a critique need especially in our public education system.
I spent 20 years there and quickly realized they want functional robotic worker bees and not creative, wise, creative doers. What good is it to be great at Jeapardy but not be wise. Or to have a fantastic barn filled with outstanding horses, all the best tack and arena footing- but not be able to ride and feel the essence of a horse.

Waking people up to their vast authentic god given power is my purpose; and I team with Equus to accomplish just that.

Photos from Redig Equine's post 06/23/2024

Great job ! Integrated Equine Therapies (IET F4) Foundational Techniques,Taught by Miranda Redig


One of the most profound illuminating things you can do as a horse person when you are at a crossroads with a horse…….
Is to ask the horse to “CALL ON HIS/HER ANCESTORS” for assistance.

I was told to do that by one of my mentors years ago when I was having behavioral issues with my gelding
I run the skeptic hard and always need 3D proof of anything energetic.
When working a horse either in a private session, a demo at a clinic or at an expo presentation- if I sense the horse lacks self awareness, purpose and basic drive- I evoke his ancestors to come in and assist finish the basic teachings!
Evertime I do this within seconds you’ll see the horse look up and usually slightly right, then you can feel the download occurring and the horse shifts…quickly. It’s as if years of learning somehow integrated in seconds.
The horse then become a willing aware participant in his/her healing and the outcomes are exponentially different.
I've never found the need to do this with horses born in the wild as a more profound, deep education must be taught to young horses-for the very survival of the herd.
Horses are very CLEAR it’s us humans who don’t remember the simple connections
Little kids know- ask em.

In my first experience with this I was riding a 50 mile endurance ride using it as a training ride for a tough 100 mile event coming up. My horse Garçon (who eventually taught me incredible Osteopathic techniques which are unique to the world ) was incredibly hot that day and I deliberately went out dead last. He continued to demand that he be allowed to gallop and I knew that if he did he would exhaust his metabolic capacity and be pulled at the first vet-check.
Finally out of my frustration and his; I asked him to call on his ancestors and listen to their teaching .
He looked up, calmed, got soft then decided to take off at the most elegant fast trot I have ever riden. We went on to pass all riders and finish first with the coveted “Best Condition award going to Garcon.
Try this when it feels appropriate, have clear strong intention and see what happens.


The reason why flax seed longterm is alway causing thyroid issues in horses

It’s an estrogen user and is synonymous with linseed oil
Coconut and olive oils are a better fat but messy


Northern California friends.

I'm still looking for a couple of demo horses for the Western States Horse Expo next weekend.

Im looking for a horse that may exhibit some anxiety when at events and horse shows, or a hard to catch horse is always great too.

Please email [email protected] if you have a horse that you'd like some help with (and can make it to the expo).


Congratulations! Welcome our New IET CranioSacral Team! 4 Full Days of Education, Connection and Healing Horses! ⭐️🌟💫

A Big Shout Out to IET Teaching Assistants Cara Landwehr, Stacey McCarthy, Yvette Koth and Wendy Anderson for Your Assistance and Help Everyday. Great Work, Very Much Appreciated 🤗

Super Appreciative for the Horses Hauled in For Students Hauled in to Be Worked On in Class! Thank you Bonnie MaGill, Joy Reggardio, Mallori Farrell 🐴

Look for these graduating students in your area
Angela Houghton, Brigid Collins, Cara Gereau, Clancy Pearce, Janet Wilson, Katy Anderson, Paula Schlee, Rebecca Durkin, Sophia Hartman, Summer Bachmyer, Tri Chung

Happy to Announce Graduating Students working in Arizona; Irvine, Pasadena, Petaluma & San Geronimo California; Minnesota, Nevada, Moab, Utah; Washington and Wyoming

Please Share

If you missed this class check out our website for upcoming Courses


Congratulations Wendy Anderson ! Certified (IET CST) Integrated Equine Therapies CranioSacral Therapy Practitioner! Great Work!

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 05/26/2024

Day 4 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 25, 2024, Placerville, Ca
With Tom Mayes
Teaching Assistants: Cara Landwehr, Stacey McCarthy, Yvette Koth, Wendy Anderson

A Deeper look at the CranioSacral function and dysfunction . Working the whole body, hind end
“Spirit of the Horse”

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 05/25/2024

Day 3 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 24, 2024, Placerville, CA
With Founder Tom Mayes
With Teaching Assistants Cara Landwehr, Stacey McCarthy, Yvette Koth, Wendy Anderson

More Cranial Bones!! Diaphragmatic Holds, Unwinding. Students on Table
“Spirit of the Horse”

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 05/23/2024

Day 2 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 23, 2024, Placerville, CA
With Founder Tom Mayes
With Teaching Assistants Cara Landwehr, Stacey McCarthy, Yvette Koth, Wendy Anderson

More Melding, Merging, Connection. Whole Body Assessing, Feeling Whole Body Rhythm. Cranial Decompression, Deep Dive an to Cranisl Bones!!
“Spirit of the Horse”

Grateful for the Horses and the Students

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 05/23/2024

Day 1 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 22-25, 2024, Placerville, Ca, With Founder Tom Mayes
A Very Special Thanks To Teaching Assistants Cara Landwehr, Carrie Westlake, Stacey McCarthy, Yvette Koth and Wendy Anderson

Melding, Merging, Connection, Assessing, Feeling Whole Body Rhythm Demonstration.

Introducing Cranial Bones; Single and Paired Bones “Spirit of the Horse”
Tom Mayes
Integrated Equine Therapies


Congratulations! Welcome our New IET CranioSacral Team! A wonderful 4 days Full of Education, Connection, Sharing, Developing Friendships and Healing Horses!
Bravo to our IET CST Certified Instructors, Grace Keeton and Bonnie Bemboom! You Guys Rock !!
A Big thank you goes out to the Amazing
Host Laura Beaver, offering her Facility, Horses, Ranch, Home and Time 💕
A big Shout Out to IET Teaching Assistant Kathryn (Kit) Montooth for Your Assistance and Help Everyday. Great Work, Very Much Appreciated 🤗
Look for these graduating students in your area
Laura Beaver, Annabelle Brausch, Aspen Wyen, Deb Luckeydoo, Faye Morris, Heather Hoffman, Joan Wilcoxen, Julia Kirkwood, Kathryn King, Margaret Menkedick, Mariah Nossal, Vanda Whittaker, Yvonne Litza, Kathryn (Kit) Montooth
Happy to have Graduating Students from Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Colorado!
Please Share
If you missed this class check out our website for upcoming Courses

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 05/20/2024

Day 4 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 18,2024, Canal Wi******er, Ohio
With IET CST Certified Instructors
Grace Keeton and Bonnie Bemboom
Host: Laura Beaver

A Deeper look at the CranialSacral function and dysfunction “Spirit of the Horse”


We are proud to partner with Raine Animal Therapies for the 2024 New England Spring Symposium!

Raine Animal Therapies treats animals of all sizes, from small pets to large farm animals. Sofie believes every animal deserves to live a healthy and happy life, and she is dedicated to helping them achieve this goal. By providing compassionate and effective care, Sofie can help animals heal from injuries and illnesses and improve their overall quality of life.

Sofie provides bodywork sessions that incorporate the techniques of cranio sacral and functional indirect osteopathy. Sofie, highly skilled and experienced practitioner, deeply understands the inner working of animals, enabling her to deliver effective treatments that promote healing and restore balance.

Keep an eye our for the Raine Animal Therapies jump in the outdoor arena!

Photos from Integrated Equine Therapies's post 05/18/2024

Day 3 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 15-18, 2024, Canal Wi******er, Ohio
With IET Certified CST Instructors Grace Keeton and Bonnie Bemboom

Host: Laura Beaver
Teach Assist: Kit Montooth

A Deeper dive into All the Cranial Bones, their function and dysfunction, Whole Body Assesment, Cranial Rhythm, “Spirit of the Horse”

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Our Story

Tom Mayes; Founder, Director, Instructor of Integrated Equine Therapies. Tom as a Clinician and Equine Practitioner has been servicing horses and teaching his signature methods for over a decade.
Areas of practice
are Osteopathy; CranioSacral; Applied Kinesiology; Acupressure and
Reiki. He has clients from all over the world who seek him out for professional and personal development.

Videos (show all)

Day 1 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, July 17-20, 2024, Placerville, Ca, With Founder Tom Mayes A Very Spec...
Day 4 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 18,2024, Canal Winchester, OhioWith IET CST Certified Instructors...
Day 3 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, May 15-18, 2024, Canal Winchester, OhioWith IET Certified CST Instruc...
Welcome these Students who have Successfully Completed the Mayes Method Foundational Techniques Intensive Course; Sauree...
Day 1 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, February 7-10, 2024, Placerville, Ca. A Very … Rainy Day Melding, Mer...
Day 1 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, February 7-10, 2024, Placerville, Ca. A Very … Rainy Day Melding, Mer...
Looking Back on 2023! So Much To Be Thankful For! So Many New Firsts! New Certified IET Instructors, East Coast Clinics,...
Gotta love grandkids
Great meeting and connecting with IET Instructors Grace Keeton and Bonnie Bemboom from Ohio and Minnesota. Good times. T...
Reviewing cranial bones,  SQAR, SI Still Point, Sacral Decompression, Rock N Glide, Organ Assessment, Diaphragmatic Asse...
Day 2 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, Nov 15-18, 2023, Placerville, Ca. Introducing Cranial Bones; Single a...
Day 1 of IET CST 4, Equine CranioSacral Intensive, Nov 15-18, 2023, Placerville, Ca  Melding, Merging, Connection, Asses...


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