Armstrong High School Theater Department, Plymouth, MN Videos

Videos by Armstrong High School Theater Department in Plymouth. Welcome to the Robbinsdale Armstrong High School Theater Department Page! This page will share announcements and updates for all things AHS Theater. GoFundMe: Venmo: @armstrongtheaterboosters

Our tech crew is killing it preparing for The Addams Family. Come see the show in a few short weeks!

Other Armstrong High School Theater Department videos

Our tech crew is killing it preparing for The Addams Family. Come see the show in a few short weeks!

RUN don't walk, to see Frankenstein tonight and tomorrow at 7:00pm!

Junior, Janae Leibel, who plays Martha Cox, in our production of High School Musical, created this promo video! Come see our show! We open tonight at 7pm! Tickets are available at the door OR Reserve tickets:

Emma Pawlak and Morgan Brinkhaus
Stage Managers Emma and Morgan talk about their jobs.

Horton, Mr and Mrs Mayor, and the Wickershams.

The cast of Seussical warms up under the award winning direction of Stephanie Trump.