Boss Dad Brotherhood, Prosper, TX Videos

Videos by Boss Dad Brotherhood in Prosper. There is a problem with BEING an Entrepreneur. You see the world teaches us our success and our values are directly tied to the size and revenue of our business, BUT THAT IS BULL! Success is measured in the quality and character of our relationships!

🏋️♂️💪 Keep Up, Don't Catch Up! 🚀🌟 Good morning, everyone! Today, I have a valuable lesson to share - it's easier to keep up than it is to catch up! 💡💪

As I returned from my trip, my daughter resumed her gymnastics training. She did fine on the first day, but the next day, she felt sore and struggled to keep up with the intensity. 🤸♀️🤕

And that's when it hit me - this principle applies to all aspects of life! Whether it's a fitness routine, a hobby, a project, or even personal goals, maintaining consistency is key! 🗓️💯

Taking a break or stepping back may seem appealing at times, but it can make the return to that activity daunting and challenging. It's like trying to catch up with lost progress. But when we consistently keep up with our endeavors, we maintain the momentum and find it much easier to thrive and excel. 🚀🌟

So, let's apply this principle in our lives! Whether it's pursuing a dream, staying committed to personal growth, or simply sticking to a routine, remember that it's easier to keep up with your goals than to catch up after a break. 💪🎯

#KeepUpDontCatchUp #PowerOfConsistency #StayCommitted #ConsistentGrowth #ConsistentRoutine #ThriveAndExcel #PursueYourDreams #PersonalGrowth #AmbitionsUnleashed #StayFocused #CrushYourGoals #JourneyOfGrowth #SuccessMindset #PushYourLimits #InspiringReel #MotivatedLiving #WinToday #Peace

Other Boss Dad Brotherhood videos

🏋️♂️💪 Keep Up, Don't Catch Up! 🚀🌟 Good morning, everyone! Today, I have a valuable lesson to share - it's easier to keep up than it is to catch up! 💡💪 As I returned from my trip, my daughter resumed her gymnastics training. She did fine on the first day, but the next day, she felt sore and struggled to keep up with the intensity. 🤸♀️🤕 And that's when it hit me - this principle applies to all aspects of life! Whether it's a fitness routine, a hobby, a project, or even personal goals, maintaining consistency is key! 🗓️💯 Taking a break or stepping back may seem appealing at times, but it can make the return to that activity daunting and challenging. It's like trying to catch up with lost progress. But when we consistently keep up with our endeavors, we maintain the momentum and find it much easier to thrive and excel. 🚀🌟 So, let's apply this principle in our lives! Whether it's pursuing a dream, staying committed to personal growth, or simply sticking to a routine, remember that it's easier to keep up with your goals than to catch up after a break. 💪🎯 #KeepUpDontCatchUp #PowerOfConsistency #StayCommitted #ConsistentGrowth #ConsistentRoutine #ThriveAndExcel #PursueYourDreams #PersonalGrowth #AmbitionsUnleashed #StayFocused #CrushYourGoals #JourneyOfGrowth #SuccessMindset #PushYourLimits #InspiringReel #MotivatedLiving #WinToday #Peace

Step away from the screens and embrace the great outdoors! 🌳☀️ There's something magical about spending quality time with your kids outside, creating memories that will last a lifetime. 🚀 Whether it's a game of catch in the backyard, a bike ride through the neighborhood, or a hike in the nearby park, getting outside and playing with your kids is an experience you won't regret. Not only does it promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your little ones. It's in these moments that laughter fills the air, imaginations run wild, and the worries of the world fade away. 🌟 So, put down your phone, lace up your sneakers, and let the adventure begin! 🌿 Let's explore the wonders of nature, discover hidden treasures, and create a world of joy and excitement for our kids. Remember, they won't stay little forever, and these precious moments are fleeting. Cherish every smile, every giggle, and every "I love you, Dad." ❤️ Join me in making outdoor play a priority and watch as the magic unfolds. Trust me, you won't regret it! 🌻 #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner #GetOutsideAndPlay #CreatingMemories #FatherAndChildBond #UnforgettableMoments

This past weekend I’m not gonna lie wasn’t easy they were plenty of downs. But on Saturday I got to do a daddy daughter dance with my little girl. We had a dance party we played. I did some thing called a sachet. life or throw a curveball at you sometimes, but what I learned this weekend is when it does just go dance with your baby girl! #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner #girldaddy

As dads, we face a lot of ups and downs in life, and it's important to take a moment to reflect on the progress we've made so far. We should celebrate our achievements, even if we haven't reached our ultimate goals yet. 🏆 We shouldn't let the fog of uncertainty hide our progress, and instead, we should be proud of what we've accomplished. 🎯 If you need a reminder of your progress, don't hesitate to reach out. Remember, you're doing good things, and we've come a long way! 💪 #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this question: do I want to be or be known? It seems like a lot of people these days want to be known for something, but they don’t actually have a desire to become that thing. It’s like they just want the recognition without putting in the work. I see this a lot with athletes who post their workouts on social media, but then don’t work hard behind the scenes. I wonder sometimes if people’s intentions are to be seen or to do the right thing. Social media makes it so easy to be seen and known, but I think it’s important to have pure intentions and do things for the right reasons. As I study the scriptures and learn about Jesus, I see how he emphasized the importance of doing things for the right reasons and not just to be seen by others. So today, I want to focus on doing things with the intention of moving in the right direction because it’s the right thing to do, not just to be seen or known by others. Let’s strive to have pure intentions and do things for the right reasons. All right, guys, I hope you had a great weekend and ready to start this week strong. Let’s go WIN TODAY! 💯 #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner

Love spending a little moments with these knuckleheads! Enjoy the time that we have with our families. Even though times are crazy and hard, take a moment and love, laugh and lead in your families. When all is said and done, it will be these moments that will carry us through. #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner

I think in the world today, there are so many people that want to be unique, want to be different, and want to claim to be different. In fact, I see it all the time, right? On social media, there are a lot of folks "built different". 👀 And it was fascinating for me because, for whatever reason, I made a comment to my wife and said, It's funny how everybody who is "built different" tends to do the same thing. What's the point of this? I believe we should not just follow the crowd but instead ask ourselves if what we are doing is truly right. 🙏 We should reject the notion that our value lies solely in the size of our bank account and instead recognize that our ability to lead and make an impact at home is what truly matters. ❤ By being different when it is right, we can create lasting impact and change in the world and become leaders that attract followers. Let's start putting this into practice and WIN TODAY. 💯 #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner

Guys this is EVERY MORNING going to school!

This verse says, "Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." This verse has given me perspective on how important it is to make a daily commitment to my priorities, especially when I am faced with daunting tasks or big shoes to fill. So I wanna ask this to you, what are those daily commitment or tasks that feels daunting and how do you deal with it? For me, it's knowing my "WHY", refocusing, and prioritizing things that matters the most. 🙏 I encourage you, guys, to recommit every day to be successful in your relationships, work, and personal lives. ♥ It's essential to choose to "WIN TODAY" and prioritize the things that truly matter. 💪 So, I challenge you to share your daily commitment in the comments and choose to serve the Lord, just like I have chosen to do with my family. I hope your week if off to a great start! Peace. ✌ #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner

🚨JOIN ME ON THIS MISSION!! I feel called to help dads all over the world know they are NOT ALONE. Feeling the weight and mantel of fatherhood, of providing, of leading at home is freaking hard. AND it can lead us to a breaking point... It almost broke me. I felt like a failure in everything I did. Work, home, my marriage, church... I had nothing left to give, I had no value or worth to give to anyone else. I would sit up at night unable to sleep and would plan over and over how I would do it, how I could end the pain and hurt. I tried to find my own way out but as I tried the darkness only grew... in the darkest moment, I knew I needed help... I started to open up a little about what was going on, I started to pray more and ask my Father in Heaven for help. And he answered… As I began to open up even just a little, he began the healing process… God wrapped his arms around me in the form of my spouse and in the form of a brotherhood. Men that didn't know the extent of what was going on, simply that I was just in a hard place, sounded me with support and love. THIS IS WHAT GOT ME THROUGH IT ALL… This community didn’t remove anything in my life but they gave me the strength to keep going! This is now the calling I have to build a brotherhood around the world to help dads know they are not alone and there is hope, help, and healing for us. I don’t have all the answers. BUT THAT ISN’T WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. It’s about a BROTHERHOOD of support. It’s about knowing you have a group of men to have your back, to hold you accountable and to BE IRON THAT SHARPEN’S IRON. Join me on this mission by liking, sharing, and following me on Facebook and Instagram. #thepresententrepreneur #bossdadmoments #dadlife #smallbusinessowner

What's up!! Jordan here with The Present Entrepreneur. You know, sometimes your business ends up consuming more time than you would like. 👀 It’s hard to be a present entrepreneur – one that balances being an entrepreneur and a provider of the family. But it’s not impossible. 💯 Finding time for those family vacations and those business meetings are key to a successful life. The most important impact that you will ever make will happen within the walls of your own home. 🦁♥ Join me and Ryan as we talked about balancing work and family life, where I shared how I liberate entrepreneur dads who want to gain more time with their families! 🚀 I'm so freakin' stoked to be part of the podcast and share this to you guys and hope you'd enjoy listening to it. Happy Holidays y'all! 💯 #entrepreneur #entrepreneurdads #entrepreneurialmindset #thepresententrepreneur #FamilyFaithFootball

Sometimes, we think that by providing for the family is enough to be IMPACTFUL, to be PRESENT, and to be a GREAT DAD. Unfortunately, it’s not the truth. We, as dads, aren’t just providers (alone). We are providers, leaders, and protectors of our family. Work and do it hard so you can go home and work harder to be more present and impactful to your family. ♥ ARE you burnt out? Fed up of the “grind?” and want to be truly PRESENT with your family? Join us on our MISSION to take back our time, family, and business with tactics systems and a FREE community! Click the link in bio. #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #dadpreneur #dad #dadlife

Social Media is a double-bladed sword. It has both good and bad functions. Do you know what’s the bad thing with social media? It deteriorates our youth. They’re constantly hearing principles and ideas that are false about life, manhood, womanhood, their worth, and their value. ❌ With this, we need to be more present for our kids. We need to guide them, show them the real world outside social media. Because NOT everything you see, and they might also see in social media is TRUE. #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #dadpreneur #dad #dadlife

Lessons from wrestling! Do you know the major steps and milestones in your business? If you don’t, you’re probably a lot like my son in his last wrestling tournament. He found himself lost and confused way too many times to be successful.  What we had to do was simplify wrestling down into only six steps or six milestones. From there all he does now is ask himself where am I and where am I trying to go. If you wanna find success in your business, if you want to learn to be more present at home, then identify the milestones in your business and constantly ask yourself where am I and where am I trying to go!

“What else can I do“ If you haven’t watched Encanto, go do it right now! There’s an amazing song all about being in the moment! This is at the heart of what it means to be a Present Entrepreneur. Ask yourself if you were truly present and truly in the moment what else could you do?!

How do we build an organized Business? Learn the lego principle and build systems. What is the lego principle? Legos are freaking awesome. They give us a vision of what we want to build on the outside of the box but instead of giving us a box full of the 10,000 pieces to build - they give us bags. They break the Irrefutable work down into bags each with their own mini step-by-step instructions... The lego principle teaches us to build the impossible without worrying about the whole. take it one bag at a time, work on the pieces there then move to bag 2, and so on and so on.... Your business is like the dope picture on the front of a lego box. We can see exactly what we want it to be but too many of us try and work on all million pieces at one time. Break your business up into bags and take it one bag at a time. You can build the impossible but only by applying the lego principles.

"Don't Let the Highs get too high and the Lows get too low" How many of you have an Organized Business? Here's what I mean by that - a business that is clean, simple, predictable and visible. A Business where you are in the know and in control at all times. An organized business doesn't mean everything is perfect and you will still face the ups and downs of a business. But what it really means is that you're in control and not the other way around. You will weather the downs and the ups, you'll be able to find predictability and peace of mind.

We are almost done with 2021. Holy crap! This year has freaking flown by. Since we are at the end of the year I'm sure most of us are thinking about 2022 and you know the "new year, new me" type of stuff. Here's my question... What could you do if you could cut the time you spend in your business in half? Think about it. If you could (and I'm here to tell you, you can) get "UNSTUCK" from your business. What would you do with the added time?

How do we become a present entrepreneur? It all starts with knowing where you’re going. To be more specific, it’s knowing what you want in terms of time, energy, and money to create an impact at home. Once you do that you can evaluate whether your business is truly serving you or not.

An Entrepreneur is someone who owns and operates one or multiple businesses with enough freedom and peace of mind to actually be present with those who matter most. I know what you’re thinking... crap Jordan I can't even operate my one business right now and I for damn sure don't have any freedom or peace of mind. Exactly, this is why we start here. You see until you can organize, systemize and simplify your business until you can gain some efficiencies in how you acquire, close, and deliver for your clients, you will never be able to step away to be present at home. You become "Stuck In Your Business" Now let's shift and talk about what it really means to be present. The greatest most important impact we will ever have in this life will happen within the walls of our own homes. This divine principle helps us define being present as creating a true and lasting impact with our spouses and our children. It's not just about being there physically (although that is a part of it) its being available to emotionally, spiritually, and financially Lead! Being Present is all about leading and investing in life's true measure of success, Our relationships. When you boil it all down, being A Present Entrepreneur is all about creating freedom and peace of mind in our lives to do what we want when we want with the people we love most. It's not just about chasing bucks it's about creating Real Impact.