The Grayson School, Radnor, PA Videos

Videos by The Grayson School in Radnor. Grayson is a challenging, research-based program designed to meet the needs of gifted learners PK-12.

Flamenco, tapas, la Alhambra, and bus rides: students on this year's international trip have been having a marvelous adventure exploring southern Spain. Our chaperones were particularly impressed during the students' flamenco lesson, during which most wore classic boots that stomp like tap shoes. We're so proud that Grayson is dancing to the rhythm of España and are saying "olé" from afar! Follow along as we share more postcards from their trip over the next week. Thank you The Learning Adventure for another amazing trip!

Other The Grayson School videos

Flamenco, tapas, la Alhambra, and bus rides: students on this year's international trip have been having a marvelous adventure exploring southern Spain. Our chaperones were particularly impressed during the students' flamenco lesson, during which most wore classic boots that stomp like tap shoes. We're so proud that Grayson is dancing to the rhythm of España and are saying "olé" from afar! Follow along as we share more postcards from their trip over the next week. Thank you The Learning Adventure for another amazing trip!

Grayson wishes you a Happy New Year!

Today was filled with heartwarming moments as our Lower, Middle, and Upper School students came together for a Day of Gratitude. In the Lower School, we were joined by Lindsey King and her furry friend named Slinky. The morning was spent making cozy blankets and adorable doggie toys for our friends at the Pennsylvania SPCA. Our Middle School students dedicated their morning to preparing plants for overwintering, enclosing raised beds, and clearing greenhouses at Mill Creek Urban Farm. And Upper School students dedicated their morning to pulling invasive species from the mature growth forest floor at Jenkins Arboretum. Their hard work will undoubtedly make a positive impact on the community. Today reminded us that the spirit of gratitude extends beyond words, it's about actions that make a difference. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this day of service!

Thank you to all who came out to support Grayson at Barnes & Noble! The Mini Gryphonix and Gryphonix Junior choral groups delivered unforgettable performances, and a percentage of the proceeds from the day go to The Grayson School Service Committee. We are grateful to have been a part of an event that not only celebrates the joy of music and reading but also contributes to a cause our students care deeply about. #DiscoverGrayson

VEX Robotics in action!

You'll never believe it if you don't see it — and to see it, you'll need to be at GROW! Inspired by bioluminescence, Ms. Lyon, Theatre Studies and Projects, and Ms. Angelillo, Art, nurtured an initial idea into an immersive multi-media art experience you will not want to miss. Last chance to get your tickets! #GraysonGROW23 #DiscoverGrayson #allgiftedallday

Happy New Year!

In reverse order: if you plan a surprise for your first graduating class- I highly recommend something like this: #classof2022 #commencement #proudfoundermoment #discovergrayson #firstofmany @naisnetwork @nagcgifted Recessional Lyrics: Grayson graduates, make a big noise Playing in the lab, gonna be a big deal someday You got soot on your face, rockets in space, Kicking down walls all over the place, singin' We will, we will rock you We will, we will rock you Class of 22, you’re the first class, Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday You got blood on your face, BARRICADES, Waving your banner all over the place We will, we will rock you, sing it! We will, we will rock you, yeah Buddy, you're a new kid, old kid Hungry with your brain, but you’re due for some peace these days You got a smile on your face, full of grace, Never gonna let fear rule this place, do it! We will, we will rock you, yeah, yeah, come on We will, we will rock you, alright, louder! We will, we will rock you, one more time We will, we will rock you

Pre-assessments are a powerful tool! Ms. Lucas uses them to place her 4th and 5th-grade ELA students into reading groups. 📖📝 #understandinggiftedness #discovergrayson

"Where do I start?" "I don't know what to do!" are things our visual arts teacher Ms. Angelillo hears all the time. Here are a couple methods she uses to get the creative ball rolling for her students! 🎨 #discovergrayson

Watch as a few of our students share their experience at Teatro del Maggio during our International Studies trip to Italy. Their first opera, "L'amico Fritz" by Pietro Mascagni, certainly made an impression as it is unanimous — they all hope to attend the opera again in the future! Have you ever been? #DiscoverGrayson

The Middle School Reading Olympics Team received the highest honor, a blue ribbon, with a wide margin of victory for their hard work! The team of 11 Olympians read an astounding 13,590 pages to achieve their goal! 📚 #gogryphons

Our Lower School digits of Pi cham-PI-on is Pre-K Student, Oliver! He recited 152 digits! Congratulations to him and everyone who participated! 🥧 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284

As part of our Pi day celebration, we held our annual Digits of Pi contest! Congratulations to our all-school digits of Pi cham-pi-on Josh ('28) who recited 216 digits of Pi! 🥧 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593

Our 4-5 students are using sensors to monitor and chart how their heart rate changes under various situations: resting, holding their breath, and during and after exercise. Did you know that to improve your stamina and endurace, you should aim for at least one hour of aerobic exercise every day? #AmericanHeartMonth #heartmonth #DiscoverGrayson

Rockets! #DiscoverGrayson

A few students spent today's gym class bouncing towards the weekend!

C-3PO has a message for The Grayson School

We Couldn't Believe it!