Jessica Snow Health Coach

Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, Health Coach, Life Coach
Empowering women to ditch the diet dr


If you struggle with belly fat, I've got something I want to share.

I just uploaded a Belly Fat Masterclass for you. This is everything I did to finally lose belly fat...after decades of struggling.

No, you cannot spot reduce belly fat...or any fat for that matter.

However, you CAN do things to help belly fat loss. I know this to be true firsthand.

When I tell you I've always struggled with my belly, I'm not exaggerating.

I honestly NEVER thought I'd be able to lose it.

But I have.

And I'm in my 40's.

This masterclass is simple and to the point. I seriously took out all the bs. There's no fluff.

If you've tried everything, if you're sick of struggling, if you're sick of going on another diet, if you're sick of hating how you feel, this is for you.

Right now you can get it for 20% off with the code DEC20.


Part 1: Reasons Why You Feel Like Crap


❄️Winter is definitely here❄️…at least where I live.

If you are someone who is affected by the cold and the dark, here are 3 simple ways to help you feel better during the winter season:

1️⃣ spend time outside every single day.

Yes, I know it might be cold where you are, but you’re going to be OK.

I promise. That’s what costs are for 😉

Not only will you get fresh air and time in nature, but this will also help your body with the production of vitamin D and melatonin.

2️⃣ be mindful of the supplements you’re taking.

This is NOT medical advice.

Do some reading and decide which ones are best for you.

I recommend looking into vitamins D and K (best if taken together), magnesium and omegas.

All three of these help with mood and energy.

Again, do your own research.

3️⃣ move your body every single day

The days you really don’t want to are the days you really need to.

I promise this one is so, so important.

If you are susceptible to the winter blues be extra mindful of how you take care of yourself.

It can be a hard time for sure, but there are things that will help.

What are some of your favorite ways to beat the winter blues (that don’t involve wine or Netflix binges or sugar 😉)?

Not Another Diet (online course) 11/01/2022

I just did something that's been a dream for a few years now.

I created an online course! It's called Not Another Diet and I couldn't be more proud of this program.

I've taken everything I've learned about health and weight loss and packaged it into 12 modules.

I may not be a full time teacher anymore, but I will always be an educator.

That's why I love coaching so much. I get to use my teaching skills along with coaching skills to help women learn how to live their healthiest possible lives.

If you're ready to get off the diet cycle and achieve actual results WITH EASE, this course is for you.

I just got back from Austin, TX where I filmed the course (yes, it's professionally filmed and gorgeous). It's being edited as we speak and will be available BLACK FRIDAY.

BUT I've decided to offer a presale (I just learned this was even a thing). You can get the course for 50% off. This is only available for 10 women.

In addition to lifetime access to Not Another Diet, you'll get lifetime access to the private Facebook Group where I'll be in there all the time supporting you and answering your questions (this community alone is well worth the course investment). I'll also be teaching and coaching at least once a month.

AND I'm throwing in 2 bonuses, my Bye, Bye Belly Fat Masterclass (if your belly is your spot, this masterclass is for you) and my Guide to Nontoxic Living.

Check out the link for more details and to register. Please share with whomever you feel would benefit from lifetime support like this.

Not Another Diet (online course) This is a presale offer. The course is currently in production and won't be available to you until Black Friday. It will be delivered to your inbox on November 25, 2022. You're getting 50% off the regular course price! It will NEVER be this price again. Lucky you!


I want to do a 30 Day Healthy Habits challenge with myself.

And then I thought, I want to do a 30 Day Healthy Habits Challenge with you, too.

So, for the next 30 days we're going to focus on creating healthy habits.

The holidays are upon us, and I want head into this season feeling my best.

How about you?

This is a challenge focused on creating simple and sustainable habits for ourselves.

Because that's how you're going to see results. By creating healthy habits, a healthy lifestyle.


Yes, it will be challenging. It's supposed to's a challenge.

No, we will not engage in any extreme behaviors that leave us feeling deprived.

That's just not my style.

Here's how it works:
You'll focus on 5 healthy habits for the next 30 days.
You get to pick those 5 habits from a list of 10.
You essentially create your own challenge.

I'm still working on the plan, you know, since I thought of this idea this morning.

If you want to join us, just comment on this post and I'll send you a message (I'll need your email address). You can also just message me with your email address and I'll add you to the group.


CALLING ALL WOMEN who are fed up with restrictive eating and bs diets 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️

If you’re ready to…

👉🏻ditch the diet drama once and for all
👉🏻step into the sexiest version of yourself
👉🏻kick all of your limitations to the curb

Then you’re in the right place.

There’s nothing more powerful or inspiring than a group of incredibly badass women 💪🏻all working towards a common goal.

Am I right?

This is the exact reason why my friend, Alyson , and I created 6 Weeks to Sexy.

🔥 We wanted to create a FUN group program that EMPOWERS women to lose weight (without diets or extremes) and FEEL SEXY again.

If you’re done with the diets, done with the Covid slump and are READY FOR MORE, join us for 6 incredible weeks.

Send me a message if you're interested. We only have 14 spots and they’re already filling up.


There is honestly nothing that’s going to give you more success than consistent, daily action.

👉🏻Show up, even when you’re tired.

👉🏻Show up, even when you don’t want to.

👉🏻Show up, even when you’re stressed.

👉🏻Show up, even when you don’t see results (they’ll come, I promise).

👉🏻Show up, even when it gets really hard.

👉🏻Show up, even when your friends and family don’t support you.

Show up for yourself every👏🏻damn👏🏻day👏🏻

Tag a friend who could use this reminder ❤️


“I hate the way I look.”

“I don’t even think I can lose weight.”

“I don’t even want my husband to see me naked because I’m so ashamed of the way I look.”

“I feel hopeless. I guess this is just what my body is supposed look and feel like.”

“I feel so grossed out by what I see in the mirror.”

“It’s so frustrating because I know what to do I just can’t seem to do it.”

“I’m so good all day and then at night I just can’t seem to stop eating.”

These are comments I hear from my clients ALL THE TIME.

Ironically enough, these are all things I used to say to myself ALL THE TIME.

So I totally get it. I know what it feels like to be so disconnected from your body it almost doesn’t feel like it’s yours.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe we can be successful and have the health & body we desire when every attempt to lose weight or get in shape has resulted in failure.

It doesn’t have to be that way though.

Trust me. If I can create a healthy lifestyle (that feels incredible) and a body I truly love, then so can you. I promise ❤️

Join me for my 5 week intensive, Thrive in 5, and I’ll show you how.

I’ve designed this intensive to get you maximum weight loss results in 5 weeks (just in time for spring).

No diets. No extremes. Just real results.

Spots are limited and they’re going fast. So, don’t wait. Women have already started on their 5 week journey with me. The link is in my bio.

If you have any questions, comment on this post or send me a message. I’m here to support you in any way I can.


If you're over setting goals only to have them fail weeks later, then this post is for you.

Did you know it takes anywhere from 18-254 days to create true habit change?

The whole, "It takes 21 days to create a habit" is an outdated notion.

In addition to habits taking up to 254 days, there's also science behind why failure happens and what you can do to set yourself up for success.

This is why I've designed the Elevate You 2022 workshop. I want to help you find success. I want to teach you how to achieve true habit change.

What I teach you in this workshop will apply to any goal, not just health goals.

Make this year different. Make this year the year you invest in yourself. Learn what it takes to create new habits and then use that knowledge to crush your goals.

Register here:

If you want to save 50%, send me a message with your email address and I'll send you a promo code.

*The workshop will be recorded and sent to your email address, so if you can't attend live you'll have access to complete the workshop on your own.


Is hiring a Health Coach for you?

If any of the reasons below resonate with you, then the answer is most likely YES.

I know it can be scary to invest in yourself, especially when you're used to putting everyone else's needs above your own.

It can be a little intimidating learning to navigate your health without the restrictive rules a diet can offer.

Maybe you're thinking that everything else has failed, so why would coaching work?

I totally get it. I've been there more times than I can count.

I'm here to tell you that investing in yourself is ALWAYS worth it.

Last year alone, I invested over $10,000 in myself. This doesn't even count the investments I made into my business.

And I don't regret a single penny or minute of my time spent. My life has changed in the most profound ways. I've honestly never been happier or healthier.

So, if coaching has been on your mind or if you want to explore what it could look like for you, comment on this post or send me a message.

Maybe this is the year you try something new. Maybe it's time you put yourself at the top of your priority list.


As 2021 comes to a close, I've been spending a lot of time reflecting on what I want to take with me and what I want to leave behind.

Here are 10 things I'm taking with me into 2022:

1. Healthy Boundaries-with myself and with other people.

2. Reciprocal Relationships-I will no longer be available for relationships that aren't a two way street.

3. Trying new things-I'll be sharing more about this soon, but I really put myself out there this year and I'll continue to do so.

4. Saying "no" to things and people that don't serve me.

5. Daily gratitude-Doing this has made a profound impact on my outlook. I'm so much more aware of all the blessings & abundance in my life.

6. Daily meditation-The list of positives when it comes to meditation is endless. When I don't meditate on a regular basis I can tell almost immediately.

7. Prioritizing sleep-This is arguably the most important pillar of health. If you can master your sleep, you're so much more available for everything else.

8. More reading, less screen time.

9. Travel & Adventures

10. More play-Doing things just for the pure sake of enjoyment.

What would you add to this list?


It’s the 1 year anniversary of my divorce 🎉 If you don’t know, I was in an 8 year relationship that can only be described as extremely toxic.

💫 To say this past year has been a huge year of growth & transformation is an understatement.

To celebrate my year of growth, I want to share some important lessons I’ve learned along the way:

✨If a person’s behavior doesn’t match their words, I’m not interested.

✨I’m capable of so much more than I ever thought possible.

✨Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Time hides wounds. Awareness, acceptance, forgiveness and a a sh*t ton of inner work is what heals.

✨It doesn’t matter how many times someone apologizes or says they love you. If they call you names, cuss you out, yell, lie, give you the silent treatment, abandon you, humiliate you, or manipulate you it isn’t love.

✨As you heal & grow you will outgrow some relationships, and that’s ok.

✨Learning to set boundaries & honor them will change your life in a profound way

✨Resourcefulness is a superpower

✨Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It can completely change your mood and your perspective.

✨Today is “one day.” Stop putting off your dreams and waiting for your life to begin. Book the trip, start the business, move to Bali, get the divorce, plan the wedding, have the baby. Just start living your damn life.

✨What people think of you is none of your business. Besides, the ones who are critical & judgmental are the ones who are miserable (tell me I’m wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️).

✨Don’t take advice from someone who isn’t where you want to be

✨You can completely change your life and reinvent yourself at any point, and you don’t need anyone’s permission.

✨True self love is possible, and it’s magical.

✨Life is ALWAYS happening for you, not to you

✨No one can MAKE you feel a certain way. Your feelings are all yours, so start owning them (this one was hard, but my goodness is it empowering)

✨Meditation, gratitude and conscious breathing are the best medications on the planet

✨You get to decide which of your thoughts to believe. Choose wisely.

✨Being alone is not the same as being lonely

🤔 What would you add to this list?


Losing weight is hard.

There’s a lot that can get in the way of you achieving your goals.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to lose weight... unsuccessfully.

Turns out, I was focusing my attention on all the wrong things.

You see, weight loss isn’t just about eating healthy foods and working out.

Sounds crazy, but it's true.

There are other factors that come into play.

Here are 5 mistakes I made when I was trying to lose weight:

1. I would give up when I didn’t see results fast enough.

2. I was snacking after dinner. This one was REALLY hard for me to stop.

3. I wasn’t making sleep a priority.

4. I was trying to do it all at once. All or nothing, baby!

5. I didn’t take the time to set up my environment for success.

Have you made any of these mistakes? 👆🏻

In my latest blog post, I break down each of these mistakes and tell you how you can fix them.

Remember, weight loss takes time. It’s a process. Learning to be patient with yourself and consistent with your actions will take you SO far.

Head to to read the full post.

I'm curious, which mistake resonates the most with you? 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? Let me know in the comments 👇🏻

Watch this reel by on Instagram 08/05/2021

There’s no way around it, detoxing from a high sugar and processed food diet sucks. Period.

💥Those foods are literally created for you to crave them.

💥They are created so you become addicted.

💥They are designed in a way that leaves you feeling unsatisfied. That’s why you always want more.

It’s one of the biggest complaints I hear as a Health Coach…how do you handle the cravings?

✅Eat nourishing, whole foods
✅Avoid refined sugar…eating sugar won’t help the sugar cravings
✅Get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals
✅Get adequate sleep
✅ Stay hydrated

And when it gets hard, power through. Keep going.

Having a plan helps.

Accountability is key.

Drop a “Yes” in the comments if you struggle with cravings. Bonus points if you tell me what you crave most.

Watch this reel by on Instagram fembible • Original Audio | PINK PRESET 2 Effect

Timeline photos 07/07/2021

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. It's simply stated but so powerfully true.

I can't even begin to count the things that I have "thought" myself into or out of.

But these past few weeks have brought a new awareness to how my thoughts show up and the power that I choose to give them.

There's something profoundly empowering when you realize that you are not your thoughts.

Timeline photos 07/05/2021

I cannot even begin to tell you happy I am that it is strawberry season 🍓

I only buy organic strawberries, and those babies are expensive when they aren't in season. Like, $10 expensive 😳 But right now, I'm getting the big container for around $5 🎉

If you aren't eating berries every single day, I highly recommend you start doing so.

Berries are absolutely packed with antioxidants (more than any other fruit), and help protect against cancer and other diseases. Plus, they have been shown to help with cognitive decline...especially in women.


New Blog Post: 6 Ways to Live a Healthier and Happier Life

Y'all know I'm all about eating clean, whole foods and exercising on the regular. But lately, I've been really focused on the other areas of my life and how I can upgrade them.

I've always equated health with being fit.

Who am I kidding? I've always equated health with being skinny.

I have obsessed over sticking to the latest diet or only eating certain foods. I've tortured myself with gruelling workouts. All in the name of getting or staying healthy.

I've realized that many of us women do this. We focus on our diet and our exercise when we want to get healthy.

But there's so much more than just food and fitness when it comes to living a healthy life.

That's why I decided to write a blog post detailing ways to be healthier and happier that have NOTHING to do with food or fitness.

Head on over to the blog to read the full post.

Timeline photos 05/25/2021

Since implementing a daily gratitude practice, my life has become noticeably richer and I am significantly happier.

You can't be grateful and unhappy at the same time.

You can't be grateful and judgemental at the same time.

You can't be grateful and jealous at the same time.

If you've been interested in establishing your own gratitude practice but you either don't know where to begin or you feel like it hasn't worked for you in the past, head on over to my blog (

I've written an entire post about this because I think it's that beneficial.

And, as always, reach out if you have any questions or need help getting started.


Here are 3 ways to get back your motivation:

1. Reconnect with your why. Remember why you set the goal in the first place. What are you hoping to feel once you’ve accomplished that goal? How will your life change?

2. Celebrate your wins along the way. Oftentimes we get so caught up in the end goal that we don’t take time to acknowledge or appreciate how far we’ve already come. Take a minute to celebrate yourself, not matter how small the victory.

3. Have some fun. Goal setting doesn’t have to be so serious. How can you add some fun into your life while working towards your goals?

If a certain approach to achieving a goal isn’t working for you, change it. There’s no one right way to achieve what you want. Make it work for you.


Want to know the secret to success?


Yep. Good ol’ boring consistency.

How many times have you set a goal only to give up when things got hard or when you plateaued?

Think about where you’d be today if you’d persisted.

Where would you be right now if you had shown up consistently every single day and honored that commitment to yourself?

Growth happens in the mud, where it’s hard and messy.

It may not always be sexy or glamorous, but consistency pays off. I promise.

On the days when it’s hard, do it anyway.

On the days when you don’t want to do it, do it anyway.

On the days when you don’t see growth or change, do it anyway.

Each time you decide to do it anyway, you make the next time that much easier. You are literally rewiring your brain for success. How cool is that?

If you struggle with this, get an accountability partner, a friend, a coach...whatever helps you show up for yourself consistently.

Timeline photos 05/19/2021

If you want to be successful in anything you do, consistency is the no. 1 thing that will determine your outcome.

Show up everyday for yourself, regardless of how you feel.

Stop making excuses for why you can't do it today.

Quit talking yourself out of the life you want.

I know it's hard. Trust me, I've been there. We all have.

But you want to know something amazing?

YOU are the one that gets to determine your experience on this earth.

YOU get to decide how you show up everyday.

So, figure out what it is you actually want and CONSISTENTLY pursue the hell out of it. And don't stop until you get it.


Mango Smoothie Recipe (my take on the mango lassi, an Indian favorite)

This smoothie is SO delicious and is packed with some amazingly healthy ingredients like mango, banana, and cauliflower.

I have a smoothie every single morning because I know it’s a great way to get in a lot of the nutrients that make me feel my best.

And I love experimenting with different recipes depending on the season.

This one is a perfect summer smoothie recipe and I saved it exclusively for my email subscribers.

Yep, I’m keeping this one under wraps unless you’re a part of my email tribe.

So, if you want in on this smoothie action head on over to my website and subscribe to my email list.

Just head to to subscribe.


Here are some ways that I treat myself right everyday...and they don’t cost a thing.

Self care is so much more than a massage or a pedicure.

While those are fun and are definite forms of self care, I believe it’s the things we do everyday for ourselves that matter the most.

How can you show yourself care everyday? Let me know below 👇🏻 one way that you can start treating yourself right starting today.


Eating whole fruit WILL NOT make you fat.

Please stop listening to people who say that sugar is sugar and your body can’t tell the difference.

Yes, fruit contains natural sugar. BUT that sugar comes packaged with fiber, water, and phytonutrients, essentially giving your body a good dose of amazing health benefits, including weight loss.

Fruit juice is a different story. Juicing fruit destroys that fiber package, leaving the sugar. You’re essentially consuming a sugar bomb when you drink fruit juice.

So, stick to whole pieces of fruit (preferably organic and in season) and enjoy lots of it!


I've been where you are: struggling through another diet, sick of counting calories and tracking every bite.

I know what it's like to look in the mirror and hate what I see.

I know the guilt, shame, and frustration of another failed attempt at turning my health around.

That's exactly why I created the Love Yourself to Healthy Summer Bootcamp.

Join me for 8 weeks and I'll teach you how to ditch the diet drama once and for all. Learn how to transform from the inside out and finally get that lasting change you've been looking for.


Before & After: People who know me now, or have only known me for the past decade or so, don't believe me when I tell them that I struggled with my weight or my self worth. ⁣

Well, here ya go. To be honest I don't have a lot of "fat" pictures of me anymore. I either destroyed them out of embarrassment or I just refused to be in the picture to begin with. ⁣

The girl on the left:⁣
🖤victim mentality⁣
🖤needs external validation⁣
🖤fear of being seen and judged⁣
🖤unhealthy relationships⁣
🖤failure = you suck⁣
🖤chronic dieter⁣
🖤emotional eater⁣
🖤binge drinker⁣

The girl on the right:⁣
❤healthy relationship with herself⁣
❤healthy relationship with food⁣
❤loves her body⁣
❤is learning how to set healthy boundaries⁣
❤sees mistakes as opportunities for growth⁣
❤failure = feedback⁣

Both girls:⁣
💕inherently worthy💕⁣

It took me a long time to "get it right." That's why I do what I do. ⁣

I love helping women discover their version of healthy.⁣

I love helping women step into the confidence that's already within, the confidence that's begging to come out. ⁣

And I love helping women realize that they're already worthy of it all, just as they are.⁣

If this is something you're interested in discovering for yourself, click the link in my bio to learn more about how we could make this a reality for you. You can either apply for one on one private coaching or join my summer bootcamp. Either way, I'd love to connect with you.


Hey y'all! So, I've been getting some questions about my upcoming Weight Loss Summer Bootcamp. The most asked question is, "How do I know if your bootcamp is for me?"

This video dives in a little deeper, but if any of these sound like you, then this bootcamp is right up your alley:

1. You want to lose weight without counting calories or going on another diet.

2. You want a shorter time commitment (8 weeks) and smaller financial commitment (only $444) than private coaching

3. You've been curious about what it would be like to work with a health coach, but you just want to dip your toe in for now.

4. You love support and a sense of community.

5. You like the flexibility of attending either live coaching or watching recorded sessions at your own convenience.

6. You want great results in a short amount of time.

Check out the link to get more information and to register. Spots are limited and registration ends on Friday, May 21st.

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Videos (show all)

Part 1: Reasons Why You Feel Like Crap
❄️Winter is definitely here❄️…at least where I live. If you are someone who is affected by the cold and the dark, here a...
Overnight weight gain is SO frustrating!  Don’t panic. It’s most likely temporary and will sort itself out in a day or t...
3 Ways to Get Your Motivation Back
Want to know the secret to success?
Ways to Treat Yourself Right
Reasons Why Eating Cruit Makes You Fat
Hey y'all! So, I've been getting some questions about my upcoming Weight Loss Summer Bootcamp. The most asked question i...
My Weight Loss Summer Bootcamp is on Sale!



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