DH CurbsideWorshiper, Raleigh, NC Videos

Videos by DH CurbsideWorshiper in Raleigh. Im an Evangelist /Worship Leader that just wants the world to know Jesus! The onlyname that matters

Do we really believe in the power of the guy that we serve every week?

Isn’t it something how we can serve God for years and not believe in the power of the God we work for Sunday after Sunday

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Do we really believe in the power of the guy that we serve every week?
Isn’t it something how we can serve God for years and not believe in the power of the God we work for Sunday after Sunday

I’m ok with not being popular , I’m not ok with not having the power! I’m ok with people not knowing my name, but I’m not ok with people not knowing His!! “Jesus” I’m ok with not having a lot of followers, I rather you pick up your cross and follow him!!! (Jesus) I’m ok that my singing is not the best I’m not ok that my song is not real worship I’m ok that I’m not in the crowd, As long as I’m apart of the remnant that has made a decision to not change my alter into a stage and my ministry into a market! My platform into a place where idol worship takes place! I’m never going to be ok with worshiping on a broken alter!!!! I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to repair it!! Declaring His name as the only true name!!!! #repairingthebrokenalter

God moved in Warren Chapel!!! He showered us with rain!!!!!! I’m always grateful for His presence!!!🔥🙌🏾🌧️ #HolyGhostTakeover

Now spring forth

I want to tell someone today that God is able to Fix it and You!!!!!!! Get in his presence and allow every broken place to be fixed!!!!

I will never ever take your glory!!!! I will be always intentional about giving God Glory!!!!!! A real intimate worship moment!!!!!! Denesha Hinton

It’s getting ready to happen!!!!! Press in!!! Victory is right around the corner!!!!!!

On this worship Wednesday, today we are going to take control of our day we are going to use our super power!!!! Praise and worship!!! Knock the devil out all day!!!!

Highlights from the kickoff of the outreach ministry that God gave me!! It’s my vision but it’s all of our worship that brings revival to the world!!!!! Curbside Worship Outreach Ministries!!!!! Saturday we kicked off another amazing season!!!!

Jesus is the only name that matters!!! My name means nothing without His!!!!! Let’s tell the world His name!!!!!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾

Sometimes you go back and pull the testimony out!!!!!!

Don’t you give up!!!!!!! You are almost there! Reaping day is coming!!!!!!!

Some days you have to stay faith it until you make it

Morning Car worship!! The Lords song Maranda Curtis

‼️Well I haven’t talked about my weight loss in a while….. So today I decided to brag on me!!!! My trainer Aug 30 2021 said These 3 words that changed my life………. Just keep showing up In a year I losses 120 pounds…. Through COVID stress and life I gained 17 back but I kept hearing my trainer Dewayne Thomas saying JUST KEEP SHOWING UP!!! I started back over Dec 26th I lost 35 pounds since Dec 26 because I kept up showing up!!! Total 138 pounds as of today!! Last pics are Today!!! No surgery no dr just God and showing up! I get off but I’m determined to keep showing up!!!!!!‼️ Nee Nee!! 138 pounds!!

If today was my last day on earth!!!!! The only thing I want the world to say is she loved Jesus and she gave Him all she had #curbsideworshiperDH CurbsideWorshiper