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Photos from Pain Free Birth's post 02/16/2024

Honored and beyond grateful to have this story shared with a larger audience. I hope it helps other women. To God be all the glory!

Go in Peace 01/24/2024

It is written, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7) Do not be anxious about anything. I have heard your prayers and my word is good. Cling to My Word, for it is your life source....

Go in Peace It is written, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understandin…

That’s My King! 01/17/2024

That’s My King - S.M. Lockridge The Bible saysHe’s the King of the JewsHe’s the King of IsraelHe’s the King of RighteousnessHe’s the King of the AgesHe’s the King of HeavenHe’s the King of GloryHe’s the King of Kingsand He is the Lord of Lords Now that’s my King!David saysThe Heavens declare the glory of God…...

That’s My King! That’s My King – S.M. Lockridge The Bible saysHe’s the King of the JewsHe’s the King of IsraelHe’s the King of RighteousnessHe’s the King of the AgesHe’s the King of HeavenHe’s the King of Gl…

Your Faith will be Rewarded 01/10/2024

It is written, “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord, with all your heart and mind, and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) Breathe, child. You are stressed and upset because you’re not getting to do what you want. But do you trust me for what you need? Maybe I have different plans for you today, then you do for yourself....

Your Faith will be Rewarded It is written, “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord, with all your heart and mind, and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) Breathe, child. You are stresse…

New Year Resolutions 01/03/2024

New year resolutions are a funny thing. They’re usually abstract goals with no real objectives attached to them and thus, they rarely stick. I think we should call them new year habits instead. Because this is what we’re really after, right? To rid ourselves of old habits that no longer serve us and form new, better and healthier habits in their place....

New Year Resolutions New year resolutions are a funny thing. They’re usually abstract goals with no real objectives attached to them and thus, they rarely stick. I think we should call them new year habits instead. Bec…

New Year (A Poem) 12/27/2023

My hope for you this New Year is forgiveness of yourself and others, revival of what matters most, relationships with friends and lovers. My hope for you is motivation, bigger dreams, and inspiration. Realistic goals and follow through, these things are my hope for you. My hope for you this New Year is healing what you’ve broken; repairing, mending, letting go…...

New Year (A Poem) My hope for you this New Year is forgiveness of yourself and others, revival of what matters most, relationships with friends and lovers. My hope for you is motivation, bigger dreams, and inspirati…

The Faces of Christmas (A Poem) 12/20/2023

Cold streets, winter nights Warm windows, wrapped with lights Loneliness and hands that freeze Mistletoes and sparkling trees Santa Clause finds some, not all Some are at the Christmas Ball While some are huddled close together Under bridges, facing weather Some are warm, by a fire Some at stores, the constant buyer Some in Church, singing praise Some are gone, been so for days…...

The Faces of Christmas (A Poem) Cold streets, winter nights Warm windows, wrapped with lights Loneliness and hands that freeze Mistletoes and sparkling trees Santa Clause finds some, not all Some are at the Christmas Ball Wh…

Good Work 12/13/2023

It is written, "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." (Luke 10:20) My beloved child, you are my creation. Made in my image. When you surrender to me daily, I'm able to use you for My will. And when I do, we both take great delight in the results....

Good Work It is written, “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20) My beloved child, you are my creation. Made in m…

I Will Guide You 12/06/2023

It is written, "We pray that you'll have that strength to stick it out over the long haul - not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy." (Colossians 1:11) I love our quiet time together. It's not your strength, but mine which carries you through....

I Will Guide You It is written, “We pray that you’ll have that strength to stick it out over the long haul – not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory strength God gives. It is st…

God’s Gym is Now Open 11/29/2023

Below is a guest blog post from my father, Jim Anthony. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 😉 Believers in the United States and around the world have always been invited into God’s Gymnasium for faith training. Some, but not enough, know that our personal trainer is the Holy Spirit. We get to choose to join the gym or not, or meet our trainer or not....

God’s Gym is Now Open Below is a guest blog post from my father, Jim Anthony. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. ;) Believers in the United States and around the world have always been invited into God’s Gy…

Thanksgiving 11/22/2023

Maybe you could bare your shoulders,lend that jacket that you’re overto the man who’s standing therewaving cars down at the corner.You know he’s only getting olderand Christmas is getting closer.Give before Thanksgiving’s over’cause it’s only getting colder.

Thanksgiving Maybe you could bare your shoulders,lend that jacket that you’re overto the man who’s standing therewaving cars down at the corner.You know he’s only getting olderand Christmas is getting closer.Gi…

Last night God asked me, “How much do you trust me?” 11/15/2023

Last night God asked me, "How much do you trust me?" "A lot," I said. He laughed, as He often does. "Okay. But do you trust me enough?" He continued, "Enough to stop worrying about time and how much of it you have? Have you not seen how My timing is perfect? Enough to stop obsessing over your To Do list?...

Last night God asked me, “How much do you trust me?” Last night God asked me, “How much do you trust me?” “A lot,” I said. He laughed, as He often does. “Okay. But do you trust me enough?” He continued, “Enou…

If You Could Grasp My Love for You… 11/08/2023

It is written, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." (Psalm 107:1) My precious child, a grateful heart is the best medicine. This is why I've called you to give thanks in all circumstances. When you find yourself feeling ungrateful, remember the goal of your faith - the salvation of your soul. No matter what trials we face together here, there's a place for your soul in heaven....

If You Could Grasp My Love for You… It is written, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (Psalm 107:1) My precious child, a grateful heart is the best medicine. This is why I’ve called…

Halloween 11/01/2023

Halloween has become a day for the living to dress up, wear masks, and pretend to be dead. The irony is that most people spend the rest of the year dressing up, wearing masks, and pretending to live.

Halloween Halloween has become a day for the living to dress up, wear masks, and pretend to be dead. The irony is that most people spend the rest of the year dressing up, wearing masks, and pretending to liv…

Some People Say They Lose Themselves… 10/25/2023

Some people say they lose themselves in new motherhood. But I think I’ve found myself. The slowed down pace of life, the presence, the simplicity, all things I’ve longed for and couldn’t obtain. The wonder, the curiosity, the delight, all qualities that I’ve struggled to hold onto through the years. The adventure, the joy, the humility, she brought it all back to me and some....

Some People Say They Lose Themselves… Some people say they lose themselves in new motherhood. But I think I’ve found myself.  The slowed down pace of life, the presence, the simplicity, all things I’ve longed for and couldn’t obta…

Wonder 10/18/2023

I think too much of our time is spent trying to dissect God, to understand Him, and too little is spent simply allowing our hearts to feel awe. It’s ironic; we deprive our hearts of wonder and yet, we need wonder. We all know that death is coming and we need something mysterious to happen after it. We need to know that God has things figured out, even if we don’t. We need there to be Someone bigger than us who has it all under control. I think this is our greatest form of worship: wonder.

Wonder I think too much of our time is spent trying to dissect God, to understand Him, and too little is spent simply allowing our hearts to feel awe. It’s ironic; we deprive our hearts of wonder and yet,…

If I Could Sum Up Parenthood in One Word… 10/11/2023

If I could sum up parenthood in one word, it would be “surrender”. The act of surrender begins in pregnancy. It’s challenging to not try to control all the changes and outcomes. The unknown. The waiting. It intensifies the last few weeks as we prepare for baby’s arrival. Letting go of deadlines, dates, and expectations. Surrendering to our baby and God’s perfect timing. ...

If I Could Sum Up Parenthood in One Word… If I could sum up parenthood in one word, it would be “surrender”. The act of surrender begins in pregnancy. It’s challenging to not try to control all the changes and outcomes. The unknown. The wa…

Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming 10/10/2023

When I was pregnant, I loved reading positive birth stories from other women. I knew very little about birth when I first became pregnant and by the end of nine months, I knew quite a bit more. Passing along the favor. Here’s my positive birth story, if anyone is interested!

Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming When I was pregnant, I loved reading positive birth stories from other women. I knew very little about birth when I first became pregnant and by the end of nine months, I knew quite a bit more. Bir…

Why Worry? 10/04/2023

It is written, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.” John 14:16-17 Child, child, you are worried about many things....

Why Worry? It is written, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him …

The Birth of a Mother (A Poem) 09/27/2023

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh said it best, “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” Too often, the cultural conversation around new motherhood focuses on “bouncing back.” When are you going to fit into your clothes again? When are you going back to work?...

The Birth of a Mother (A Poem) Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh said it best, “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”…

The Dichotomy of Motherhood 09/20/2023

I can’t catch a break. // Everything falls apart without me. // I’m grateful to have a family that needs me. // It feels so good to be needed. // I have no time to get anything done. // My to do list just keeps growing. // It’s so nice to be present with my baby. // Everything else can wait. ...

The Dichotomy of Motherhood I can’t catch a break. // Everything falls apart without me. // I’m grateful to have a family that needs me. // It feels so good to be needed. // I have no time to get anything done. // My to do li…

God’s Kindness 09/13/2023

It is written, “Since we are God’s coworkers, we urge you not to let God’s kindness be wasted on you.” (2 Corinthians 6:1) I know you by name. I knew you before you were ever formed in your mother’s womb. I will not let harm come to you. I am your Helper, Healer, Redeemer, and Friend. I know the desires of your heart and I know your needs....

God’s Kindness It is written, “Since we are God’s coworkers, we urge you not to let God’s kindness be wasted on you.” (2 Corinthians 6:1)  I know you by name. I knew you before you were ever formed in your m…

Put on Your Armor 09/06/2023

It is written, "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!" (Psalm 27:14) My beloved, I am with you now and always. In this world, you will have troubles, but fear not! I have overcome this world. Think of yourself like a warrior going to battle. Remember how much you loved Joan of Arc?...

Put on Your Armor It is written, “Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14) My beloved, I am with you now and always. In this worl…

Every Good and Perfect Gift is from Above 08/30/2023

It is written, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly light..." (James 1:7) I love you. Your desire to please me, pleases me. I know your heart, your intentions, and every hair on your head. You are right to relax in my presence and enjoy the blessings that I shower upon you....

Every Good and Perfect Gift is from Above It is written, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly light…” (James 1:7) I love you. Your desire to please me, pleases me. I know…

A Parenthood Self Reflection 08/23/2023

Being a parent makes you think of yourself a lot less. And what a relief it is, to think of ourselves less. It makes you think of yourself a lot more, too. Which is easy to do when someone is reflecting your self back to you.

A Parenthood Self Reflection Being a parent makes you think of yourself a lot less. And what a relief it is, to think of ourselves less.  It makes you think of yourself a lot more, too. Which is easy to do when someone is…

Delight in the Lord 08/16/2023

It is written, "Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) My precious child, the closer you come to me, the closer I am. The more you delight in me, the more blessings I rain down upon you. To live in communion with me is to experience life in this way, with all of the joy and miracles I offer you on a daily basis....

Delight in the Lord It is written, “Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4) My precious child, the closer you come to me, the closer I am. The more you d…

The Creative Child Within (A Poem) 08/09/2023

When we’re young, the world is our oyster.Hurt and humiliation are two things we don’t fear.Imagination is our kingdom and every moment counts.Ah yes, when we’re young, creativity abounds. As we grow up they say, “Fall in line!Get good grades! Be on time!Find a job! Pay your bills!”All things that stifle creative wills. When we’re young, our sense of presence lasts....

The Creative Child Within (A Poem) When we’re young, the world is our oyster.Hurt and humiliation are two things we don’t fear.Imagination is our kingdom and every moment counts.Ah yes, when we’re young, creativity abounds. As we gr…

Children as Creative Geniuses 08/02/2023

As children, we're spontaneous more than we are analytical. We accept new information with delight, and without making comparisons to what we already believe. We're curious, not jaded. Even the most ordinary experiences in life are met with a sense of awe. Artists who are able to continually produce great works throughout their lives are those who are able to preserve these childlike qualities. Practicing a way of being that allows us to see the world through innocent eyes, frees us to act in concert with the universe's timetable.

Children as Creative Geniuses As children, we’re spontaneous more than we are analytical. We accept new information with delight, and without making comparisons to what we already believe. We’re curious, not jaded. …

Translators for the Universe 07/26/2023

If you have an idea you're excited about and you don't bring it to life, it's not uncommon for that idea to find its voice through another maker. Not because someone steals your idea, but because the idea's time has come. We're all translators for the messages that the universe is sending.

Translators for the Universe If you have an idea you’re excited about and you don’t bring it to life, it’s not uncommon for that idea to find its voice through another maker. Not because someone steals your i…

Blessings 07/19/2023

It is written, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7) I am here. Now and forever. Even when you feel far from me, I am near. Open your eyes! Don't you see all that I'm working to accomplish through your life? This is My story....

Blessings It is written, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) I am here. Now and forever. Even when you feel far from…

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Loved working on this project with Carole Hollowell Interiors for the brand new Alpha Delta Pi house at NC State Univers...
On July 21, 2021, Habitat for Humanity of Wake County received its largest gift to date from APG Capital and Cambridge S...
If this isn’t a #feelgoodfriday not sure what is! 🎥Title: John’s First Year Subject: Parents celebrate the birth of thei...
For all the women in the throws of Motherhood. The weight. The joy. The worry. The infatuation. And the heartbreak. Whil...
The view from 904 Oberlin rooftop patio. Sometimes it’s better to show, then tell. 😉



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