North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, Inc., Raleigh, NC Videos

Videos by North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, Inc. in Raleigh. The North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians (NCAFP) is the professional association for family

The Foundation's fundraising auction at last night's Gala had the goods, the fun, and the funds! Thank you to everyone who gave and to everyone who made the giving possible. Here's how it ended!

Other North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, Inc. videos

The Foundation's fundraising auction at last night's Gala had the goods, the fun, and the funds! Thank you to everyone who gave and to everyone who made the giving possible. Here's how it ended!

From dipping ice cream in his father's "drug store" to practicing in his hometown to serving as the EVP and CEO of the AAFP, Dr. Doug Henley shares his story with Dr. Thomas White in The Family Doctor: Lessons Learned, Wisdom Shared. Listen here:

From dipping ice cream in his father's "drug store" to practicing in his hometown to serving as the EVP and CEO of the AAFP, Dr. Doug Henley shares his story with Dr. Thomas White in The Family Doctor: Lessons Learned, Wisdom Shared. Listen here:

From dipping ice cream in his father's "drug store" to practicing in his hometown to serving as the EVP and CEO of the AAFP, Dr. Doug Henley shares his story with Dr. Thomas White in The Family Doctor: Lessons Learned, Wisdom Shared. Listen here:

Don't miss Dr. Tom White's interview with @AAFP former EVP & CEO Dr. Doug Henley on this month's edition of The Family Doctor...Lessons Learned, Wisdom Shared." #FMRevolution

It's Match Day!!!!! We're so excited!! Tell us in the comments!!

Welcome, 2022! Happy New Year!!

Merry Christmas to all our members, friends & colleagues!

Here's a nod to all you Elf fans out more day!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our members, friends & colleagues! We are grateful for you!!

While physician suicide was a crisis long before COVID-19, the demands of the pandemic has created a sense of urgency. Physicians: Take some time this #NPSADay to complete a personal crisis management plan. It can help you in case of a moment of crisis.

Listen to our own @KLSmithMD talk about the need to catch up on all vaccinations as part of a radio tour she did recently in conjunction with Great job by Dr. Karen Smith promoting the importance of immunizations.

U.S. Surgeon General has issued an advisory alerting Americans to the urgent threat of health misinformation & need for a whole-of-society effort to combat it. Learn more here:

Join us Sat Aug 7th from 7:30a-3:00p as industry experts provide essential updates on timely clinical topics. This year’s NCAFP Virtual Summer Symposium webcast with approx 6.00 AAFP Prescribed Credits is convenient & affordable for all. Register today!

Join your colleagues Sat Aug 7 from 7:30a - 3:00p for excellent education & updates on several of today's hottest topics. This year’s NCAFP Virtual Summer Symposium webcast with approx 6.00 AAFP Prescribed Credits is convenient and affordable for everyone. Topics include adolescent depression, lupus, influenza, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, sports medicine, transgender care, and more. Register today!

Have you heard? The #TalkTheyHearYou mobile app launched last month helps parents get informed, be prepared, and take action when it comes to preventing #UnderageDrinking and other drug use. More info here: @samhsagov

Registration is open! Join your colleagues Sat Aug 7 from 7:30a - 3:00p for excellent education & updates on several of today's hottest topics. This year’s NCAFP Virtual Summer Symposium webcast with approx 6.00 AAFP Prescribed Credits is convenient & affordable for everyone. Topics include adolescent depression, lupus, influenza, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, sports medicine, transgender care, and more. Register today!

Check out this soundbite from our latest podcast on diabetes prevention programs. To hear the podcast in its entirety, you can find it on our website at or your favorite podcast platform. Just look for NCFM Today!

Use @CDCgov’s STD Treatment Guidelines to ensure the best treatment and care for patients. Recent updates included here: #TalkTestTreat #STDWeek