Jodi McDaniel Coaching & Consulting

ICF and Positive Intelligence Certified Coach
Holistic Coaching & Consulting for Small Business Owners, Teams & Individuals Ready to Flow & Grow

I help solo entrepreneurs who have a noble heart
Are committed to a better world and doing their part
With too much on their plate, they can sometimes lose sight
Overwhelmed and discouraged, they work day and night

On relationships and well-being, a toll it can take
Making them question, is it all worth the ache
I am here to help them release fear and stress
To develop resilience and find happine


How many meetings do you have this week? I have more than usual.

To set myself up for success, I ended up with a little checklist I thought I'd share. Hope it's helps..

✅ Do your research - Review recent communication between you to ask questions about a challenge they faced or an event they anticipated. Check their social media and connect on shared interests. Stay current on recent industry happenings to more naturally show your knowledge and interest.

✅ Get in the right mindset - Take a few minutes to center yourself before meeting. Close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths or focus on one physical sense like feeling your seat in the chair or feet on the floor, or tuning in to one sound. This activates the part of your brain where wisdom, creativity, intuition, calm, empathy, and curiosity are accessed.

✅ Check your technology (video, audio, and meeting link) 15-30 minutes before so you have time to adjust or correct anything.

✅ Look behind you - A real and personal background can prompt conversation and lead to connection. Go for uncluttered with one or two things (art, book, accessory, etc.) that show a little of your personality, energy, or interests.

✅ Remove potential distractions - Silence your phone and other devices. Avoid having other people in the view. Pets may be a point of connection, but consider the audience and ensure they will not interfere with your agenda.

✅ Ask open-ended questions to prompt more contemplation and deeper sharing. Pro-tip: best open-ended questions start with What, When, or How.

✅ Listen to understand, not to respond, then acknowledge and validate what you hear. Ask follow-up questions to deepen understanding and clarify intentions.

✅ Use an AI notetaker to capture notes so you can stay fully present and keep the dialogue flowing. My favorite is Fathom- AI Meeting Assistant ( It has been a big time-saver for me, and my coaching clients love getting detailed notes to help keep them accountable to their intentions. (the affiliate link above may result in a small compensation to me and you get 3 months of the Premium version for free.)


I've been dealing with some mysterious health issues that have required some time and energy, and made it hard to focus on other tasks, so it's been awhile since I've posted and 2 months since my last blog article.

It's been quite an experience, and I've been learning a lot... about the fascinating human body, the health care system, and my own mental and emotional reactions to navigating both.

The mysterious health stuff is still ongoing, but I'm working through it and getting back in the flow. I wrote about one experience with the health care system, what helped me navigate it with more ease and flow, and what I learned in the process.

I share it in my latest blog article...


In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month in the United States, I'm happy to offer another chance to attend my free live training. I'll share simple, practical techniques to help you navigate life's challenges with less stress and more ease and flow.

Register here...


As a trained Positive Intelligence Coach, I've been facilitating small groups through the transformative Mental Fitness program for over a year. It has been life changing for me, initially as a participant and then as a coach and trainer.

It's hard to express how rewarding it is when my clients challenge their inner saboteurs, and then enthusiastically share about the significant impact this program has had on their ability to ease stress/anxiety, navigate conflict, overcome procrastination and perfectionism, improve EQ, focus, confidence, and productivity, and enhance leadership skills and well-being!✨🙌🏼

🎉 **Now, I'm super excited and proud to share that I am officially a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC)!!** 🎗️

My next groups start in early June (registration link coming soon). Curious? Let's chat!

What Do You Expect? How Your Expectations Shape Your Reality 04/22/2024

"What do you expect?" It's a question often asked rhetorically, tinged with sarcasm, implying that complaining is futile. But in my latest blog, I pose it literally—what do you expect?

To explore how our expectations directly affect our experiences, I share the story of a client that illustrates the correlation and how he was able to transform a pattern that was causing him frequent stress using mental fitness training techniques.

What Do You Expect? How Your Expectations Shape Your Reality "What do you expect?" It's a question often asked rhetorically, tinged with sarcasm, implying that complaining is futile. But today, I pose it literally—what do you expect? And how might that expectation affect your experience?


Where do you feel stress in your body?

And how do you release it so it doesn't turn into a chronic symptom?

My latest blog explores how we store stress in the body and some somatic techniques to process it to prevent the long-term effects.

Link in comments.

Navigating Saboteur Contagion: Don't Let Them Push Your Buttons 03/28/2024

Do the same people push your buttons over and over? And do you seem to push theirs? In Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Training, there's something we call Saboteur Contagion. The good news is, you can learn to break the cycle. I share more about it my latest blog...

Navigating Saboteur Contagion: Don't Let Them Push Your Buttons Have you noticed it’s often the same people in your life who repetitively trigger you? Some people just easily “push your buttons”. In the intricate dance of human interaction, our saboteurs typically find their partners, triggering a cycle of back and forth negative thoughts and behaviors. Po...


"So, you're telling me there's still a chance?!" (If you can name the movie that's from I'll give you a prize!)

Yes, there's still a still have time to enroll in the upcoming Mental Fitness (PQ) Training. Start date has shifted to 3/13 and enrollment extended through 3/6.

Have questions? Let's talk! And ask me about the current (unpublished) discounts available!

Don't miss your chance to finally silence the inner saboteurs and get out of your own way! If not now, when?

Link in comments.

Jessica Alba's Top 5 Mental Health Experts to Turn to When You Need a Boost 02/26/2024

Golden Globe Nominee and success entrepreneur Jessica Alba includes the book Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine as one of her top 5 resources to support her mental wellness. ✨

Want to go beyond the insight of the book and make this simple, powerful practice that is proven to improve performance, relationships & wellbeing a habit?

I invite you to join my upcoming Mental Fitness program that guides you through the PQ program developed by Positive Intelligence.

Program starts 3/11. Enrollment closes 3/1. Link in comments.

Jessica Alba's Top 5 Mental Health Experts to Turn to When You Need a Boost The business owner and actress shares five recommended experts whose books, podcasts, and apps help her most when she's in need of a mental health reset.

Ho'oponopono: Healing through Personal Responsibility and Forgiveness 02/22/2024

Do you deal with anger, hurt, frustration and other lingering negative effects of conflict or challenging or harmful dynamics with others, either personal or professional?

Are you familiar with Ho'oponopono?

In my latest blog article, I explore the power of this ancient Hawaiian ritual to promote inner healing and harmony.

Ho'oponopono: Healing through Personal Responsibility and Forgiveness Hurt, anger, and frustration...these are topics that come up frequently in my coaching work with clients. Often these feelings stem from conflict or negative dynamics or interactions with others. Emotional wounds, especially from childhood, can run deep and last for decades (or sometimes a lifetime)...



In life's bustling dance, do you often find,
Certain triggers causing stress in your mind?
Is it your spouse, your boss, or a friend,
Or perhaps in traffic, is where your patience ends?

Maybe it’s politicians, the news, or the weather
That make you think of what should be better
Standing in line or waiting on hold might be
The things that keep you from serenity

But often, the most potent trigger is near,
Within ourselves, doubts and fears appear.
Our inner judge, harsh and unkind,
Can be the greatest challenge, we may find.

So, who's in control of your thoughts, you see?
Self-awareness, the key to set thoughts free.
With self-command, we pave the way,
To shift our thoughts, and find a brighter day.

Why do these triggers hold such sway?
Habitual pathways, leading us astray.
But with mindful steps, we can rewrite,
The scripts of our minds, in the gentlest light.

Reflect now, on who or what ignites,
The flames of stress, in your days and nights.
And dare to dream of a brighter way,
Where triggers lose power, in the light of day.

And if you seek to master your mind's domain,
Check out PQ, where self-command reigns.

If my little poem made you wonder if you could learn to shift your thoughts to have more peace and joy in your life and what the heck PQ is...

I invite you to join my upcoming Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Training Program.

Registration deadline is just days away. Link in comments for more info.


So excited to announce...
ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN for Mental Fitness Training!! ✨🥳🎉

Want info on special discounts? Just lmk in the comments and I'm happy to share!

Books & Products to help you Flow & Grow 02/10/2024

Looking for some books or other products to support your personal growth and well-being? I'm excited to now offer a resource section on my website with recommendations and links to purchase. (Images and more products are coming soon). Affiliate links are used and all support is greatly appreciated!

Books & Products to help you Flow & Grow Books & products to help you find more positivity, joy, peace, abundance, balance, productivity, and wellness.


You're invited. Please register to join!

You'll learn:
✅ The 10 ways we self-sabotage and how to spot your top saboteurs.
✅ How to stop the saboteurs with simple techniques based on neuroscience.
✅ Why your brain’s “operating system” keeps you stuck in negative cycles that prevent peace, happiness, and success.
✅ How you can flip the switch and access your innate wise, confident, focused, and loving self.
✅ How to free yourself from the cycle of stress and overwhelm and stay calm, no matter what.
✅ A scientifically proven approach to build new "mental muscles" and empower you to transform your life.


How often do you feel annoyed, frustrated, fearful, angry, stressed, worried, or some other negative emotion?

It's quite possible you may not even recognize when you feel that way any more, or you think it's "just the way life is" and you don't have a choice.

How would you like to be happier and more at peace and move towards your goals and desires with more confidence and ease?

Check out the short video below and join me on my upcoming FREE Training Session:
Get Out of Your Own Way
Feb 12th at 6pm PT

I'll share techniques you can start using right away to help you shift from negative thoughts and patterns to more joy, peace, and success. I can hardly wait! 😀

Register at
(replay available for all registrants)


Imagine standing before the canvas of your future, palette in hand, but feeling like an artist with a blank canvas and no inspiration. In a world filled with endless possibilities, defining your future can leave you feeling like an uninspired artist or a writer facing a daunting case of writer's block… staring at an empty space, unsure of the strokes to make or the words to write.

Year end is a time when many will begin to craft their vision for the coming year and beyond. When prepared thoughtfully and kept consistently present in our minds, having a vision for the future helps us stay in touch with our "deep why". This is a powerful way to keep us motivated and in aligned action, ultimately making it more likely that vision will become a reality.

In my latest blog article, I explore practical tips to break through the creative block, infuse your canvas with purpose, and draw a vision that resonates, even if you currently feel pulled in multiple directions like a pinball, bouncing from one idea to another, and trying to “frantically flip” your way forward and avoid falling backwards.

Link to article in comments.

I'd love to know...what's your vision?


Puts a big smile on my face!😁🥰


The term PAUSE means even more to me since being introduced to..


Sage is your wise, calm, empathetic, curious, creative self. Positive Intelligence (PQ) teaches teqhniques to interrupt negative thought patterns and activate the part of your brain where your Sage lives.

Want to learn how? Comment Sage below.


This year, let's savor the season without regrets. Let's uninvite the Saboteurs to the party!

Save the dates to join me and set yourself up for a joyful and easeful holiday season. Learn simple techniques to ride the seasonal waves and stay on track to reach your goals and still enjoy the festivities.

See comment below to add your name to the waitlist and be notified when registration opens.


I can only be a guide, supporter and cheerleader. Clients are the ones who must do the work, but it feels really good to read comments like this and know the work I'm doing makes a difference! 🥰

Photos from Jodi McDaniel Coaching & Consulting's post 10/13/2023

Hoping this QR code works here. If anyone is willing to try it, please move through the images to use the QR code on the 2nd and 3rd images and let me know if it gets you to the download page. And of course, probably want to download my awesome guide while you're there, right? 😉🙏


There's still time to join us and potentially change your life...dramatically!


So many things used to cause me stress that don't any more. And some things that I used to avoid out of fear, I actually look forward to now.

One thing that used to freak me out was public speaking. Just the thought of it would give me literal panic attacks...heart racing, sweating, dry mouth, shaking...the works!

Now, I actually look forward to speaking to groups (I still get nervous sometimes, but I don't freak). It's truly hard to express how liberating that, and having much less stress in my life overall, feels.

And that powerful feeling is amplified because now I get to share what helped me breakthrough and live a life with much more ease and flow!

I get to help more people free themselves from feeling stuck in patterns that cause them stress, fear and negative emotions and find peace of mind.

Through this I feel like I'm having at least a small part in making the world a lighter, kinder, happier place. That's my greatest joy!

I hope you'll join me in this upcoming free session and learn how to break through the patterns that cause you stress, fear and other negative emotions...and I invite you to spread the word to help me make the world a better place!

Register Here -



How often do you ask yourself that question?

We all have them... what we may call "bad habits". Those negative patterns we're stuck in, even when we "know better".

We’re clear on what we should (and shouldn’t) do, and yet we keep doing the opposite. Why?

We often blame it on a lack of self-discipline, motivation or passion. As a Mental Fitness Trainer, I help clients implement powerful keys to making better, healthier habits stick… I can tell you it has virtually nothing to do with those things.

It's not's your brain!

More specifically, it's the parts of your brain that are on autopilot, and you can rewire essence, reset the autopilot to go a different a different destination!

Want to learn more? Join me at my upcoming FREE webinar "How to Get Out of Your Own Way!"

See link in comments below for more info and registration.


Please join me for this FREE live webinar, where you will learn...

1. The 10 ways we self-sabotage and how to spot your top saboteurs.

2. How to silence these saboteurs using simple neuroscience-based techniques.

3. Why your brain’s survival-based “operating system” is keeping you stuck in negative cycles that prevent peace, happiness, and success.

4. How you can flip the switch and access your innate wise, confident, focused, and loving self.

5. How to free yourself from the cycle of stress and overwhelm and stay calm, no matter what.

6. How a fitness-based approach can build new "mental muscles" and empower you to transform your life.

This content-packed hour is filled with tips directly from the Mental Fitness Training Program based on Positive Intelligence that clients are raving about and exclaiming..."This is life-changing! Why didn't anyone teach me this when I was younger? This should be taught in schools!"

I can't wait to share this with you!


Just wrapped up another training and once again clients are declaring it "life-changjng". I am so proud and honored to be doing this work!🙏

Dates are set and registration is now open for the next session. Only 15 seats (3 groups) are available, so don't delay. Let's make that break-through finally happen for you!


Happy to reveal my new logo! I love it and hope you all do too!

Curious...what do you see in it and what does it make you feel?

Why We Get Stuck in Negative Emotions and How To Break The Cycle 04/14/2023

A recent conversation with a client reminded me of the saying "If you argue for your weaknesses, you get to keep them."

I realized we do the same with our emotions. I share the story, including the solution I offered the client to help him get out of the cycle of negativity in this article.

Why We Get Stuck in Negative Emotions and How To Break The Cycle A recent situation and conversation with a client (shared with permission) reminded me of the popular saying "if you argue for your weaknesses, you get to keep them” (original author unknown).

The Research Is Clear: Long Hours Backfire for People and for Companies 04/08/2023

This article was written a few years ago, but the topic is as relevant as ever. There's even more evidence and data backing the fact that working excessive hours leads to dire consequences for all involved (company, employee, employee's family & relationships, etc.) as opposed to increased productivity.

How are you ensuring balance in your own life and if you're a leader, in that of your employees?

The Research Is Clear: Long Hours Backfire for People and for Companies The high cost of overwork.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month in the United States, I'm happy to offer another chance to attend my fre...
"So, you're telling me there's still a chance?!" (If you can name the movie that's from I'll give you a prize!)Yes, ther...
How often do you feel annoyed, frustrated, fearful, angry, stressed, worried, or some other negative emotion?It's quite ...
So many things used to cause me stress that don't any more. And some things that I used to avoid out of fear, I actually...
"WHY DO I KEEP DOING THAT?!"How often do you ask yourself that question?We all have them... what we may call "bad habits...
Curious how often your mind works for you versus against you, and how that helps you better navigate life's challenges? ...


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