Fur and Feather Works, Reno, NV Videos

Videos by Fur and Feather Works in Reno. Dog, Cat, and Parrot Training for Reno and Sparks. Find the pet you want, within the pet you have.

Hound about Town: if it's Monday it's seems it must be chilly! The dogs practiced elevator rides and #MariChuys in Sparks gave each dog a new toy!

Other Fur and Feather Works videos

Hound about Town: if it's Monday it's seems it must be chilly! The dogs practiced elevator rides and #MariChuys in Sparks gave each dog a new toy!

Doggy School Photo Day was a great success! We got some AMAZING portraits of your wonderful dogs. Stay tuned for an album of our favorites, once they're all edited up! Here are Minnie and Monty, the terrier mixes, ready for their close up. #doggyschoolphotoday

Meet Jax! Jax is a big sweet rescued boy who weighs about as much as his mom and sometimes makes ... Let's call them "poor squirrel choices." 🐿️ So, in addition to leash training, we're teaching him to wear a Halti Opti-Fit head collar. Note that I said TEACHING. Most dogs hate head halters when you first put them on, unless you have taken the time to desensitize them to the feeling of it and create some positive, happy feelings around it. Jax is proudly wearing his head halter on his walksp now, he doesn't fight it and he doesn't mind it, and his mom is much safer should a small critter get a little too close! Need help teaching your dog to wear their head halter nicely? Contact us! We can help! #halti #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #positivereinforcement #renonv

We tested (and passed!) a few new AKC Novice Trick Dogs on Monday evening at the end of Super Tricks class! In order: Hermes the Labrador spins and takes a bow, Enzo the Bernedoodle does "Peekaboo," Paisley the McNab has big hops, Cinnamon the mini Dachshund shows off her "hold," and Mila the Brussels Griffon "dances" for your viewing pleasure. Want to join the next Tricks class? email us at [email protected] to get on the waiting list - this one fills fast!

Huge congratulations to Ecko the Rhodesian Ridgeback and his parents for achieving their AKC Advanced Trick Dog title last night! They are the first team from Super Tricks class we've ever had achieve this high of a title level! Here he is showing off his favorite trick - backing up.

How many snowballs does it take to create a search area? Try and count! Join our Winter Magic Sniff-n-Go on Sat. Dec. 16:

Louie managing self-control as a dog passes by!

Congratulations to Louie who graduated from Hound About Towm class. He shows off his loose leash walk and self control with a passing dog!

Tioga the Aussie earned his Truck Dog title in Super Tricks class last night!

Calla earned her Intermediate Trick Dog title last night in Super Tricks class!

Come meet these guys and about 30 of their ghostly friends at our Halloween Sniff-n-Go on Fri. Oct. 27! #nosework #scentwork #halloween

Barely and Velvet demonstrate their loose leash walking along the river.

Barely and Velvet demonstrate their pretty walking skills.

Disabilities are no problem with a little creative thinking! Here's Gidget the pit bull showing off at the end of Super Tricks class. The next class will be on Monday evenings at 6, starting in a couple of weeks. Join us - young, old, back legs don't work - it doesn't matter, tricks are fun for everyone! We can adapt the class to fit your dog's needs. Gidget says everyone deserves to expand their brain and bond with tricks. #dogtricks #trickdog #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #dogtraining #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining #disability #wheelchair #pittynation

Fleet Has Hops!
Our Super Tricks class is all about playing to your dog's strengths and shaping their favorite ideas into cute tricks! Take Fleet for example... he loves to HOP. So his mom Joanna channeled his love for hopping into tricks like: jumping into her arms, jumping through her arms, jumping over a pole... even jumping over another dog! If you are ready to have more fun with your dog and to appreciate their unique talents and cleverness, join us for Super Tricks! Class is on Mondays at 6:00pm, starting August 28. Tuition for this six-week class is $295. Email [email protected] or call (775) 420-2322 if you have any questions or are ready to enroll!

Fleet's Hopping Tricks!
The best thing about training tricks is it can help you channel your dog's natural tendencies (even the ones that might be a little annoying) into cute and fun behaviors that make you laugh. For example, Fleet here loves to JUMP, so Joanna has taught him a whole collection of tricks that involve jumping. Now his jumping is mostly cued and constructive, and that makes everyone happier! If you want to learn to channel your dog's enthusiasm and natural inclinations into fun tricks instead of fighting with him about it, sign up for Super Tricks! Trainer Heather will guide you through a new and fun way to look at how your dog learns, and how you can communicate with him. This class is six week long and tuition is $295. Email [email protected] or call (775) 420-233 with any questions or to get signed up!

Wendy & Nickel Match to Sample
Wendy and Nickel, students in our first session of Concept Training class, show off "match to sample." In this exercise, the dogs learn to indicate an object that matches the one shown to them by the handler. Over time dogs can learn to do this with completely novel objects among many options! If you want to learn how you can uncover this surprisingly brainy and brilliant aspect of your dog's cognitive capabilities, get signed up for our upcoming Concept Training class! Class will be on Saturdays at 4:00pm, starting April 22. Tuition for this six-week class is $295. Please email [email protected] or call (775) 420-2322 if you have any questions or would like to get enrolled.

Another Doggy School Photo Day has come and gone, and OOF are we tired ... But we got some fantastic shots!! Thank you to everyone who came out to see us! Can't wait to see the final results!!

Janey Copy!
Joanna and Janey were students in our first Concept Training class and they really love the concept of "social mimicry" or "do as I do." Joanna wrote: "I enjoyed teaching social mimicry partly because it seemed really intuitive to Janey to learn it – she loves to move her body and she’s always watching what I do closely anyway, so I think that’s why she picked it up so quickly. Also, it’s going to come in SO handy for training other things – now that she knows the concept of 'copy,' I can simply show her what I want and have her copy it, instead of teaching her a new skill through shaping and luring, which is a really cool training shortcut!" If you want to have this kind of fun exploring and understanding the fascinating cognitive abilities of dogs, you need to get signed up for our next Concept Training class! Concept Training will be on Saturdays at 4:00pm, starting on April 22. The cost for this six-week class is $295. Please call (775) 420-2322 or email [email protected] to get enrolled!

Concept Training: Mimicry
If there was ever a class that was designed to teach you that your dog is capable of more than you think, Concept Training is that class! Our understanding of canine cognitive abilities has come a LONG way in the last 10-20 years, and Concept Training is at the leading edge. You know your dog is smart, but HOW smart? Come to Concept Training class to find out! You will be amazed, and your relationship with your dog will be better for it. Concept Training class is coming up on Saturdays at 4:00pm, starting April 22. Tuition is $295. Please email [email protected] or call (775) 420-2322 to find out more or get enrolled. (In the meantime, enjoy these clips of the students from the last Concept Training class showing off the skill of social mimicry!)