City of Richfield Police Department, Richfield, MN Videos

Videos by City of Richfield Police Department in Richfield. Welcome to the Official Richfield, Minnesota Police Department page. “Like” our page &

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K-9 Demo

Now that the joy and chaos of the holidays are over, you’ll need something fun and interesting to do! Why not sign up for the Richfield Citizen Police Academy, Thursdays 6-9PM, Feb 8 – Mar 14. Space is limited. Register by January 10! Any person who is 18 years old and lives or owns a business in Richfield may attend. There are no physical qualifications necessary and mandatory attendance of all sessions is not required. More info and registration:

🎄🎅🎄 Twelve Days of Crime Prevention 🎄🎅🎄

It’s not too early to register for our next Citizen Police Academy, Thursdays 6-9PM, Feb 8 – Mar 14. Space is limited. Register by January 10! Any person who is 18 years old and lives or owns a business in Richfield may attend.

The 2024 Citizens Police Academy is on the horizon! Register today and get in on the behind-the-scenes action of RPD. More info at:

We had an extraordinary group of residents attend this year’s Citizen Police Academy and we’d like to thank them for their time and participation. We covered a lot of topics in just six weeks: patrol procedures, traffic enforcement, investigations, DWI arrests, S.W.A.T., 911 communications, Hennepin County Crime Lab and more! On the last evening, attendees put what they’ve learned to action in both video and “live” scenarios. The course concluded with everyone receiving certificates, some RPD swag and cupcakes!

RPD's resonspe during COVID-19

Halloween Safety Tips