Frontier Fellowship, Richfield, MN Videos

Videos by Frontier Fellowship in Richfield. Inviting believing communities to engage people groups where the Good News of Jesus is not yet known.

Together, we're taking the Gospel wider, deeper and farther... to new frontiers. Join us: #discoverthefrontier

Other Frontier Fellowship videos

Together, we're taking the Gospel wider, deeper and farther... to new frontiers. Join us: #discoverthefrontier

Together, we're taking the Gospel wider, deeper and farther—to new frontiers. Join us:

#Vesak, celebrated throughout Asia and beyond, commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Dates and activities sometimes vary between regions, but Buddhists of all traditions observe this holiday. Celebrations often include temple visits, symbolic offerings and charitable acts as people gather with one another to share in the festivities. We pray for today’s joyful events to increase people’s desire for lasting meaning and satisfaction, longings God created to lead us toward Himself. “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” —Psalm 36:9 #DiscoverTheFrontier

Frontier Fellowship invites and equips followers of Christ to go beyond the next hill in frontier mission. Together, as we partner with the global Church in God's mission, we can see least-reached people gain access to the Good News of Jesus. Our big vision, over the next three years, is to multiply frontier engagement by inviting new churches, next-generation leaders and a more diverse community to partner in God's mission. Together, we will take the Gospel wider, deeper and farther to new frontiers! Learn more and join us in making this vision a reality at

Happy Easter, friends—Christ is Risen! The transformational joy and hope the Gospel brings is available to all peoples. Today, as you celebrate the crucified and risen Jesus, take a moment to also pray that the more than two billion least-reached people on earth will soon have access to the Good News!

"We see, from Genesis to Revelation...[that] the blessing of God flows through those local churches that are bold enough and brave enough to look out and say 'We're not going to keep this for ourselves. We're going to turn outward to bless those who don't yet know Jesus as their savior." —Ethan Collins, Executive Director Frontier Fellowship is Going Beyond: wider, deeper and farther to new frontiers. Part of our "going wider" vision is to help multiply frontier vision in churches, to establish a mission vision for every church. Learn more and participate in making this vision a reality at

"We, together, we can go further with God's message. Frontier Fellowship is excellent at energizing people, individuals, churches, organizations towards frontier mission. I believe that Frontier Fellowship is playing a historical role in mobilizing the Church in the world towards reaching out to the unreached and unengaged." —TW, Middle East Coordinator Learn more at

Of the 8 billion people alive today, more than two billion have never heard of Jesus. That reality compels us to engage the world’s least-reached places, supporting efforts to establish local churches that can proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to their communities and beyond. We long to see all people, from every distinct group on earth, encounter the grace of God and become thriving expressions of the Body of Christ in their unique contexts. Join us as we #DiscoverTheFrontier:

We believe the Gospel is Good News for all people. Join us in making the Kingdom of God known among the world's least-reached peoples: 🎥: Silent Images

For every people, an indigenous church. For every church, a mission vision. Join us as we work towards a world where all peoples have access to the Good News of Jesus: #DiscoverTheFrontier

God is at work on the frontier through our global partners. You can witness this work firsthand by participating in a cross-cultural vision trip. Our team regularly facilitates virtual and in-person vision trips, helping Christians come alongside indigenous leaders in Africa, Asia and the Middle East—to encourage one another, pray together and learn more about how to participate in God’s work among least-reached people groups. Want to join us or learn more? Visit

#Vesak, celebrated throughout Asia and beyond, commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of #Buddha. Dates and activities sometimes vary between regions, but Buddhists of all traditions observe this holiday. Celebrations often include temple visits, symbolic offerings and charitable acts as people gather with one another to share in the festivities. We pray for today’s joyful events to increase people’s desire for lasting meaning and satisfaction, longings God created to lead us toward Himself. “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” —Psalm 36:9

Frontier Fellowship invites believing communities to engage people groups where the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom is not yet known. Join us: #DiscoverTheFrontier

Frontier Fellowship’s team is preparing for a busy fall season, with many of our staff members traveling internationally over the next several months. Pray for moments of rest and encouragement in the midst of a bustling schedule. Pray that God will work through our frontier vision trips to open participants’ eyes and hearts in new and deepening ways to His love for the world’s least-reached peoples.

For every people, an indigenous church. For every church, a mission vision. Learn more about how you can #DiscoverTheFrontier at the link in our bio.

The world is waiting. Join us as we #DiscoverTheFrontier at

After many years of hard work by our Ethiopian partners, printed copies of the Arsi Oromo Bible have arrived in Ethiopia! For the first time, Arsi Oromo people have access to God's Word in their heart language. Join us in praising God for His faithfulness. Pray that through this Bible, millions of Arsi Oromo peoples would have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus! For more information, visit

This month, one of Frontier Fellowship's staff members—along with a member of our board—will travel to Indonesia to meet with current and potential partners in the region. Join us in asking the Holy Spirit to guide them on their trip as they seek to connect us in new and deepening ways throughout Southeast Asia. #DiscoverTheFrontier

The World is Waiting
The world is waiting. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the most up-to-date videos from Frontier Fellowship and our indigenous partners around the globe:

Many nations throughout Africa are experiencing violence and severe food shortages. Pray for our partners there as they care for their least-reached communities and neighbors. Ask God to bless them with wisdom, discernment and opportunities to share the hope and love of Christ in challenging and ever-changing contexts. #DiscoverTheFrontier